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Archer: Placebo Effect (2011)
Season 2, Episode 9
Hilarious - and creepy
11 February 2024
Yes, this is an animated show, but everything in it is so well constructed - the characters, the weapons, the vehicles - the buildings, that you almost forget that once in a while. This is one of those episodes. Somebody who was involved in writing this ep. Must have experienced this horrific storyline at some point, either that or they did extensive reading about the whole subject. At any rate they managed to combine pathos, horror, over the top violence, sex, (fake) drugs and numerous references to so many other 80's/90's TV shows and movies that you need a scorecard to keep track - and it was all so gloriously presented, as usual.
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Two movies for the price of one.
18 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First, a couple of things. I realize this is a Godzilla movie and you have to suspend belief in, well, everything. Second, I don't think I've ever experienced a movie that took such a 180 midstream in my long, movie going life.

The movie starts great. Kamikaze pilot ends up on South Pacific island for plane repair/refueling (?) and ends up being there when the big guy shows up and almost wipes the island and all of it's military off the face of the earth. The kamikaze and another guy survive but the pilot, because of his job choice (remember, kamikaze pilots don't get a pension plan) ends up being shunned by almost everyone back in Tokyo when he gets back there after the war. All the things you've read and heard about the honor of the kamikaze must be true because this guy is shunned to the max because, well, he's still alive. Fast forward a few years and he meets a woman who is raising an orphan, he gets a job cleaning bombs out of Tokyo harbor and his girlfriend also gets a job. He builds a small house, he has a few bucks, he has friends, he has a girlfriend - things are looking up. - except for these horrific dreams he gets often about his island encounter with Big G a few years before. These dreams are tearing him apart. He can't even tell if he's alive or just living a dream or whether his girlfriend is a dream also. Of course Godzilla picks just them to show back up, tear up Tokyo, kill thousands and show off his new 'heat wave' weapon, which is basically a nuclear blast that GZ can direct at something close by and basically just vaporize it. That's a nutshell of the first 70-80 minutes of the flick.

The last 45 minutes of the movie? No government military can help (???) so pretend the 3 Stooges are put in charge of destroying this beast. They go to Acme Supply Corp. And concoct the most convoluted, crazy scheme that's so off the wall that I doubt Wile E. Coyote would have used it. Add to that the very end 5 minutes which is basically a Hallmark clip show and you have a very good monster movie that touched on some interesting facets of depression, guilt and grief and turn it into a bad Warner Brother Looney Tune. So, 9 stars for the first 80 minutes of the movie, and zero for the last 40 minutes. Let's just call it 5 stars over all. I liked the little orphan girl best, after Godzilla.
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McQ (1974)
An old, old man trying to be Clint.
14 November 2023
Even getting into a drive-in theater to see this for free wasn't enough for me to like it. From what I can remember - and I can remember only seeing this movie once in it's entirety almost 50 years ago - John Wayne screamed old man, which my girlfriend at the time mentioned a lot as we watched this flick. It was laughable watching him try to squeeze himself in and out of that Pontiac, walk or even run for more than a few seconds and act like a 'ladies man' which is the one thing he could never do, even in his 20's let alone in this movie when he was at medicare age. At any rate, you should always know when to 'hang it up' whether you're a pro sports figure, singer or old cowboy movie star. Wayne was operating on one lung by this time from decades of his 3 pack a day habit and the other lung was wracked with COPD. If he wanted to continue working, or trying to work, while his body was basically falling apart that's his business. Unfortunately for his fans, and I was sort of one when I was younger, watching this ultimate macho man try to act like he did decades before was kind of sad. The shoot out at the end is the best part of the film as far I'm concerned, so keep that FF button handy, because the rest of this movie is just 'meh'
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The Killer (2023)
Not as good as I thought it would be
12 November 2023
With Fassbender in the lead and Fincher at the helm I was expecting a cut or two above the ordinary. That never really happened. The very long set-up scene at the beginning of the movie is a VERY long set-up scene. Fassbender spends the whole time giving his thoughts on, well, just about everything in life. If you just listen to what he says when he's talking about the rules he follows as a professional killer you'll know what's going to happen the rest of the movie. When that scene ends you're still pretty much in the dark but you sure know how he feels about a lot of stuff, most of it meaningless. Anyway, the movie had a budget of $175M which seems like an awful lot for this type of movie, but it was filmed all over the world and everything cost more now after Covid so I guess $175M is the norm now. Besides, Netflix can afford it.

