
13 Reviews
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Meteor (1979)
Was there K-YJelly in that Mud???
7 April 2021
Fantastically fun, epic and suspenseful with top-drawer actors, solid performances, serviceable effects and a genuine sense of foreboding till the 11th hour calamities! If you can't manage to step out of your own couch-bound entitlement to cherish a quality, cheesy yet stoically serious disaster flick like Meteor then rest assured you're sunk and should just pack it in. Despite its faults, Meteor TOWERS over most of the newer, would-be disaster flicks drowning in buckets full of crap CGI any day of the week. Why? Because Meteor boasts HANDS-ON movie-making and special effects which is how movies were meant to be made friends. CGI will never compete, and before you let your visual senses become so utterly poisoned thinking 'CGI is the norm'.... do yourself a favor and snap out of it! Movie going and especially movie making needs a major wake up call, and movies like Meteor, Earthquake, Dino's '76 King Kong, Poseidon Adventure and The Towering Inferno are the real inspirations here.
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Brutally Eerie, Breathtaking & Cautionary...
25 August 2020
A HUGE standing ovation here! 👏👏👏 This new 4th 'City of Angels' series has not only transcended & elevated the 'Penny Dreadful' legacy, it has pushed it to even greater heights, where it's actually got people THINKING, (a trait clearly lost on a great many Americans at the moment including a substantial number of morons on this very page!) Just as in days gone by, the spirits of 'Empathy' and 'Chaos' are constantly at work, here the parallels to today are startling, disturbing, and will hit you directly in the heart. (provided you still have one, and your soul hasn't been fried beyond repair.) The writing, the characters, the cinematography, the pitch perfect orchestral score, the ethereal/supernatural quality... EVERY component of this gripping, exquisitely produced series is as epic as anything DeMille, Zanuck, Hawks, Welles or Wilder could have dreamed up! (not to mention is edgier and more boundary pushing than any of them probably thought they could get away with.) Rest assured they're ALL watching it from the other side and loving every minute of it. Can't wait to see how it all unfolds, of course now it's been announced it's done after 1 Season. A genuine travesty, and even more pathetic affirmation that many American viewers wouldn't know a high quality show if it bit them in the culo!
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Suspiria (I) (2018)
Educating Splatter Lovers Can Be Fun!
19 January 2019
Given Dario Argento's abysmal track record to produce anything of merit in the last 25 years or more, it's sad he seems so willing to go to the mat against director Luca Guadagnino's EPIC retelling of Suspiria. If that's actually how Argento feels I'll wager he may be insecure now because someone took his films threadbare plot, and visually opulent gore-fest and put some REAL meat on its bones. It's laughable how the word 'pretentious' keeps getting thrown around here. Is it because the remake sports a phenomenally gifted arsenal of female Thespians, admirably elevating an intelligent, meticulously crafted script that actually EXPLORES the world of dance, as well as other cultural/societal/oppressive ills in a way the other never attempted to do? Then SO BE IT. Well written scripts are not by definition pretentious. They can however challenge AN INTELLIGENT viewer to stretch their mental boundaries a bit. Argento didn't need to do that because that's not where his passions were, the fact someone now has is a credit to the subject matter, and the legacy of the original - even if they appeal to a markedly different type of audience. (another PLUS, if you ask me)
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Worth a watch, TO HELL with the naysayers...
25 November 2018
After many years of wondering what all the fuss was about, I was pleasantly surprised to see that 'Moment By Moment' is HUGELY undeserving of the critical lambasting it received. There are immense amounts of heart here and a desire to explore a kind of modern day 'West Side Story' relationship without the tragic, gut punch ending. This film is clearly a labor of love, and it astounds me how utterly predictable the American populace can be (and has repeatedly been) when it comes to cinematic ventures which are 'left' of center or don't necessarily fit the mold. Fie on the naysayers who would so viciously damn Jane Wagner, and of course Lily Tomlin herself who (despite taking a while to warm up to) shows she indeed has a breadth of ability, and acting street-smarts which FAR exceed many of her contemporaries. Lastly, John Travolta must be credited here for again bringing his signature swagger, and charming agility to Strip's in-your-face naiveté. This flick is worth the investment, TO HELL with what others may say.
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The Spell (1977 TV Movie)
SEEK THIS ONE OUT Not your typical 'Carrie' rip-off!
3 August 2018
This above average Carrie spin off has some truly excellent moments, many of which FAR exceed most of the made-for-TV Carrie homages that came around the pike after DePalma's epic supernatural horror fest! There's not a weak link in the bunch here, but Lee Grant is the hands-down stand out. Was so great to revisit her in this, as well as all the other supporting players. The clear and present attention to detail, and exploration of family dysfunction is what's really on display here. This script was written by GENUINE professionals, who understood the critical components and family dynamics at play amidst Grant, her 'gifted' (and semi-obese daughter, brilliantly played by Susan Myers) and the younger (favorite) sister Helen Hunt. These three powerful females are all vying for more than Daddy's love, but only one truly has got an axe to grind. When the gloves come off the spells get cast, the cutlery flies and the bodies burn, catapult and gurgle for air! Seek this one out, it's worth the time.
