
9 Reviews
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18 June 2021
An inspiring movie about making the right decisions in life, taking responsibility, forgiveness, and the importance of both having and being a father.
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Church People (2021)
Less religion and more comedy and romance
15 March 2021
I was expecting a more typical Christian church service movie with praying but was surprised and thrilled by the abundance of comedy, romance, and charming father daughter reunion. Leaves you smiling and feeling good.
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Unplanned (I) (2019)
Kinder and gentler look at both sides of abortion
1 April 2019
A true story that is a kinder and gentler view of both sides of the abortion issue. Fast pace that keeps you hooked until the bittersweet but heartwarming ending.
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Let There Be Light (I) (2017)
Inspiration for marriage renewal and family reunification
17 March 2018
Interesting and inspirational journey from atheism to belief and a faith inspired renewal of a marriage and reunification of a family. A fabulous idea for a world wide event that you will wish was a true story. Somewhat sad bittersweet ending. Great appearance by Sean Hannity.
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Love between Mother and Son conquer a mountain
12 October 2017
Amazing true story about how the love between a mother and son can help overcome the most hopeless situations. You might not believe someone could survive such a situation if it wasn't a true story. Also a reminder how drug addiction can ruin your life, but you can be redeemed.
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Good romantic movie touching on many Christian topics
20 September 2017
Great Christian movies that weaves many religious topics into an entertaining romantic drama. Touches quickly and lightly upon censorship of God in schools, evolution vs creation, dating vs courtship, teenage pregnancy, and abortion. You will fall in love Gracia and her infectious smile.
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Vanished (2016)
Nice reboot of Left Behind for young adults with a horror thriller twist
28 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very nice reboot of the Left Behind story. The young actors and actresses do a wonderful job that will appeal especially to teenagers and young adults, but is equally enjoyable for audiences of all ages. This is only the beginning of the Left Behind story, and will need several sequels to finish the entire story line. The story develops into a intriguing love triangle reminiscent of the Twilight series that will appeal to young adults, and in similar fashion, is left unresolved by the end of the movie. Tom Everett Scott does a spectacular job portraying the crazy evil person and leaves you with a creepy scary feeling every time he appears. His scenes add a horror thriller thread to the plot, unusual and unique for a Christian themed movie, and will appeal to horror movie fans. It was surprising and interesting to see Tim LaHaye's grandson Randy LaHaye playing the role of the anti-Christ. The film is dedicated to Tim LaHaye and his epic legacy. An very enjoyable movie even for non-Christians.
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War Room (2015)
Touching tearful inspirational for couples of all ages
5 September 2015
A touching tearful inspirational feel good movie for couples of all ages. I see 4 movies a week and this one is the best I have seen in a long time. Several times brought tears to the eyes of everyone in the theater through joy not sadness. Several more times had the audience shouting out Yes and Amen. Stellar acting and you will fall in love with four or more of these characters. If you fight with your soul mate or are too busy in life for your family then you must see this movie. You will feel so good after seeing this movie and it may change your life. The jump rope competition was fascinating to watch. One of the best and highest quality Christian movies in years.
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The Timeless Truth About Big Government
18 April 2011
A timeless example of how big government welfare state, socialism, liberalism, and communism are doomed to failure. An entertaining story that shows what will happen if the producers and capitalists go on strike and leave the parasites of society to fend for themselves.

Does a good job of squeezing the main points, best quotes, and all the main characters of the novel onto the big screen. Amazing job for a low budget production outside Hollywood.

Like all trilogies, you hate to see part one end and you wish you didn't have to wait another year for the next installment.

Liberals hate the truth and message in this movie so ignore the main stream critics and decide for yourself.
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