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Is it true, was this masterpiece really based of a Disney Land ride?
1 August 2020
The answer is yes, yes it was. Does that sound like a good economic decision? No it does not. Was it a good economic decision yes, yes it was....but who cares? Certainly not me for this film is brilliant, in every single way. Acting: Flawless. Music: Perfect. Writing/Plot/Story: Exquisite. Comedy? Hilarious. This film is by far one of the greatest films Disney has ever made. Watch it.
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The Simpsons: Any Given Sundance (2008)
Season 19, Episode 18
A Quite Good Episode, With One Very Irritating flaw:
14 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is fine, it is perfectly enjoyable to a point, - however - yet again I find that a certain character gets away with acting like a scumbag without recieving any punishment, or even really feeling bad about it at all. Of course, I am talking about Lisa Simpson, just like in the episode Summer of 4"2" Lisa acts like a jerk and gets away with it. There was no apology from her at the end, she lied about her editing the film, only for the film to expose her as a liar immediately, the only tiny bit of justice she got. This is another episode I can add to the now very long list of episodes that make me dislike Lisa Simpson.
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The Simpsons: Summer of 4'2" (1996)
Season 7, Episode 25
Amazing plot, terrible moral
22 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode, is just as good as all classic era Simpsons, the voice acting is superb, the animation is great, the plot is good...until it comes to the end where Lisa learns...well what does she learn? Nothing! She steals Bart's lines and jokes and Marge won't let Bart put an end it to it. She lies to her new friends constantly about everything and when Bart rightfully calls her out on it by showing her friends the year book they don't care and after Lisa threaterns Bart (violently) it turns out they still want to be her friend. In the end the story makes bart "apoligise" by giving Lisa her year book signed by her new "friends". So the story acts as though Bart is the bad guy despite the fact he did nothing wrong and Lisa is the one in the wrong constantly throughout the story. I wouldn't rate this episode so harshly if not for the glowing praise it recieves from everyone else I ever interact with. This in my view a glowing example of insufferable Lisa.
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The Simpsons: Cape Feare (1993)
Season 5, Episode 2
One of the best episodes of all time
5 June 2020
Now perhaps I am overly-nostalgic for this episode for it was one of the few episodes I had on VHS tape as a child and watched it again and again. But nostalgia aside this is a brilliant episode of the Simpsons. It's jokes are funny and the plot is memorable. If I were to rank my top favourite episodes of the Simpsons this would surely be in the top ten...maybe even the top five.
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The Simpsons: The Hateful Eight-Year-Olds (2020)
Season 31, Episode 21
24 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was an OK episode, there were definately some funny jokes in it though the actual "Hateful Eight-Year-Olds" didn't act at all like an eight year old. If I saw twelve-year-olds acting like that I'd be surprised.

I should also like to point out that in Season 11, Episode 13 titled "Saddlesore Galactica" Bart rides a gorse just fine with no fear. So throwing a fear of a horse in there (which is overcome in about one minute) does feel rather strange. I see what they were going for as they discussed how he thought Horse's were stupid at the beginning but given he has ridden a horse in multiple previous episodes it doesn't make much sense now.

If IMDb offered .5 ratings I would give this episode a 6.5. It was OK better than others but by no means "classic Simpsons".
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Toy Story 4 (2019)
The funniest film I've seen in a long long time!
8 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Before this movie came out I always complained that "Why did it need to be made, Toy Story 3 had such a perfect ending!" But how wrong I was to complain! Toy Story 4 has an even better ending, not quite as sad as the opening scene of UP, but almost certainly the second saddest scene in all of Pixar. Me and my friend spotted several Easter Eggs, but this movie hides so many of them very well indeed. Gabby Gabby has a great redemption story, though the other toys don't get much screen time, every second they're on screen is great. Ham and the "But's it's money line" was brilliant. But the best scene by far is with Bunny and Ducky and their choices on how to get the key from that old shop keep. The only thing that stops me giving this film and 10 is the fact I haven't give any other Toy Story films a ten and this is either my second favourite or joint favourite Toy Story film!
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Watching Paint Dry is More Interesting Than This Film.
10 June 2019
Me and my family got bored after just a few minutes, we watch three films that day, and this would have made that four if it hadn't been so boring. Several minutes into it we all agreed it was dull as anything, thought generic the saying watching paint dry or watching grass grow be more interesting than this. I'm sure for children it would be fun but for us....urgh was it dull. I wouldn't recommend this film to anyone, the first few ice age films were great but this shows to me that the franchise is dead.

I can't wait for Ice Age 6........
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Up (2009)
The greatest animated film of all time
10 June 2019
There are no valid criticisms of this film, it is perfect in every way. The opening to Up famous and is a great example of Pixar at his finest. Though may great Pixar films came both before and after Up none came close to rivalling Up, though others are brilliant too, such as Wall-E and the Toy Story Trilogy.
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Objectively bad film, objectively bad Star Wars film.
10 June 2019
This film has no redeeming qualities. Literally zero, it's got bad writing, bad plot (no plot), nobody is excited for the next film. Ryan Johnson just threw JJ's ideas in the bin. Changing director in the middle of a trilogy is a hilariously bad idea. Hahaha this is what I think of the last Jedi. Oh and I forgot about Rose Tico....Urgh
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It's an adaption.
2 June 2019
I've always been too harsh on this film, though it doesn't follow the books as accurately as "The Lord of the Rings" Trilogy followed their films and that I would have liked them too, I now think of this film as an adaptation, not an accurate depiction of the book, it makes me like a film that I would otherwise criticise for making things up that were not in the book. The story lines are questionable in many places but the acting is constantly superb and the casting is spot on.
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Top Gun (1986)
2 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Top Gun is the most overrated movie of all time. My entire life I've heard about how good it is. I watch it. Dull as anything. Nothing happens, the only thing that happens is a dude gets killed by ejecting from a plane...I would not recommend this film to anyone.
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