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* * out of 4.
8 August 2002
Serial killer who murders people after he steals their address books is in a freak car accident while heading towards his newest would be victim's (Karen Allen) house. At the hospital he dies while getting a cat scan during the middle of a thunder storm. As a result his spirit is transfarred to the electrical system. There he continues to stalk and find the right moment to carry out his murderous ways.

If you can get past the premise, you might have some fun with this flick. The effects are average at best and the cast is nothing special, but the film does have its moments and a rather exciting finale. Rated R; Strong Violence.
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Devil's Prey (2001)
*1/2 out of 4.
31 May 2002
Ripoff of a dozen or so 70's drive-in flicks about teenagers falling prey to town that seems populated by only devil worshippers. Decently paced with an appealing enough cast and some thrills and chills, but way too familiar to be effective. I kept expecting Yvonne DeCarlo to jump out somewhere. Rated R; Nudity, Violence, Profanity, and Sexual Situations.
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* out of 4.
31 May 2002
Confusing, dull and poorly made film about a college student having to go to hell and rescue the woman he loves from her abusive boyfriend from a past life. Awful effects, weak & laughable premise, inept dialogue, routine performances, half-hearted direction, and lame sets are just a few of its problems. Rated R; Sexual Situations, Violence, and Profanity.
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* * out of 4.
31 May 2002
Carol Ann has moved in with her Aunt and Uncle, who live in a state of the art skyscraper complete with mall, apartments, and various entertainment. Things seem to be back on track for her, she is enrolled in a school for gifted children and is getting treatment for the shock she suffered in the first two entries, but evil never dies. The evil preacher who stalked her twice before has now found her and is trying to Carol Ann to lead him to the light.

Clunky dialogue, a few over the top performances and a script that is inept at times, nearly destroy this entry. It does feature terrific effects, some rather tense scenes, and is rather original at times however. Rated PG-13; Violence.
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Chillers (1987)
* out of 4.
31 May 2002
People waiting at a bus terminal tell each other horror stories from their lives. Film has some good moments, but is hurt considerably by a low budget, poor effects, slack direction, mediocre performances, and a surprise ending you will see coming from miles away. Not nowhere near as bad as some of Troma's previous efforts though. Rated R; Violence, Sexual Situations, and Profanity.
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Rather average.
4 May 2002
There pretty much isn't any plot to this movie untill Alayah arrives on screen. First half tells how Lestat came to be and a brief encounter with The Queen that lead to centuries of longing and lusting after her. Second half has Lestat going public as a vampire and The Queen reawakening to claim him as her king and her eventual killing spree.

Stuart Townsend turns in a wooden performance and the first half is pretty boring. It takes off when Alayah arrives on screen. She has a very commanding pressence in this film, she pretty much saves this film. And what the film lacks in substance it makes up in style and fast paced editing. * * out of 4.
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* * * out of 4.
27 September 2001
Young Sobieski aand her even younger brother lose their parents in a mysterious car crash. While still grieving, they are tooken in by the Glasses (Lane and Skarsgaads). All is fine at first, but then Sobieski starts to become suspicious of her new guardians and eventually there evil, money driven ways start to come to the surface in a violent finale.

What it lacks in orignality, it makes up for in the three leads excellent performances, especially Skarsgaads. The film is leisurely paced and keeps building layers upon layers of tension and toys with the mechanisms of differnet genres, untill it turns out a somewhat cliched ending. But still well worth the price of admission. Rated PG-13 for Strong Adult Themes, Violence, Drug Use, and Profanity.
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*** out of 4.
18 September 2001
Ok. Jim and his crew rent a vaction house for the summer and all the original cast returns, but the relationships between the guys and the girls from the first film have changed for the most part the guys rediscover true love and new friendships.

A sequel that is actually better then the first one. Sure it pretty much sticks to the formula that made the first one so successful, but it is much sweeter and funnier then the original film. The opening gag is very memorable and a scene involing Jim and Michelle and a musical instrument is a laugh riot. Also some very noteworthy gags are, the first gag with Stifler that I won't dare give away, and a scene with all the guys sneaking into a pair of supposed lesibans house. Also the relationship that builds between Jim and Michelle is very charming and endearing. The cast still has plenty of appeal and work very well together. Hope they release a part three soon.
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Hollow Gate (1988)
The worst slasher film from the 80's.
9 June 2001
Okay this is the plot of this movie; a young kid named Mark has a bad encounter with his father in which he almost drowns. Due to this one incident he goes comlepetely insane and starts butchering all the residents of a small town and some unlucky teenagers from out of town that are making a delivery on Halloween night.

