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All Saints (1998–2009)
Great Australian Drama/Soap Opera
7 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I feel so fortunate for finding this series with a whopping 42 episodes in each of the 12 seasons, where I only could watch 2 seasons on Prime, and even though I hate ads, I was able to watch the 3rd season on Tubi, but I wanted more so I signed up to get 1 month free Hulu and bygollywow!! I'm now watching season 8 episode 20 for I think going on the 3rd week of some of the best Auzzie acting ever!

Some of the cops in the hospital scenes are absolutely ridiculous, and that stalker car bomb episode was the most preposterous episode yet, no news coverage, no follow up by national security about it being a terrorist act, everybody, about 5 coworkers coming out of a bar, was back at work the next day despite Vincent seeing the stalker on the scene, despite the nurse whose car was bomb and she blown across the lot, shes only got a scratch on her face acting like no big deal??

Normally, series start to go down hill in the 3, 4 season, so I'm not mad about this stupid stalker plot showing up so far down in the last quarter.

So despite thos PIA ads, I'm just very happy I found another amazing Australian series, yes!!

I'm still trying to figure out how Australia's All Saints 1999- cinematic quality looked much more modern, such as hair styles, clothing, film quality than 1999 Hollywood cinematic footage which would noticably look like the late 1990s early 2000s time period film quality??

Also, why aren't there more reviews about a series much better than "Call of Duty"?

I'm so glad I read the trivia about some of the characters, you'll be very surprised who were actually married, and not surprised, based on her habit, what ironically happens to my favorite Judith McGrath "Von" in real life, but surprised about who Connor is in real life.
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Expats (2023–2024)
This was a mind numbing experience.
1 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This film hurt my sense of wonderment, there was nothing giving me that feeling of this is going to be interesting, and that feeling sank deeper at that strange party, where no one was acting but moving around like Stepford Wives, then Nicole spots a girl working there, and she freaks out while never identifying her as a waitress when asking about her.

Then what was up with her friend actress Hilary entire wardrobe being such a bland color khaki throughout the film? Everything she wore was that color and similar in style in an already bland movie.

Oh, and Nicole's sex scene with her hubby looked like 2 wood planks trying to rub 1 out on the other plank. Lol

And what else was annoying was for the first time Prime film having commercial breaks that were 5x LOUDER than the film. Argh!

Nicole later trusting someone....who suddenly takes her clothes off to jump off that ship into the sea, then almost drowns trying to swim under it.... with her annoying kid played out in a lack luster way, where I'm sure 50% of the people first tuning in had already jumped off their metaphorical ship before that scene. Lol

I didn't even feel bad about the kid, that's how much this film numbs you down.

Dang, my dog is snoring pretty loud now.
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Our House (2022)
So glad I read the spoiler alerts before E4
19 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a beautiful film with many ridiculous plot holes making it ridiculously ugly.

But 1 thing bothered me the most was the happily married, with 2 kids, neighbor shagging the husband in their home because she was pissed off about her perfect life, not being held accountable for what got the wheels falling off a normal married couple's life with basic issues. If she hadn't tempted that idiot, they'd be only dealing with his tickets, but no, she gets to stick around their girls club, comes over to babysit, and basically becomes the lead lady only confidante when she had 2 faithful friends she should have opened up to after she kicked now "I know who's baby this is" Yeah, right! To the curb!

So many annoying people, especially that female leprechaun as 1 of the blackmailers, lead should have told the cops as she was going to the police station, to stop and check that weirdo out.

But the entire time that now pregnant "friend" is doing everything to win her back, which only made lead actress look stupid.

So okay, like I said, I read the S. A. so once I saw the dad going to the beach, and then that doorbell rang at her place, I took that moment as my exit, didn't want to go through what many of you who watched to the end had to experience, nope, my head space is precious..
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Reacher (2022– )
The only thing big here were the producers egos!
17 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've been putting off watching this character Reacher for a while because he just doesn't come off as big as producers have been portraying him as in all the brief trailers I've spotted him in, but when Fire TV showed a trailer of Reacher setting off someone airbag I finally got lured into watching Reacher today.

And now that I'm watching Reacher (Alan Ritchson) in this 1st episode, his wooden movements, small walking gate, odd makeup complexion on a head smaller than his military partner Maria Sten head, my reasons why I've waited so long to give him a try began to subconsciously unfold.

