
32 Reviews
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Descent (2007)
A shallow revenge movie
17 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is entirely about a graphic rape scene done for revenge. It runs for 20 minutes and is not done artistically, it's 100% focused on graphically raping a "rapist" with a lot of detail to just rubber stamp how shallow the writer(s) and director truly is/are.

The only reason this film is not absolutely obliterated as disgusting is because it's a black man and woman raping a white man, which is the real reason the film was made. Petty, poorly written, poorly acted (Rosario Dawson is extremely lucky her career isn't judged on this film), poorly edited. Everyone involved in this really shouldn't be involved in the film industry.

For anyone who is writing reviews about the "subtlety" or "deeper" meaning, please stop. This is clearly one of the most shallow, petty scripts and films made in the history of film.
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Really bad
23 May 2023
If Marvel Phase 1 was this bad, it would have been cancelled. They are living on the success of the previous phases and this film proves it, awful stuff.

Every element fails, from the poor script which makes Cassie so smug that she's totally unlikeable. Janet has all the answers but can't spare 3 seconds to explain anything but can waste a load of time doing nothing.... Awful, awful stuff.

The film is ugly as hell too, all green screen rubbish, like Spy Kids 3D. Not to mention the fact they totally waste Bill Murray, criminally.

Ultimately, it's a total mess of a film that didn't need to be made and really just destroys Ant Man, similar to how they have wrecked Thor.... And basically any decent character left.
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Just Google the case.... This isn't a documentary in any way
19 May 2023
This is an extremely biased piece of work. It muddles an extremely complicated situation to conform to the author, and director's, narrative.

The author, Elizabeth Flock, has written about this case and made this poor piece of film. Rather than using the facts and details to tell the story, she is selective to the point of extreme bias and the utilises victimisation to try to support her point of view, such "there are no perfect victims", which there aren't, but that does not make it ok to try to frame information to shape your narrative.

Ultimately, there is no question that Brittany is a victim of abuse. That does not justify the crime she committed in this instance.

What was played down was the testimony Brittany gave, she lied and changed her story, this makes the ability to trust her account difficult. Additionally, McCallie came back to the house with a gun rather than informing the police, these are only a couple the facts totally played down by Flock.

Just read up on it, this particular case is not a "stand your ground is for white men" example and Elizabeth Flock is our looking for more of these cases now... no one ever seems to have explained let the evidence lead you to the outcome to her, she is clearly working backwards from an outcome.
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11 March 2023
The most insufferable conspiracy theory nonsense.

The 3 episodes go from "Russia did it" to "America did it" with the most unreliable conspiracy theory nonsense from people calling themselves journalists. A French journalist with a deepthroat story, an American journalist with a crazy Russian theory, and all the while a host of victims and their families that are made almost irrelevant by their waffling.

Netflix is getting progressively worse with their overall productions and this show, unfortunately, is bottom of the barrel stuff that really is far better off being a YouTube video for conspiracy theorists.

My advice, avoid this.
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Black Adam (2022)
Really good action/superhero movie
24 October 2022
For anyone giving this move anything under 7, I have no idea what you are looking for from a superhero movie. Some of the rating just don't make sense, this was an entertaining movie.

This is a total departure from the other DCEU (Snyder) movies. The tone is totally different and far more entertaining overall.

Firstly, the action is excellent. The casting is great, Brosnan is amazing as Doctor Fate and Aldis Hodge is excellent as Hawkman. The jokes aren't forced and are well placed and the story is pretty good. I would definitely watch more DC movies like this.

Went to the theatre to see with my wife, we both really enjoyed it.
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Monster (2022– )
Excellent show
8 October 2022
Evan Peters is excellent in the lead role and really captures Dahmer. Overall, the show is excellent. They do a good job of really allowing focus on the victims while telling the story. Really difficult subject matter to get right and they did a good job.

There are a couple of episodes that are unnecessary, creating a composite character to tell a story that really isn't needed but seems a prerequisite for all movies and tv shows these days.

In my opinion, episode 7 is totally unnecessary, it would have made more sense to just tell the story of the real people rather than merge them, other than that the show is 10/10.
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Not enough content for the full series
10 April 2022
There isn't enough content for the amount of episodes so the show becomes very slow moving with lots of needlessly stretched out elements. For the first couple of episodes, it's not even clear the premise of the show as they have to slowly develop the story.

