
47 Reviews
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Gintama (2005–2021)
How do you describe a perfect journey?
18 May 2024
I'm a few episodes and a movie away of finishing this masterpiece and before melancholy and sadness settle in and I can't think straight for a week I wanted to try to write a review for the masterpiece that is Gintama.

Why a masterpiece and why should you see Gintama almost 20 years since it first aired? Because it's as good as it was back then, maybe even more. It's the ultimate shounen comedy, the ultimate adventure, it has it all. At it's core, it's a shounen parody, but Gintama is sad, happy, uplifting, tragic and so much more. Almost 400 episodes later and I'm getting ready to finish this journey, which took me 6 months to see and everytime I saw another anime Gintama brought me back, with it's familiarity and comedy and quirk. I don't know how to describe the perfect journey that is Gintama, but I loved every second of it.

If you're wondering if it's worth it today - YES! Go watch it all, it has little to 0 fillers, and almost all seasons are rated 9 on MAL which means that for 15 years Gintama has kept it's consistency, and in today's world that seems impossible. You can watch it in 2-3-12-24 months, but once you get hooked to it, Gintama will be like family to you. Characters are perfectly fleshed out, comedy is at its peak, serious moments and heartbreaks when it's needed, everything.

I thought the story silly when I started, but I wanted to give it a chance, and it hooked me after 10-20 episodes, that's how good Sakata Gintoki is. He's your main lovable character, and I did not regret a second that I gave it a chance.

Like spyair (ost, op, ed's are also bangers, you will find some incredible music) would say - samurai heart *wink wink*.

Be forever yorozuya, if everyone could learn a few things from Gintama, the world would be a better place.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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6 January 2024
Currently at episode 17 of frieren, and I have to say this anime is an adventure, breathtaking, gorgeous, amazing. If you would ask me to describe it in one single word it would be just this: emotion.

Frieren is an adventure, literally. It feels like a combination of the hobbit and lord of the rings, but after evil was defeated and new heroes appear...there is still evil, and luckily there are still heroes.

I don't know how good the manga is, I just know that up until this point it's a masterpiece for me, madhouse really gave it all, this is their best work and I know I'm hyping this anime to the skies but it's just so worth it. Like life, frieren doesn't have a bigger story, yes, it has a main 'quest', but the little side quests is what makes life and this anime so beautiful.

The OST by Evan Call is stunning. There is only 1 as good enough as frieren's that I can remember, and that is Violet Evergarden, which was created by the same author. To say that he created the OST for these 2 legends is an accomplishment in itself.

The OP is very good, but the ED by Milet is the real banger, and it could have honestly been both OP and ED, that's just how good it is.

This is on par to become my favorite anime ever, absolutely every aspect of Frieren is well crafted, from the animation, voice acting, music, stories..all.
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Assasination Classroom (2015–2016)
Arigato, Koro sensei
26 November 2023
Assassination classroom deserves a genre of it's own. I honestly can't put it in anything specific, but it was so good. I expected a quirky comedy and fun, and season 1 is indeed that, but season 2 pushes the pedals to max.

Some years later and I've finally watched this masterpiece - and I regret to say it should have been done much sooner. It's something special, something we can all learn from. Now, a few hours after finishing it and still thinking about it I can say I'm sad, but I absolutely loved every second of it and I'd watch it again for the first time again and again.

Episode 25 is probably some of the most heart wrenching thing I've seen in an anime, for all of the 28 names shouted I was just dying inside. A masterpiece and hats of to everyone who pulled it together. I don't know when almost 50 episodes went by, but it was an incredible experience and I'm deeply grateful for it.
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9 October 2023
If you need a word to describe this anime it's just this: wholesome. From the more dramatic season 1 to the wholesome season 2 we see the characters, and not just the main character here, develop, grow, become better and more interesting.

A fantastic adaptation, March comes in like a lion is just something else, something different. The animation style used is superb, and it caught me off guard and hooked me from episode 1. The characters are interesting, and the story is basically the definition of slice of life anime combined with a bit of drama. I recommend watching this anime in small doses 5-6-8 episodes at most at a time so you can enjoy it, it gives off such a pleasant feeling that you don't want it to end. I have no idea about shogi, but that isn't a problem as the anime isn't focused on it. Still - such a lovely sport!