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Lost Horizon (1973)
Throwing Shade At This Film Says More About YOU, Than You Realize!
10 July 2018
Just watched, 'Lost Horizon.' Wow! Am intrigued by its history, and the apparent deluge of hostility that was not only projected at it commercially, but between Bacharach himself and his collaborative partner. It's ironic that a film trying to perpetuate a sense of good will, and enlighten folks to see past the traditional rat-race BS of life, would find itself so 'plagued' in its own right. Callousness, and apathy are the REAL culprits here. Believe it or not there's a LOT to like about 'Lost Horizon,' further Bert Bacharach and his collaborative partner Hal David never produced a single, bad piece of music. The wisdom perpetuated in this film, is LEGION. Be wary who you give your heart away to, friends. This film IS in many ways, like a SPECTACULAR crash, (of sorts) but to pigeonhole it 'merely' as a failure is WAY off base. What it IS, is a movie that plays BY ITS OWN RULES, and is produced with an INCREDIBLE VISUAL FLAIR, memorable tunes and charming choreography, and a sweeping scope that says "To Hell with the rest of you, who don't get us."
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Brimstone (2016)
Director needs to review classic cinema, and get some therapy...
24 December 2017
Judas Priest this is an infuriating film. Chiefly responsible for this are a host of visually compelling, masterfully constructed set designs, costumes, solid acting and cinematography that are thoroughly wasted here as this film plays host to some of the most moronically vile males and pathetically weak female characters ever seen on a screen. Brimstone goes WAY beyond being 'merely' misogynistic, It relishes in both torturing its wrongfully accused female protagonist, (Dakota Fanning) and robbing her of any discernible empowerment in virtually every single scene, dramatic arc, & plot twist as she fights to flee a menacing extremist bent on her eternal cleansing. Further, it's painfully obvious this film's producers are intent in manufacturing their own insidiously twisted, murky, and supremely ugly take on Christianity. Having been raised Mormon myself, I know only too well the pitfalls of the 'Fundamentalist agenda,' and yes organized religion in America has been plagued with rocky roads from the beginning. This film however simply tries too hard with sensationally unrealistic, abrupt story arcs which are far too 'agenda pushing' to be taken seriously. For several years I've relished in the beautiful Carice van Houton and her supremely gifted acting chops and must admit she was a primary draw for wanting to see this mess. Having waited for nearly an hour and a half before she appears, one can only surmise that a solid paycheck coupled with the chance to get beaten up by her current companion, co-star Guy Pearce (as the thoroughly one-note extremist bad-guy) must have harbored some allure because she is wasted here. This cinematic tripe also shamefully stoops to authentic, on camera animal slaughter. Clearly QUALITY scripts are getting harder and harder to come by. Many of todays' cinematic auteurs are not doing their homework by savoring the classics and learning what constitutes quality story telling. Instead they've chosen to skip it and barrel straight into a more unabashed propensity for cheap shots and shock value over all else. Shock value alone does not a quality film make. Ensuring EVERY SINGLE COMPONENT of your film is top drawer is pointless without a well written script, and some semblance of humanity.
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XX (2017)
Thumbs UP! Trust the women directors to leave us scratching our heads!
20 February 2017
Unlike many movie goers who clearly prefer to be spoon-fed their cinematic content, told what to think and how to feel, I have to applaud the makers of 'XX' for thinking outside the box and coming up with a truly original anthology film... It's no wonder this movie is igniting such a fevered, divisive reaction in viewers. I've only watched 'XX' once, (thus far) and let me tell you, certain chapters of this anthology definitely left me with questions, and you know what? That's okay! It's a supremely refreshing surprise to invest in some short narrative films that DON'T lay it all out in a neat, tidy, (albeit bloody) little box and call it good. This film ROCKS, and if you still have a brain and enjoy using it, 'XX' is one of the best horror anthologies to come around in a long time!
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The Hunger (1983)
Ebert's Review Is Way Off...
11 January 2016
With the passing of the legendary David Bowie, I can't help but ponder this phenomenal foray into 'Vampire eroticism 80's style.' Time has shown 80's films often don't hold up but Tony Scott's atmospheric feast is the exception for sure. Not a weak link in the bunch here as Susan Sarandon, Catherine Deneuve and David Bowie all converge to generate a tremendous amount of heat, and shed copious amounts of blood! Early reaction to this film was quite awful (ironically.) Only time, distance and revisiting a film many years later can determine how it will truly age. Am aghast at Roger Ebert's scathingly mean spirited review of this film, clearly he was satiating excesses of his own to really enjoy it. If you've not seen it, hunt it down immediately. Its lush, erotic, modern-day-noir feel, exquisite acting and perfect orchestral underscoring will haunt your senses long after viewing.