Especially, the notion of Reacher just walking down a 2 way highway without any type of camping survival gear, not even a coat or something that contains water, I mean nothing, where he later says he once slept in someone's hammock? Ridiculous!

Reacher's bar scene response to that guy's 'I've got 12 men to your 9' was cartoonish, where the only way his team could have come out on top is if they had weapons, but all we see is Reacher punching 1 guy out of a large bar window, and now they're all back home victoriously celebrating, the barely bruised, 1 of the 2, skinny chick soldiers included in their 9 soldiers in that bar fight against 12 large male soldiers were now having a good ole time? Who wrote this crap?

Later another fight scenes with Reacher and his female soldier who only had what looks like a crow bar in that area where's there's still setting wet cement? Omg, really?!

Another annoyance is how they've coupled actor Shaun Sipos (David O'Donnell) who's supposedly 5'10" with Ritchson's 6'3" to make him appear like a giant, but Sipos also makes actress Maria Sten (Frances Neagley) who's 5'10" appear like a giant too, maybe she's wearing heels, but then that'll defeat Reacher's big guy persona who's repeatedly called "big guy" by the smallest man in the room, little David who inflates his size again when he say Reacher 6'5" instead of "big" for the umpteenth time. David was made to be about 5' next to Reacher, certainly not 5'10"? And that scene with Reacher's shirt off was AI on steroids.

There are so many ridiculous things you spot about this badly scripted series you can only laugh at before pressing the home button. Like the casino table scene where when Reacher walks up to meet his female soldier Karla Dixon (Serinda Swan) all the people standing around, based on their chests length from the top of the table, you'd think they were all grade school kids or small people. Lolol

I don't recall such bad attempts at making action actors look bigger than life... Why didn't they just hire Tom Cruises people but that wouldn't have saved this ship from sinking since Cruise can actually act!

I miss the hot tough guy Rambo, Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Clint Eastwood, Jim Brown, Fred Williamson and even John Wayne tough guy movies, We do have Dwayne Johnson, Mamoa, Wahlberg, Tom Cruise and Lian Nelson but that's not enough.

Btw, not all men age well, as in once chisel face "Terminator" actor Robert Patrick as Shane Langston.. WOOF!
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Hypnotic (2023)
2 September 2023
I unfortunately began to give up on Ben Affleck after watching him with then girlfriend JLo in 2003 Gigli, then 2004 Jersey Girl, where every time I've since watched him in any movie trailer, he's reminded me of how wooden he comes across on screen now, so I began to avoid everything he's been in I guess now for almost 20 frckn years!! I've even avoided his brother's allegedly good films because of Ben, I know, that's not fair. Lol!

But here I am tonight bored out of my mind because I can't find a good film to latch on anywhere, where I came across this film on Peacock after bailing on that ridiculous "Irreverent". Omg!

I decided to read the reviews first, and oh boy! The negative reviews were all saying how I already felt about Ben, but these reviews were also talking about what happened while watching this film in the theatre. Which of course you'd think I wouldn't risk it but because they were saying how ridiculously funny it was, I decided to watch it just for that reason because how bad can it really be, right?

I am completely SHOCKED, and more concerned than ever about Ben Affleck's state of mind now, I'd been that way for a while but this film solidified it for me.

And he's currently married to high maintenance JLo, where all I can think about is he being cursed because she hypnotically convinced him to do a film with of all actors Jeff Fahey?! What tf was he thinking?! This was by far 1 of the worst film produced, where it's toe to toe with "Birdemic"! Someone even thought it was some sort of A. I. generated piece, that's how ridiculously fake the film and actors appeared. Hahahaha!

That's what I get because I'd been warned. I need a hug or a new drug after this, d*mn! Scary, and not in a good way. Lol!
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Killer Cove (2019)
Killer Plot Holes!
1 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The acting was ridiculous, and the plot laughable. She's being stalked by a brute where she doesn't react the 2nd time he approaches her in public in front of man she knows, then at night sitting on her patio he shows up, calls cop, never gets a gun the next day, calls this P. I. she met before in a bar, he catches the stalker that night but doesn't have a weapon either, gets hit in the head with a crow bar bc he doesn't know even basic self defense, eventually subdues the guy, shows up in her house bleeding, doesn't want the cops called, never says whats he done with the guy, she never ask, then estranged hubby pushes his way in and begins to mistreat her, then P. I. stops him but neither of them ask if he had anything to do with that stalker dude, or lets the hubby knows why he's needed there for something so serious, then P. I. does something that would require the police to finally get called, he headbutts the hubby...