I really hope for a season 3 someday, and the adaption of the full manga, honestly that would make it one of the best slice of life anime's of all time, and it would be thoroughly deserved.
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My Happy Marriage (2023– )
Greatness potential
4 October 2023
My happy marriage was such a pleasant surprise to discover - the hype I was seeing for it seems to have been justified for once.

All throughout the series it reminded me of Violet Evergarden a bit and that's the biggest praise that I can say for it in my book. The animation is stunning, voice acting great (as usual for serious anime's), and you can see it's had an impressive budget and been made with care. The story is good, nothing groundbreaking but it was executed to perfection almost.

One of the best surprises of the year (and it's truly been a great year with some newcomers as heavenly delusions and Oshi no ko). With already a season 2 confirmed I have great hopes for my happy marriage, while it doesn't have the depth of Violet Evergarden (which for me is the ultimate work of art) I feel it can be the next best thing.

P. S. Both intro and outro are absolute bangers, I've listened to both of them for the full 12 eps, do yourself a favor and check the full versions - they're so well matched for MHP.
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Genre defining
29 September 2023
Mushoku Tensei is not your generic Isekai. It's a fantasy of the highest quality, a masterpiece, and genre defining for both fantasy and Isekais in the anime genre.

The first review I wrote didn't seem to encompass my feelings towards this anime, so I just deleted it and started over again. I've never done this before for an anime, but it seems to be deserved here. I can honestly say it's in my top 5 anime's of all time along Cowboy Bebop, Violet Evergarden, Ergo Proxy, Fullmetal alchemist and Psycho pass, though which is the order I can't honestly say.

But going back to the topic on hand - you might ask yourself why should you watch it? A lot of people complain about the MC because he is a grownup in a boys body (basically starting life from 0), but you can clearly see his flaws right from episode 1. This isn't a perfect MC, he's a perv, has low self-esteem, a loser, an underdog but his growth is fantastic. He becomes a decent human or at least tries to and the show is so complex that I honestly can't write it good enough here or explain it coherently. I'm bored of those perfect MCs and the generic good boy that becomes overpowered.

This isn't your typical story, the world building is fantastic, the adventure is one of a kind and amazing, watching MT you feel like you grow up along Rudeus, the animation is one of the best I have ever seen, the style so unique, and the music (especially S2 opening) and OST is just perfection.

Currently waiting for S2 part 2 and I'd watch 10 more seasons of MT, I just hope the quality stays as good for the whole animation, it's just incredible.
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Don't be fooled by the name
21 August 2023
Like the title says, don't be fooled by the name, I was expecting something silly and more of a joke, but ended up binging 60 episodes in a weekend - lol.

Season 1 hooked me up, season 2 and 3 were good enough to keep me, but season 4 was peak fantasy anime. I won't pretend it doesn't have it's silly moments, fan service or harem tropes, but Danmachi also has genuine growth, pain, suffering and happiness which are hard to find. The mix between comedy, seriousness and cliched anime tropes is balanced, and it doesn't overextend itself.

Yes, it's not groundbreaking, it's not something to smash up the genre, but it's so much fun, I loved it. Every season is a continuous improvement and I can't wait to see what season 5 brings next. The dungeon world is incredible and the monster variety is awesome, you don't get bored of it.

Also, Ryu best girl.
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Psycho-Pass (2012–2019)
Hard, real, incredible
12 August 2023
This is the type of anime that reminds me why I love anime's - you just can't put these things into a real show or movie, well, not in the next 50 years or so anyway.

Cyberpunk, dystopian, futuristic with a dash of nihilism and other social problems, experiments, inequalities, psycho pass is such an incredible anime, especially when you consider it does not have a manga. The universe is huge, potential is unlimited and I love what the producers and studio have created.

While I admit that the movies and other seasons are not as good as season 1, just because of the two main protagonists and their charm, the other seasons and movies are definitely worth your time if you love this universe. Season 1 was close to a masterpiece, lightning in a bottle, and I just have a glimmer of hope that I might see it again in the future.

