
2 Reviews
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Furies (2024– )
15 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This kinda started out ok, but soon went downhill FAST!

So many plot holes and much of the logic was just stupid!

The last episode didn't explain how they got on an ever moving train, they just appeared.

The girl who played the main character, was saved by a bulletproof vest but then takes it off when she gets up (LOGIC should tell you that any protection is better than no protection considering it had already saved her life once!)

We are meant to believe that some kid with no training, all of a sudden gets "bad ass" (i use that term very loosely) in the space of a few episodes.

I found that as the episodes continued, more plot holes emerged, more logic was missing and it just got pathetic at best...

At one point when a group of them were trapped in a building, which was like a green house lol, they started putting up barriers for protection... trouble is the barriers were just more glass or bamboo hahahaha

More laps in logic... we are talking about highly trained individuals (caught) but they leave bullets in the wall for the police to find too.

PLEASE dont bother with another season.
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The Platform (2019)
Great idea - Shame about the ending..
24 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Yet again the spanish come out with another great watch on Netflix!

The Platform does a great job to explain life as we know it today. We have those in power pulling all the strings while the classes fight amongst them selves for everthing that is good in life. Think of The platform as lifes "Pyramid" system to which we all play a role in. The few at the top looking down and the many below.

Its not just about food, its about ethics, politics, education and religion!

Throughout our lives we are constantly indoctrinated about all these subjects above - What we take on then plays on our subconscious mind and mold us into a particular way of thinking.

Politics: The entire film is built around a political structure. The administration (The government) each level of the platform (Social Classes) If you disobey the rules the government turn up the heat! As in life, those at the bottom get "hand me downs"or the "Left overs" form those above. In the platform the punishments appear to be temperature / climate related which again could imply the same in the real world with climate changing technologies such as HAARP (which im sure has been down sized these days)

Ethics: In a situation like this your ethics WOULD go out the window! its about surviving - Humans wil always rely this primordial trait. As they said in the movie "There are only three types of people: Those at the top, those at the bottom, and those who fall" With your ethics could you bring yourself to eat another human to survive or would you "fall"??

Education: This was meantioned many times throught the film. In fact the main character voluntarily entered The Platform in order to get s "Diploma" Again this stinks of life! Today students have to live on next to nothing in order to learn and get "indoctrinated" by the system! The cost of which is ridiculously high so much so those that commit to it end up in debt for many many years after. Everything comes at a price!

Religion: The main character is considered as Jesus - In the end he sacrifices himself to try and save everyone not just the little girl. The little girl could represent a possible change to the system - being the next genaration!

The Bottom Line: One man can only change the thought process of that of a child. The more people behind the change the greater the change happens.

Change only happens with solidarity and not by pooping in the face of those below!

bravo to the makers!
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