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Citizen X (1995 TV Movie)
An Excellent True Crime Movie!
8 June 2024
I consume a lot of the true crime genre - books, podcasts, and of course movies. Many years ago, me and my dad watched the movie Citizen X when it aired on TV one night and we both liked it. Unfortunately, this movie has never been released on DVD where I live but I recently bought a used VHS copy which I found on a flea market - and I will hold on tight to it! I consider Citizen X being one of the best true crime movies of the 90's and if I didn't know, I would never have guessed this movie was for TV! The actors do a great job - especially Stephen Rea, Donald Sutherland, Max von Sydow and Jeffrey DeMunn!
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Dingo Pictures - The Ed Wood of Animation!
22 March 2024
Since I was a kid, I have always loved animated movies! Of course I watched a lot of Disney growing up, as well as works of other production companies. I heard of Dingo Pictures first as an adult and it thanks to the Youtube channel Monte Fjanton Creations who have posted reviews of some of the Dingo movies. I have now watched three movies by Dingo Pictures: Waabu, Jamie the Little Pig and Balto. I didn't like any of them and I know I wouldn't have liked any of them as a kid either! The movies of Dingo Pictures sucks on so many levels that it's unbelievable! It's like if Ed Wood decided to start a production company to produce animated movies (yes, it's really that bad)!
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Good job!
21 January 2023
I have always loved cats and I like watching movies about cats. And yes, I have a cat myself. Swedish author Gösta Knutsson created the classic character Pelle Svanslös and his friends, who appears in a whole book series. The classic stories have been adapted into both animated movies, a live action movie and what in Sweden is called a "julkalender" (a kind of TV series reaching to the whole family and the plot always takes place around Christmas). I think the 1997 "julkalender" with Björn Kjellman as Pelle Svanslös is by far the best adaptation of the classic stories ever.

With that said, I don't think this is a bad adaptation. It's not a masterpiece but it's well worth a watch. I like the music and the animation is also very good. But it's a bit too influenced by Disney and Pelle Svanslös and his friends has never felt like Disney characters. Don't get me wrong - I love Disney and they have made many of the best animated movies of all time, but the Disney template doesn't fit all animated films.
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Childhood Memories
12 January 2023
Alfons Åberg, in the English speaking part of the world known as Alfie Atkins, is a classic character and I used to read the books when I was a kid. I also watched the classic animated TV show where Björn Gustafson did the voices. I have much nostalgia and many childhood memories around the characters and the stories.

I think this is a well made and interesting documentary. It actually makes me want to read the books again and I think I will appreciate the illustrations more now that I know how Gunilla Bergström worked when she created them. The documentary is also funny at some points and I hope to see a biopic on Bergström in the future.
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So Terribly Bad It's Actually Good!
9 January 2023
Just because you have a low budget it doesn't mean you have to make a bad movie. And a high budget doesn't mean you can make a good movie. If you love what you're doing and consider film an art form instead of a just a way to make money, it doesn't really matter how much money you can spend on your movie and I can think of several low budget movies that are way better than many high budget productions.

With that said, I don't mean this specific Swedish movie called Djävligt jagad (also known as A Hell Of A Hunt) is a masterpiece in any way. But considering the facts that this is a low budget movie it's actually pretty good. It is also very self-aware, which is one of this movies strength.

My first thought when I started watching this movie was that it seems like a bunch of guys decided to make a movie just for fun and you can actually tell they're having fun both behind and in front of the camera. This movie contains action and gore combined with som elements of the horror genre but I consider this being 85% comedy, 10% horror and 5% action.
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Creepy but awesome!
10 December 2022
I do believe in the afterlife but that's a discussion we can save for another occasion. With that said, I really think this is an awesome short film! It's creepy and interesting and the fact that it leaves you with more questions than answers gives it a few extra points on the scare factor.

I love the artistic expression of this film. It both looks and feels much older than it actually is and if it hadn't been in color, I would have thought this was one of the first sound films. It also flirts with the early horror movies from the silent film era, which is pretty cool. I've watched more videos uploaded to Youtube by David B. Earle and I really hope he'll make a feature film in the future - preferably horror.
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One of the worst movies ever made!
6 December 2022
I've been a huge horror fan for over two decades now and I still just can't get enough of horror! I think I was 11 or 12 when I got to watch my first horror movie and it was the 1978 John Carpenter classic Halloween. Back then I mainly watched slashers and an occasional splatter. These days I enjoy watching all kinds of horror movies, even if the "found footage" subgenre isn't one of my favorites (but I do like a few of those as well).

