
29 Reviews
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Trapped (1949)
If you are a fan of old movies, this is a good one to watch.
14 November 2022
I enjoy watching old movies. I find it fun to see actors in their early days.

This film has several actors you will recognize from other roles that they played later in their careers. Most notably is Lloyd Bridges, who a lot of people will know from his days in the TV Series SEA HUNT and the silly AIRPLANE movies. John Hoyt is another recognizable actor who starred in many episodes of popular television series and an exceptionally long list of Hollywood movies.

TRAPPED is a story about the efforts of the Secret Service to stop a major counterfeiting organization. The story is well told and even provides a little insight as to what is involved in printing money. In short, this is an enjoyable old-time crime movie.
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Enjoyable Action Movie
14 November 2022
At times, this movie seems like watching The Terminator. The storyline is similar, but there are a few twists.

Sam Worthington portrays Lucas who is a professional assassin. Lucas is also supposed to be a junkie. It is never quite clear what drug Lucas is supposed to be addicted to. I am not an expert on junkies, but I don't think the portrayal of Lucas as a junkie is very convincing. The portrayal of Lucas as an assassin is very convincing and this is what makes the movie worth watching.

Odeya Rush stars as Ella and offers a satisfactory performance as a vulnerable schoolgirl being chased by bad guys. The remainder of the cast do good jobs in their roles to support the movie's plot.

In short, if you would like to watch a movie similar to The Terminator, without the robots and special effects, then this would be a viable choice.
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Death Hunt (2022)
Enjoyable revenge flick
14 November 2022
The storyline of this movie is familiar, and the outcome is predictable. If you are seeking a revenge movie to watch, then this film may suit.

In a typical revenge movie, you want the bad guys to be bad and you want them to do bad things. If the bad guys are bad enough, you begin to cheer on the good guys and hope the bad guys get their just rewards. Thinking along these lines, this is certainly the plot for this movie, except that the good guy is a good gal.

The acting in this movie will certainly not win any awards. I did not recognize any of the actors from previous films. Still, the storyline keeps moving and there is enough action and suspense to watch the entire movie.
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Too bad this movie is not in color.
10 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
To me, it appears this movie was made as an excuse to go to Alaska and film the beautiful scenery. Alaska scenery is beautiful and worth exploring. Unfortunately, this movie is in black and white. If it were in color, watching the scenery would make the film worth the time.

The storyline is slow and drawn out. The characters are not very interesting. The actors provide subpar performances.

While watching the film, many questions arise, and they are never answered. For example, the saucer is supposed to be hidden far below the ground in a cave. The cave is very small and looks like an old basement. How does the saucer get in and out of the cave? It reminds me of the man who built a boat in the basement of his house. Once the boat was completed, the house had to be torn down to get the boat out.

Another thing that is very distracting is the constant smoking by the main character Mike Trent. This film must have used most of its budget to buy cigarettes.

I love 50's sci-fi movies and this one is a big let-down.
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The Venusian (1954)
Watchable but do not expect too much
10 November 2022
As other reviews have stated, this movie is basically THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL. I have no idea why Patricia Neal wanted to star in this movie after also being in the much better THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL. There is no cool and threatening robot and there is almost no space craft in this picture. The movie consists of no technology to speak of and very little special effects. Helmut Dantine provides a good alien portrayal and this is what makes the film watchable.

This film is an example of why remakes need to be very careful. The two movies were only 3 years apart. When released, it had to be compared to the earlier THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL, and I doubt it was well received.
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Moonfall (2022)
Terrible plot
29 April 2022
The plot is completely unbelievable. If you want to see great "end of the world" special effects, then watch this movie. Otherwise, skip it. The acting is marginal. Patrick Wilson and Halle Berry have much better movies to watch.
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Rage (2017)
Enjoyable Revenge Movie
31 July 2021
This is a predictable revenge movie but it is a well done action movie and Lou Ferrigno does a great job in the role of John Bradley. The plot develops to the point where you want to see all of the bad guys get what is coming to them. You will not be disappointed. I enjoyed the movie. I think Lou Ferrigno would make a great Terminator.
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Predator (1987)
A real masterpiece.
12 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Dutch leads a team of mercenaries on a rescue mission. These guys are as tough as they come and they can handle anything. Then the plot takes a twist. Suddenly they are being hunted and the story is now survival. Who will survive, if anyone.

