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Blonde (2022)
Dont buy into the hate!
1 October 2022
Blonde is a stunning cinema masterpiece that gives a heartbreaking look into the world of Norma Jeane, aka Marilyn Monroe.

Gorgeous and phenomenal acting by Ana de Armas with dizzying and unnerving cinematography that takes you through the imagined ill-fated life of Miss Monroe. Celebrate her highs and her laughs and her joys and cry and weep for her arduous life as being Hollywood's gorgeous new meat.

No flirting with exploitation here. All shots of her hard life are seen and treated as such with no glamour or toned-downness to them. Her story is shared through the ages even into today. Amazing cinema and worth watching!
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Great Filler Film!
17 May 2022
First off, let me say, this is no masterpiece in comparison to FB1, this is not any HP cinema...but given this filler, leading up to arguably the greatest battle in WW lore, is pretty decent at its' heart.

The cast is always enjoyable to watch; Folger brings more comedic relief, Redmayne and Turner have a sweet brotherly duo, as does Law and Coyle, and of course Law and Redmayne are wonderful to watch! I greatly enjoyed Jessica Williams and her uniquely witty and bubbly character "Lally". I felt a tad emotionally unattached to Queenie this round. Her character felt rather flat, probably poor writing on that. But I got to give major accolades to Law and Mikkelsen. They played the "tortured past lovers" so well. Overall Law just shined as the young Dumbledore and portrayed so much depth and compassion to a character that we all know and love.

Visually stunning as always.

The biggest fault is the confusing storyline. Definitely requires outside researching at times, especially the political portions (albeit small but central).

Again, this is a filler film. Like any series of films, its going to save the best for the first and last. But overall, wonderful film to enjoy. Has some good chuckles, some pangs of sadness, and tons of visuals to enjoy.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Pretty decent
4 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First and foremost, this tv show is legendary. The effects, the acting, the plot, all of it is legendary. This conclusion seemed pretty fitting if you understand character arcs. Was the pacing a little quick? Yep, absolutely. Could've easily stretched everything out into 2 or more seasons, but this is what we have.

Now maybe unlike most of the fans, or maybe because I personally joined the fandom after the 7th season, I didn't care for Dany and was ultimately satisfied with her death. Like most of the fans however, I wanted to see Jon as king. However; character arcs gotta character arc. Dany was never meant to be the queen. This was obvious by season 2. The flipping of her coin. Which Targaryen would she be? The mad and cruel? Or the loving and kind? Thank you D&D for following that character arc, correctly. Jon, same character arc. Duty and love; as he had learned from Maester Aemon, love is the death of duty; and duty is the death of love. He balanced those scales throughout the seasons, reluctantly being a leader because others wanted him to, not because he wanted to. Would be like his step-father, or his real father? Honorable or heroic? Again thanks D&D for concluding that character arc correctly.

Jon killing Dany was the perfect culmination of their shared character arcs. He killed someone he loved, and she had become her father; neither could be happy and get what they want. I know many fans shipped the aunt/nephew relationship and even wanted them to have kids (because thats a good start to a dynasty amiright?). In all, im grateful Bran took over to be king. That was a fresh take on how to handle the succession of the throne, which the show proved over and over, was a game to play based on heirs and usurpers. Bran had no claim, couldn't father children, therefore, no repeat of the heir/usurper game. That was well handled, a little left field, wish there was more establishment of that in earlier seasons, but it sufficed.

Sansa's ending was beyond satisfying.

In all, all Stark children really won out, as it was their family that was brutalized the most by the other houses. Their endings were justly deserved. Yes even Jon going to the Wall; as it was clear from season 1, all he wanted to be was a ranger. Him all of a sudden being a Targaryen could not and did not change his values and beliefs.