The casting is great, the acting is great, the story would make an amazing movie or they could have cut a couple of episodes out of the series to make it more entertaining.
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Corner Gas (2004–2009)
23 March 2022
Are the reviews of this some sort of in joke that I'm not in on?

There is absolutely nothing funny in or about this show yet the reviews are generally good, how? I am not using hyperbole when I say this is likely the worst show I have seen, ever. Strange to see the 8, 9, 10 reviews.
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Good film!
4 February 2022
Really good film, the tone is great, funny when it should be, fight scenes are great, the story is great, and the cast is brilliant - with one exception, Awkwafina is awful but it is what it is.

Definitely recommend anyone to see this, really good.
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Eternals (2021)
What were they trying?
30 January 2022
This film is not good. It's not the worst film ever made or anything like that but it is not good.

Marvel has a few films that are far from perfect but this one doesn't make sense, what were they trying with this film? It's boring and doesn't really fit with the other MCU movies in tone, style or anything.

The casting is also a bit odd, some of it is well casted, other parts are just strange cast decisions, again, what were they trying? The film doesn't fit at all and totally wastes some excellent characters and their potential.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter what the audience thinks as they will just make sequels and redos (already read they plan a sequel...) but they should really rethink doing anything further with this.
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The Vow (2020–2022)
The most narcissistic self serving documentary I have seen
12 January 2022
This documentary is a long winded, self obsessed partial telling of the NXIVM story. It massively paints over the culpability of several of the people involved.

The documentary, in part, attempts to make one person, who was one of the best recruiters of young women, and a former board member who made a lot of money out of the cult, out to be "good people" (Marks own words).

If you want a holistic view of the NXIVM story and a true first hand telling, watch Seduced, it is infinitely better and far more compelling.
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Foundation (2021– )
Needlessly rewritten elements
30 October 2021
A decent show overall and visually impressive but it strays massively from the original subject matter, which shows in how it can become a boring quickly.

The decision to change Salvor Hardin's and Daneel's genders is so absolutely Apple TV and why their content is generally poor, they always need to do, or include, something political and make strong subject material shallow as hell and that is what happens to a lot of the story so far - it becomes shallow. Which is infuriating as the origin subject matter is so deep and well constructed.

I gave it 6 out of 10 as it's decent but it's not amazing.
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Ted Lasso: Beard After Hours (2021)
Season 2, Episode 9
Filler but not killer
26 September 2021
A waste of an episode. An attempt to add depth to Beard but fails miserably.

Season 2 overall is an utter disappointment.
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Meandering and boring
10 January 2021
I was really disappointed by this show. Netflix did a great job in the advertising to sell the premise but the delivery is extremely long winded, with a lot of uninteresting talking heads who are introduced as "comedians" but don't say anything even verging on comedic.

Nic Cage's pieces are entertaining but if you want the history of swear words you will get more entertainment simply googling their origins and reading a few sites than watching this.
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Not a good film
31 December 2020
This isn't the worst film of all time but it is a massive step down from the first Wonder Woman and isn't really a good film either. Wonder Woman deserved a lot better than this film delivered.

The problem, for me, starts with the film maker, who has shown she clearly didn't understand the character or the comic books that the characters exist in, hence some of the response you are seeing. Patty Jenkins already went out and did a victory lap for this film before the audience response came in, which now looks tone deaf and like the studio doesn't care what it's audience thinks.... maybe they don't?

The story does not have any alignment with source material, due to this the story is quite hollow and the characters lack depth. The source material is extremely successful for a reason, maybe Warner Bros and DC Films should consider hiring people who like the source material and utilize it?

The film itself, overall, is very cartoonish, lacks action and does nothing to progress the characters at all. There's no reason to watch this film, you could skip it and it wont make any difference to where you left the characters off in the last film bar Wonder Woman has some new powers she didn't in the first film.

I don't want to add any spoilers as there are enough reviews here with details but I will just say this was not a good film and I don't think I would be too interested in seeing a 3rd film with the same film maker.
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Midway (2019)
Missed opportunity
9 October 2020
This movie had so much potential but the acting let it down massively. Ed Skrein's horrific American accent and wooden acting throughout is a major issue and makes it hard to watch any scene he is in. There are several pointless scenes in the film that are cartoonish and really out of place. As an example, early in the film a pilot cuts the engine for an emergency carrier landing that serves absolutely no purpose to the film.