The movie is a terrific mix of action, suspense and sci-fi. The acting is great and the special effects are top notch. Don't miss Predator.
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Runaway Train (I) (1985)
Great movie.
26 October 2019
This is one of those movies where everything appears so realistic that you feel cold while watching it. The acting is top notch and Jon Voight is perfect as Manny. The action builds throughout the film and the thrills keep coming all the way to the end.
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Cursed (2005)
Cool werewolf movie.
23 October 2019
Special effects by Rick Baker are top notch and reminds you of American Werewolf of London. Christina Ricci is enticing. The film may be considered predictable but it is still enjoyable to watch. If you enjoy werewolf movies, make sure you see this one.
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Fun WWE action movie.
17 October 2019
Plot is basic and predictable but the action scenes are good and will hold your attention. If you are a fan of the WWE movies, you will enjoy this one.
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Predictable plot but still a good action movie.
16 October 2019
This is your basic rescue movie. The action is good and the filmography and stunts are done well. If you enjoy action movies, this one is worth watching.
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Crawl (I) (2019)
An excellent thriller.
12 October 2019
While watching this movie, you feel that you are trying to survive along with Haley and her Dad. You should always stay out of the path of a major hurricane if possible.
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Let's make John Wick more believable.
9 September 2019
I love the John Wick character and Keanu Reeves portrays John Wick excellently. However, John Wick 3 has too many exhausting and unbelievable action scenes. Does John Wick ever get tired? It does not seem so in this movie. My hope is that John Wick 4 slows down the pace of the action a bit. John Wick can be John Wick without constantly fighting or killing someone.
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Deadwood: The Movie (2019 TV Movie)
I was disappointed.
22 August 2019
I thought this would be a really good movie but I was disappointed. The characters are there and they are portrayed by the same people but it does not seem like the same Deadwood. Maybe this is the result of aging 10 years. I don't know. I kept watching the movie hoping for more development of the plot. But then, the movie ended. I felt that more had to have happened to these people. Why not tell us what it was? Maybe the time slot for the movie was too restrictive. If that was the case, maybe it should have been a multi-part mini-series. Time would be better spent watching or re-watching the original seasons. I am not able to give this movie more stars.
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Aquaman (2018)
Not a good movie.
19 August 2019
The visual effects are stunning but that is the only good thing I can say about Aquaman.

What is going on in this film? The plot, if there is one, is a mish-mash that is too hard to follow. It is one of those movies where too much is trying to be packed in.

Let's go back to Aquaman as he was in the comics.
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The Darkness (I) (2016)
Familiar yet entertaining movie.
19 August 2019
The Darkness is a familiar story much like Poltergeist. While the plot is predictable, it is still entertaining. The acting is good and the production is also good. The movie does not have the Spielberg special effects but there is enough to keep you interested. You want to see the family survive.

Do not expect this film to win any awards but you can enjoy some popcorn while watching it.
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A western worth watching.
14 August 2019
This is a gritty western with graphic violence depicting the story of the James - Younger gang. While not factually accurate, it is very entertaining. A unique aspect of this film is that it casts real brothers in the roles of the key players. The cast members deliver top notch performances in this movie. Definitely worth the time to watch it.
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A very charming movie.
14 August 2019
Drew Barrymore is so sweet in this film. I just love her. The plot is very simple and a true love story. Of course, love wins out in the end

The music is great and adds to the 80's theme of the movie. I know there will be no Oscars presented to this movie but it is a great "feel good movie" and one you would want to enjoy with your sweetheart. Do not miss it.
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Sneak Preview
14 August 2019
At the time this movie was first released, I saw a lot of movies. I pretty much saw every new release as it came out.

So, I went to see Caveman (was I the only one who saw Caveman?) and it was billed with a Sneak Preview. The Sneak Preview was unnamed. If you can believe it, I sat through Caveman and made it to the Sneak Preview. I am glad I did. Raiders of the Lost Ark was the Sneak Preview and I was able to view the film before anyone even knew about it. It is a great movie with tons or drama, action, special effects and even Nazis. This movie has everything. It is a real treat.
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Predator (1987)
Truly an original concept.
13 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Too many movies are a rehash of other movies. They are predictable and eventually they become boring. This film is a truly original idea. Several sequels have tried to capitalize on this idea but they all miss the mark

The movie begins with a team of expert mercenaries dispatched on a rescue mission. These guys are professionals and you do not want to mess with them. They get right to business to get the job done. All members of the team are bad-ass. That's when the movie makes a turn that you don't expect. These bad-ass mercenaries soon learn they are being hunted and they quickly learn they are over their heads in the situation they find themselves in. One by one they succumb to the Predator. Will anyone survive? You are left enthralled wondering what is going to happen next. No one walks out on this movie

There is great special effects and alot of action. Arnold is at the top of his game. This has got to be the best sci-fi action movie ever made.
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See it in a theater.
12 August 2019
When this movie was first released, I had the good fortune to view it in a theater that used 70mm technology. It is was a truly memorable experience. If you get the chance to see this movie in a theater, go see it. While the movie is great on the small screen, the technology of the big screen theaters adds a lot to the viewing experience.
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A masterpiece.
12 August 2019
The Terminator captures the viewer from the start. The action is non-stop and the special effects are top notch. I sometimes wonder how the movie would have been different if the technology for special effects was more advanced. It is still one of my favorite movies and one I watch over and over again.
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I had nightmares from this movie.
10 August 2019
I saw this movie when it was first released. It really scared me. Each time the creature is seen, it is larger. How scary can that be? The special effects of Ray Harryausen are top notch. If you have not seen this movie, add it to your watch list now. This is classic 50"s sci-fi.
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I wish this movie would be remade but with today's as special effects.
10 August 2019
I saw this movie as a kid when it was first released. I thought it was great then and I still think it is great. The special effects were very believable and unique. The plot was flawless. The only way to improve on the movie would be to use today's special effects technology. So much time is wasted on other movies being remade. Why not remake this one
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