I stopped watching, didn't care to see another gigantic plot hole within what, just 30 minutes of watching this mess, because I feared I'd kill my tv over a movie with 2 crappy titles.
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Wow, that was different.
24 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers

It was nothing but the same old predictable plot boring the heck out of me, for the only reasons I gave it a go was because it had Crowe.

The scene of Crowe appearing scared as a top exorcist was ridiculous, wtf would he look 😨 when the devil made him see something, knowing damn well that's what he tells others to look out for after he's seen it done 1000s of times before? Then he's scurrying out of the boy's room while grabbing his religious crap with his mouth opened 😯 in fear. Are you serious?! Lol

How the mom was never nearby to make sure a priest, of all people, knew what he was doing to her seriously ill son, but instead remaining downstairs in that gigantic dusty mansion made no sense.

The young priest couldnt act, and when he was hurled across and out of that large room by demon boy into that big armoire against the wall in their hallway, he should have at least ended up in a hospital or needing a walking cane for a few days.

Why can't directors, writers, etc... make intelligent horrors like in the days of "Rosemary's Baby" or "The Omen" or even "Bad Seed"? GeeezUs!

Women Directors are creating some great films thou.

And just seeing Catholic Priests 👀 in a movie is terrifying just by itself lol, where I'd enjoy it if it was about them getting their tongues cut out, hands chopped off and other limbs too by abused deceased kids that are now slowly possessing Nuns, now that would be a great horror, eh?

I'm sure vegans didn't appreciate the beginning scene. Eek! Lol.
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Painkiller (2023)
13 August 2023
Before each episode, it starts with a real opioid victim's announcement, great! Then when the 1st episode starts, it begins showing several upclose facial shots of someone named "Edie Flowers", played by (Orange is The New Black) actress Uzo Aduba, who's immediately very annoyed at the 2 people who's welcomed her off the elevator into their meeting, but she's already coming off at the same time very annoying to me, as well, but I put that aside because she's only playing the part of the real person involved in the actual opioids scheme, like "Dopesick" had done, right? But because of her behavior and appearance, I decided to look up what "Edie Flowers" actually looked like to make sure this film made an attempt to properly characterized who she was, only to find out it's a fictional character that's being portrayed as a somewhat heavy "AngryBF", but why??

If only she was similar to a real victim or persons involved in the actual case, I could have continued on, but apparently I wasn't the audience the producers had in mind to entertain about this real life pharmaceutical crisis affecting every age, race, class, gender in America, a realization which caused me to become offended by the fact that actress Uzo Aduba was again cast to check stereotypical boxes like she had successfully been cast in the comedy OITNB.

So with that said, I decided to rate this based on that unnecessarily offensive character alone.
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#killerpost (2016)
Lazy Production.
26 July 2023
While watching the 4th episode, I decided to Google the case about the Nona Belomesoff and Chris Dannerbig, where the producers decided to hide the fact that her family were Australians who appear to be Indigenous Asiatic People, the bald dad was shorter than the mom and it looked like she has an older brother. Couldn't the producers have cast actors with dark hair, at least? Ugh! Lol!

Chris Dannerbig wasn't some "out of shape" giant slug, but an okay looking average weight tall young man she certainly would have felt comfortable meeting, a fact that would have made the story make more sense as to why she'd see him again.

And to top that off they did not include a major fact that he had just been released 8 days ago from prison for KIDNAPPING before he got his claws into Nona! EIGHT DAYS BEFORE?! Never did they mention he had a criminal past. So along with this finding and that annoying background music score, I lost interest in the show after reading that.

For whatever reasons, the producers weren't forthcoming with vital information about many of the criminals featured in this series, something that would have made the show much better. That's lazy writing on their part, so they didn't deserve my attention anymore.

1st episode Payne/Potter was done by I think Dateline, they featured real footage of the investigation of the victims and criminals. It's one of the most infuriating and creepiest investigation I've ever watched.

Well, at least I did find out 1 big mystery, and that was the face behind the beautiful voice that's been narrating 1 of my favorite crime series, I got to finally see the narrator of "Snapped" Sharon Martin. Yay?
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This was brilliant!
7 July 2023
At first I didn't think this was going to be much of anything, just the basic corny comedy, boy was I wrong!