No real story to speak of of, no acting or directing talent in sight, and no budget all add to one of the worst films ever made. Makes "Jack-O and Plan 9 From Outer Space" look like "Citizen Kane." That is just how bad this inept and how mind numbingly awful this piece of mess is.

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A cut above the rest.
25 December 2000
A group of teenagers forced to do community service are decapitated by what appears to be a headless horseman or is it one of them?

Low budget chiller is eerie and spooky and features some good performances ( as well as some not so good ones) and strives for originality, cleverness, & stye and nearly succeeds, but not quite. Still a refreshing change of pace for the genre.

My rating: 7 out of 10.
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The Skulls (2000)
Dumb and bring.
25 December 2000
A college student struggling with his finances joins a secret society called The Skulls, but he doesn't like what he see's and makes every possible attempt to get out, but finds escape impossible.

Poorly executed teen thriller features awful direction, appealng actors doing their best with an awful script, but still fallng short of the mark and just about every cliche in the book. It does score points for some of the smart jabs at Yale though.

My Rating: 3 out of 10.
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Good, scary fun.
25 December 2000
A group of students are reopening a theater soon, so during Christmas vacation they volunteer to stay and get it into shape, but the theather was plagued with the horrible murder of its star attraction. And one of the students is that star's daughter. Will history repeat itself?

Creepy and eerie from start to finish with a nice setting for the action to take place and featuring compenent direction and good performances. What makes it work so well though is the strong characterization of its central character and the appealing supporting characters.

My rating: 8 out of 10.
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Lake Placid (1999)
Horror-Comedy lacking in horror and comedy.
25 December 2000
An alligator is making lunch meat out of the citizes of a small town and it is up to Bridget Fonda, Bill Pullman, and Olivier Platt to stop it (?)!

Lame ad dull film with the cast giving half-hearted performnces, except Betty White in a great suppporting role.

My rating: 3 out of 10.
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Toy Story 2 (1999)
Almost perfect in every way.
24 December 2000
Woody is toyknipped by a greedy toy collector and it's up to Buzz Lightyear and the crew to rescue him.

Fast paced kids film ( which can be easily enjoyed by adults) offers great insights into toys emotions nd feelings all while doing this in a funny and lively manner. The songs add extra punch. Far surpasses the original.

My rating: 9 out of 10.
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Parents (1989)
Not for all taste, but I loved it.
14 August 2000
Young Michael (Bryan Madorsky) notices his parents have a strange fondness for meat and wonders where all the meat they eat for dinner comes from. And what goes on after he goes to bed.

Exceptionally well acted and crafted horror-comedy that takes place in the 1950's. The sets, costumes, style, detail paid to flavor of the 50's, and the cars & houses will WOW you and give you a feeling of nostalgia. A nice change of pace for Randy Quaid and it is nice to see Sandy Dennis at work again.

Be forewarned though this is one of the most disturbing films I have ever seen in my entire life. There is absolutely no letup.

My rating: 9 out of 10.
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Dealers (1989)
14 August 2000
Warning: Spoilers

Rebecca DeMornay (who wears plenty of tight suits and has killer legs) is brought in as the pricipal trader at a huge London based financial institution against the wishes of reckless Paul McGann to run a cautionary position after the bank takes a $100 Million Dollar loss.

Flashy, well done movie is exciting and leaves viewers on the edge of its seats from start to finish and features a pulse-pounding ending. Rebecca DeMornay is excellent and also tantalizingly sexy. She and McGann make a very hot couple. McGann is also very good, and just about everybody else is perfectly casted. A really, really good movie that I liked slightly more then Wall Street. Only reason why this doesn't rate a 10- DeMornay has wild animal sex, but doesn't take off her bra. BUMMER!! My rating: 9 out of 10.

Rated R for some brief profanity and of course wild animal sex.
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14 August 2000
What do you expect of a film entitled "Assault of the Party Nerds??" For me- not much and I was able to find it mildly entertaining.

