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Poor Things (2023)
Visually stunning. Entertaining. Morally bankrupt.
5 April 2024
I always struggle to rate the films of Yorgos Lanthimos. If forced to pin down a consistent theme for him, I'd have to conclude that he has absolutely nothing of value to say, but he really knows how to say it. There is no redeemable value to his films. They're completely devoid of morality, but perhaps that's his intent. A nihilist if ever there was one. Poor Things is, on one hand, a masterpiece, but I can't rate it any higher than a 6/10 because something about it bothered me. The world he has created is a beautiful black hole of meaninglessness and our protagonist ventures into it with nothing more than an insatiable desire to gratify her most base instincts. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the journey. It was incredibly entertaining and funny, but it left me feeling empty inside. It was like eating a whole bag of skittles and getting sick afterward. This is nothing more than hedonism. Enjoyable and visually captivating hedonism. That's what I came away with. I plan to give it a second watch at some point in case I missed some deeper message.
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The Bear (2022– )
Intense and real with a giant beating heart at the center
18 February 2024
It took me a while to finally check this show out. I struggle with anxiety and the first few episodes really stressed me out. It's fast-paced with an in-your-face realism. Once I got to know the characters and the story, it grew on me. It takes off about midway through the first season and culminates in a near-perfect finale. This is some of the best writing and acting I've seen on TV in years. The characters are so real and down-to-earth and perfectly cast. The acting alone makes this show worth watching. They don't oversell the performances. They keep it grounded. But the biggest thing this show has going for it is the giant beating heart at the center of it. You can feel every moment of joy and pain these characters are experiencing. And it's refreshing and relatable because they are just your every day working class people struggling to make it. If you find yourself in a similar situation, you'll enjoy this show as much as I did.
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The Creator (2023)
I wanted this to be good, but it's just silly nonsense
9 October 2023
With all of the big budget franchise films dominating theater screens this past decade, I'm always craving original content and make a point to see these types of film on the big screen. Sadly, my eyes were bigger than my stomach on this one. This is just a hodgepodge of better sci-fi movies pasted together and glossed over with eye popping visuals. The characters are underdeveloped and not given enough scenes to win us over. The message of the film seems to be that humans are evil and AI will be what saves us, which is just nonsense. There are a few standout moments of the film and some very good performances, but it wasn't enough to save it for me. I found myself completely bored and uninterested in what was happening on screen for most of the film. I left the theater wanting to go home and watch the better sci-fi films that this one borrowed from.
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Sobering skepticism mixed with a lot of assumptions
1 September 2023
I identify as an open-minded and REASONABLE skeptic on the subject of UFOs/UAP. I've watched all of the James Fox documentaries, read many books on the subject, and have familiarized myself with the best cases. I find some of it compelling, but will not be convinced until I see better evidence. It's important to remain skeptical and not get caught up in confirmation bias.

That being said, there are some ridiculous claims and assumptions being made by the director of this documentary. Early on, he hears from an astrophysicist that it's unlikely that extraterrestrial civilizations could travel the vast distance required to reach us. The director then adds voiceover saying "They can't get here!" How do you go from "unlikely" to "can't"? Another claim he makes is that photos, videos, and eyewitness testimony aren't compelling, and you need to hold something in your hand to believe it. That sort of thinking might lead someone to a belief as abhorrent as Holocaust denial, because we can't stand there and verify it with our own eyes. That is the sort of UNREASONABLE skepticism that this director is guilty of. (Note: I'm not saying he's a Holocaust denier. That's just an extreme example of where unreasonable skepticism can lead.)

He does a good job of exploring problems with some well-known UFO cases. Although, I found it amusing that when an astrophysicist says "unlikely" he takes that to mean "can't", but when an Air Force base serviceman tells him that a power outage is "unlikely" to disable ICBM missiles, he goes on to conclude it "must" have been the cause.

