
14 Reviews
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Nothing like the book
7 January 2006
I watched this on Sky last night as there was nothing else on, and although I saw it through to the end, I was disappointed that it wasn't faithful to the book. It was as though they had used the name of the film, a few of the characters and a few other basic premises and then over-dramatised and Hollywood-ised it almost beyond recognition. Although I haven't seen it, I'm now keen to see the 1956 version if I can get hold of it, if you search the IMDb you will see it has a significantly higher rating. I would not waste my time watching this again unless perhaps there really was nothing else on - and even then I would be tempted to go out and hire something else.
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In a word - wow!
14 May 2005
I saw the Motorcycle Diaries with a friend on its final night, we'd been putting it off for a while and were glad we went. I was kind of expecting more of a road trip type of movie but it turned out to be much more than that. Although I was not really aware of Ernesto "Che" Guevara's political career I am now and this movie depicts what drove him to get involved in his chosen cause. Although I do not support communism I could definitely see how seeing the poverty and suffering of the poor in South America could galvanize a person into action. A few friends of mine have been to South America and have commented on the poverty they saw there, I guess this film was perhaps intended to be a social commentary as much as it was meant to be entertaining. In spite of all this heavier content there were still plenty of comic moments and conversation to be enjoyed as well. Definitely worth seeing.
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9 November 2004
See this New Zealand film - it probably won't make you laugh, it might bring you close to tears but see it anyway. This is small town New Zealand with a huge web of intrigue showing how through misunderstandings wrong conclusions with tragic consequences can occur. The breakdown of family relationships through communication problems is also highlighted, and I could relate it to my own experience where the death of a family member did not serve to bring the family closer together but broke us further apart.

But on the upside it's also about sharing dreams and goals and looking for something better than what your current setting can offer, whether that be small town Otago or middle Eastern trouble spots. There is some beautiful rugged New Zealand scenery to be enjoyed, although don't expect it on the same scale as in LOTR, it's more just the icing on the cake here.

Definitely see it if you can handle a moderate amount of swearing, violence, sex and drug use. If you're just looking for a laugh, don't see it.
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The Lost Prince (2003– )
Very moving story
22 June 2003
I was very touched by this, particularly as I have a family member who has a moderate degree of autism. It really showed how dedicated and under-appreciated the teachers and caregivers of "special needs" children are. Miranda Richardson gave a very fine performance as the Queen. Highly recommended.
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Temper's the one thing you can't get rid of by losing it
1 June 2003
I saw this with my cousin we were looking for something to make us laugh, and Anger Management definitely did deliver plus it can make you think. Definitely worth seeing if you want a comedy that also makes you think. The ending was good too, often I find a movie is OK up to a point and then the ending is flat - not this time.
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The Champ (1979)
Moving - could definitely see again
19 April 2003
We studied this film at school in the late 80s and I was really taken with it then, especially with the little boy and his estranged mother (the latter played by the lovely Faye Dunnaway). Seeing it now 15 or so years later I was no less enthralled.
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Definitely worth seeing
23 March 2003
This thriller has so many twists and turns it had me on the edge of my seat. I saw it on video, some of the landscape at "the bluff" might have been a bit more spectacular on the big screen. Cast has Sandra Bullock, Ben Chaplin (from "The Truth About Cats & Dogs"), Michael Pitt (Henry Parker in "Dawson's Creek") and Ryan Gosling (???).
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First Years (2001– )
Prefer the original
6 February 2003
This just doesn't compare to the original, the British "This Life" series. This version just comes across as too flashy and a little immature, they've injected a bit too much "Ally McBeal" into it for my liking. Of course it may improve but at this stage I'd only watch it if there's nothing else.
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Not perfect but still moving in its own way
13 August 2002
This was a film that, while the ending to me wasn't entirely believable, had certain elements that I could really identify with. Although it wasn't due to suicide I lost a family member suddenly when I was young and it affected me for many years - still does a bit. I also rebelled a bit around 17 - 18 and didn't do as well in school as I could have. Yes, there are loads of other films with teen rebellion and personal tragedy in them but this one touched me in a way I can't quite explain. Perhaps it was Nicole's passion for photography which I share, perhaps it was the young love theme that took me back a few years. Maybe also the father, who discouraged the relationship but not for the reasons you would expect (e.g. the class / race clash). You'll have to see the film to see what I mean there.

Re Kirsten Dunst - I'd seen her in a couple of films before (Dick, Virgin Suicides) and thought she was nice looking and an OK actress, now I'd say she's a lot better than that.

If you have any of the common background I mentioned above you will probably get more out of it, otherwise you may find the film a bit weak in parts, particularly the ending. I think the soundtrack was particularly good, especially the end credits track ("Perfect" by Maren Ord).
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Molokai (1999)
Sad and slow but very moving
20 July 2002
I saw this in a film festival just yesterday. It was not really the sort of film I would go to normally (I'm not really into religious themes in film). I already knew a little of Father Damien's story, and I had a fair idea of how the story would end but I was glad I saw it just the same. I wouldn't say I "enjoyed" it because the subject matter was in many ways depressing but in a way it was an inspiring story. It showed what one man can do to improve the lives of 1000-odd suffering people that the rest of the world has all but forgotten. Damien had a will of iron and he needed it to counter the resistance of the government and his superiors in getting the help he needed.

If this sort of theme appeals to you I'm sure you will appreciate the film, if you definitely don't like religious themes then it's probably better that you don't see it.
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The Last Kiss (2001)
Bravo - what more can I say
26 October 2001
I wasn't sure what to expect when I saw this film in an Italian film festival but it was well worth seeing.

In a nutshell this film is all about relationships and how they break down and how they (sometimes) repair themselves. There are lots of films about mid-life crises (and that is dealt with in the subplot) but also the late-20s crises that many of my generation around me seem to be facing. As a late 20-something male I can identify with most of the questions the characters in the film are facing, for example, have I found the right partner for life? Will we be faithful? How can I possibly live up to my family's expectations? I can't say much more without spoiling it but I highly recommend this film.
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On My Own (1991)
Insight and compassion...
3 August 2001
I came across this film quite by chance, and am glad that I took the time to watch it.

It is, I guess, as the cover describes, a "coming of age" film, but it also more than that. A teenage boy has had the nature of his mother's illness concealed from him until now, and so he begins a journey toward understanding her, and himself. One might think that a film involving mental illness would be quite grim, but I didn't find it that way at all. It was compassionate but without being overly sentimental. The subplot of the boy's boarding school life and friendships reminded me just a little of Dead Poets Society, another film I have seen and enjoyed many times.

If you are interested in mental health or know someone with a mental illness then I would definitely recommend this film.
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28 August 1999
I rented the video and the jacket said it was a "feel good" movie - I wouldn't recommend it as such; if anything I was tempted several times to turn it off. I'd like to see more of Chloë Sevigny though. I barely recognized Kate Beckinsale from "Shooting Fish" - at least now I know she's capable of playing a b**** as well as a more sympathetic character.
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22 May 1999
Fantastic - excellent cast, plot a little bit slow at first but the rest more than makes up for it. I could hardly believe that Eve was played by the same Alicia Silverstone who was in Clueless! She stole my heart as well as Adam's. I thought Adam's parents were hilarious at times, but poignant at others. Brilliant combination. I'd never seen Brendan Fraser before, and I was most impressed by how believable he was as the ultra-innocent Adam. Both lead players had that chemistry thing going on, but I really think Eve was the star.

The ending left me feeling just a little flat, but I walked out of the theatre on Cloud 9 anyway.
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