
16 Reviews
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Russkies (1987)
Very cute little movie.
17 August 2005
I remember seeing this movie when it first came out in the theaters--the L.A. Times gave it a favorable review and it sounded kind of fun. It was.

It's dated now ('80s clothes, '80s politics), but it's an amusing, somewhat corny little movie that will entertain and amuse. I thought that the interaction between the three boys and "their" Russian sailor seemed genuine, and I liked the premise. The scenes where the boys have a "day out" with their new (Russian) buddy are especially fun to watch.

Whip Hubley is cute and likable as the stranded Russian (but, oh, that big '80s hair cut he's got!). Leaf Phoenix (now known as Joaquin) is excellent as one of the boys. (I recall how the L.A. Times review took special note of Phoenix's performance, and predicted that he had a great future ahead of him. Boy, were they right!) Also take note of Benjamin Hendrickson (playing Phoenix's Hungarian father who has no love for Russians). Hendrickson is mostly known for soap opera work, but he has an effective supporting role in this film.

This is a little movie with some laughs and a good heart. It's not a *great* film, but still enjoyable. James Newton Howard (still early in his career when this movie was made) does a good job with the score. I even bought the soundtrack (on LP at the time) and it is enjoyable to listen to on its own!
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Recipe for Revenge (1998 TV Movie)
Very cute romance!
28 May 2004
I wanted to see this movie because I'd read the book by Kristin Gabriel, and I'd liked it very much. While this movie adaptation was different in more than a few ways from the book, it had a similar sense of humor to it and I really quite liked it.

The two main leads (Kim Huffman and Alex Carter) were both well cast in this movie. Huffman plays a pretty caterer with a wholesome but lovely "girl next door" look to her. She's very likable and doesn't have that "self conscious of her beauty" attitude about her. She seemed very natural.

At first you think that Alex Carter is going to be playing one of those somewhat surly "brooding serious cop" types (like we haven't seen enough of *those* types), but instead his character has this dry wit and a smile (when he chooses to show it) that is dazzling. Both these actors make a great couple on screen!

The plot is kind of weak in some ways, but who cares? It's cute. It's funny. It isn't one of those dreary "relationship" movies where the characters don't have enough to do. This tale is full of action and humor. I laughed out loud quite a few times!

Now, granted, this is not up there with the great romantic comedies of all time. But of all the TV-movies based on a Harlequin Romance that I've seen, this is by *far* the best. If you didn't know it was based on a romantic novel, you might not even guess it. It's got action, adventure, mystery, the whole enchilada! And a cast full of eccentric and entertaining characters. Very enjoyable!
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Peacemakers (2003)
Pretty good western drama
10 August 2003
It's still early in this series, but so far I've been pleased with this show. I think the chemistry between the two main stars (Tom Berenger and Peter O'Meara) will make it an enjoyable "buddy" show; the forensic element of the stories are fascinating as well.

I am a fan of westerns and this one has an interesting angle: it is set during a time when some modern advancements are being introduced--electricity, the telephone, and some modern forensic techniques, like fingerprints and ballistics.

"Old-timer" sheriff Jared Stone (played by Tom Berenger) is a Civil War hero, and is very capable and experienced in his job. He's not accepting the advance of middle age very well (the first episode has him reluctant to get his first set of spectacles) and he's a little gruff at times. But he knows his stuff, and is a personable sort of fellow that is respected in the town.

"Hot shot" ex-Pinkerton man Larimer Finch (played by relative newcomer Peter O'Meara) comes off as a bit snobby and smug when he first meets Stone, but he's a good sort of fellow too. An Englishman who has been everywhere (speaks fluent Chinese) and is well-versed in the "modern" forensic techniques, he provides a good compliment to Sheriff Stone's old-timer wisdom. Finch is younger and has less experience than Stone does in many ways, but he can hold his own and proves to be a good partner in crime-solving.

So far the mysteries in each show have not been earth-shatteringly hard to crack (I often guessed "who dunnit" fairly early on) but the process these guys have to go through to get to the conclusion is interesting, indeed. The chemistry (sort of an "odd couple") of gruff, middle-aged Sheriff Stone and young, uber-educated Englishman Finch is fun to watch.

There are other characters in the show that are interesting, including the town mortician (can't remember the character's name) who is female (very pretty, of course!) and a former medical student. She's often called upon to do autopsies and perform other forensic-related duties. She's likeable and smart; it's nice to see an intelligent woman in a western show set in this era.