His treatment of the famous Navy UFO videos and their corresponding sightings is mixed. He interviews Mick West and shows his compelling take on them. He then goes on to make the case that the Navy pilots were mistaken in what they saw by interviewing an air traffic controller and a prop plane flight instructor. Seriously. Not a single Navy pilot or instructor is interviewed. You can't discount the dozens of witnesses to the Nimitz encounter without interviewing any of them or, at the very least, a seasoned Navy pilot. He doesn't even address why the Nimitz case is so compelling (dozens of witnesses, multiples radar systems and sensors, including the most sophisticated radar on the planet, and backed up by a video). He merely discounts the video as probably just a plane. That's a straw man if ever there was one.

This is a lazy documentary that mixes some interesting insights-especially the Jimmy Carter UFO sighting-with a lot of assumptions and straw-manning. I welcome and encourage skepticism on this subject and hope that the truth about this phenomenon will be found one day. This director hasn't found it.
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The Psychotic Mind of Dennis
24 July 2023
I've been waiting for an episode where Dennis can really let his psycho flag fly and this delivered in a big way. When you put the title together with the ending, you realize just how perfectly it fits with his character. Think about it, THAT is what a mental health day looks like for Dennis. Yikes lol

Another commenter on here complained about how this was basically just Dennis dealing with first-world problems. They're missing the point entirely. If the character is a narcissist, what else would you imagine he would find himself becoming enraged over? The plight of the working class?

This was a bold, refreshing, disturbing, and hilarious journey deeper inside the mind of Dennis Reynolds. It's right up there with the suburbs episode and "the implication"
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
The Gold Standard of Writing
3 February 2023
These writers do what most television writers aren't brave enough to do: They respect the hell out of their audience. Rather than spelling everything out for us with gratuitous exposition and lazy voiceover narration, they trust and respect our intelligence enough to put shiver-inducing plot revelations into mere seconds of visuals and significant character shifts into something as simple as a cryptic laugh coupled with a reaction shot. So much has been said about this series that I won't belabor it by repeating, except to say that it deserves the praise because it earned it.

I watched the whole series when it was first on, but am just now writing a review because the quality of writing in recent shows has gone down so far that I've had to come back to appreciate the brilliance that is Breaking Bad. The Sopranos and The Wire are great, don't get me wrong, but this show Is on another level. Those shows had their ups and downs. Breaking Bad is like a work of exceptional architecture that gets better and better as it's being built, until the final finished product is revealed, and you step back in amazement and realize just how far it has come from when it first started. There will never be a character arc as astonishing as Walter White that feels so well-earned. Other show writers should study what was done in this series and what can be accomplished when you treat your audience like intelligent adults and not mindless consumers.
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I'm sorry, James, but the story just isn't there.
3 February 2023
First off, I'm a HUGE fan of James Cameron, and not just his biggest hits, I also recognize The Abyss as a brilliant film. So I was obviously waiting impatiently for over 10 years to see this. The first Avatar was a visual feast with a story that served it well enough to draw us in and make us care once the action (and deeply subversive message) of the third act hit. Now that we're already familiar with Pandora and the characters, I was hoping this one would build upon that story, while also introducing a new villain, raising the stakes, and pushing the subversive message further, but no... that's not what happens. (I won't spoil it, but if you've seen the film you know what I'm referring to here.) This just felt like a lazy script that was thrown together quickly so they could spend the majority of their time on the visual FX, which don't get me wrong, are absolutely jaw-dropping. I gave the film 5/10 almost entirely for that reason.

It's worth seeing in the theaters for the visual experience alone, but I'm disappointed because I expected so much more from a master like James Cameron. I was so bored and had such little investment in the characters by the third act that I actually found myself laughing at moments that were supposed to be heartfelt. ("Noooo! She was my soul sister!")