I can say that on more than one occasion I said to myself 'Huh, I didn't expect that' so in that regard it was a nice diversion from the usual by the numbers unstoppable hired assassin movie, so there was that. In other scenes though, you get the usual shots of the hired killer who has a closet or basement or secret room in his garage filled with guns and ammo and knives and cash and passports. You know the scene, you've seen it many times before. No problem with the acting, but the character that Fassbender plays is always going somewhere so he's made to act tired and since he's a very good actor he was making me tired just watching him. There's also a dog and the dog is a good actor too, but I guess when you're hired to play the part of a dog, and you're a dog, playing the part should be a snap.

I can't say I didn't like the movie, because I did, but Fassbender just seemed to be a teeny tiny bit 'off' in this role, which you know he can play if you've seen any of his work. Then again, he has taken the last 4 years off so maybe he's getting over something.
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Painkiller (2023)
Good - but could've been much better.
6 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Contains a few very, very tiny spoilers, nothing you won't see in the first 15 minutes... First, I did not see 'Dopesick' - yet. It slipped under my radar. I've actually just finished 'Fall of the House of Usher' which I thought was almost perfect. Both of these shows dealt with the same subject, evil pharmaceutical companies.

There are a few small problems but not enough to warrant not watching. Some of the acting may have been a bit over the top, but. That was offset by great work from Matthew Broderick and, of all people, Taylor Kitsch. The fact that they led off every episode with heart-wrenching testimony from the loved ones of people who died from the drug was a good call. Unfortunately, when the loved ones spoke they started off their speech by basically saying everything being said or portrayed or shown was, or at least could've, been altered to fit the narrative. You've heard the disclaimers before, they're usually quite vague. This disclaimer seemed very specific, which for me gave the producers carte blanche to change facts to fit their narrative. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure almost all of this happened, just not the way it was portrayed - and I have a feeling it was changed to bolster their story a bit too much. At any rate, that leads to my main complaint, there was just no nuance or subtlety in the story. You didn't need a program to tell the good guys from the bad, the filmmakers left no doubt. Quite often the best part of a series like this is forming your own opinion about how meetings turned out, who said what and why did things turn out that way? This left no questions, it answered everything, no reading between the lines. And if anything seemed too confusing, Matthew Broderick would just have a conversation with his dead relative. Now, on to Dopesick....
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Mel Brooks didn't write this
11 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First off, and most importantly, this is bad. Mostly geared toward 6th grade boys and people who really, really like very dumb, not funny, stereotypical Jewish humor, 98% of the jokes fall flat. Even if they were 'groan worthy' they'd be funny, but they're just not.

Now, the part that I've noticed that so many people stated in their reviews, I don't think Mel Brooks wrote very much, if any, of this. If you look at the credits at the end they credit all of the writing to Mel AND every single person who acted in all of the sketches. I sort of envision it as 'here's a story, General Grant from the Civil War was a drunk - let's go with that!" Now this can probably be funny if the jokes were even slightly original, but they're not - nothing is. It's as if all the people in the sketch (generally always Ike Barenholtz) were asked what they thought was funny, then they took all of the suggestions, picked the worst ones, and used those. Mainly because of this I can't 'blame' this fiasco completely on Brooks, it was a group effort.
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Once you start watching it's hard to stop
28 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First, to all of the reviewers who have complaints about why certain things were included (do we really need to hear Yoko 'sing'?) and why, like I'm wondering, why wasn't Billy Preston - who's such a massive part of 'Get Back' especially when they're on the roof - why very little of him playing the keyboard? That's all a decision that Peter Jackson had to make while editing over 56 hours of video and I'm sure he thought long and hard about every second of film we ended up seeing. Whether he even had video of Preston playing or perhaps he had hours of Yoko singing, it was his choice what to include it or not.