This has turned out to be the best dark comedy, horror I've watched in a couple of years! The tension never stops once it gets going, I've been finding myself laughing out loud every other moment, then I'm stressing because I don't know what's going to happen next, and man does something wild and crazy happens next!

And what's rewarding is this time I didn't check to see how many episodes this had, so when another one rolled around I couldn't be any happier, and also what makes this a great binge watch is it's short 30 minutes episodes.

Each actor brilliantly played their parts!

But don't get me wrong, it's not all laughs, this is a horror, so be prepared!
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Making a Murderer (2015–2018)
Netflix should be ashamed!
26 May 2023
Here's what Netflix omitted from its mockumentary about an evil man who had a propensity for violence at an early age.

Avery's animal cruelty charge Early on in the series, it's mentioned that Avery had previous run-ins with the law. One of those charges involved an incident with a cat that the docu-series seems to shrug off. Avery's family even defends Avery by saying that he was young and stupid at the time. However, the actual 1982 charge was for pouring gasoline on a cat and throwing it into a fire, which you may notice is much more horrible than something all people do when they're young. Here's what you need to know: PETA is mad, and several people, including Kratz, have pointed to this as warning sign for Avery's alleged future violent behavior.

Kratz claims, "The filmmakers don't tell the viewer that Teresa is lured onto the property using the *67 feature, or that different names or phone numbers are used." On the day of her murder, Avery called Halbach's cell phone twice using *67 to block his number. He called her again at 4:35 without blocking his number, the implication being that Avery was attempting to give himself an alibi. "Teresa would have been dead by then," offers Morrison

Additionally, Kratz touches on Halbach's previous dealings with Avery before her murder: "She told Tom Pearce 'This guy creeps me out,' and he said, 'Don't ever go in that house.'" Morrison claims that "according to a friend of Teresa's," Avery at one point answered the door in nothing but a towel when Halbach arrived.

I became appalled by this series after learning of this.

Halbach Family should have sued Netflix for pain and suffering.
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Sea Patrol (2007–2011)
This has been an enjoyable watch!
14 May 2023
Despite how ridiculously zanny so many of the episodes were I still enjoyed watching Sea Patrol! I also enjoyed reading reviews posted under the most ridiculous episodes throughout these seasons. Lol! I guess many viewers don't know about that option, rating and reviewing, separately, each episode, which certainly adds to this fun experience of watching an entire production with so many seasons and episodes within each of them.

I grew to love 97% of the crew members, especially the handsome blue eyed Lieutenant actor Ian Stenlake, and actor Jeremy Lindsey, as well.😍 Spider got on my nerves most of the time and his replacement did not deserve to have possession of any type of weapons. They should have at least cast 1 female actress who looked like she could bench press a 45lb weight bar, GeeezUs! many of the episodes made me laugh at how bad their plots were, especially the 1 with that guy running around in a jungle in a bright red hoodie able to SNEAK up on The Navy and hit them in the head with a rock, or the guy with the hatchet chasing an ARMED female sailor? OMG! Those guys couldn't hit the side of a barn if ordered, and how they were so easily overtaken by anyone that began brawling with supposedly skilled Navy men & women? 👀 lol! This series made the Australian Navy look like keystone cops most times, but I still loved the constant excitement on each episode which featured that regions beautiful sea, islands and beaches.

Sadly, I found it absolutely discriminatory that producers never cast any Aboriginal or Indigenous Islander actors.

Nevertheless, I can not get enough of streaming Australian and New Zealand emergency rescue series, love the amazing scenery, and the acting ain't bad.

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"A fool and his/her money are easily parted"! lol
10 May 2023
So Netflix has gone wild with that money quote documentaries, I see, because I've recently come across not only this foolish person's story BUT all the mind boggling stories in "Worst Roommate Ever" wow! Tindler Swindler" and YIKES " Puppet Master"👀, where for reasons easily examined throughout history, we women, who happen to have wealth, are the easiest to be parted with their money because such women all lack street smarts, and have also been raised in patriarchal religious home, where they never learned the Essential Art of Reason as children, so no matter how book smart and well traveled such women may be, they tend to remain easy prey for doe eyed males with sob stories and a love for animals.

