
12 Reviews
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The Watch (I) (2012)
Silly but Entertaining
24 June 2015
This is basically a silly movie but it is so silly and clichéd that its quite entertaining.

With an all star cast like Stiller, Vaughn, Hill and Ayoade you really cant go wrong.

Although I did think Richard Ayoade was a little shy and out of touch with the other stars in the movie, and he only really became more confident and true to himself near the end of the film.

It was quite a good original story and well paced throughout.

For the star power of the cast its an easy and entertaining movie to watch - And it is funny.

Hey Id rather watch this movie than do nothing or sit on facebook all night long !

Definitely a lot of fun - and don't listen to all the bad reviews.

Do you want sit on facebook all night long or watch a fun movie ?!!
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Like Mother, Like Daughter (2007 TV Movie)
Very average TV Movie
15 June 2015
This was a very average TV Movie I watched while working on my computer at the same time.

It is not a difficult movie to understand or follow. Its very simple and plods along simply and predictably.

The "Mother" and "Daughter" both play good roles for what the movie is but the rest of it is all very average. In fact it was only because I was captivated with the beauty of the daughter Dani Kind that I kept watching the rest of the movie.

However the rest of the movie barely makes the grade as being competent and the movie itself looks like it was written very quickly with the Actors not putting much thought in their performances.

Some of the dialogue is very shallow and unbelievable.

Anyway if you turned off half way through the movie you would not be missing anything. You know what the ending will be anyway
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One of the Best Movies I've seen Ever
8 June 2015
This is definitely one of the best movies I have seen all through out Cinema history.

It had me on the edge of my seat from the first frame to the last.

Brilliant direction by Fritz Lang who times and measures every nuance and emotion of this movie like a master conductor.

The cast are equally brilliant with Edward G Robinson taking us through this journey like a close and trusted friend.

The timing and pace of the movie is a work of art and genius. This is extremely rare to get all the elements so right in a movie. And Fritz Lang has done it.

This is an all time classic that stands the test of time. A Truly great masterpiece.
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Excellent Film
8 June 2015
I had seen bits and pieces of this movie over the years and had heard about it but never really seen the whole movie. Also I don't think I really understood it fully in the 80s being so young.

Seeing it recently now that Im an adult I fully grasp the realities of life it was portraying in the 80s.

The characters are so finely tuned and precise it looks as though they had a lot of time to rehearse and discuss their roles together as a cast. This is really rare in film production where some actors come together on day 1 and start shooting. Nevertheless it is a beautiful coherent and concise cast all performing as one.

The story is very well crafted and precise as well. The result is a great film with intense and real emotions that are fresh and striking. I fell completely into their world in the 80s.

The movie is a real Icon of its time and real artistic expression of life and survival in the world in the 80s.
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Detour (1945)
Great Film Noir - One of the Best Ever
7 June 2015
This is a fantastic Movie.

One of the best movies I've ever seen of all time in cinema history.

It is tight and carefully controlled all the way through.

The pace keeps you on edge at every turn and you cant wait and cant believe what happens next in every scene.

Nothing is wasted and every scene is precise with nothing more and nothing less.

It is beautifully written, directed and performed.

A great classic and one of my favorites of all time.

A master class for all filmmakers to aspire to.
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Brilliant Movie
7 June 2015
This was a brilliant movie.

Jessica Walter's amazing psychotic performance was absolutely frightening and so very real.

It was the original stalker movie before Fatal Attraction.

And great to see a young Donna Mills I barely recognized.

Great Directional debut by Clint Eastwood, Fantastic work !

I read somewhere Clint gave up his Acting fee for the movie to be only paid as a Director.

Overall the film was a great financial and critical success, with exposure of Robertas Flack song "The first time I saw your face" going to Number 1 from the movie.
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Very boring
7 June 2015
I only watched this movie because of the hype.

Dakota Johnson was great but the guy had all the charm and charisma of a robot.

This is basically a wannabe soft porn B Grade movie. It has no story or plot. Its such a shame as Im sure the book had much more going on than the movie.

