
6 Reviews
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Flawed. Oh, so flawed
10 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I was very disappointed in a number of aspects of this movie. First, since we're now in the 21st Century, let's present both sides of an issue and let people decide. This movie fails. The Crusades are presented as solely due to a desire for 'fame, fortune, and power' on the part of the Crusaders. No mention is made of the earlier invasions of Europe on the part of Muslims.

Leaving this aside, though, Kingdom of Heaven has some very serious flaws.

*** CONTAINS SPOILERS*** - Just how does Balian become a knight? Knighthood wasn't an overnight process- it was taught from childhood. Swordsmanship, wearing of armor, horsemanship and other areas took years to learn.

  • OK, let me understand this. The ship sinks and Balian somehow, while unconscious, manages to hold onto a sword.

  • Even more unlikely, the ship sinks and there just happens to be a section large enough to hold a horse, which somehow manages to reach land upright.

  • The Muslim forces somehow manage to build multiple ballistas in what appears to be the space of HOURS?! - While the Knights Templar certainly DID exist, they weren't near the force (in terms of numbers) portrayed in the movie.

  • When Balian returned to France, why wasn't he arrested for the MURDER of the priest? End of spoilers** All in all, a disappointing movie. Glad I didn't pay 'full price' for it, and one I won't be adding to my collection.
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MythBusters (2003–2018)
Great show!
27 December 2004
Mythbusters is one of my 'don't miss it' programs.

I don't think I've ever seen quite the talent for destruction that Adam & Jamie share. Nearly every episode has to feature a myth involving things blowing up, or shattering into thousands of pieces. And I LOVE it!

Their enjoyment for what they do, whether seen in Adam's nearly boundless enthusiasm, or in Jamies much more controlled attitude, along with the well-known & lesser-known myths that are proved or 'busted' each week make Mythbusters a winner.

Highly entertaining, and educational.
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Airwolf (1987)
29 June 2004
I'd enjoyed the original series in college. I'd 'save' the TV in the lounge for it, even if I had to be there for 4 or 5 hours just watching other things.

But when 'Airwolf II' came out, I found other things to do instead. A friend of mine & I don't even soil the 'Airwolf' name by putting it with this show. We call it 'that show'.

Poor stories, worse special effects, and a hopeless ending to Dom & String. Caitlin? Well, she just disappeared.

Sometimes a show really is rescued by changing networks. Sadly, Airwolf wasn't one of them.
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Bubble Boy (2001)
Who else can we offend?
25 August 2001
What a waste of time, money, and film! This movie seems to set out to offend as many people as possible-people born with Primary Immunodeficiency and their families, Catholics, Hindus & Jews (and their faiths), as well as circus 'freaks' are all targets-directly or indirectly, just to name a few.

I'm just glad I didn't pay full price for this, and even seeing it at the $1.25 2nd run theater would be paying too much.
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Babylon 5 (1993–1998)
A great series
18 May 1999
J. Michael Straczynski's series Babylon 5 is a brilliantly written and directed masterpiece. Unlike many series, which wander aimlessly from episode to episode, B5 flows almost seamlessly from season to season. Characters make decisions that they sometimes regret, and change because of those regrets. Top this off with breathtaking special effects, and you have a series that is probably the best Science Fiction program of all time.
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Quantum Leap (1989–1993)
18 May 1999
Quantum Leap was one of the greatest Science Fiction series ever. A unique take on time travel, within the life of the "leaper" provided an endless supply of story lines. And not every story had to involve rich, powerful, or well-known people. So many stories could, and did, involve average Americans living their lives.
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