Next, if you're going to watch this to hear complete, polished Beatles songs, you'll be severely disappointed. Except for the last 45 minutes or so on the roof of Apple HQ in London there's not a complete song in the 7+ hours - and that's sort of the point.

You quickly realize what you've suspected all along even as a casual Beatles fan, Ringo is the drummer - period, George is the guitar player - sometimes lead, sometimes rhythm or slide - and he writes some material which is SOMETIMES worked on and brought to fruition, but more often than not it's given a chance then basically forgotten about, left to die on the vine, possibly to be included on a future LP. That of course leaves John and Paul. Being a casual fan myself and having listened to the Beatles since they were on Sullivan in the early 60's I always assumed that Paul and John were more or less equals. Be honest, most of the Beatles songs that made the group famous were on albums that came out in the 60's and carried the names 'written by Lennon/McCartney'. I'm not sure if it was a conscientious decision by Jackson to cut the film the way he did, but Paul quickly establishes himself as the alpha male in the group hands down. When record company executives or any 'suits' entered the studio they immediately head over to Paul to ask the question, make the comment or solicit an answer - and Paul never defers to anyone else. Perhaps it's because this has been happening for over a decade since the group was formed, the others perhaps have gotten into a habit of just saying 'ask Paul' because Paul will generally have the answer. The other obvious fact is, which they delve into a bit, is the fact that by this time (early 1969) John and Paul have been writing together for about 15 years, they know how the other one thinks because they've done it for so long and have been so incredibly successful at it that everyone knows they're in charge. I believe the only reason John seems slightly throttled in some scenes is because he constantly - yes, constantly - has Yoko sitting/standing within 3 inches of him. I don't mean he doesn't love her or anything like that, it's just that he has to divide his time slightly between the music and her which I think takes away from his creativity a bit and therefore makes his a slightly less forceful power in the band, which then elevates Paul to the top. Yes, I realize that the other members of the band also have their wives and sometimes children there, but not to the extent that Yoko is shadowing John in every scene. Also, what the hell is Yoko doing in some of the early scenes, balancing her checkbook? It honestly looks like she's doing some sort of bookkeeping - looking through papers, taking notes, writing in what looks like a check book. Very strange.

I also loved the look and sound of the documentary. Obviously it's 2021 and the ability - especially to someone like Jackson - to take some 50+ year old video and film and make it look as though it was recorded with top of the line equipment in near razor sharp 4K with accompanying 9-2 sound is just phenomenal. I do have a nice basement theater and this 7.5 hours looked and sounded stunning from beginning to end.

I was also impressed by the way sound was added to some scenes that didn't quite include the same sound that was shown on film but a different version of it. Does that make sense? Remember, the source material for this was 50+ hours of video but 150+ hours of sound recording. You can tell on some scenes where the song doesn't quite match the lips but perhaps the sound on the video was junk and they just replaced with another take. At any rate it's noticeable but not in a bad way.