There have been plenty of movies based purely on sex and its usually a complete life and story based around 2 characters, but this movie had nothing. It looked great but that was it. It was very shallow with nothing going on.
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Not bad
7 June 2015
I was really looking forward to this but when I saw it it was a little long winded and boring.

I couldn't understand a word Bradley Cooper was saying, his accent was so strong and it was like he was mumbling (Like Brando mumbles) but Brad Cooper is not in Brandos league so not as accepting as if it was Brando mumbling.

There were some interesting themes presented but nothing fully developed. Story was confusing with soldiers and terrorists all looking the same.

Didn't focus on Kyle being a sniper that much somewhat more on family man but neither themes were fully developed and only touched the surface.

Overall an average effort by Clint Eastwood. I like some of his movies (as director) and not some. So this one was OK
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Good TV Movie
7 June 2015
I saw this on TV and was good to watch because of the all star cast.

As much as I like Bradley Cooper I cant believe he suffers from any mental illness in this movie. Brad Cooper is more the all time hero good guy that everyone loves and not believable as someone having mental illness.

Also I cant believe the ending either. There was no build up to the ending and Brad Cooper again is unbelievable in the ending.

Maybe Im being a bit harsh because I've seen all Brads other movies which were great ! and thats what Im used to. This one is like 90% of his best effort. However hes still worth seeing anyway.

Nevertheless apart from that its more of an interesting story and De Niro is brilliant as always.

Watch it for the interesting story and overall a good strong cast of A List Actors.
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Mortdecai (2015)
Absolutely Delightful
7 June 2015
After seeing the preview I knew this was EXACTLY the movie I wanted to see. Hearing Johnny Depps voice imitating an eccentric Aristocratic English gentleman is so Johnny Depp. Its almost a replication of his own life being an eccentric rich Actor in Hollywood !

However I was put off by all the bad reviews and didn't watch it till a friend I went to school with said he loved it. So I watched it and loved it.

It has very subtle and sophisticated humor that only some people would understand. But when you do its hilarious ! It is probably more suited to an older audience that understands all the references to old English Aristocracy than perhaps a younger audience in there 20s

Its been described as being a cross between Pink Panther and Austin Powers. Well maybe its between both of these. Not as funny as Pink Panther but doesn't smash you over the head with Jokes like Austin Powers.

This is a definite must see for something a little bit more quirky than the usual comic book franchise mush
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Absolutely Mindblowing !!!
19 August 2007
This is one of the best movies I have seen for a long Long - LONG TIME. Definitely David Lynch's best.(Although haven't seen "The Straight Story") Its fractured time shifts bend and twist and demand the viewer to be with the actors in their own free and fractured dream consciousness. When the first cross cutting in time begins it is very reminiscent of Stanley Kubricks 2001 in the White Room, its almost a scene by scene technical duplication. There are also references to Alain Resnais "Providence" in the multiple time shifts and viewpoints. Except Lynch takes this principle and takes it much much further to the absolute edge of reality. If it had gone too far it would almost be a totally confused film but it is at the very knife edge of total confusion and a concrete multi view pointed reality, (seen in several different ways and times of course).

Naomi Watts is an equally brilliant Actor, whom I thought was parodying Laura Dern at first. However I realized she has a much greater depth and brilliance than Laura Dern.

Overall an Absolutely Mindblowing Experience! and a gift to the world of Cinema History, this film will be a cult classic for many followers of David Lynch (Myself Included)
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Jessie Mathews Superstar
16 March 2006
This is the first time I have seen Jessie Mathews as I'm only 41 years old. I was absolutely delighted to see a star of the past that id never seen before. From the first time we see her its love at first sight and it just draws you right into the movie. I understand Jessie Mathews was a superstar in her time and its easy to see why. You could transpose her to any movie of today and she would still be a superstar, in the Julia Roberts or Reese Witherspoon etc (or maybe even better) League of today.

The uncle lawyer gave a good performance as well. It was interesting to see the movie from a historical perspective as well like the motor cars which was quite amazing.

Overall a great movie.
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