I like westerns, I like Tom Berenger, and even though I've never seen Peter O'Meara in anything before this, but I already like him and think his future as an actor is bright indeed. I think this series is going to be one I will look forward to seeing every week.
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Sniper 2 (2002 Video)
Perfectly adequate sequel
1 April 2003
I liked the first "Sniper" movie and especially liked Becker (played by Tom Berenger). He's a solemn and sometimes grumpy sniper who bickers and argues (but also looks after) anyone he's partnered with on a mission. I saw the original film as more of a `character study' of this solitary Becker character, and was not disappointed that the sequel was mostly a character study as well. Though of course there is plenty of action and suspense as well!

"Sniper 2" re-works the same formula as the first film, but with some differences. Becker is a little older, but he's still grumpy (but protective) as ever. The guy he's partnered up with in this film is different than the somewhat green and annoying Billy Zane character in the first film. I liked this new guy pretty well.

And I liked seeing Becker again. I'd grown fond of Becker in the first film, and I thought the sequel held up well. Sure, it could have been better, but really, it was not bad at all. It's a solid film--not earth-shatteringly great, but if you enjoyed the way the first movie went, and especially enjoyed the characters, then you'll like this film.
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Pretty bad. Interesting gadgets, though.
23 January 2003
I cringed while viewing this movie. Parts of it were OK (I enjoyed the creative use of "gadgets") but for the most part, it STUNK.

I was embarrassed for Peter Weller and Darryl Hannah, who (in my opinion) had the hardest burden--to try to make do with horrible dialog, horrible story. Horrible, horrible, horrible. I cringed at their grossly inappropriate romantic trysts (time and place, people! There is a terrorist attack, you morons!). Oh my gosh. How horrible.

Tom Berenger's part was significantly less embarassing--at least his character was consistent and didn't behave like a moron at times. But Berenger was wasted in this rather regrettable film.

I like Weller, Hannah and Berenger, and usually enjoy what they do. But this film could not be remotely redeemed by their presence. It was simply a rotten movie.
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Johnson County War (2002– )
Very good western drama
27 December 2002
I found this western drama to be very watchable. It tells the tale of small ranchers (brothers Tom Berenger, Adam Storke and Luke Perry). These three brothers are trying to protect their property from the rich and powerful ranchers who wish to drive them away, through devious and murderous means.

The entire cast is very good -- Adam Storke is (in my opinion) under-appreciated, and he is very likeable in this movie as middle brother Dale. Luke Perry does an admirable job as younger brother Harry. Tom Berenger is excellent, (as he always is) playing eldest brother Cain. Also in the cast are Rachel Ward as a tough but likeable prostitute, and Burt Reynolds as an evil hired gun.

Beautiful scenery, an excellent musical score, good writing and a top-notch cast make this a worthwhile movie to see.
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The Junction Boys (2002 TV Movie)
Interesting sports tale that sucked this non-sports fan in.
26 December 2002
I'm not really a football fan but even *I've* heard of the great Bear Bryant. I didn't know how interesting I'd find this film, but found myself sucked in by it. I cared about the Junction boys, worried about them, and was shocked at what they had to endure. I stuck it to the end of the film, because I cared about their fate. I also was intrigued by the character of Bear Bryant. What was the deal with him? Why was he so tough and mean? What portion of this meanness was justified, and what wasn't?

I thought all the acting was pretty good. I confess I admired Tom Berenger's willingness to be seen looking rather "seedy". He still has the looks to play a leading man, (a middle-aged leading man, sure, but leading man nonetheless). So to be seen looking pot bellied, sweaty and a little dissipated was a bold and daring move, in my opinion. And he does a good job in his role; his accent is authentic, his tough meanness (and then humble contrition) is effective.

Nick Tate was excellent as Bryant's hard-drinking, grizzled assistant and I really got a kick out of him. The character of Johnny (Bernard Curry) especially made an impression. His sincere devotion to the game and his self-sacrificing willingness to put up with almost *any* abuse amazed me, and I especially found myself touched by his story.

I don't know much about football, and I certainly won't present myself as an expert on the story of Bear Bryant or Texas A & M. But I found this tale to be interesting enough.
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True Blue (2001)
Perfectly adequate mystery
26 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps it was my slightly lowered expectations, but I found this movie to be perfectly adequate and competent. I thought it was interesting and I was drawn to the screen until the end.

It's got that moody film noir look to it, and there were times when the lighting wasn't too flattering on the cast. I guess kudos should go out to the stars who didn't mind being seen in such a light (though none of them ever looked really bad). And true, the plot was somewhat complex at times, but I didn't have too much trouble following it, and I am notorious for forgetting characters' names and losing track of extremely intricate plot details.

