
7 Reviews
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I've seen bad reboots before....
1 February 2020
.... And this one isn't one of them. Whether it's considered a reboot, or straight sequel this movie is definitely the third best in the series. Definitely a massive improvement from Genysis, Salvation, and Rise of the Machines.
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The Office: Goodbye, Michael (2011)
Season 7, Episode 21
Now that is a send off....
29 November 2018
I'm surprised how emotional I got watching the episode... Which is a testament to the great writing and acting of everyone involved. Thank you for letting Pam catch up to Michael before he left!
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Hulk (2003)
Tried to do too much in one movie....
22 June 2003
Simple as that. It appeared the director and screenwriter attempted to go the "Spiderman" route and give you a great story, and then end the last half of the movie with great action. They got it half right. While the action was great (once it finally got there), it seemed the script was too rushed, the dialogue too forced, and character interaction to generic. I can understand wanting to give the moviegoer as much information as you can about Banner's/Hulk's origin, too much was forced in one sitting. Maybe it's not the director's fault more so than the editor who should have paced the story better. Well I give it a 5 out of 10 (and that's because I love the Hulk comics).
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Quite possibly the best movie ever....
22 January 2001
There's not really much to say about this movie visually it was stunning, the plot was very believable and engrossing and the fighting scenes were examples of cinematic excellence. Please if you have not seen this movie, do yourself a favor and go see it today.

A perfect 10 out of 10.

Thanks Ang Lee
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Shaft (2000)
19 June 2000
Very good movie with a nice plot, well thought out action sequences, numerous humorous moments and great dialoge between characters. My friend and I were amazed with the amount of funny quotes that we will be using for months to come. I've been hearing that critics have been blasting the movies for lack of sexual conquest that Shaft had. Well that shows how much the critics don't know. This was a good film that decided not to be a blackploitation film and I'm happy for it. So go out and see a movie that I gave 10 out of 10 stars.

Remember he'll put you down but he'll never let you down....

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Scream 3 (2000)
Good end to a Great Trilogy.....
5 February 2000
Where do I begin? I really went into this movie thinking that it would be horrible. Why? No Randy, but to my surprise, the Scream crew more than made up for no Randy by having a humorous script, funny characters, and enough "who dun it" to keep everyone guessing. Plus the cameos will in the movie make it also worth the price of admission (J&S.B.). So trust me, if you enjoyed Scream 1 and was pissed at Scream 2, you'll luv Scream 3.

Happy Screaming.
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If you're not a true fan you wouldn't understand
20 May 1999
I'm a fan of of the Star Wars series. Not a follower, not a fanatic, or a fanboy, a fan. So when I started hearing the reviews being put out by critics, I started to second guess my pre-purchase of the my tickets. But let me tell you, when I sat down in my seat and started to actually see the masterpiece that Mr. Lucas put together I can tell you it is one of the greatest movies every made. Not the greatest, but one of the greatest. What the critics don't seem to understand is that Phantom Menace was meant to be a beginning, and to let us know where all the events from episodes IV-VI came from. So all I can say to those who have not seen it is, go in with a open mind of just seeing a movie, not a spectacular movie event, not a phenomenom, just a movie and I promise you will come out satisfied and astounded what Mr. Lucas has put together for our enjoyment.
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