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Zulu (1964)
still a classic.
29 May 2024
ZULU 1964, Classic British war film set in the defence of the small British outpost at Rorke's Drift.

I am revisiting the movie following a drunken discussion over a glass of a fine chianti (actually I wasn't drunk I was driving, and there was no Chianti, but it does sounds better for its cinematic reference) The consensus was that films are not made like this anymore (Dr Zhivago, Laurence of Arabia and Zulu were mentioned amongst many others). Films in which are epic in time and vast in both visuals and historical significance.

With that thought I mind I re watched Zulu, I had last watched this film maybe 10 to 15 years ago, probably on the insistence of a group of brothers (a band of brothers if you like) who lived and breathe every classic war film of their childhood, clearly being a staple of their collective upbringings.

Zulu was a classic, from the opening scenes of terror from the expected massacre and defiance in the face of the Zulu hordes and the heart stopping moments which does set the hairs on your neck tingle when the brave rag bag bunch of military reprobates sing " Men of Harlech" when it is sung in full voice by the Welsh choir of soldiers before they face their Waterloo (see what I did there) Does it still live up to its classic status, yes it does. Looking back with the eyes of a seasoned cinema goer of 61 years old, the moments of inspiration still strike a chord. The acting is first rate, Caine, Baker, and Hawkins being the principle leads deserving all the plaudits. The bravery pictured can't be beaten just like the British troops - the B Company of the 24th Regiment of Foot, South Wales Borderers (I think that's correct?).

I don't know if its noted but there is little to no revelry or jingoism on the part of the film makers, it is just a mutual respect from all the respective warriors British and Zulu's over their fallen comrades.

If I was to give any negative feedback, I would say that the realism of some of the close ups in the battle scenes leave a lot to be desired, compare the gut-wrenching battles in Gladiators against Zulu's blood red poster paint none piercing spears and swords and you get my point, or not in the case of the Zulu's spears.

For me as always is the case, the film score, is the key to any great film, being good bad or indifferent. The quality of John Barry's film score, from the theme to the foot stomping crescendo of the Zulu warriors on the eve of the battle, to Richard Burton's roll call of the Victoria Cross winners are all awe inspiring and is rightly perceived (by me anyway) as one of the great soundtracks of all time.

On a positive note, I'm looking forward to the latest adaption of the movie, in which battles are CGI'd which is a good thing. But the less than accurate trend of creating a film to reflect the vogue of everything being PC is a little galling. I can't actually see Lieutenant Bromhead played by a paraplegic transitioning gender neutral actor or the multi ethnic mix of Zulu's and the British will make the film lose its edge of authenticity.

Zulu still stands a classic 9/10.
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Bonus Track (2023)
Boy meets boy over keyboard lessons
29 May 2024
Bonus Tracks (2024) Having gone into the film blind, there was no IMDb reviews at that point. I found a teen film based around two 16 year old boys, meeting with the pretext of helping the awkward and academically failing George, fall for the much cooler son of a musician Marvin.

George wants to leave school with something for his peers to remember him by, and he hopes that that will come at the school leavers show.

George enlists Marvin to help him with his keyboard ditty turning it into a upbeat pop singalong.

Think of Hugh Grant helping the socially awkward Marcus in "About A Boy" and you get the idea.

Its a strange film very badly cast with all of the 16 years kids, looking so much older, I'd guess the average age must be about 25 years old. Even Marvin wears a brace to make him look younger. It is an embarrassing mess of a film. Saying that if you were a teenager in 2006 the music will connect.

A poor 4/10

PS What was more annoying was my cinema treat of buying Cadbury's Crunchie Rocks only to discover that it only contained 15% honeycomb delight and 15% corn flakes, why call if Crunchie if it only contains 15% , Cadbury's hang your head in shame.
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A gentleman in Moscow, an extra in hiding. .
20 May 2024
A Gentleman in Moscow, 2024. Based on Amor Towles novel of the same name. Not having read the book, my principal aim from the series (over 8 hour long episodes ) was to spot my sister-in-law Louise who was an extra in the production. 8 hours later I didn't see Louise, (I bet she was great though) but I did watch a slow paced film, which captivated the emotions and made you connect and care about the central characters in the film. Ewan McGregor stars as the Count who is sentenced to a lifelong imprisonment in the Metropole Hotel in Moscow. Set during the purge of the upper classes by the Soviet military during the workers revolution. Taking place over 60 plus years Count Alexander discovers during his time there, life long-term friendships amongst the hotel and kitchen staff and eventually love and happiness.

It is a decent film, with an underlying sadness in its subject matter which does leave you feeling bereft of emotion.