Tom Berenger gave a very convincing and heartfelt performance as an

antisocial policeman who, admittedly, is no longer in the full blush of youth. While Berenger may be thicker around the middle than he was in the days of

"Major League", he looked just fine for the (presumably) 40-something character he was playing. Besides, his hair always looked great, so that's gotta be worth something.

Lori Heuring never seemed to give off much charisma as far as I am concerned

(but I may not be appreciating all of her assets, since I am female). But, she was competent in her role. Barry Newman, Soon Tek-Oh and the rest of the cast

were fine as well.

The plot was interesting, with plenty of twists that kept me guessing until the end. I enjoyed seeing a film that was a little more unpredictable. Extra points go for keeping me on my toes! (I usually pride myself in being able to guess "who dunnit" early in the film, but not so with this movie.)

While the pace of this movie may have been slow at times, it didn't bother me that much. The romance in this movie (such as it was) seemed rather flat as

well. However, this was still a perfectly satisfactory movie, and while far from perfect, certainly is worth a look if you are interested in moody noir-type




There is a scene early in the film where the Berenger character is talking to the guy who works in the morgue, and says to him, "Boy, I hope I never end up on

one of your slabs." My ears pricked up, and I had this sinking feeling that

Berenger's character would, indeed, end up on a slab in the morgue by the end of the film. I was SO glad when my hunch turned out to be incorrect. I guess I'm turning into an old softie, but I hate seeing the protagonist / hero end up on a slab at the end of a movie!
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The Train (1964)
Enjoyable WW II movie
26 December 2002
I really enjoyed this somewhat fictional telling of how Paris kept their precious artwork from being stolen by Nazi Germany. The resourcefulness of the characters was a wonder to see.

Burt Lancaster is excellent as the main character and hero. And to think he did all of his own stunts, and the only reason he developed a limp in the film (written in as an injury) was because of a *golfing* accident!

Paul Scofield is also chillingly wonderful as the obsessed German officer who is determined to get the paintings, no matter what the cost.

This film is gripping and well-directed, with great acting and wonderful action. Highly recommended!
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Chaindance (1991)
Wonderful movie
25 December 2002
Even though I think the premise of this film (a government agency allowing inmates to work with the disabled) is flawed and un-doable, I still think this is a good film. Suspend your disbelief about this facet of the plot, and enjoy the message it tries to tell.

The story is the basic "losers get a second chance" plot, and I always am a sucker for such a movie, as long as it is done well. And I believe this movie is done well. It is flawed because of the implausibility of the plot, but I was able to put that aside.

Character actor Michael Ironside (who always seems to play creeps and psychos) stars in this movie, playing a loser two-bit criminal who realizes that he can have a second chance in life. Amazingly enough, Ironside also produced and co-wrote this movie. I think Ironside should do more roles such as this, and produce more films such as this. As good as he is playing creeps and jerks, his talent is underappreciated, as far as I am concerned.

Brad Dourif is outstanding playing a wheelchair-bound man who is "paired up" with Ironside's character. They are literally chained together at first, as Ironside is assigned to care for Dourif in his wheelchair. Dourif is always excellent but in this movie, he really shows his range. Absolutely amazing.

I highly recommend this film. It is available at under the title "Common Bonds". It has some flaws, but is full of heart and cannot help but inspire and elevate the viewer, at least a little. However, it is not for young children -- there is brief nudity, some profane language and some violence (it is set in a prison part of the time, after all).
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Flawed, but still pretty funny.
22 December 2002
If you can get past the far-fetched plot (full of weird schemes and big coincidences) this can be pretty funny movie. The three main actors (Tom Berenger, Burt Reynolds and Rod Steiger) are all pretty good. OK, so they overact sometimes, so the plot is flawed and the pace sometimes uneven--but I still found myself laughing throughout the film.

My mom was with me when I saw this film and we both got a huge kick out of the last portion of the movie--where these three bumbling has-been actors are trying to con a bunch of gangsters into believing that they (the actors) are cops. Each actor almost blows it, improvises, over-acts, acts badly, and it's all pretty hilarious.

In my opinion this film is worth seeing for the fun scenes between the three main stars. I think they played off each other well. I especially liked Rod Steiger (in one of his last roles) but I enjoyed the performances of all three.

I recommend this film if you are willing to look past the flaws, and allow yourself to be amused by the fun stuff. There are definitely laughs to be had in this film.
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The Scarecrow (1972 TV Movie)
Nice little play
12 December 2002
I was curious about this film a few months ago, and lamented that it was not available on tape or DVD anywhere. So imagine my surprise when I found it nestled in the bowels of my own massive video collection a short while later! I'd taped it 10 years earlier and obviously forgotten all about it.