If I wanted a CGI theme park ride with a lazy story, I'd go watch a Marvel movie. You can do better than this, James. I mean, come on, you have to put more in than "Ok... same basic plot as the first one, but now we're underwater..." And the dialogue of the teenagers... I get that their father is originally from Earth, but they are growing up in a village on another planet full of those who aren't. They're not going to go around saying "bro" every other word. That's just lazy, sloppy writing. I'm really hoping he puts more into the script of the next one, if he really does plan on making more of these.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
This is What Storytelling is All About. I Guess That's Lost on Some.
2 February 2023
I get that fans of the game have some issues with the liberties taken in this adaptation, but my god, some of the hostility here goes way too far. This is an exceptionally well-written and profound piece of storytelling. A doomsday prepper gets precisely what he prepared for, but finds himself unprepared for the loneliness. He takes a chance on a stranger and discovers that what he's been missing is that which requires risk-a relationship that he wasn't prepared for, but which brings him something to live for. It's a really clever setup that the cast and crew bring to a tragic, yet beautiful, conclusion.

I won't say anything else so as not to spoil it, except to say that I believe this episode demonstrates storytelling at its finest. While it may alter some aspects of the game, it expands upon others, and it does so in the service of providing the audience with a more meaningful experience. It takes us places we've never been and shows us characters we're not used to seeing. Storytelling is about giving us new experiences and perspectives in a way that will leave us changed (hopefully for the better) as a result. This episode does just that and it does it almost flawlessly. My only complaint is that it could have done more to show Bill's loneliness before he meets Frank. It was there, but it didn't feel strong enough to fully justify his decision to take a chance on letting Frank in.
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The Northman (2022)
Epic and Transporting
23 April 2022
Robert Eggers finally has a budget to play with and he doesn't waste it. This film thrusts the viewer straight into the brutal and bloody world of the late-era Vikings of Scandinavia with stunning visuals and a brooding atmosphere. The performances serve their purpose, but it's Eggers transcendent direction that brings it home. This is his best film to date, and that's saying something. See it in the theaters while you can. The jaw-dropping visuals and heart-pounding soundtrack alone are worth the price of admission.
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A dizzying whirlwind ride with a lot of heart
13 April 2022
There's no better way to describe this film than the title itself, so I won't even try. It's a refreshing escape from the boring, mundane problems of life that just so happens to also be about the boring, mundane problems of life while somehow never becoming boring itself. Quite the opposite, this movie is a powerhouse freight train experience unlike anything I've ever seen or probably will ever see. And I've seen A LOT of movies. Imaginative, funny, moving, profound... while also frantic and almost seizure-inducing. It deserves every award it will probably win and I don't often say that about the big award contenders. The story is original, the characters feel like real people, the performances are incredibly moving and funny, and the direction is otherworldly...