However Its culturally diverse mix of black actors does seem somewhat implausible for the Soviet Union of the early 20th century. Perhaps the casting is a little too politically correct to reflect the times in which it is set and for that I will have to say that it spoils a great piece of television.

That said I was tearful towards the end at its conclusion, and importantly for not seeing Louise I will have to give it a disappointing and inaccurate 5/10.
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Played for laughs when it could have been so much better
26 April 2024
Grand Theft Parsons 2003. Story of the disappearance and subsequent burning of Gram Parsons corpse at Joshua Tree, USA following Gram's untimely demise.

Great idea for a film, but playing it for laughs and embellishing the story to make it more entertaining only serves to make it into a very poor film.

For those who don't know, Gram Parson was a singer songwriter in the country styled Byrds of the late 60s. After going solo, ousted I believe due to his increasing popularity by the jealous Roger McGuinn and needed an outlet for his creativity, he went and formed The Flying Burrito Brothers and then a number of solo albums, and number with Emmylou Harris.

The film does feature a lot of Gram's music which is nice, and bizarrely Primal Scream and Starsailor, Why?

Its wasted opportunity with what is a great story. 5/10.
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Soldier Blue (1970)
Not great
20 April 2024
Soldier Blue 1970. 99% of all westerns that followed Sam Peckinpah's The Wild Bunch in the early 70s followed the same path of realism with its gore and violence. That said the parallels with the Americans in Vietnam is very real and powerful.

It's not a great film by any stretch of the imagination, it looks so dated in its Technicolor blood fest and clumsy special effects.

Despite knowing of the film from my early teen years this was often spoken about for its depravity, how screwed up we kids were, despite probably none of us having never seen the film.

The two leads Peter Straus and a stunning Candice Bergen ( I hadn't realised women shaved their arm pits in the 1800s) are both great, but the star if the show is Donald Pleasence playing a gun seller, wearing a pair of false teeth which mirro Ken Dodds gnashers for their over bite. Marvellous stuff.

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Nostalgia from a children's perspective.
19 April 2024
Hope and Glory 1987 - John Boorman's autobiographical of his war time experiences.

Despite the horrors of the 2nd World War on the home front, it did give scope for children living through the time to experience the highs and lows of growing up during the war.

Boorman's story, is very much a typical story and how the kids, survived and lived through the horrors of war.

I'm writing this little memory on behalf of my mum and her own war time experiences.

Annie (aka Nancy, now that's another story) often recalls this story from her early teenage years. Now approaching her 97th year she is still able to recall in detail, memories from her early years, and the latest plot lines from her favourite soaps, but ironically not the characters names or as it happens any of her 8 children's names, mixing names and ages and genders at times much to our amusement. Old age dims the memory but luckily for mum, her inner fire still burns.

She recalls this story from the early 40s before she was evacuated to Old Leak in Lincolnshire away from the devastation in the inner cities.

She went round to her friend Betty's house; she had invited her round to look at her backyard chickens. Been an animal lover she was excited to go round.

Knocking on the door, Betty opened the door, what hit her was the strong smell of stewed vegetables that came wafting through the door. It was most unpleasant and not something she could ever recall.

Betty ushered her through to the back yard. Walking through the kitchen my mum saw a large pan bubbling to the brim; this was the source of that smell. Oh no, what was it, it was disgusting. It looked like potato peeling along with other vegetables scraps. We went into the yard, Betty's 3 chickens looked well, full of lustrous feathers. They were happily pecking away on the ground getting bits of corn and grit of the floor.

At that Betty said would like to stay for tea Annie, noting the slop bubbling away, she instantly recoiled in horror. "oh no, I'm not feeling very well!", holding her stomach feigning a painful stomach ache. I better get home she said, hurriedly rushing through the house. At that she heard Betty's dad, shouting from their parlour, "once you've given the chicken's their mash, do you want to get you and Annie a pattie and chips for tea?" oh no dad, Betty said Annie is just going she's not feeling too well.

Being too shy and embarrassed to say anything my mum left, how foolish she felt.. What she thought was going to be for tea, was in fact chicken mash, scraps boiled up making use of every morsel of food in those difficult war years.

It was such a shame, pattie and chips were her favourite, pattie is a local delicacy to Kingston upon Hull, It is a sage and onion in potato and deep fried wrapped in batter. My Mum loved it so much she named one of her daughter's after it. Much to the chagrin of Pattie.

