
8 Reviews
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Don't Let the Title Fool You...
7 July 2024
Based upon the title, and a brief synopsis, I expected this to be a feel good, fun, buddies movie. It was far from that. Efron gave a great performance, and I was impressed with Bill Murray's Colonel role. Not a fan of Crowe, but, he really didn't disappoint. It was somewhat a stark reminder of the realities of war. I was a bit surprised by how Chickie could travel into a war zone, and out, as easily as he did. Since it was based upon a true story, I believed there was little that was fabricated to entertain. It is an interesting film with lots of twists and turns, and I'm sure Chickie had one hell of a great story to tell!

Well, worth the time invested!
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Good Grief (IV) (2023)
Love it! Great Job,, Dan!
6 January 2024
We found this movie to be tremendously enjoyable although

Dan Levy is a very funny guy, although, this is not a comedy, but it's not without its comedic moments and very well written script that keeps you in stitches.

The film really makes you think. I am in a gay relationship, and I could not imagine losing my partner, but this films shows you what it might be like... If you lived in Europe, or anywhere.

The film is very well executed, and funnier than I expected. Despite, it's dark tone, I t's real life, people. I can't understand why you wouldn't like this film. Check it out and tell me if I'm wrong. Enjoy the pic!
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Do Better... Not Miraculous
27 May 2023
Sarah is a tremendous, quick witted comedian. Has been a long time.

In this special, though, I thought she could've done better with the content. Of course she's got the delivery down.

Lots of offensive/divisive/sensitive/controversial bits that just didn't ring as belly laughs. I hate to be THAT guy, about comedians.

Just saying, Sarah's good! If she would slightly make the content a little less uncomfortable, and 6's ratings jump to 9.9's overnight. She's way talented to pull that off and be THE top rated comedian.

I won't miss her next special, "Someone You Love," on 'max,' formerly HBO.
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Being Flynn (2012)
A Good Hard To Watch!
5 August 2022
This film focused on a very real and very dark alley of American life today.

The subject matter is sometimes hard to take, but it is authentic. I know.

Initially, I was surprised to see De Niro had taken this role, but this is one of the best things I've seen him do!

There's also numerous very poignant scenes that are worth the price of admission.
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28 July 2022
When Marty is getting waterboarded, the "duct tape" around his chest isn't sticking to his skin.

Otherwise, seems a pretty good take on some sad parts of this nation today.
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Not Done Yet, But...
17 April 2022
I'm really admiring the bold wide-angle shots! Very creative & original. Great work! Quite intriguing.

Again, loving the photography open views & results.
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Let Him Go (2020)
20 December 2021
The dialogue is thin, but powerful.

Emotional story - very!

Sound editing was noticeably perfect...ironically.

Worth your (powerful) time to enjoy a good one!
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A Reunion (2014)
10 July 2020
Why was Tucumcari (NM), titled as "TUCUMCARL"? WTF?! How could no one catch this?! Acting was decent, scenery good, although it seemed they weren't putting man miles each day. The story never seemed to take off. No "pop" the entire movie.
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