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Sex Education: Episode 5 (2023)
Season 4, Episode 5
This used to be my favorite show
25 September 2023
Wow, how the mighty have fallen. The fourth season is a shadow of its former self. The "O" storyline is infuriating. The new schools are a joke. The character development is awful.

I used to like the story, the characters trials and tribulations. Now, this show has become cringe worthy. Another thing, the show used to have the best music; now it seems that they've decided to save some money and gone with generic background musak and sprinkle in a song here and there.

This has been rant surrounding the whole show, but this episode is really awful, and it's the "O" storyline alluded to earlier. The show, while wild and avant garde but used to be grounded in reality. Anyway, watch the first three seasons and just make believe the fourth season didn't happen.
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Sex Education (2019–2023)
What happened?
23 September 2023
The first three seasons were spectacular, but the forth season is awful. They went from an insightful, witty show about coming of age to cliche and awkward. What a waste of a talent and three years of character building.

The situations in the first three seasons felt real, if not a bit rushed, but the characters were well developed. Now they're all charactertures of the originals. You cared about what happend to them. Now, I really don't. Also, too many of the story lines from the first three seasons have been dropped. I know they lost several actors to other shows, but it's like they just rebooted the show. Alas, as i was really looking forward to the final season.

Do yourself a favor, binge first three seasons and pretend the show got canceled before they had a chance to make the final season.
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Really boring?
12 August 2023
I tried to watch this on three different occasions, it's so boring. Pretty...yes, i guess. The story....nonsensical. The movie would have been better served with 60 mins left on the cutting room floor. The other issue, the acting is terrible. I know the it's basically animated, the the voice acting is way over the top.

Where the Avatar 1 introduced us to a new world, and new cultures, the new Avatar does nothing to add to the world. Swap trees for water and you basically have a longer version of the original.

In all, this movie should not have been made. If they there are more coming....hide now.
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OMG this was bad
3 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, I didn't believe the reviews when this came out. How could it have been worse than the previous two movies. Those were stupid cash grabs; but I was wrong. This was so terrible. It made absolutely no sense at all. The science was so bad. The story was so bad. The only reason I gave this three stars instead of one was the return on Sam Neill.

The decision to focus on the locus as the real main 'baddies' of the movie was dumb. Who cares? Evil corporation is so evil it's going to stave the planet, but why even mess with dinos then? Why are there so many new species? Who continued to breed them when they started killing people? Why are they allowed to roam free? They would be hunted down. Hell, everyone in this country has a gun; they would have been hunted to extinction in a month. Humans are expect at hunting things.

Also, dinos can't fly as fast as planes. They can't run as fast as a car or motorcycle. But they can outrun a human, but not in this movie. Everyone (except one) doesn't get eaten. Wow, just wow. How did this make a billion dollars?
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
Good but.....
18 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I know this is a comedy, drama....dramedy, whatever, but the way they wrap up each series is a bit lacking. What CEO of a fictitious google-equse company rents a vacation hotel with only one bedroom? These folks didn't fly first class? How did they leave the island without missing their kid? Is this Home Alone 3? Also, the hotel manager is dead; stabbed by a guest, and the guest goes home? What, no manslaughter trial?

Okay, season two was a much better ride. They had me going until the last episode. But the ending, really? So nothing is clearly played out but this is implied. Friend sleeps with your wife (or tries to), and then you sleep with your friend's wife (or it's implied) and now you're in love with your wife again? Or your boss dies in a multiple homicide/kidnapping and you know it was the plot all along and you're swapping phone numbers at the airport?

The show is entertaining, but the stories have gapping holes in them. Oh, and the other cheating husband who plotted the murder of his wife now has half a billion dollars? Hopefully, they'll resolve that in season 3.
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Might be the best of work of Martin and Short
24 August 2022
Some shows are just better then they have the right to be, this is one of them. A funny and entertaining whodunit. The characters, pacing and a surprisingly great performance by Selena Gomez all come together to make this one of the best new shows in a long time. The mysteries are engaging, funny, heartwarming and sad, all at the same time.

The three unlikely wannabe podcasters placed against the backdrop of NYC is a delight. I can't wait for season three.
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For All Mankind (2019– )
Has it's moments
10 August 2022
Ultimately, I tried to like this show, but in the end I found it hard to watch. The highly trained astronauts all make stupid decisions. It predicable and frustrating. I hope this is the last season as I'm fast forwarding through half the episodes as it is.

It had a lot of promise in the beginning, but in the end it disappoints.
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Wonderful Miniseries
4 August 2022
Can you guess the ending...of course. Are some of the chess games portrayed nothing like what would happen in a real chess tournament...of course (judging by the number of grand masters weighing in on the topic). But so what, this is a brilliant series. Just finished watching a second time and it was just as good as the first.