All told this is a fascinating look at one of the most - if not the most - powerful and influential group of musicians to ever record anything and it's right before they broke up for good. Though Paul was only 26 and George was only 25, mere weeks before his 26th birthday, they accomplished more in 6/7 years than any other band before or since had done. And in what would now seem like the blink of an eye in a musical time line it was over.
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Westworld (2016–2022)
Well, it was interesting....
11 June 2018
I'm not going to try to review 'Westworld' now since it's nearing the end of it's second season, but I just wanted to make a quick statement. If you liked other J.J. Abrams influenced/written/produced series such as 'Alias' or 'Lost' you'll undoubtedly love this show. If you watched those other shows I mentioned into the second season and then basically said 'hey, wait a minute, all they've done during this second season is ask questions without giving answers and shown confusing and uninteresting story lines.' All of which seem irrelevant, like filler, and done their best to confuse viewers ("wait, wasn't he shot and killed last season??") hoping that those viewers would stick around for another season or two or three in anticipation of some mind-blowing revelation after 5 seasons, you'll be disappointed again. Sorry, not this time. The 'pay off' was never worth the wait during 'Lost' or 'Alias' and I'm sure it won't be for 'Westworld' either. I'm going to predict right now that everyone and everything in Westworld is robotic, from birds to hosts, to Hemsworth, to Hopkins, to horses - everything. I don't really care about my toaster or microwave, and after 15 episodes or so I don't care about the robots or 'people' of Westworld either.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
Give it at least 3 episodes - you won't be disappointed!
24 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First off, science fiction is probably my favorite genre of TV and movies, but that won't make this reviewed biased - this is really a well done TV show. The look and feel of the show, the scenes in space, on the various space ships, on the various asteroids and planets, are excellent, very believable. With most sci-fi movies you have to completely suspend your belief in reality to get into the movie or TV show because everything that happens on the screen is so crazy, wild and unbelievable that you know it can't happen. Think any movie by Marvel - they're not bad, just impossible to believe this could ever happen. Not so with 'The Expanse'. It doesn't take too much imagination to believe that in the next 200 years or so people from Earth are traveling between the Earth and Mars, or Ceres and Ganymede. They don't travel at 'light speed' or 'warp speed' but they do get there fast, just not faster than the speed of light. The main driving force of the story, which like almost all good stories, can be broken down to 'good versus evil'. The fun is trying to figure out just who is 'good' and who is 'evil'. I've watched all but the last 2 eps of the second season and I'm still getting surprised by some of the things that are happening. Granted, you know that certain events are steering you in one direction (if an asteroid/spacecraft crashes on Venus it'll be vaporized, and everything in it will burn up - right??) but you can also pretty much figure out quickly that that isn't what's going to happen. Now, the few problems I have with the show - none of which are deal breakers. The show starts slow. As with most TV shows or movies that start out as books (or a series of books in this case) there's a massive amount of information, scenes, characters and whole worlds that have to be introduced before you can get to the main 'meat' of the story. A writer can devote a whole 400 page book to slowly do this, in a TV show you've got maybe one 45 minute episode to accomplish this. Although you're more than rewarded later on, especially in season 2, getting there takes 2 or 3 episodes. Some of the actors are great. I don't think Jared Harris, so perfect in 'Mad Men', has ever turned in a bad performance. Even Thomas Jane is passable as the over the hill cop with a chip on his shoulder. I haven't read the books, but Jane seems about 5 years too old to play his part, plus he's too small. It just seems like the guy playing Miller should be a touch larger and a bit younger. The rest of the actors are all workman like in their various parts. They have a job to do and they do it well, not Oscar worthy or Emmy winning, but passable. Unfortunately the whole storyline with the UN ambassador on Earth is a mess. Bad acting, some very incomprehensible dialog, and poor casting choices. I like Shohreh Aghdashloo, she's the definite 'go to' actress when you need an exotic, Middle Eastern/Indian, 50 something cop/bad wife/rich foreign oil heiress. Here, she's completely out of her element. Her accent is so thick (it's her real accent) that easily 20% of what she says is incomprehensible. She's also called on to be a bad a** and to swear, dropping a few f bombs from time to time, which she absolutely can't do. I don't know if she's just apprehensive about cursing, or saying those words in such a thick accent, but when she says those things she sounds more laughable than tough, and tough is what she's going for. She doesn't work for me, not in that part. Plus her mole, the sort of bald guy she hired in the second season, is just a bad actor. I can imagine his part being much larger in the book, but here it's just condensed into quick one and two sentence blurbs. Hopefully people will check out this great show. Please don't simply dismiss it as a cheesy ScFy POS movie of the week with grade school CG effects and no story, just give it 2-3 episodes to set the story and then sit back and enjoy. You won't be disappointed.
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Young Sheldon (2017–2024)
It's exactly what it says it will be - without a laugh track
26 September 2017
I'm sort of amazed at people who watched the show and then say things like 'I love Sheldon on BBT, but this kid is an obnoxious little jerk!' Right - and so is adult Sheldon Cooper. Face it, his whole character (and most of the characters on the show) have gotten their laughs from the fact that they were basically put into 'fish out of water' scenarios. Youngish guys who are super nerds and slowly find a way to interact with the opposite sex without completely making a fool of themselves. Leonard did it, married Penny, that took what - 7 years? 8 years? Raj did it, started talking in front of women without being drunk and now seems to juggle 2 or 3 woman each season. Howard did it, yet Sheldon never figured this out. An extremely smart guy who still, after a decade, is still making the most hurtful, obnoxious, out of place, deceitful comments and actions towards people who simply continue to be his friend! Be honest, how many of you would still even be talking to him, - let a lone be friends with him - after all of the horrible things he's said and done? And evidently he's been doing this his whole life. And he never learns. He never figures out how much he hurts people, how inappropriate his words and actions are - which is just like what young Sheldon is doing, and I'm sure will continue to do. I used to like BBT but I stepped watching several seasons ago mainly because of Sheldon and also because once everyone found girlfriends - got married - had kids, the show just became another basic studio sitcom - and not a very good one. And since 'Young Sheldon' has no laugh track to cue people what's funny, this show has one strike against it already. The next strike is the fact that it's about young Sheldon Cooper, an obviously mentally troubled adult. Strike three? The kid playing Sheldon has zero charisma - he's just not likable.
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Raising Dad (2001–2002)
Brie Larson
8 March 2017
I remember this show because my son would go on and on about the, um, physical attributes of Kat Denning and how hot she was, a girl that was about his age. I remember the show was kinda' funny but Kat wasn't much of an actress and the rest of the cast was just ordinary, except for the youngest daughter. She was very good and was easily the best actor on the show - which makes sense since it was Oscar winner Brie Larson playing the part.
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The Outer Limits: Sandkings (1995)
Season 1, Episode 1
Not a good adaptation of an amazing story
18 November 2014
I've read this short story/novella several times and it's always been enthralling. Pacing, characters, setting, everything. Just something that George RR Martin penned decades before Game of Thrones. The TV episode of Outer Limits that is supposedly based on 'Sandkings' is really a sad treatment of a great story. To be honest I haven't seen the episode in years but I can still remember the excitement and anticipation I had waiting for the episode to first air and then the complete disappointment when I actually viewed it and thought to myself "What the heck was that?" The despair and loneliness, the utter horror, the creepiness, the style, basically everything that made the story great was missing from the TV episode. All I can say is, do yourself a favor and read the story before (or instead of) viewing the TV episode. You won't be disappointed.