Watch everything, the 3 seasons, movies - they're all connected and you will have a good understanding of what is happening in psycho pass. The world is hard, beautiful, characters flawed, not black and white, but different shades of grey. I'm just hoping the quality maintains or even better, goes back to S1 levels, but cheers to many more seasons.
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Steins;Gate (2011–2015)
The standard for sci-fi and time travel
6 August 2023
As most reviews mention here, the anime starts slow and you might be tempted to stop watching it or take a break after the first few episodes - DO NOT! It really takes off after the first have because that's when you start to understand most of the action and get a hint of where the plot is headed for.

Loved it, I could describe it in more fancy words or try to make it sound complex, but I'll just refrain from it and say that I agree with others - it is a masterpiece and deserves it. Characters are interesting, voice acting impeccable, and yet it gives off a small nihilist vibe, but optimistic at the same time. It's just so well built, definitely in my top 5 all time favourites. Drama, sci-fi, time travel, romance, what can you ask for more?
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Heavenly Delusion (2023– )
What a gem
3 August 2023
In a year filled with Demon slayer, jjk, Vinland Saga, Bungo stray dogs, Oshi no ko or Bleach it is hard to make a name for yourself as a new anime, but Tengoku Daimakyo is in my opinion a serious contender for anime of the year.

The story is complex and you need to see the full season to understand it, up until the last episode, and even then you will want to see more just because it becomes so fascinating. I can't give away anything without spoiling but it's a fantastic story, in post apocalyptic world, which if you are a fan of you'll love because the animation is also gorgeous, characters are complex, and voice acting impeccable.

Definitely recommended, can't wait for season 2.
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Vinland Saga (2019–2023)
24 June 2023
I found the first season shortly after it finished airing because I heard so it was also made by Wit and having such a good impression about AoT i thought I might give it a try. Let me say that I devoured those episodes, I couldn't move from the chair and I think I saw all of the season in a day and half. It was astonishing, Thors, Thorfinn, Askeladd, Floki, Canute. Such complex and interesting characters, i had to wait 3 years for season 2 but it was such a worthwhile wait.

Season 2 is about redemption, re-discovery, pain, loss, hope, despair, sadness, happiness and a whole other carousel of emotions. The journey is simply incredible, the horrors that mankind can inflict on each other and yet even after we realize them we still end up in this vicious circle. Can a man outrun his past? I don't know, but i can't wait to see Thorfinn's next adventures. The animation, voices, and music are perfect. I just wish Crunchyroll would stop censoring limbs and other gore stuff. Respect the creators work, don't censor them.

Also, both the opening themes do such a fantastic job of expressing the feelings i had for both parts of the season, incredible songs. It might not be as hyped as AOT, jjk or Demon slayer, but the story in Vinland Saga far surpasses them, it is simply a must watch.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Ending on a low note
6 June 2023
I loved this show in its first season - it was wholesome, didn't take itself too serious and you could just relax and enjoy some good television.

The 2nd season was ok, but you could see the cracks so I had my fears for the 3rd and final one.

Then the 3rd one came - with virtue signaling, preaching and showing that rich people suffer like the rest of us mortals - oh, the tragedy. Drama, and bad drama was plentiful, and less and less about football.

There's this line in the 3rd season: "Facebook is now just for grandparents and racists" and I was shocked to hear something so stupid being said in a show I thought intelligent. All throughout season 3 they're trying so hard to give these modern jibes and smart replies but they fail so miserably. It's like the 3rd season is written by somebody who's not connected to real life, a zoomer and a boomer at the same time.

1st - 10, 2 - 7, 3 - 2. Overall a 6.
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Such a sad ending
16 April 2023
To say this movie is rushed is an understatement - it's more of a random movie put together by random clips. Ever since Netflix got hold of the rights for the books, the quality has been going downhill with every season culminating in this atrocity.

How to cram 4 books in 110 minutes, and they didn't even try that, because the screenwriters and the director, in their magnanimity, know better than Bernard Cornwell and decided to toss away his books and insert their own fan fiction, because they surely are better than him, no doubt! (What is it with writers these days that feel the need to not care about the original story and think they are better than the author?)

