
10 Reviews
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Fair Play (2023)
Enjoyable thriller drama
3 January 2024
I don't watch many movies nowadays because most of them are simply very bad, I rather stick with the series but this one here did not dissappoint. I wanted to see something longer, without shooting, killing, with some dialogues and I found it. It has good plot, good acting. There are no forced sex scenes, almost no sex at all but there is a good tension between the main characters. Their interaction is very realistic. It is good fun that keeps you watching until the end. Of course it is not a masterpiece but if you want to spend enjoyable evening, maybe with your spouse, I can recommend it to you.
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The Killer (2023)
3 January 2024
It starts off well but it gets nowhere. Plot is not interesting and main character barely speaks the whole movie. There is a narrative voice of his but he has no dialogues with anybody, he does not even say thank you, when he should, what is quite annoying. Another annoying thing I noticed in his behaviour, he has zero facial expressions and he stretches his neck every few minutes. I wondered if this was invented by Michael or somebody told him to do it. I really have no idea what is the value in it. So, as you can see, this movie is so predictable, boring and flat, that instead of enjoying it, you start finding those strange annoying details. At the same time you wait for something interesting to happen but it never does. Skip this one.
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Me Time (2022)
There is one positive thing here
30 August 2022
And these are the reviews this flop movie got. Some of them are really funny and I had some laughs reading them :) so thanks to all you people writing here. I give it the lowest score because it is fully deserved. I would give it a zero but this one point goes fir the reviews. Cheers.

And these are the reviews this flop movie got. Some of them are really funny and I had some laughs reading them :) so thanks to all you people writing here. I give it the lowest score because it is fully deserved. I would give it a zero but this one point goes fir the reviews. Cheers.

And these are the reviews this flop movie got. Some of them are really funny and I had some laughs reading them :) so thanks to all you people writing here. I give it the lowest score because it is fully deserved. I would give it a zero but this one point goes fir the reviews. Cheers.
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Better Call Saul: Waterworks (2022)
Season 6, Episode 12
27 minutes
10 August 2022
I really celebrate each episode every week. When all the work is done, kids are in bed, I prepare some good food and a nice drink and I sit on the coach to enjoy this special moment. I have not done anything like this in years, probably last time with The Northern exposure, years ago, before streaming platforms era. I love BCS for its slow burning plot, great camera work, which reminds me of the first Fargo. Many other things too, I could write a lot. This episode was great too but I caugth myself on checking the clock when Kim's section ended. It was 27 minutes into the episode, almost half of the episode. A bit long to show her life status. Also good question, how did she end up with a guy like that? Does not make sense. Anyhow, looking forward to the final episode. It is sad this story ends, but that is how it is. I am sure it will be epic final. Why does this review must be at least 150 characters? This is all I wanted to share.
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Maid (2021)
Are there really no other jobs?
11 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After third episode I started wondering, does she really need to be a maid? Without a car, with good looks, can't she be a waiter, or do anything else? Whole script is built around her job and the strugle she experiences, but because she does not have to be a maid, this whole story does not make any sense. It is a pity because Andie and her daughter give great performance, camera work is fine and it could be interesting show but it is not.
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Simply not funny
3 June 2021
First two seasons were brillant, intelligent humor touching difficult subjects like death, gettig old, lack of friends etc. In a very smart and entertaining way. Season 3 is nothing like it, hardly funny, too serious.
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Apollo 11 (I) (2019)
Just WOW!
16 November 2020
Amazing! Great documentary. Dynamic, good pace, great music, no talking heads, no interviews...just all you want to see and hear! Great work.
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Virgin River (2019– )
Northern exposure it is...not
19 February 2020
First episode gave some hope for something similar to my beloved Northern exposure but I was wrong. This is not a smart and funny show. Rather predictable, boring and plot is slow and weak. Everything is too perfect, make up, actors...
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The Irishman (2019)
I need to watch The Goodfellas again to quickly forget about The Irishman
1 December 2019
Too long, too slow, too old...disappointing. Maybe my expectations were too high, as I am big fan of The Goodfellas, I saw it like hundred times over last 25 years. I can tell you one thing, my wife, after one hour told me, she has no idea what this movie is about, I told her it is 3,5h long, so there is still a lot to come, story will develope and so on. But I was wrong.
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The Ranch: Reckless (2018)
Season 3, Episode 12
Boring drama......
15 December 2018
If this episode is rated 7, I am scared to see the rest. Bring back Rooster or change the title to " Searching for Rooster"
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