Also, the story itself is not very long (maybe 35 - 40 pages?) and should be available free online. Check it out.
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Fringe: Over There: Part 1 (2010)
Season 2, Episode 22
13 May 2010
I tolerate a show like 'Lost' mainly because I liked the first couple of years. I'll admit I strayed a bit during season 2-3 because quite frankly I didn't give a d**n about anybody on the island. The show was just going around in boring, endless circles. No so with 'Fringe'. If anything, I'm MORE interested now than I was a year and a half ago when the show first came on the air. Do they try and copy a bit from 'X-Files'? Da*n right they do, and they're proud of it. They don't even try to hide it, they put Mulder and Scully on TV in the background of some of the shots. And it works perfectly. Is the continued storyline difficult to follow. Not really, because they answer most of the questions each episode and don't leave you hanging from year to year wondering if someone is God or the devil or if they're dead (I'm looking at you again 'Lost') or anything like that. They do leave some mystery from week to week but just enough to keep you wanting more, not so much that you get pi88ed off and don't come back though. I realize I haven't really said anything about this particular episode but if you haven't seen the show at all you can't possibly start watching now and if you do watch the show you're in for one more excellent episode written by Orci, Pinkner, Wyman et al. What a great show and an amazing episode! Now, what happened to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan??
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Wrong 29 Palms
11 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I set the old Tivo to record 29 Palms a couple of nights ago. It was on at 3:00 AM on Sundance and it looked kind of interesting with Rachel Leigh Cook and Michael Rapaport and a heist and a bag of money. Unfortunately what I got was this, Twentynine Palms. After a minute or two I realized somebody had made a mistake with the movie description so I FF'd for a few minutes but then fell asleep from the dialogue. When I woke up they were in the desert and the girl was covering the guys dong with her hand as they slept out in the desert naked. I FF'd through most of the rest of it but I'm still trying to figure out how they didn't turn red and fry out there in the desert. I would've been burnt to a crisp in ten minutes. I guess it's a good thing she covered up his junk - I imagine a sunburn there would be extremely painful.
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LolliLove (2004)
29 March 2006
One of the most scathing, crude, funny, spot on satires I've ever seen. If you're looking for the darkest of satire unencumbered by a big studio that try's to be PC about everything this is the movie for you. Take time out to watch the outtakes, deleted scenes and all of the extras on the DVD. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard. Fantastic.How they got everyone together without laughing long enough so they could complete this is a feat I'll never be able to do. Just the idea for the movie, passing out lollipops covered in wrappers that contain uplifting phrases and inspirational paintings - and then thinking that this will in some small way help homeless people, is inspired. Truly unique - and hilarious.
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King Kong (2005)
Less is more
14 December 2005
While the actual vision of the ape King Kong is fantastic and the look of old NY and the various settings on the island and in the forest is breathtaking, the movie only rates a 7. I know you have to develop your characters, but these characters have been around for more than 70 years. Most people have at least an idea who the main characters are - and most of the ones introduced in this movie were just fodder for Kong anyway. Cut the first hour down to 30 minutes, better yet 20. Or even better than that, use a few more minutes to develop the relationship between Brody and Watts.