Except the old actors, the new ones are very weak and they look like they got the roles from random tik toks auditions.(besides the Athelstan subplot that is just an insult to the great king and his faith) As a fan of Bernard Cornwell and all of his works, I can't find anything good to say about this movie, as much as I'd try, it is an insult to the man and to Alexander Dreymon who's portrayed Uhtred superbly. Maybe the only good thing is that it has finally escaped Netflix and the books can finally rest in peace - as a suggestion, read the books. There is no comparison.
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Bungo Stray Dogs (2016– )
Aging like fine wine
12 April 2023
This series is just fantastic, i didn't expect such an interesting world building and character development.

It starts a bit slow, I'd say there are two main protagonists, but i just love how not everything is centered around them. Dazai's origin and his buddies are some of the best episodes I've seen in an anime. Each new season starts with an origin story or some prequel episodes, and it's fascinating to learn more about the world and some of the members of the detective agency's past. Surprisingly, every season gets better and better, and I'm already holding my breath for season 5, great series.

If you're a detective/fantasy and sprinkled with just a bit of mystery fan, definitely give this series a shot, totally worth it.
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86 (2021– )
Greatness in the making
1 April 2023
This series has far surpassed any expectations I've had from it, i have binged all episodes in a day and at the end i think I could have squeezed a few more if I had any to watch. Perfect on a cold, rainy day, cannot describe the feeling that It left me. I cannot wait for a season 2, I wish it had been done yesterday.

To summarize it, i think 86 resembles quite a few of other animes I really enjoyed, it has some of the tragedy of attack on titan, some sadness from Violet Evergarden, Mecha and interesting fights from Code Geass, and for some reason it also reminds me of re:zero. It manages to pull all of these different elements into something truly spectacular, the animation and cgi used are flawless, voice acting the same, and I just love the nature and 'post apocalyptic' shots that they inserted here and there, it really immerses you in the world.

You will not regret watching it, I don't think I've noticed any fillers being inserted except the origin stories but those are needed for the viewers to care about the characters, so that was done very well.

Overall a 10/10, no discussion, it left me wanting for so much more.
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Your Name. (2016)
26 February 2023
I know I am late to the party in watching this movie and praising it, but honestly it deserves all the praise.

I have only seen such a beautiful animation in Violet Evergarden, and these two are the only ones that I can truly say are works of art in every aspect.

The story might not be complicated as some prefer, but it's executed to perfection, and if you don't have a rollercoaster of emotions in this film, then you're probably not human and you might just stop reading this review anyway.

The two main characters are played perfectly, the score by Radwimps is phenomenal, I loved every second of it, and the ending is perfect. Just that, nothing more - perfect. Your name and Violet Evergarden are the two works of art that every animation and movie should aspire to be, and to provoke those feelings inside of me, the watcher.

Thank you,
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Akame ga Kill! (2014– )
Really really good
25 February 2023
I'll say this from the start so we could leave this out - this show is not a masterpiece but it is very good. I would recommend this to everyone that likes a gritty and dark anime and doesn't fear the consequences.

There is a wide variety of characters and while the ending is not the same as the manga (a bit of a heartbreak but still fantastic) the action, animation and voice acting is absolutely top notch. You can tell that they did not probably have the budget they would have liked and maybe had to do with cuts, especially interesting things from the manga, but white fox has done everything in their power to make sure they put out something good - and I support that.

The anime is dark, gritty, violent and lastly heartbreaking, and even though it's simple and has flaws that are easily spotted, it is fantastic nonetheless and I don't think you will regret watching it to the end. 24 episodes of not messing around.
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Violet Evergarden (2018– )
21 January 2023
From the start I'm just going to say this is the most beautiful animation I have seen in my life (from a series). From the originals like cowboy bebop, fmab to the best ones from today, demon slayer, jujutsu kaisen and aot, you name them all - Violet Evergarden surpasses them all with a stunning animation.

The voice acting is heartfelt and genuine, the music score is perfect, it pulls the strings of your heart and honestly you just cannot help shed a year every episode or so. I just couldn't resist, the intro and outro are both fantastic and go along so well.

It feels like a fresh Sunday bread that you just made - yes you can find faults in it if you want, but it was made with love, and it was made by you and this is what this series is - made with love, feels handcrafted, homemade, and you can feel the emotions poured into it.

A work of art in every aspect, cannot recommend it enough, and a sincere thank you to everyone who made it possible.
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Full of surprises
17 January 2023
I went into this anime blind, completely blind, just knew it was an Isekai and heard good things about it, but nothing about the story or the characters.