Overall they totally missed an opportunity here
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Ozark: All In (2020)
Season 3, Episode 10
Major plot holes
17 June 2020
The finale is not bad but has a couple major plot holes, it basically makes the mob out to be a complete joke of a group, for example.

I honestly couldn't watch another full season with Darlene doing what she likes so I hope they stop completely overplaying her - she can do what she likes to the Mexican Cartels and the Mob and absolutely no repercussions. This episode is particularly bad for her doing what she likes, Al Capone wasn't as untouchable as her.
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Birds of Prey (2020)
Not awful and not great
9 February 2020
There are two ways to look at the film - as a stand alone film or as a Harley Quinn film.

Getting the latter out of the way, it's not a Harley Quinn film, nor is the awful Suicide Squad. This is a character loosely based on one of the most liked characters in DC comics. But that's not an issue as I don't believe it's meant to be the same character.

As a stand alone film, it's ok. It's trying very hard to be Deadpool in many parts and falls flat at that. It's also not all that fun though it tries desperately hard to be "fun" with the colours and sounds and attempted jokes throughout which in a lot of scenes back fires. Ewan McGregor is also not all that great in the film, it's hard to understand his motive, he seems to have a different motive in every scene.

Warner Brothers has completely wasted their own properties with DC Films really, if they make a sequel to this how does it fit with Suicide Squad? Why would they make a sequel to either, the audiences didn't walk out screaming for more, nor or either memorable. Add this to the long list of poor, disconnected DC films, it's a mess. The saving grace is Wonder Woman which is amazing and deserves better from WB.
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If you like Kevin Hart, don't watch this.
8 January 2020
I'm a Kevin Hart fan. I love his stand up and his films but if you, like me, want to remain a fan then I advise not to watch this.

This series is not a documentary. The show is extremely self serving, a huge amount of the show is basically Kevin Hart explaining how hard he works and preaching about how real he is and how much of a family man and on and on, then when they talk about his mistakes he becomes a victim.... it's really hard to watch

I am still a fan but I definitely don't see him the same way after watching this.
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Fleabag (2016–2019)
13 October 2019
Just an all around amazing TV show. Incredibly well delivered acting, story is amazing, humour is brilliant. Couldn't be better
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Batwoman (2019–2022)
Narrative will overtake the reality - a poor show
13 October 2019
The narrative that anything negative is "review bombing" is really just covering up what is a cringe worthy and hard to watch show.

There are endless eye rolling moments throughout the entire show. The biggest issue I have is that while the main characters back story is a deep, strong history with difficult emotions and relationships that are extremely well covered in many TV shows and offer so many areas that could be explored but here the lead is emotionless and one dimensional and does not deliver/fit what is needed for the character.

They didn't need to deliver the entire back story to her becoming Batwoman in one episode, they could have built it, instead it was rushed, hard to watch and really not worth watching.

The story deserves better than this
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Shazam! (2019)
Could have been great....
17 August 2019
Shazam! Is an ok film, the story is not too bad but it never lives up to its potential.
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Really entertaining
6 July 2019
This film is seriously entertaining, Zendaya is the perfect MJ, Mysterio is excellent, the film is just great and more than that, the post credit scene includes a major nod to fans of marvel films through the years that in itself is an amazing moment that just adds to a great film, a welcome return! The Avengers films and this are an excellent series of films to set up the next wave.
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12 June 2019
Well acted, well produced, well paced. This is a really good tv show. Really good to binge watch, there's no filler episodes or anything of the like, just a really good tv show. The story of these boys is harrowing, a huge amount to learn from the trial and the history of this.
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Aquaman (2018)
Worth a watch but not a great film
10 June 2019
I watched the film with no expectations either way and to some up - it's not garbage but it's not great.

There are some ridiculous elements - every characters entrance requires a slow motion taking a helmet off sequence.... hammy as hell; in the realms of nipples on the Batsuit. There is a lot of stuff thrown in to try force humour into DC that doesn't land or is just awful.

There are some good elements - fight scenes with Aquaman are good, his parents relationship actually means something, Dolf Lundgren being 100% Dolf, etc.,

I would rush to see it but would watch if it was on the TV.
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