Side note: As a vegan since 2005, I did have an issue with that bloated face clown with the curly fries hair implying that vegans are easily mislead because we tend to be into new age hookey crap, when most are hardcore atheists who'd never date or have anything to do with a "black ops" guy in the military running around in caves holding weapons of mass destruction? LOL Or someone flashing diamonds and driving a gas guzzling Bentley?? Hehehe! Yeah, no! Many are also anti-consumerism, but I do see how that "Bad Vegan" title worked because most would love to watch a vegan fall off our supposedly high {only bareback} horse. Hahahaha!

So back to this extremely naive bussiness person who lacked streets smarts, someone who also brought homeless people home, where she would have eventually ran into 1 who's a homeless felon/sexual predator because he had already burned every bridge after scamming everyone in his life before meeting Ms Gullible Goldie Locs who only stayed with that creep because she was now financially in too deep after the 1st business deal where she sent him his "test", which was I think $100k?

I couldn't rate this any higher because it annoyed me more than entertained me.

Oh, btw, every Vegan knows Vegas has since become the easiest cities to find Healthy Vegan restaurants, including in Thai restaurants, and large chain health food groceries stores such as Whole Foods, Sprouts, etc... all over town, which leads me to believe she was never Vegan, but a Poser who couldn't even keep her dog safe, and we all know why "the little human" didn't get any real time, right?

That cool homeless dude, loved him, knew from the start what was about to go down after meeting that creep.
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Into the Night (II) (2020–2021)
I enjoyed both seasons.
29 April 2023
Despite not liking most of the characters except the Pilot and Turkish gangster, I pretty much enjoyed both seasons, the 1st more than the 2nd season, but nevertheless entertaining.

Some of the action had me on the edge to the point that I binged watched it until the 2nd to last episode in season 2.

I thought the religious guy was going to annoy the crap out of me like that religious chick in The Mist. Thank goodness that didn't happen. The mom, and later kid being a kid, was a tough pill, but I didn't like the mom anyway. It's unfortunate some of you didn't like the 2nd season, where it fit just perfect with the plot. I also enjoyed learning more about each character at the start of each episode, very helpful for sure.

Bottomline, we have to put reality out of this to enjoy it, where because of each character's handling of everything made it an annoyingly fast pace action thriller joy to watch. Lol!
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Last Tango in Halifax (2012–2020)
British actors are far more superior.
25 April 2023
Watching British films and series like this has since turned into an addiction during the pandemic, where because British actors possess far more superior acting abilities when it comes to drawing you into their plots, you begin to lose all sense of time, and also any physical & psychological issues troubling you, or its just me for however long I'll sacrifice my time for each series, or even app like I've since done in BritBox, AcornTV and Masterpiece apps.

This series has certainly done this, despite the negative reviews saying only the 1st season is good, where even though some scenes are way too long, something I can remedy with the ff button, I'm still for the most part staying the course.

I'm currently on S3, E7,,, it's somewhat become background noise, but I'm still watching it because this episode is about something being haunted.

I've enjoyed everything "Celia" (Nana, Matriarch, Mother Hen, Queen) actress Anne Reid has worked in, 2003 The Mother May 👀, Sanditon, Years and Years, Prison Wives, The Last Witch.

I've also enjoyed Sarah Lancashire (Caroline), Nina Sosanya (Kate), and in particular Nicole Walker (Gillian) (who seems to be playing a slightly autistic person in this film), in every film I've seen them in. Gillian annoyingly turns almost everyone close to her into her 'emotional tampon' authored by Sam Kinison or sex toy. Lol

And it's been fun watching some of the cast grow up from 2012-2020.

Anyway, I guess you'll stick with this series based on how prescious your time is, because it's not a series that's interesting enough to hook everyone even up to S3 let alone S5

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She's too cranky for the job.
24 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Why was this show ever allowed to be released? She's horribly judgemental, and makes extremely distasteful comments to everyone she meets. The moronic things she's saying to the woman living off grid in her van caused me to write a review, how she described her as a "grey nomad" which the lady took off her hat to show her she's not grey yet, and went on the explain what that negative terminolog actually meant, then as the lady tells her how better off many of the women now feel living that lifestyle, Miriam says with a miserable scowl on her face "geeez, that's not right"?? Miriam immediately called her homeless when she met her. That's how out of touch and rude she is, and before, first thing she said to those over 70yo men swimmers "do you pee in the ocean?" What a weirdo! She walk up to residents then ask them intrusive questions, then walk away before thanking them for taking the time to speak with her. Just because she got her Australian citizenship, all she could think of doing is to insult the people she runs into on her 2 months drive across Australia.

