
6 Reviews
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Unrest (I) (2006)
Loved it!
17 November 2006
Sometimes it takes strange and awful events to happen, for someone to find her spiritual path in life. This time it is a med student, Alison Blanchard (Corri English), who finds herself wrapped in a series of strange deaths at her med school's morgue. Forced into the role of the detective, Alison goes on a journey and finds herself at the edge of reason, when she has to make the jump from being an atheist to finding out what causes these murders to happen. Somewhat cliché, but very cleverly done, this film actually scares the living sh*t out of you. The acting is very believable and the rest of the crew did a great job at helping to create a suspenseful and scary film. Wow! Many horror films, including The Hills Have Eyes, American Haunting, Slither, and other recently released ones, look like multimillion dollar goliaths where as Unrest is the definite David of this falls horror releases. I recommend this film highly, you will not be disappointed!
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Reincarnation (2005)
17 November 2006
Reincarnation is a brilliant film, plain and simple. It is unique in that it relies on imagination and psychology to scare you and make you think twice about the world around you. The director did a fabulous job constructing the imagery of the film, and I genuinely did not know about the ending until it was revealed. Quite a shock! Reincarnation goes in my book as the single greatest indie horror film I have ever seen. Anyone who bashes it is simply not giving it a chance or doesn't fully realize the complex dialog and imagery around them. It is an intriguing story and has good acting in it and most of all the camera angles are really scary. Japanese film has something the western films do not have, something almost surreal, at least to us, being from a different culture and all. Brilliant!
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Better than they say
6 May 2006
I have been a movie go-er for years. And every time before I choose the next film that will make my Friday night and most of my week end reflections, I read the reviews in the NY Times. There have been a few times when I took the risk of going to see a film without having read its review in the paper. There have been almost no films that I went to see, which had obtained bad critiques. This time things were different. I had read this critique involuntarily, while reading the one for MI-3. Well coming out on the same day, and sort of thinking to myself: we've had two MI's and the new one is probably going to be the same, I took a risk I had never taken before: I went to see a film that had a bad review. And guess what? I was surprised to see that the Times had a bad review about a film that is actually really good. Wow, this has never happened before. But I believe it had to happen, so I could write this review and point out that the newspapers do not always have the most appropriate reviews about the arts out there! An American Haunting is a great film and deserves a chance!
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Halloween (1978)
There ya go
22 April 2006
The problem with horror films is that they are all copies of a few good movies that cannot ever be re-made or spawned off from. There is just no way that some one is going to make a great film like the Exorcist, or like Alien, or like The dawn of the Dead. These are milestones of horror and suspense. These film have integrity and everybody who tried to work off of those movies, I mean you tell me, there is not one film that comes close to these. The problem is that people will go watch "re-makes" and rip-offs because they hope that it will come close to what they saw in the original films. So they spend money going to see a piece of crap, they really don't wanna see it but they give it a chance. And that's what the movie studios target! That's just lame and it shows that the film industry is an industry and not an artdustry. very very sad!
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Idle Hands (1999)
There ya go
22 April 2006
The problem with horror films is that they are all copies of a few good movies that cannot ever be re-made or spawned off from. There is just no way that some one is going to make a great film like the Exorcist, or like Alien, or like The dawn of the Dead. These are milestones of horror and suspense. These film have integrity and everybody who tried to work off of those movies, I mean you tell me, there is not one film that comes close to these. The problem is that people will go watch "re-makes" and rip-offs because they hope that it will come close to what they saw in the original films. So they spend money going to see a piece of crap, they really don't wanna see it but they give it a chance. And that's what the movie studios target! That's just lame and it shows that the film industry is an industry and not an artdustry. very very sad!
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It dawned on me
22 April 2006
The problem with horror films is that they are all copies of a few good movies that cannot ever be re-made or spawned off from. There is just no way that some one is going to make a great film like the Exorcist, or like Alien, or like The dawn of the Dead. These are milestones of horror and suspense. These film have integrity and everybody who tried to work off of those movies, I mean you tell me, there is not one film that comes close tho these. The problem is that people will go watch "re-makes" and rip-offs because they hope that it will come close to what they saw in the original films. So they spend money going to see a piece of crap, they really don't wanna see it but they give it a chance. And that's what the movie studios target! That's just lame and it shows that the film industry is an industry and not an artdustry. very very sad!
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