Each story she recalls with fits of laughter and merriment bringer her stories to life, embellishing them as she goes along. Adding with a smile "that can go in my eulogy" she says. It will do mam,
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
Powerful stuff
16 April 2024
Baby Reindeer Netflix 2024. 7 episodes of varying length. Up to 4 hours worth. Wow, Powerful stuff, wanna be comedian Donny Dunn, befriends a lost soul in Martha, who becomes besotted with him. To the point of obsession, she begins stalking him. How does Donny cope, he feels sorry for her that's how. The back story is more powerful, at first Martha is a figure of fun for Donny colleagues in the bar where he works. We slowly watch Donny' life rise and fall, parallel to the mutual obsession, that is slowly building between the two main protagonist. Fuelled by social media, and the reliance of mobile phones, this goes into some dark places. Donny finds the only person he can truly relate to and trust is his stalker Martha. She understands Donny and his demons.

This is a great story and will be talked about by all who see it. 9/10.
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One love? no, one poor movie.
25 March 2024
Bob Marley: One Love 2024. Bopic on the rise to fame and his sad demise.

Confession time, I am not a fan of raggae music, not that i don't like it, I don't have a great understanding of it, both either culturally and its preaching of Jah and rastafari or musically in it's simplicity. Although I do own a few decent compilations of Bob Marley (yes Legend is one of them) and a nice cd box set of all of his Island Records Exodus and all. (i clearly like my raggae in convenient packages)

What surpises me most about this particular film, how dull it is, the live music scenes, instead of being a celebration or a an act of defience they are dull slow run through a selection of Bob's bigger hits. The studio workout are better, but they again do come across like, The Doors working out Light My Fire (watch Oliver Stone's The Doors to see what I mean)

Overall the film plays on the usual stereoptypes, , the amount of ganja the guys some is pheneomenal, and the police and punks when they hit London is almost comical.

At the end of the film there is a montage of Marley's archive footage both in concert and in interviews' now that is the Marley I want to see, vital and alive and vibrant.

A very dull 5//10

Ps I haver a great Lee Scratch Perry compilation, which is lively, funny and features a spattering of great cover versions. (you see i like my Reggae, world music in nice packages) I am a cultural dinasaur.

PPS favourite raggae album, PIL Metal Box......i defy anyone now to groove to that bad ass.

PPPS I aslo have a Sly Dunbar and Robbie Shakespear album in which they cover spaghetti western music which is pretty enjoyable.
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Fear of Fanny (2006 TV Movie)
Its about cooking...
5 March 2024
Fear of Fanny (2006) which is a biography about Fanny Cradock and not vaginaphobia (it's a real phobia apparently) I'm currently on a Julia Davis binge, trying to find and watch all of her many tv performances in which she's starred. In this Davis plays Fanny Cradock the 70's TV chief with a devilish smirk, over her badly painted arched eyebrows .Cradock plagued the TVs in the 7Os with her mushroom vol-au-vent;s and lobster pate and all those other culinary delights which darkened the taste buds of our parents in search of that table top masterpieces for the table spreads. Cradock partner in crime her husband a permanently sozzled Johnny played excellently by Mark Gatiss. The film a BBC production, highlights the facade that Cradock created, it was all an act for the camera's and her fans. She was a bully on screen and in the home, but this hides her loneliness in her that her two sons had both left home, when Cradock hadn't approved of the girlfriends and life choices.

Its a nice nostalgia piece, all the colours principally browns, greens and yellow are all muted and look at times like vomit as does the food to be fair.

The final straw for Cradock is when she belittles a an amateur cook on the BBC TV show Esther Rantzen's Big Time, the audience finally see her for what she is.

Following the sad demise of Johnny we see Fanny, in her dotage arranging the dinner's in her care home much to the chagrin of the kitchen staff.

Its a nice study by Davis, not essential and not that funny perhaps the nature of playing a real person reigned in Davis's dark side, but does make you yearn to see what the real fanny was like.

My recollection of Fanny is from the dim and distanced past and it was the Fanny popularised by Benny Hill, which is seen in the film.

As for Vol-au-vents which I know you were thinking, I tasted these at one of my sisters weddings in the 70s, those condensed cream of mushroom soups opened my taste buds to such delights Vesta's Chow Mein with their crispy noodles, and other various over seas delights. It was around this time that I tried and tasted curried egg, which my brother and sister in law brought the recipe when traveling to the far east. 9/10 for the memories 5/10 for the food and 7/10 for the film.
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Spaceman (I) (2024)
Lost In Space
5 March 2024
Spaceman 2024, Netflix's. Adam Sandler plays the Spaceman in the title. It my second Sandler film in which he plays it straight and not goofing around. After seeing him in Uncut Gems a couple of years ago, in which I was amazed how good he was. His performance here is more understated, underplayed if you like. I think the premise of the movie is, you need to travel through space to find yourself?.