Admitting to not like children early on made all of her later encounters with a lot of Australian children cringworthy, especially since her largest audience happen to be Harry Potter children! Yikes!

And how many times did she mention being a "lesbian" and "Jewish"? That old guy answered her question, what did he think about her being a lesbian perfectly!

This documentary was not her finest moment.
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Women are Prey!
31 March 2023
Women can not escape the violence perpetrated on them by 98% men, from cradle to grave women have been getting assaulted and murdered by men, including reproductive rights are attacked mainly by men. 1 man can kill over a time period up to 80 women of their same race, and now men are forcing women to carry dead babies in red states, and 10yo girls to carry the man that raped her baby. The attack never ends and comes from several levels. Women who prostitute tend to be victims of being raped by their fathers, then a seriel killers finishes them off or a pimp.

Just think about if it were all mainly white males being murdered 90% of the time by women, men forced to only have sex to procreate, to make babies they have to start financial support at 6 weeks gestation. If found masturbating based on the bible sentence to death?

These movies and documentaries about men hunting women & girls down like animals are the most horrific films no little girl should know exist but they have no choice to be told that a man like their daddy is the only type of human she needs to be afraid of.

Please men, stop!
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Bury Me (2022)
Quick & Fun!
13 March 2023
I had such a good time watching this mega stoner film I watched it twice in the same afternoon. I enjoy seeing MC Lyte and Margaret Cho in this crazy mix of Gamers gone viral with the craziest stunt possible where I actually had issues with my breathing once everything went haywire for the lead character.

These type of Indie films filmed in adorable artsy L. A. counties with colorful stucko homes and green yards added to the enjoyment.

I also like the agnostic "no God, respect Science" plot of the lead character, something I could totally connect with, where nothing occured like in most movies where that character is now a Believer when he became desperate near the end to live.

Great ending too.
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Servant (2019–2023)
For the past 3 days...
8 March 2023
... I've been having a ball watching this rollercoaster of a series with actress Lauren Ambrose, an actress I've not watched since she was on Six Feet Under in 2001, she just as beautiful today as she was when she was 23yo on that series, and she's even a better actress today than she was then. At S4, S7 I've been enjoying her wild and tense facial expressions throughout Servant.

I read reviews during the 1st season where I thought this was going to devolve into a dud, but once I got to S2, E4, the series went nuclear in the most brilliant way ever. It was so good thanks to Ambrose's great acting, I had to rewatch that episode again before moving on the E5. Yes, there were some ridiculous plot holes, like spending 6k on security cameras that didn't have 2-way audio, or how the wife, hubby and brother would allow that weird uncle back into their home, making the uncle part just annoyingly ridiculous, nevertheless, I was hooked by then, the beautiful Philadelphia neighborhood, their home, the suspenseful, brilliant soundtrack creating the creepiest atmosphere possible, the amazing cinematography and their clothing made for a hypnotic experience similar to what I enjoyed "Tale of Tales".

What I found interesting was the amount of British cast members now speaking American English. I find that type of acting capability magical.

But there was 1 element of horror which horrified me more than anything else as a vegan, I don't have to say what that is, right, because I am certain many carnivores were gagging too. Lol!

I'm just glad I finally subscribed to AppleTV, hopefully they'll keep creating fun rides like this for a while.
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Hightown (2020–2024)
The 2nd season gets an 8!
3 March 2023
I was about to stop watching this in S1, E4, glad I didn't because season 2 really stepped it up. I mean it was like day and night compared to the ridiculous S1, where every character annoyed me, especially the fish cop. A lot of times movies becomes worse when a particular character dies, that wasn't the case here in S1. I was surprised he lasted as long as he did.

The gay sex remain wild and sexy, which was the most I've ever seen in a crime series, but the heterosexual remain blah and boring, had to ff it even when they were laying in bed, and I'm heterosexual. Lol

I couldn't believe how the energy turned up S2, along with the music theme and how crazy things were happening all over the place reminded me of White Lotus. Had me laughing out loud.

1 thing, I wasn't pleased how the initial killer was being portrayed as some type of gentle caring bear after savagely murdering women, that really irked me to the end.

All I can say is hang in there or just skip S1, you'll have a good time.
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