Anya Taylor-Joy is wonderful in the role and has a great story arc. I won't spoil too much, but sometimes she's just not a likable person. Bill Camp gives a Emmy worthy minor role as does Marcus Loges. Only on screen a short time, but such memorable characters.

Moses Ingram (of Obi Wan Kenobi notoriety) turn in an excellent performance spanning decades of the characters life. The rest of the cast is also excellent.

Not since Search for Bobby Fischer has there been a show about chess that's been so worth watch (actually, none come to mind).
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Sex Education: Episode 4 (2021)
Season 3, Episode 4
Better than it has the right to be
19 May 2022
I resisted watching for the first three season. I thought it was going to be just another teenage sitcom type of show. Then Ncuti Gatwa was chosen for the next Doctor Who, I though I'd find out what all the fuss was about. Then I spent the next four days binged-watching seasons 1 through 3. The characters are quirky and likable (for the most part). The writing is stellar. The show is loaded, if not overloaded with sexual over tones. Taken as a whole, it's one of the best shows I've seen in a while. I would compare this show to Ted Lasso...a show I never wanted to watch, thought it would be terrible, but became a big fan.

Otto and Eric are the best straight and funny man combination in a long time (no pun intended). Jean and Jacob are great to together It can be ridiculous, serious, funny and touching, all in the space of the 55 minutes episodes. My wife put it best, 'this show punches above its weight class.'

I won't spoil the storylines, but give it a few episodes, this is a great show. If you're easily offended, maybe not.
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Better than the reviews
14 May 2022
First off, this is an adaptation of the musical. People on IMDB are complaining that Ben Platt is too old, too unbelievable as a teen ager; and the spontaneous breaking out into song is? The suspension of disbelief is in full mode here. Again, you're watching a musical, and Ben Platt performance is stunning. I'm going out on a limb here, but the majority of people tuning in want to see the person who originate the part on broadway. That's part of appeal.

The awkwardness, yes, it's dialed up to 11 here. You become as anxious as Evan as the story progresses. You get uncomfortable, you squirm, and as the train wreck of an ending approaches, you're hitting rock bottom with Evan. You feel his pain. That's what the musical did (and yes better than the film version) and that's what the movie does.

Is the movie perfect, no. Some of the characters are a bit overdone (Evan's mom is one example), but for the most part the film conveys the emotions of musical.
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Dredd (2012)
So much better....
14 May 2022
This so much better than the Stallone version. Urban was born for this role. This was a relatively low budget sci-fi flick that really deliveries. It is a extremely violent action set piece, but it's pure Dredd. If you're a fan of the character this is the best adaptation of the character I've seen. It's a shame it didn't earn enough to get a sequel.
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Shoot 'Em Up (2007)
Stupid Fun
12 May 2022
The movie is really just stupid fun. Paul Giamatti at his grinning best. Clive Owens is his usual stoic self with a rye, comic (book) element to his performance. I would have love to see if he could have pulled off being James Bond; alas that ship has sailed. For the Shoot 'Em Up, no reasonable plot here, but action for days. Sort of a mash up of John Wick and Sin City. Just action set pieces stitched together for a fun ride. I think John Wick and Atomic Blonde to this genre better, but still this is a fun ride.
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Truly awful
12 May 2022
Beautiful film and that's all the good I can ask about this film. This is a total mess. Awful acting, terrible in a "I can't believe all these great actors are wasted in this way" sort of way. Awful story in a "I can't believe this is the same person who did Fifth Element" sort of way. So much money, so much material to work with and this is what we got? I just have to shake my head.

I've given it two stars only because it's so bad its fun to watch. Like watching a train wreck, you can't look away. I could go into the awful performances by Rihanna, Ethan Hawk, Rutger Hauer and Clive Owens. But I can't because I'd have to go into the odd choices of Dane DeHaan and Cara Delevingne as the leads. Never has a movie been so miscast.