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Grace and Frankie (2015–2022)
Thoroughbreds hitting their stride...
18 May 2015
This show is quite simply one of the best things to come down the pike in some time. It does take a few episodes to get going, however you're going to be impressed with how the general energy from these noble Thespian icons gets better and better, they all really hit their stride around episode 4/5, and then WATCH OUT! The writing is excellent & incredibly funny, and WOW go figure characters we all can like and enjoy. Not a weak link in the bunch here, and Jane and Lily are pure GOLD together. Even in this day and age, it also feels as if some serious ground is being broken where 'touchy' subject matter is concerned. Now (as Lilly's character would say) go find your inner bliss, and tune in... you'll be glad you did!
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Lost River (2014)
The Heart Of Darkness
1 May 2015
Few indie films of late have more effectively captured the inescapable, haunting truth of urban decay in a narrative capacity the way 'Lost River' does. We may hear about it in the news, or occasionally see glimpses of it via online write-ups but are we really getting the whole story? Still, Lost River's eerie tale of a young man and his mother's desperate attempt to hold onto their rapidly decaying home gets under your skin. It's not the kind of story everyone will enjoy, some frankly won't have the stomach for it. Despite it sporting a supremely well written and directed script by Ryan Gosling - with visuals and cinematography that are breathtaking, hypnotic and cryptically gorgeous. The fact that corporate greed is literally wiping out entire towns across the United States is a reality some are just not going to be interested in, but that might be this film's central conceit.

The American Dream is slowly but surely turning into a sad, and devolved nightmare - governed by 'dark subcultures' which seem to be gaining momentum while murder, mass genocide, chaos and destruction continue to reign supreme. This is what's at the twisted heart of 'Lost River.' It also beautifully pays homage to Argento, Bava, Lynch, Tarkovsky and more. Some might feel inclined to make accusations that name actors like Barbara Steele are grossly underused. That may or may not be true, but I'd wager those folks are missing the point. If you're looking for a supremely bizarre, heady, visually striking foray into what some folks will do to hold onto their own little status-quos then this film is not to be missed.
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King Kong (1976)
A Benchmark For Cinema, & Dreammakers
23 March 2015
King Kong '76 serves as a colossal benchmark in the evolution of cinematic special effects and a damn amazing one at that and I absolutely relished seeing this in theaters several times. Credit must be paid to the jaw dropping craftsmanship that went into creating Kong's huge automatronic arms and fingers which oh so dramatically pluck Jessica Lange from that Skull Mountain sacrificial alter. Rick Baker's masterful prosthetic Gorilla make-up is incredibly emotive, and took make up effects to new heights of brilliance. Of course the 'Environmental Rape By Petrox' and the obvious parallels with kidnapping Kong off his native habitat are still as powerful today, as during the psychedelic 70's. Acknowledgment must also be given to John Barry's haunting, brilliant orchestral score which is second to none. Finally, where would we be without the brilliant cast of characters, including Jeff Bridges, Charles Grodin and a completely unknown Jessica Lange who manages a kick-ass performance and winds up one of America's most respected actors, Lest we not forget the tiny little detail that King Kong '76 also happened to be an enormous (if not critically lambasted) hit at the box office. Time has shown however, that the critical reaction was more in part to Dino DeLaurentiis's sheer audacious tenacity than the quality of the film itself. (That and the fact that he called Meryl Streep a pig in Italian, at her audition for the film. Not smart Dino.) In short, King Kong '76 has influenced myself and millions of other aspiring artists, actors, filmmakers and technicians more than I can say. Words seem inadequate. Between it and the never-to-be-topped 1933 original, these two are hands down the best of the bunch.
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11-11-11 (2011)
Satan Will Stupefy The Masses..
9 November 2011
Stupefy v 1: make dull or stupid; to muddle with drunkenness or infatuation syn: besot, stupefy 2: be a mystery or bewildering to: Sadly, there is no doubt some kind of evil that is rendering audiences utterly incapable of discerning a great fright flick, (like 11-11-11) from the banal, moronic, mind-numbing 'torture porn' garbage that has been littering our airwaves, and the minds of millions.

11-11-11 sports epic camera work & vivid, rich atmospheric cinematography, a blisteringly creepy score, scares a plenty, and some CREEPY AS HELL demons, with solid acting all around. I lost count of the number of times the hair stood up on the back of my neck whilst watching this. There is virtually nothing NOT to like about this fun fright flick, yet I am just dumbfounded at the response. It deserves MUCH better.
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