It is a charming little movie--obviously a low-budget, in a "play" format. (Meaning, not any outdoor scenes, all shot inside on a soundstage, etc.) The sets are inexpensive, and the video quality is what you might expect from the era in which is was filmed. (Early '70s.)

Based on an old play, the story moves along nicely, and the entire cast is excellent. Blythe Danner (Gwyneth Paltrow's mom), Will Geer (Grandpa from "The Waltons"), and the late Pete Duel ("Alias Smith and Jones") all do a good job in their rolls.

Of course, Gene Wilder is the star (as the "Scarecrow") and he is very sweet indeed. Interesting to watch, if you can find it. I'm glad I did!
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Chasers (1994)
OK -- I've seen worse.
9 December 2002
This was a so-so movie. Not really great, but entertaining enough. Don't expect much -- just expect to be mildly entertained. It's basically an "on the road" film, where the two male leads are transporting a female prisoner (Eleniak) in a run-down van, and she takes every opportunity to escape. Much hilarity ensues. OK, it's not *that* hilarious, but mildly amusing hilarity ensues, once in a while.

Eleniak is lovely, her acting is OK. Her character is sympathetic up to a point, even though she does pull some very vexing antics! However, her stunning figure and much-discussed breasts (in the nude scene) are not enough to elevate this film beyond so-so.

McNamara is baby-faced and his character is somewhat irritating as a two-bit scam artist and love interest for Ms. Eleniak. I didn't particularly care for his character. His romance with Eleniak wasn't developed well and he was only a somewhat sympathetic character.

Berenger does well in his role as a grumpy, gravel-voiced superior officer. While I am inclined to be a fan of Berenger, I don't always like everything he does. And, alas, sometimes his looks get a little on the seedy side -- but not in this film. He looks pretty good, and his character is kind of fun (in a crabby kind of way).

Some nudity and profanity earn this film a R rating. It's a fairly enjoyable film, just don't expect much. If you are a fan of any of the main stars, you might enjoy this film especially.
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Delightfully hilarious!
5 November 2002
A humorous spoof on all the western cliches that we all know too well from old westerns. Berenger is fantastic because he plays it straight -- he doesn't try to yuk it up or overdo his role. He lets the humor of his role and his situation create the comedy.

One of those movies that you'll see over and over, and will discover something new and funny each time. A new subtle sight gag, and new funny line -- there's a lot here to enjoy! Let it sink in!
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Hardball (2001)
Wonderful film!
25 September 2001
This film just hit the spot for me. I wanted a "feel good" movie, and this film delivered.

Sure, it is a formula movie. Sure, I could predict when certain elements would happen. But it didn't matter. It had enough surprises, and enough twists to keep me engrossed. And it sure had plenty of heart. It had a sense of humor, blended with suspense and drama. Rather "gritty", but that is part of why it is a bit unique, and more effective.

Keanu Reeves does just fine in this role. He really can pull off the hopeless loser. He's quite good. Diane Lane is also great, and just lovely. The kids are wonderful - all of them.

I wasn't all that enchanted with the kids' foul language, but it fits in with the context of the plot.

If you are looking for a "feel good" movie that has a little more depth (and not quite so many clichés that other "formula" movies might) then this film is the one to watch. A true delight. My 76 year old (somewhat "prudish") mom loved it. She's become quite a Keanu Reeves fan, (because of this movie, and also "Walk in the Clouds").
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Soldier (I) (1998)
I'm a little ashamed of how much I liked it!
22 November 1999
I really liked this film. I consider it one of my "guilty pleasures" - I'm just embarrassed a little to admit that I enjoyed it. I *knew* it was supposed to be pretty bad, so my expectations were low. I just was in a Kurt Russell "mood" when I rented it. I was so shocked at how much I liked it! Don't get me wrong - it is no Oscar contender. I am a big science fiction fan, and I would not consider it a classic. But, it struck a chord for me.

Russell was wonderful. A total departure for him. He was able to express so much with such evocative expressions, and little dialog.

The plot is slim - lots of action, lots of cliches, and quite corny, when you think of it. But - hey. What the hell. It just *worked* for me. It had many plot themes that I really liked. I even showed it to my (rather squeamish) 75 year old mom, and she *really* liked it also, despite the comic-book action and violence.

I have to add, the musical score was pretty good, and I did appreciate the art direction. (The alien landscape was quite pretty.)

If you watch this movie with the mindset that it is not going to knock your socks off, but is rather going to be a few hours of science fiction fun, you probably will not be disappointed.
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