People claim sloppy, bad writing, but as far as character arcs go, they all fit in with the series and the characters. Thank you D&D and GRRM for creating a wonderful series; despite the hate for the last season.
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People love to hate
24 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike many, I found this addition to be quite pleasant. It wasn't awful or that bad; just written for a new generation, which apparently pisses off the die hard fans. For the ones pissed off at Rey's "magic" power; allow some elaboration. If you dont absolutely hate the prequels, you will remember that the old Jedi did not practice mourning for the dead; as Yoda says in II to Anakin, "rejoice for those who become one with the force; mourn them do not, miss them do not." Probably such force energy was forbidden with old Jedi practices because it led to attachment (hmm critical thinking); however, Rey is not old republic Jedi. She has sacred texts. No doubt she gained such abilities from reading the texts and not following the intense codes of the Jedi. So therefore, her force-healing, though convenient out-plot; works well within in-plot. The dyad thing I thought was pretty spot-on for the series. Duality is common throughout all the series, not just particular film. Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley were both fantastic as per usual; and I love the take of Palpatine, a sith lord who already knows about midi-chlorian creation; having children and grand-children. No doubt such a repulsive creature like Palpatine would ever use basic pro-creation methods to get what he wants. The hate this film got is unfounded and led by extremist die-hard fans. Fun movie to watch!
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All hail the kings of the monsters
5 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Like many, battle/clashes are amazing, the effects are amazing, "hollow world" is breathtaking, however the plot is dry and a bit dull. Decent acting for what is worth. Only real moving portion is Jia and Kong's bond. The consistent rambling about conspiracies was a bit old by the second half of the movie. Truly the redeeming factors are the fights, the effects and Jia and Kong's bond in my book.
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Worth the hype
31 December 2020
This movie is brilliant. The storyline is clever and intriguing. Acting is amazing and the main point is strong and resonates well. A new spin on a age-old problem. Definitely worth seeing.
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Death to 2020 (2020 TV Special)
29 December 2020
A wonderful satirical look of 2020 which is well needed given all the hell our world has gone through. Definitely not meant for any maga people, or ones who are triggered by realistic satire. Give yourself a laugh and watch this.
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A show for the ages
28 December 2020
There is a reason this tv show is one of the longest running tv series ever. Invincible fearless characters... a headstrong, unconquerable, compassionate leader that is Olivia Benson. This show has it all. This is not your typical tv series that is all writing that doesnt pull from the political climate. A lot of the cases pull from real life events, the political climate and give unique looks into the lives of sexual assault victims. You can't go wrong with this progressive, empathetic approach to sex crimes. Amazing tv show (not meant for the non-PC/maga hat wearers)
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Mother! (2017)
14 September 2020
Firstly, this is not a horror movie. Advertised as such, not a horror movie at all. Just beautiful allegories abound which many will claim as pretentious. Amazing performances by the actors and actresses and a wonderful story that speaks volumes, straight from the visionary artist Aronofsky. Wonderful and great, does not deserve any of the hate.
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Noah (2014)
Pretty Great
14 September 2020
Don't get the hate for starters. I imagine its because this movie can be polarizing depending on religious views but has a fair amount of action and drama. We all know this biblical story. Painted on our childrens' bedroom walls, crafted into music boxes, even interesting spin offs. This immediately gives some flesh and bone to Noah. Not an absolute hero either. Sort of the anti-hero. A man more than anything. Doesn't know exactly what to do but trusting in himself, his family, and the Creator. Great performances from the likes of Jennifer Connelly, Anthony Hopkins, Russell Crowe, Emma Watson, and Logan Lerman. The movie gives us that timeless feeling, and unique cinematography only from Aronofsky, with gnostic and evolutionist views thrown in the mix, to create a beautiful film. Even the Watchers (which are apparently in the bible? who knew?) are delightful to watch and enjoy. A great adaptation to a very minimalistic story.
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Mulan (2020)
Great Film
8 September 2020
Definitely a cute and adorable film. Stands apart from the original, and keeps in line with more chinese culture, Mulan is a great girl-power film for the next generation. Packed with terrific action sequences, amazing cinematography, and a beautiful score, the story creates a different feel for Mulan and gives her a boost from being clever and skillful, to bada** and powerful. Wonderful movie and worth the watch.
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The Clique (2008 Video)
If you like the books, you will like the movie
14 August 2020
Essentially yes, this is a pretty adorable adaptation of the original books, the acting is pretty decent and the storyline is similar to the books. Only possible complaint was moving the setting to being winter break rather than summer/fall when the books take place. The actresses play the characters well. Massie is well played and has the same ruthlessness as she does in the books. Overall a very cute teen movie that does the books justice. It will have is cheesy, dorky, cringy moments, like any teen movie adaptation but it's all in good fun.
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Suspiria (I) (2018)
Doesn't disappoint!!!
16 October 2019
Most people call this movie out as "bland" or "pretentious" or get upset this doesn't have any "classic" horror. they are dead wrong. if you are a fan of the original, you will appreciate this piece for its sheer contrast but similarity to its predecessor. It is beautifully dark, and a wonderful, nightmareish horror flick. This movie is unconventional and different with its' dynamic and cinematography. Dakota Johnson and Tilda Swinton shine with this movie.

Prepare for an assault on the senses as this movie is gritty and abrasive, leaving you completely breathless.
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Suspiria (I) (2018)
Painful and Beautiful, Guadagnino's Suspiria is a new brand of horror
2 December 2018
After falling in love with Argento's original Suspiria, I wondered if this could possibly compete without flopping miserably. After one single viewing, my jaw was dropped, my senses had been destroyed and assaulted and I was in awe. Make no mistake, this film is a true assault and is brutal and abrasive, but despite the harshness of the film, it brings you back, letting you digest and take in what you have seen. This film's cinematography is similar to true 1970s horror; (think the exorcist meets the original planet of the apes). dizzy zoom-ins, focusing from image to the next, grasping the storyline, and processing the imagery was exciting. This is a new brand of horror that the public didn't know they needed. This will not be the acclaimed horror film of the yr, but it will be a diamond in the rough, a rough thrilling ride, this is a shake to the previously nulled, lazy horror films of the modern age. The actresses excelled in this film, each adding their own to this beautiful nightmare. If you are a fan of true horror and excitement that is not a yawn-fest; a film that doesn't coddle you and makes you see deeper into the meanings; Guadagnino's Suspiria is the best choice.
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