I have so much more I want to say about this film because it absolutely floored me, but it also left me discombobulated and I can't put all of my thoughts into comprehensible sentences, so I'll sum it all up with this: It's a heartfelt film about what beautiful messes human beings are... and how that's okay if we're okay with it.
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The One You Show to Skeptics
17 November 2020
This is the definitive documentary on the UFO phenomenon that we have been waiting for, an exhaustive presentation of the best cases and evidence to date. If this doesn't convince you, nothing short of a UFO landing in your backyard will. While there isn't a lot of new information, what is shown is compelling and well-presented. This is the one you should show to skeptics
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
Leave Your Expectations at the Gate
29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
For most of this series now, I have avoided the toxic (and blatantly sexist) element that exists on the Reddit threads and the superfan forums. However, there was too much time to wait between this season and the last, so I grew bored and decided to read up on some of these fan theories and predictions. Boy, was that a mistake. Most of the outrage found in the user reviews of this episode seems to be coming from individuals who got too wrapped up in these threads: "What about Azor Ahai" "What about Lightbringer?" "The prophecy was never fulfilled!" After reading these threads this past year, there was always an issue in the back of my mind that never quite crystallized until now-If these are such big questions, then why has the series said virtually nothing about them? I don't understand the shock at the series not answering questions that it was never asking to begin with. It seems to me, there was a dedicated group of Reddit users who fell prey to these elaborate theories based on the books, but not at all based on the series. The disconnect only grew wider as the seasons progressed. Another big topic of outrage was the ending (SPOILER ALERT): How could Arya Stark be the one to take down the Night King? I don't find this to be much of a leap at all. She the entirety of the series training as a fighter and, more importantly, a highly-skilled assassin. That's not an exaggeration, we see her archery skills all the way back in the series premiere. I would argue that she is the only logical character to pull off an assassination of the Night King, an ending which was foreshadowed last season in the Beyond the Wall episode-"We only need to kill him (The Night King)". Granted, no one saw it happening in episode 3, but the point still stands. Enough about the outrage. Let's focus on what this episode did well, which was just about everything. It must have been a gargantuan task to try and pull off this epic battle while focusing on all of the interwoven character plot lines and arcs. The writing, pacing, choreography, and direction were all top-notch. There are some truly glorious moments in this battle that are overshadowed by a two things: 1. Yes, the lighting sucked. It was at night and there was a blizzard, but they could have done a better job communicating that effect to the audience without going back and forth between nearly complete blackout darkness and whiteout blizzard snow. Look back at the Helm's Deep battle from LOTR for an example of exceptional lighting at night during inclement weather. 2. The ending with Arya and the Night King. I've already touched on that. Give this episode another shot without bringing these elaborate, yet delusional, theories in with you and you'll find that it was a great battle with major plot points that the creators have been setting up throughout this entire series.
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A near-perfect film victimized by too much critical hype
22 October 2016
There is a tendency in America to assert one's individuality by refusing to listen to "the so called experts". Whether it be from an academic or a film critic, no one wants to be told what to think or how to feel. The problem with this anti-intellectualist attitude is that it causes those who hold it to often overreact to many things that the "experts" almost unanimously agree on. In extreme examples, one is forced to deny hard scientific evidence, as in the case of evolution or global warming. In milder examples, it means giving a one star rating to a film that quite clearly deserves more. I believe that is why you find so much hatred toward this film in the user ratings and reviews on this site.

Like many, I had high expectations when I first saw this film. After hearing all of the critical praise, much of which did seem a bit over-the-top, I felt somewhat let down. A few years have passed, so I decided to give it another chance, this time from a more objective position, and with much lower expectations. I was truly mesmerized. It was as if I had seen a completely different film. Everything from the Scorsese-esque directing by David O. Russell to the actors completely disappearing into their characters was as close to perfection as one can ask from a film. Watch it without an agenda and you will enjoy it as it was meant to be enjoyed, because in the end it was made to entertain, and it certainly did that for me.
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Visioneers (2008)
Misunderstood & Underrated Masterpiece
26 September 2009
A Jeffers salute to all of you! Visioneers opens with a stale, lifeless office environment on the 3rd level of the Jeffers corporation, which is the "friendliest and most profitable corporation" ever. The story follow George Washington Winsterhammerman (Zach G.) as he floats through his day-to-day life without any real passion, all the while trying to avoid "exploding," which the world around him continually claims to be able to prevent by following various self-help books, buying the latest gadget or toy, and staying productive; basically, not truly living in any real sense. None of this stuff truly works for George; he has dreams, but he is afraid to follow them, because he is lead to believe that if he does he will definitely explode.

The almost-too-subtle tone and style of the film can be hard to interpret at times, especially if you're trying too hard to understand it, but I believe it suits the film well and allows for a truly contemplative cinematic experience. I don't believe the film carries any one particular agenda, although it takes several shots at America and capitalism in general, there are also a couple of scenes that show the "hippie" response to that way of life and how it is also flawed in many ways. There are so many underlying themes and messages about life at the heart of this film that it is impossible to list them all here, and I don't know if I even could, because I probably missed a few of them the first couple of times I watched it. Turn the negative, cynical and egotistical part of your brain off before you sit down to watch Visioneers and you will truly appreciate the message of the film. Yes, it has a few flaws here and there, and may also seem preachy and pretentious at times, but that could very well have been intentional; meant to convey the message of the film in a different way.

It wrestles with what it truly means to be alive! I won't spoil the conclusion for anyone, because if you truly grasp it while watching it, there is so much more to be had from it. Go ahead and make some popcorn, grab a soda and your loved one (or a buddy) and really dive into this film. It may just change your life.
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