10 Reviews
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The Box (I) (2009)
Weird and thought provoking.
27 August 2020
Only watched this because Cameron Diaz is in it and she is one of my favourite actresses so I thought I would give it a chance, and I'm quite glad I did.

This to me is a horror film in that after it was over I was left feeling uneasy. It gave me a lot to think about. I don't have answers to the moral question the movie asks, but then again maybe that's the point.

The plot seemed to contradict itself, so even though it made me uneasy I watched it again. I wanted to leave a fair review. Upon watching it again it began to make more sense. I'm someone who likes clear explanations. In the end I liked that I was challenged to think outside The Box.

One more thing, Cameron saves the day with her acting. I don't know why she is not given more credit as an actress. Maybe when she's old and boring someone will realize she's great and give her an Academy Award.
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Very glad I gave this Fantasy a chance!
27 August 2020
The greatest assets are the two main actresses. Katia is a classic heroine. She is both strong and vulnerable. From the very start you care about her character and what needed to be done to stop the bad guy, Jareth. Arden is the standout. She is earnest, brave, and selfless. She is not burdened with doubt or indecision, setting her apart from the flawed female characters that are typical of most movies. I also liked Jenna, a red haired girl quite a lot. She is sassy and zesty, also probably the most lovely of all the girls.

When I began watching it, after 3 scenes, I didn't like it that much because it was too cliché and cheesy, so I thought to stop watching it, but I decided to watch a couple of more minutes before I gave the verdict and I'm glad I did. I began to enjoy it because the cheesiness went away and the story actually started to expand, and it is really exciting and creative.

Disclaimer, I don't like fantasy, so I did not think I would like this. This is not my typical fare. I watched this because there are actresses in it from a movie I like. That movie is set in the real world. However this movie is not, but the girls are lovely and the scenery is breathtaking,

My main complaint is that I didn't really understand the plot upon my initial viewing, so I needed to watch again. Lots of exposition. I think they spend half the movie explaining what's going on. You could write a novel with all that dialogue.

My second issue is that I couldn't always understand what they were saying. Both because it was fantasy jargon I'm unfamiliar with, and also because I simply could not hear them.

Not everyone is going to like this, which is why I've given it an 8 and not a 10. Ignore the plot and the talking but focus on the beauty of the actresses, characters and the forest they inhabit. If you like fantasy and you don't mind the low budget aspect and can look past that, I think that this is a diamond in the rough treasure that you will enjoy.
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Best Action Comedy
24 July 2020
Most perfect action comedy, combines the two perfectly. I've seen this multiple times and, quite honestly, the chemistry between Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz help make this a worthy flick for your time.

This romantic action-comedy about an unfailingly polite (and somewhat crazy) spy and the girl next door he falls for. No matter your opinion on Tom Cruise, he is a hoot here as he spoofs his own invincible action hero screen image as well as his own eccentric real-life persona. (Good he can laugh at himself.) In no other film has he made me laugh so hard. Diaz, for her part, evolves slowly from damsel-in-distress to a strong and courageous action heroine, and she is a surprisingly good comic and romantic foil for Cruise.

Tom is a hottie and Cameron is the perfect girl. Can't ask for more in a movie.
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Peak 2000's!
24 July 2020
It's such a goofy, feel good early 2000's movie. It's not ground breaking but I love it! As an object of desire, Thomas Jane takes the throne. Never gets old. Christina Applegate kills me!! Hilariously ridiculous and funny!!! Cameron is queen of rom coms.
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Laugh riot!
14 June 2019
The first time I saw this movie I was on a date. I laughed so much that I thought he wouldn't ask me out again. There are obvious choices when it comes to movies like this, but this one does something unexpected every step of the way. It's a fun movie and has a positive message about the bonds women form under stressful (albeit hilarious) circumstances. Cameron Diaz is so beautiful and the clothes add a lot to the characters. One thing I will say is that the second time I watched it it was with a bunch of girlfriends, and they didn't really get it. Maybe you have to be in the right mood. I've seen it twice since then and I still find it very funny.
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Came for the girls, stayed for the 80's
3 June 2019
A lesbian film. An 80's homage movie. For reasons that will likely never be known or understood (and probably involve an acid trip), someone decided to merge these two genres. And, in its own bizarre way, it works. Here's my breakdown:

The Look - Because it's an homage to the eighties, the entire movie, especially the first scenes, look like they were shot on a VHS Camcorder. The lighting is interesting, with pinks and purples that are reminiscent of the decade. It takes a little getting used to, and I wonder if the film would have been better if they had shot it like any other movie. But it's their creative decision and maybe I don't especially like it, but I'll give them credit for taking the risk.

The Writing - At first I thought the jokes were horrible. Painfully bad. Then I began noticing references to Ferris Bueller's Day Off and The Breakfast Club. Then I figured out that the humor was meant to be reminiscent of that era. From that point of view the jokes are good bad jokes, meaning they're good at recreating teenage angst-y jokes that today would be very dated.

The Story - Perhaps it's a little too over dramatic and self indulgent for its own good, but maybe that's the point. The characters are colorful and horribly flawed human beings, and it shows in the most awkward and endearing moments of the film. You may not understand their decisions or why they choose to bring so much drama down on themselves, but you'll at least relate to it in one way or another.

The Acting - The best acting performances come from Maya Jamner as Ryan and LE Barone as Dov. Ryan is a beautiful, quirky neurotic and is the funniest character. Dov (Dove?) has an interesting plotline that I can't get into without giving too much away, but the acting is flawless.

The Bad - It was very hard to hear the dialog at times. Closed captions are a must, especially for all the little jokes and quick asides. Some of the scenes could have been shorter, especially the ones with Bridget and Dov talking. Two hours is hefty and 20 minutes could have been cut out.

Overall - I hate myself for how much I love this movie. I've watched it three times, and I suspect I'll give in and watch it again. There are so many reasons not to like this. But I do. I love it. I'm sure many others will too.
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Sex Tape (2014)
Laughing so much I was crying
30 May 2019
You know what? I enjoyed this film more than I thought I would and maybe perhaps more than I should have done (going by the reviews). Yes the humor is crude, smutty and one would argue unintelligent. These are the sort of films I normally hate but I actually enjoyed this one, it was a fun, madcap caper in which a couple scramble about to prevent a released sex tape from ever being viewed by others. Don't take it too seriously and have fun with it.
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Replicas (2018)
Perfect sci-fi adventure!
30 May 2019
Excellent plot. There was sufficient scifi tech in the movie to make it good. Keanu was solid, dealt well with all the emotions within the movie. Alice Eve is the perfect counterpart and give a solid, deep performance. People that rate this movie bad maybe just that aren't into sci-fi.
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Perfect acting!
30 May 2019
Some movies are left to be unseen by everyone because of the too complicated conversations and the slow development of the story. But if you are connoisseur you will like the movie.I found it powerful, disturbing, intriguing and thought-provoking. I understand the criticisms, but disagree with them. I've already recommended it to friends - with the caveat that it is not for everyone. Best to be watched alone. Don't make the mistake I did and watch it on a date :)
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Bad Teacher (2011)
A rowdy good time
26 May 2019
I'm glad I'm not a critic and didn't read any reviews before I watched this movie because I just enjoyed it for what it is - A fun and silly comedy. I loved this movie and although I know it's not an Academy Award nominee, nor would it ever be, I thought it was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed it for what it was.

Cameron Diaz is smoking hot and pulls off a very funny performance. Watch the unrated version for added dirtiness.
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