Jack Black was not a good choice for Carl Denham. I've seen him in too many movies where's he's played a whacked out sidekick (High Fidelity, Orange County, Mars Attacks) or just a sort of whack-o (pick any of his other movies). But in those movies he's always tried to be a funny whack-o, here he's just called on to be a driven, maniacal, serious movie director and it doesn't work.

In LOTR Jackson could put anything on the screen and you'd believe it, it was total fantasy and there was no right or wrong, light or dark - everything was in your imagination. In KK, when Kong is attacked by 3 T-Rexs' you expect him to get a little banged up, especially when they're trying to tear his arm off in almost every scene. But no, he comes out of that scrape with little more than a few cuts. Yet in the naxt reel he's shot with a harpoon and he drops within seconds. I guess he was worn out from fighting the dinosaurs. Unfortunately there are several examples like this (Why was that ship still afloat? How did Kong get aboard?) in the movie.

I know, the island is full of surprises. Does that mean we have to see Jack Black in a long close-up with a surprised look on his face every 15 minutes? And if not him Naomi Watts. Surprised close-ups were too numerous to count.

It just didn't seem like anybody liked anybody else in this movie. I felt nothing between Watts and Brody, nothing between Jack Black and anybody, and not a whole lot between Watts and Kong. Although she is a real woman and he (it?) is a CGI blob of pixels added long after the original shot was filmed. So I guess I should cut her some slack.