Title pretty much says it all; nerds organize party, but are opposed by the jocks. The two female stars, Quigley and Bauer, show off their assets and what nice assets they have too. Film isn't too long and at least moves at a decent pace.

My rating: 4 out of 10.
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Intense and scary.
14 August 2000
Well groomed, well behaved teen Meg Tilly must spend the night in a creepy mausoleum as an initiation into a high school club. Problem is a powerful psychic named Raymar was just buried there that day, but he isn't quite dead and he needs the life force of humans for his powers.

Obscure horror film offers plenty of thrills and chills, an appealing and likeable cast, and most superior special effects.

My rating: 7 out of 10.

One Dark Night is rated R for Violence and Adult Themes.
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Basket Case (1982)
14 August 2000
A twin arrives in NY city carrying his deformed, mutant telepathic brother in a basket to seek revenge on the doctors who seperated them via surgery.

Disappointing low budget horror film is poorly acted, directed, and especially written. The gore and animated sequences are awkard and unconvincing. And the humor simply doesn't work. My rating: 2 out of 10.
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Demonoid (1981)
So so effort.
14 August 2000
A couple (Samantha Eggar and Roy Cameron) while working in a Mexican mine discover a severed hand. The hand becomes one with Cameron and possesses him, causing him to commit all kinds of nasty murders.

Not as bad as other people make it out to be, but nowhere near good. And poor Eggar gives it her all even though she is in such an unispired production. Some of the effects are incredibly grotsque though. My rating: 5 out of 10.

Rated R; contains Graphic Violence, Nudity, and Language.
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Offerings (1989)
One "Offering" you will want to refuse.
11 August 2000
A kid is pushed into a well by a group of kids. Years later he returns and starts slaughtering everybody and offering the spare body parts to the only person who was nice to him.

Sound familiar....well it is. This movie runs only about 90mins. but even at that rate it is overlong. You can really feel the padding the filmmakers added onto it to get it a longer running time. It is also very boring and most of the characters and situations are pretty laughable. My rating: 3 out of 10.
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Humongous (1982)
11 August 2000
A woman is raped back in the forties. Now flash foward to the 1980's. A group of teens crash their boat on a small island. But they are not alone, a humongous person, the product of the above metioned rape, is out there stalking them and waiting for the right moment to pick them off.

Starts off very good, but quickly falls apart. Featuring every single cliche in the book and the lighting is awful, you don't even get a good look at the deformed, humongous mutant. The ending is pretty exciting though. My rating: 4 out of 10.
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Granny (1999 Video)
Possibly the worst horror movie of the 90's.
10 August 2000
A whole bunch of teenagers gather around to discuss their fears, but an uninvited guest has showed up and is killing everybody off.

Probably the worst horror film of the 90's, Camp Blood (1999) is the only film that could challenge it for that title, has some of the dumbest characters and situations to ever grace a television screen. The so called surprise ending is awful, as is the rest of this film. Mildly entertaining on a sooo bad it is good level. My rating: 2 out of 10.
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Night Eyes (1990)
10 August 2000
A security expert (Andrew Stevens) is hired to watch over a millionare's soon to be ex-wife (Tanya Roberts), but temptation proves to be to much for Stevens. And he is thrown head long into an affair with Roberts.

This hot, steamy erotic romantic thriller features near X rated sexual encounters. This film will definately cause a few temperatures to raise. This is one movie that can truly be classified as erotic.

Tanya Roberts is very good and looks very good, especially naked. Andrew Stevens is nothing more then scenery and turns in what can be described as a clunky performance. But still don't let that turn you away, this is very good for a erotic thriller. Released in a few theaters before going to video. My rating is a 7.5 out of 10.

Night Eyes is unrated and contains Strong Sexual Content, Nudity, Violence, and some Language. 95 very hot minutes.
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Blood Diner (1987)
Don't waste 90 minutes of your life on this film.
10 August 2000
Two brothers resurrect their dead uncle to help them prepare for a sacrifice and to bring forth an ancient and evil goddess.

The most inept horror film I have ever seen with some the worst make-up and effects I have seen in a long time. The effects are sooo bad they make JACK O's effects seem right up there with Terminator 2. If they doesn't turn you away, then the poor plotting and dumb characters will. My rating: 1 out of 10.

Unrated contains Graphic, but sloppy Violence, Full Nudity, Sexual Content, and Language.
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