Let me start by saying this, it will defy your expectations, it's not what it seems and it is so much more than that. Weird, right ? All i can say is that I was completely take by surprises, with an s as there are so many good things about this anime. The writing is fantastic, mind-blowing at times, violent and wholesome at the same time. Brilliant anime, full of different characters, plot twists and beautiful animation. Definitely give it a chance, you will not regret it. I could write many more things about it, but I'll just say that I can't wait for season 3 to come, the potential is fantastic.
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Glass Onion (2022)
Pretty bad
2 January 2023
Like the title says, this movie was pretty bad. The first one was really decent, not anything groundbreaking, not bad, just decent. From the overall story, ripped from Agatha Christie, to Blanc with his horrible southern accent and pretentious naivety at times ripped also from a combination of Poirot and Miss Marple, not sure what Craig was going for but from all the cast he seemed the weakest.

While the 'idiot' billionaire card seemed interesting, it was grossly exaggerated and overdone, the writing was also pretty bad. Most of the cast didn't have anything to do, so if you'd have done the movie with 5 people only, the result would have been the same. I wanted to give the film a 5, but that ending just killed it for me, no sense whatsoever and just plain stupid.
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Deserves more recognition
19 November 2022
I've fleetingly heard about this anime in the summer and decided to give it a try once it finished airing and now that the moment finally arrived I just have to say that I regret not doing it earlier, it was brilliant.

I'm not usually a fan of time travelling anime's but the combination of drama and mystery seemed really interesting and in the end it works out great. The animation and voices are superb, the story is fantastic even though you expect 'that ending' you end up holding your breath for it. Overall it's a short anime but so well done, i end up with that sad feeling that there isn't more of it, so yes, i know it was a very good one.

The sad thing is it didn't receive the recognition it deserved in my opinion, but if by chance you end up reading this then yes - with all my heart give it a chance, it's just awesome.
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Spy x Family (2022– )
9 October 2022
This is one of those feel-good type of animes. Having never read the manga, i didn't know what to expect going into this, only heard the praise that's been non stop, and immediately after starting I became hooked.

The voice acting is genuine and good, animation is beautiful and story is more interesting than I expected it to be. It has the potential to become darker in the future, but for now it just feels like a light action comedy, and that is precisely what I wanted. It's relaxing, doesn't take itself too serious and it just makes me feel good.

Oh, and that outro song is absolutely brilliant, stuck in my head and gives me such a good vibe, brilliant choice.
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Gets interesting with each episode
8 October 2022
I heard this anime was one of the summer surprises and decided to give it a go once it finished airing because I'm more of a binge person. Did not go into it with great expectations but ended up being pleasantly surprised.

The first few episodes start a bit slow, more of a get to know the two main characters, but if you pass them (and I recommend a little patience) it becomes pleasantly surprising. I've found the animation quite beautiful, and each new character introduced has an interesting story and background. I really hope for a season two just to see where this goes, it has lots of potential and was better than I expected, definitely a recommend.

Overall I'd say it's a 8-9, subjective of course, but i want to support a second season so I'll hit that 10 star.
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Unexpected gem
20 September 2022
Netflix's 3rd hit after Castlevania and Arcane, cyberpunk edgerunners is fantastic. Beautiful animation and colouring, well acted and paced interesting storyline that keeps you on the edge. Packed with action also.

If you liked the other two then you will definitely enjoy this one, once a year Netflix seems to strike gold in the animation department - well, not them, since the credit should go to the studio that produced it and cdpr - but nonetheless I hope to see more animations like this in the future.

Without spoiling anything, this show is fantastic and a must see, even if you're not a fan of the genre.
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Believe the hype
2 September 2022
I would have never thought that a film made 36 years after the original, and a sequel nonetheless could be this good. I heard a lot of praise for it, and it was the only movie of the year where I was actually hyped to watch it, and oh boy it was fantastic. Believe all the hype, the movie doesn't need any description, it's just fantastic in its own.

Acting, filming, storyline and the best of all maybe - the soundtrack that builds all that hype. A perfect combination. This is what I hope for in every movie that I watch yet so few deliver it. Fantastic movie.

Good job Mr. Cruise, very good job.
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