See the movie, you decide. But if you're going in expecting anything on the scale and emotion of LOTR, or the early Star Wars you will be disappointed
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Paycheck (2003)
Oh my God was this a bad flick!
26 December 2003
One of the worst movies I've seen in a long time. Ben is one of the most vacant, wooden, expressionless actors to ever grace the big screen. He writes a great script, he dates some hot women - but the man just can't translate any emotion from the script to the screen. And speaking of scripts...did anybody read this one? I don't care if it is a few years in the future, they'd never let two strangers just walk into a high school, stroll into a lab and then allow them to start using a microscope! And why do all of the shipping containers that they race through have no back ends on them? And during said chase seen can we try for just a LITTLE continuity in the weather instead of sunny then cloudy then wet streets then dry all within the same few seconds? And why give up the money to begin with to then just reaquire it at the end? And why did Uma look so bad through most of the movie? And are there any two people who have less chemistry than Ben and Uma (OK, Matt and Franka in 'Bourne'), And why don't people who are trying to kill people just shoot them when they have a chance instead of concocting some elaborate, inane plot that gives the opposition plenty of time to concoct an equally implausable escape? And Woo! Get rid of the goddam dove! What a waste of film - not one single character that I gave a damn about. BTW, I didn't want to see this but everything else was sold out at the AMC 30.
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Scooby-Doo (2002)
It's Scooby Doo, not Citizen Cane - give it a shot.
16 June 2002
I've been reading about this movie on various movie/entertainment sites for the last 16 months. Very few, if any, gave it a positive review. Generally most thought Freddie Prinze Jr. was a poor (and I'm being kind here) choice to play Fred. It's not true, FP Jr. is a perfect choice, he's pretty much a cartoon anyway - why not put him in the lead? As a matter of fact the casting of this movie is some of the best I've ever seen. The cast 'gets it', it's only a cartoon come to life! Matt Lillard is a great Shaggy, Buffy is perfect as the femme fatale Daphne and Linda Cardellini couldn't be better as the brains, Velma. Actually, the casting of Linda Cardellini as Velma may be the only mistake of the movie, not because of her acting abilities (she's fantastic), no - she's TOO GOOD LOOKING! Anyway, if you want to see 90 minutes of funny, harmless, Saturday morning cartoon non sense give this movie a shot - you'll be surprised. But remember, it's only a cartoon aimed at the 6 - 13 year-old demo, that's all. Just have fun, because that's what this movie is.
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Dying to Live (1999 TV Movie)
Any movie with both Linda Cardellini AND Shannon Elizabeth has two good things going for it right away.
19 May 2002
OK, I'll admit it, I'd drink Linda Cardellini's bath water if she wanted me to, so this review might be a bit biased. All in all this flick is just 90 minutes of harmless fun with some decent acting, a few funny one liners from Jonathan Frakes and enough plot jogs (not quite twists) to keep you watching. Hayley Dumond gives an excellent performance as a HS girl who's life is cut short by the scheming, nasty Shannon Elizabeth. Jonathan Frakes, who plays an angel on a mission, arrives back on Earth to help her make the transition from her mortal life to her eternal life in the 'hereafter', but first he's got some work to do. Through his (Frakes) help, the real killer is finally caught and his work here on Earth is done. And if you've ever seen a movie or read a book that involves an angel returning to the 'mortal world' you can kind of figure out what's going to happen once all the clues fall in to place. Even if you figure it out ahead of time it's still an OK movie. Now, back to Linda Cardellini. In this flick she plays the cute, tough friend that she's played in a number of movies and TV shows already. If you've never seen her or experienced her work I'd advise getting a copy of the TV show 'Freaks and Geeks' - this woman is phenominal! Talented and heart-stoppingly beautiful, Ms. Cardellini can convey more emotion with her facial expression than most actors can get from five pages of dialog. She is truly amazing. Keep your eye on her, 'Scooby Doo' not withstanding, she is a tremendous talent. All in all, 'Dying to Live' is an interesting little made for TV movie made all the more watchable because of two female leads that you'll be seeing a lot more of in the future. Now, if Shannon Elizabeth could just act...
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Traffic (2000)
Absolutely riveting from beginning to end!
19 February 2001
This whole movie, from the use of the different color filters used to color the film (or videotape) to the razor sharp script,or to the actors who deliver those lines flawlessly, is by far the best movie I've seen in the last 12 months. Everything fits together so perfectly and each and every performance is so natural and exact that it would be hard to imagine this movie NOT winning every award it has been nominated for. A movie that frightens you because it is real, things like this do happen - and they happen each and every day. If you appreciate excellent work by all involved in the film industry - this is the best movie of the year - sorry all you 'Gladiator' fans.
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