Me and my family use to celebrate Halloween by put out decorations, wear costumes, eat candy and of course watch some horror films. In the year 2000 we decided to rent a couple of movies on VHS. One of them was The Blair Witch Project, which none of us had even heard of before. But it said on the cover it was one of the scariest movies ever made so we decided to give it a chance. So we got home and watched Blair Witch Project that night. My first thought was "Is this a documentary? Wasn't this supposed to be a horror movie?" To be noticed, I had no idea what found footage was back then.

We did watch the whole movie and when the end credits started rolling, I said: "What the hell was that?!" We started talking about the movie we'd just watched and not one of us understood what was supposed to be scary about this movie.

Now it's been over 20 years since I watched this movie and the other day I decided to give it a second chance since I've learned to appreciate the found footage genre. The fact is, I still can't understand what's supposed to be scary in this movie! Here in Sweden, there's an old kid's TV show from the 70's called Vilse i pannkakan ("Lost in the pancake" in English) which is considered to have destroyed a whole generation because one of the characters was too scary - even the parts of that show with that character is way more scary than this movie even allows itself to be, and I don't even think that show is scary!

I don't even consider The Blair Witch Project being a horror movie whatsoever! This is just cringe! I think this movie deserves to be considered a high rank on the list of the worst movies ever made!
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The Bells (2018)
29 November 2022
Since I became a christian, I've noticed I have become more superstitious and stuff that even didn't bother me in movies before I suddenly find way more scary and creepy than before. I'm not saying you need to be religious to like this movie or find it scary, but if I had seen it 10 years ago I would consider it as just an average short horror film. This isn't a masterpiece, nor one of the best horror movies ever, but it sure is effective! I think this could work as a feature film as well and I sure hope it will end up as one in the future! I think it has potential to become one of the best horror films of the decade.
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26 November 2022
I'm a fan of the true crime genre and I am familiar with the Catrine da Costa case, since I've read books and listened to podcasts about it. I'm the first one to admit this movie has it's flaws but I still think it's an interesting take on one of the creepiest and scariest crimes to ever have been committed here in Sweden. When it comes to the actors, I think Annika Hallin does a great work in the role of the mother. I think everyone who has even the slightest interest in the case of Catrine da Costa should watch this docudrama. I wish that someone could make an extravagant feature film on this case in the future - I would watch it!
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Holy Mess (2015)
Anti-Christmassy Politically Correct Turkey Movie
12 August 2022
I'm a christian and a big fan of Christmas so in November and December I watch a lot of Christmas movies. There aren't many Swedish Christmas movies except for Sagan om Karl-Bertil Jonssons julafton and Tomten är far till alla barnen (also known as In Bed With Santa), the last one being one of my favorites. When I heard of En underbar jävla jul I thought "Finally! Another Swedish Christmas movie! That was about time!" But after watching it, I got very disappointed! There is no Christmas spirit whatsoever in this movie, there's not even any humor. It's seems to me, the only purpose with En underbar jävla jul was to make a movie as politically correct as possible. I hate politically correctness and this is movie isn't even close to depicting the Swedish Christmas celebration.
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Rolandz: Fadersjakten (2012 Video)
10 August 2022
A long time ago I used to watch a TV show called Sommarkrysset and in 2011, they featured Rolandz: Fadersjakten as a serial. I thought that was one of the highlights of that season and when I found out they had edited it into a movie I just to get a copy of it on DVD. I still haven't seen any of the other Rolandz movies but I sure will someday. This movie isn't very unique in any way but it sure is entertaining and funny and it has a good soundtrack. The acting is good as well.
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Creepy But Awesome!
25 July 2022
I had this on VHS a long time ago and recently I found a DVD copy of i, which I decided to buy. It was sure fun to watch it again and I will keep watching it at least once a year from now on! I consider this as one of the true Swedish TV classics and it's made with a classic touch. This makes me think of The Shining by Stanley Kubrick and the Lars von Trier series The Kingdom. If you're looking for a creepy ghost story with cool special effects, terrific acting and a nice soundtrack you should totally check this out!
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5 June 2022
Many years ago my dad gave me a DVD with seven short films on it, both documentaries and fictional movies. I still have this DVD in my collection. One of the films on this DVD is Johanna! Yohanna!, which deals with the serious subject of bullying. I really feel for Yohanna! This should be shown in schools.
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Beck: Den gråtande polisen (2022)
Season 8, Episode 4