Like I said the movie look gorgeous, but the story is so ridiculous, you wonder how this got made. Many independent YouTubers produce better content. Anyway, that's all I can say without spoiling the ending (HAHAHAHA). Watch and enjoy the awfulness.
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Doctor Who: Heaven Sent (2015)
Season 9, Episode 11
Tour de force
11 May 2022
Very few Doctor Who fans will point to Peter Capaldi as there favorite famous time lord. I had a hard time at first buying into this older, darker incarnation, but by 'Heaven Sent' Capaldi had totally won me over. The first four Doctors of the new series all had they moments. My favorite Tennant episode is The Girl In The Fireplace (Blink a close second), Matt Smith favorite episode is Vincent and the Doctor, and CE's would be The Parting of the Ways, but my favorite episode for shear writing and acting is Heaven Sent. Capaldi loves this character and pours his soul into the performance. Other episodes are funnier, have more action, or have better arcs. But for a single episode this is Moffett at his best. No spoilers here, just give it watch (or rewatch).
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Doctor Who: Legend of the Sea Devils (2022)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
What happened?
30 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The story is awful, the production value is awful, the pacing is awful. The reviews are dead on. This was so bad. I was willing to give Jodie Whittaker a hall pass and blame this all on Chibnall, but this is wrong on so many levels. The creature effects are straight out of the 80's. Is this really the best you could do? So shots on the deck of the ship looked like a high school drama production (all apologies to all the HS thespians). No depth, bad lighting, frankly embarrassing. The relationship? So forced, and without any build up, was frankly sad. Love affairs/flirting with Rose, Amy, Clara and River, but somehow Yaz is the love of her life (not to mention Queen Elizabeth, Marilyn, Cleopatra)? I'm not letting Dan off the hook either. Please bring back Graham.

I was really hopefully when Jodie was announced. One her first season was over I thought she would grow in the role. The season two trudged on, then another. Just never clicked. No talks about Peter Capaldi time as the doctor much but some of his episode are classics (Heaven Sent is a tour de force and his finest moment). None of the last three seasons even come close. I only hope RTD can breath some new life into the show. I'm not ready for this universe to end.
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Land of the Lost (1974–1977)
A childhood favorite
29 April 2022
Okay, first thing first. Even for a 1970's show the production values weren't good. The acting wasn't top notch and the dinosaurs effects were adequate. But the stories, and for a Saturday morning, Sid and Marty Kroff production, still stay with me. The writing on this show was wonderful, at least for the first two seasons. The writers created an interesting world, with rules and lore; and lots of drama. Heck they even created an actual language for the tiny, ape-like, pakuni.

As mentioned the first two seasons, played it mostly straight, even dealing with some serious issues (for a Saturday kid's show). The sleekstak were truly scary when i was a kid (if not very slow moving). Enik was a fascinating character. And heck, what kid doesn't like dinosaurs.

The show could have ended after just one season. They had a tidy story line the wrapped up nicely. The second season continued to develop the world, but unfortunately the third season descends into typical kid fare and should be avoided. Spencer Milligan (the dad) due to contract issues (wanted a piece of the merchandizing from what I've read) and the brought Ron Harper as Uncle Jack. Wouldn't have been bad, if they had stuck to the premise of the show and the lore they started to create. Alas they opted for random creature of the week nonsense.

They've tried to reboot this show in the 1980's, a truly dreadful attempt. The movie with Will Ferrell was equal as bad. So bad effects, Saturday morning acting (my apologies to all the folks on the show, I love you guys), and 1970's creature effects, this show is one for the ages. Goes to show you, a good story wins every time.
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I love this show
20 March 2022
This X-Files spin off is way off from its parent show, but then again it was supposed to be. This was a comedy, not a drama. The short run may have been the saving grace, but I would have loved to see a complete season, or maybe even two or three. So much crap on TV nowadays, this was so much more entertaining. I revisit this show every few years and I still enjoy it. The cast was the great, the production value was great (borrowed directly from the X-Files), and the stories were fine. Stories were the weakest point of the show, but I still fine them entertaining.

Also has one of the coolest logos ever.
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Needs time
26 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very flawed live action version of the anime. After years of waiting for a live action version, this is a big disappointment. With that said, I would love a second season. The characters were just getting fleshed out. Faye acted like Faye for the first time in the last episode. The character arcs are just getting interesting. I think a second season would give them time to develop. John Cho seemed like a bad choice, too goofy to play Spike. In the end he did okay.

As for the style, it's a bit off. The style choices are comic for such a dark toned series. Would have liked a more John Wick vibe and less cartoony. John Cho seemed like an odd choice, but was okay by the end. Mustafa does a good job with Jet, best of the casting choices. The fight scenes are lacking gravitas. Again a second season would give them a chance to redeem the show. None of the characters had time to develop. Funny how the live action was so two dimensional.

Lastly, bringing in Ed in the last minute of the last episode is a bit disappointing. Ed was a big part of the Bebop, should have introduced earlier.

All in all, fair, not good, but has potential. Netflix, give it a second season and give it a decent budget, I'll watch.
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See (2019–2022)
I tried to like this show
16 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really tried to like this show. It wanted to be the new GOT; it just never got interesting. Forget the premiss, enough has been written about that. Forget the ridiculous love story between Wren and Haniwa, or that the sighted just don't own the blind, especially with a bow. How isn't Edo the first won taken down in a battle by the archers? The final battle between Edo and Baba, boring after being teased for the whole second season. Why is Queen Kane still alive after all she's done (let alone the super annoying sing-song voice choice for the character). Sorry, could have been so much better with the money they threw at this show. The whole second season was just leading up to the final battle, nothing else happened. What a waste of talented actors and actresses.
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Super fun movie for everyone
12 September 2021
Another in a long line of films that is way better than the ratings. This is Nick Cage at his best. This is a fast paced mystery thriller, funny and fun. You can watch and rewatch and it's still entertaining. If you're looking for super gritty, guns and blood, this isn't your film. With all the shooting, and action, there is no blood; one person does fall into darkness (killed), but the 'the hit' is not seen on screen. Don't get bogged down with is this believable, just enjoy the ride.
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Another in a long list of movies that are better than their ratings.
12 September 2021
I love A Knight's Tale. Another in a long line of movies that are just fun to watch over and over. Silly, yes. Anachronistic and over the top, yep. Still, it is a super fun romp. The leads are perfect. Heath Ledger, Shanynn Sossamon, Mark Addy, Paul Bettany, and the ever-underrated Alan Tudyk. The music is great, and the filming and director are good. The story is predictable but who doesn't want to see Rufus Sewell get beat by the end of this film.
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The Phantom (1996)
Better then the ratings
12 September 2021
This is one of those movies that should have done better. Is it perfect, nope. Is it a bit hokey, yep. Is it fun to watch, absolutely. I've seen this movie at least a dozen times and it is just as fun as the first time. Kristy Swanson as the strong female lead and Catherine Zeta-Jones as the femme fatale, again perfect. Billy Zane is perfect a Kit Walker (silly purple suit but he was ripped). Treat Williams performance was over the top, scene chewing, but it is a comic book movie. A comic book movie from source material from the 1930's, with the sensibilities and silliness of that time. Good, old fashion fun.
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Casanova (2005)
I love this movie
19 July 2021
I just rewatched this movie. While most of this review did not change, I just wanted to see if this movie held up over time. I've seen this movie approximately 6 times, and each time its a good romp. The scenery is wonderful, the music is transcendental, and the story, well is good. As stated below, this is not a perfect movie, but it's fun; it's a farce and the movie knows it. So, sorry for the repeated thoughts, but here is my original review from a few years ago.

While this movie is not perfect, it is fun. It's a farce, its beautifully filmed, the music is fantastic, it just plain fun. Styled like a Shakespearian comedy of errors, mistaken identities and swashbuckling fun.

The cast is excellent. Heath Ledger is perfect as the lovable rouge, Jeremy Irons is playfully evil, and rest are equally adapt at playing this movie for a lighthearted comedy that it is.

Is it perfect. No not in least. It does have 'watchability', absolutely. I watch this movie about once a year and it's as witty and charming each time. Don't take it too seriously and you'll be treated with an hour and a half of Ledger at his comic best.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Surprise Comedy
14 July 2021
I full disclosure, I didn't want to like this show. I resisted watching for months. It seemed goofy, a promo ad turned into a TV show. But in the end I caved and watched the first episode...followed by the second, then third. This show is better than it should be. Part of its charm is probably due to the talents of Jason Sudekis. His character is near-over the top, almost getting into Will Ferrell range of being super annoying, but never quite getting there. Once you let your guard down, the show draws you in. The rest of the cast if perfect and they all give great performances.

If I have one dig, it would be that this is a homage (rip-off) of the movie 'Major League'. A team owner who wants to tank a sports team; the right hand man who is helping with the scheme but is secretly rooting for the team to succeed; a manager hired to fail; and a team of misfits and malcontents. The grumpy, washed-up veteran who brings the team together, the a-hole young gift player who needs to become a team player, the rube, and so on. Maybe because Major League is a guilty pleasure of mine is why I like Ted Lasso. I'm rooting for him to succeed.

I hope season 2 can be as good as the first, I'm pulling for Richmond AFC.
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Servant (2019–2023)
Still on the fence
20 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As with most of the other reviews, this series gets off to a great start. Lots of mysteries to draw you in. Then is gets tedious. I like M. Night Shyamalan, I really do. He's made some bad films and he's made some great films. I can name a lot of directors who are way worse; so I was hoping to like this series. With that said, I do...but it's doing its best to drive me away.

No one behaves like any normal person would in this situation. Weird things happen and no one reacts in a rational manner. The closest series I can compare this to is Carnivàle. While it's a great ride, it has to pay off and with M. Night saying he wants 6 seasons, I see myself losing interest in two. I'm giving it a chance, but it better pay off quickly.
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