One of the worst from the Beck series!
19 March 2022
Beck is probably the most popular cop film series here in Sweden and I've been a fan of these films since the very start, though I don't like every single Beck movie made. I don't think it's a secret that the series has been running on fumes for many years now. I actually stopped watching when they removed the popular character Gunvald Larsson, but recently I decided to give the newer Beck movies a try. Sure, they have made a couple of good ones but they're not anywhere near the quality of the early movies. I consider Den gråtande polisen being one of the worst Beck movies ever being made. This is just political propaganda, which I don't like in any kind when I'm watching a movie.
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The Wild Rose (2017)
Creepy but awesome!
27 September 2021
I love the song Where The Wild Roses Grow, which is based upon an urban legend - both resulted in this 2017 short film. I think this is very well-made with good actors and I hope the Elisa Day story will result in a feature film as well.
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Trollsommar (1980)
A Summer Classic!
28 July 2021
I remember having this movie on a VHS tape back in the day and I used to watch it a lot growing up. Many years ago, I got lucky and found a DVD copy of it at a supermarket so I bought it. That day I decided to revive my childhood tradition of watching this movie at least once every summer.
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Pet Sematary (2019)
This sucks!
26 July 2021
I'm a big horror fan and I consider the original 1989 adaption of the Stephen King novel a true classic and a masterpiece. This remake nothing like the original! It's not even made as a horror movie, it's a drama movie! This is simply one of those movies that shouldn't have been made at all. The Sesame Street vampire is more scary and terrifying than this silly movie.
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Full frys (1999– )
The Funniest Grocery Store I Know Of!
13 June 2021
I was 11 years old when they originally aired this show back in 1999 and it watching was always one of the highlights of my week. Now I have my own DVD copy with the entire series and I still watch a couple of times a year. I consider this being one of the best things the duo Stefan & Krister did but it wouldn't have been as good as it is without the talents of Andreas Andersson, Hanna Norman, Håkan Berg and Annika Andersson. They only made 12 episodes but it's 12 great episodes!
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Bäst före?! (2006 Video)
13 June 2021
I'm a fan of the duo Stefan & Krister and this was the first show Krister did since the duo broke up a few years earlier. In this show, Krister proves he can be funny without any help from Stefan. I know a guy who actually saw this show live once and he says he's very satisfied with this filmed version.
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Dark Ride (2006)
Not Great Nor Awful
11 June 2021
I'm a big horror fan and I'm always looking out for both new releases and old movies I've missed, and I hadn't even heard of the 2006 movie Dark Ride up till a few days ago. I decided to watch it and I think it's an OK movie - no more, no less. It's not a classic in any way and I doubt it will receive the classic status in the future. The movie is not a complete waste of time, though. It is entertaining and in lack of better stuff to watch you can give it a shot. I don't I will watch it more than once myself but I don't regret watching it.
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Bed Head (2019)
Cliche But Creepy Good
8 June 2021
This reminds me of the 2013 short film Lights Out, which became a feature a couple of years later. I think Bed Head could work as a feature as well. It's both simple and cliche but it does creep you out, especially if you watch alone at night in a dark room.
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Naken (2000)
A Swedish Groundhog Day
5 June 2021
We all know the classic comedy Groundhog Day, where Bill Murray plays a man who has to re-live the same day over and over again. Since then, that same concept has been used and are still being used in movies. Though, this is the only Swedish movie I know of where they use the concept of letting the main character re-live the same day again and again without knowing why. The movie has to day achieved at least some cult status, which I actually think it deserves. It's not the best Swedish comedy ever made but you do get many laughs!
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Fear Filter (2019)
This so awesome!
5 June 2021
As a horror fan, I think this short film is awesome! Lou Lou Safran makes a great performance and I think she has potential to become one of the future scream queens.
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Guest (2020)
5 June 2021
The Guest is soooo creepy! I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley. This short film is not a masterpiece but it's well worth a look! I recommend watching it alone in a dark room.
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Sirenhead (I) (2020)
Experimental And Eerily Creepy
2 June 2021
This short film is amateurish but amateurish doesn't automatically mean it's always awful. I think it should have a couple of minutes longer and show more of the Siren Head character doing his thing and it's effect on people. Otherwise, this is an excellent short film! I think you should watch it when you're alone at night in a dark room; that adds to the creepy factor!
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