The other point of interest for me is the score by Max Richter, another name that as slowly creeped up on me, having watched and heard Ad Astra a few years back (another sci fi) which impressed me in its subtle washes of sound not the usual bombastic scores that you would associate with this genre. There's a nice touch, which you have to op to see the full credits on Netflix , it is so annoying why people don't stay or choose to watch the credits, this is a case in point. The Sparks brother Ron and Russel sing and write the beautiful minimalistic lyrics over Richter's score.

The film overall does have a very 70's feel, if you have watched sci fi, ala Dark Star or Silent Running or the even 2001 for its spirituality for example which features the banality of space, and not the clash of light sabre's then this film is for you. 8/10.
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The Gambler (1974)
be prepared to take this gamble.
29 February 2024
The Gambler 1974, James Caan.

Caan plays Axel Freed (cool name but don't let that influence you into thinking its a film about a car mechanic or about cars in general its not) Freed is a college professor who is an addictive gambler. He's never satisfied with a small win, he is always searching for the BIG win. Consequently he's in debt to loan sharks. He loses his girlfriend, breaks his mum's heart and grandfather disown him. In the process he loses any self respect when he asks one of his student to throw a basketball game. In the ultimate gamble he takes, is with his own life. Its a very tense and is a gamble that I would take 9/10 . The film that I remember watching on the BBC in my teenage years, it left an impression and I've never felt compelled to gamble in my life.

I understand that there is a remake of the film starring Mark Wahlberg in the starring role. I have yet to see this film, but I don't think a modern film will compare to the grimy and sleazy original

Ironically I now am unlucky enough to have a couple of friends who are addicted to gambling, be it dominoes, cards, snails racing etc or any number of sports broadcast on the TV. They even had a drunken discussion on which of their circle of friends would die first. Worryingly in their Dead Pool I was deemed the one most likely to peg it first.

It is alleged that when they used to back pack in Australia in their younger years they played soggy biscuit. This does appear to be an urban myth, yet they can recall in detail loudly celebrating the frosting of a digestive in a back packers hostel in Alice Springs.

They never said who won the game, but lets say its one prize I wouldn't want to win. Gamblers, mad as mooses.
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too short, but then so is the life of a child.
22 February 2024
Att Doda ett barn (1953) Swedish short movie.

To give its English translated title gives an insight of what to expect "To Kill A Child". This isn't a sensational film, it is a simple study of how one bright sunny day can turn quite dramatically due to an accident. Narrated throughout, in a calm unsensational manner. Its tone belies the drama that slowly unfolds. Being Swedish you can take it as read that it is subtitled. This does add a little extra nuance to the story. The subtitles adding a more poetic bent to the narrative within. I have subsequently learn that there is a Spanish remake from 2017 which will need to be devoured to see how this adaption will work and how more concise a 9 minute film will become in this 8 minute version.

It was a bright day, when a happy man decided to write a review of a movie that he had just watched on the TV, Netflix to be precise.

Not knowing what to expect he was surprised how he was affected by the movie and its slow build up and abrupt decline once the incident of the title had occurred. The man wrote his words, turned off his laptop and silently reread his words. He now wishes he had studied harder at school or taken heed of his teachers and was not distracted by the sound of 80s pop music on the radio, and of football and of the girls in the gym

The man was surprised to have found this film on Netflix's. It doesn't fulfil any of the usual criteria of the media player. Well done Netflix said the man.

The man said to himself films don't have to be over the to be sensationalised action movies to be enthralling or overly long to keep the audience engaged. They can be short and concise with a minimum choice of words. Unlike this movie review he laughed to himself.

Life is too short and so is this film, but then so is the life of a child 9/10.
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Napoleon (2023)
Josephine's minge.
21 February 2024
Napoleon 2023, Ridley Scott, Joaquin Phoenix.

The film of Napoleon's rise and fall, be it on the battle field or in the bedroom.

The key to the film is Napoleon's relationship wife Josephine (Vanessa Kirby) she is his object of desire and the woman who ultimately fails to give him a male heir which alas is her downfall.

Kirby is the star of the movie and she captivates both Napoleon and also the camera when she is present. A friend's candidly said the film should be called Josephine's minge., which does seem apt consider it is Bonaparte's "raison d'etre"

I have also been told by scholars of history that there are a lot of inaccuracies' in the movie. So if your understanding of Napoleon is from Waterloo by Abba be prepared to be disappointed.

The battle scenes are exhilarating and although there are some obvious CGI effects , it is still pretty exciting and gory as clearly was the case.

The key battle of Waterloo does lend itself to, a real life version of RISK, with allies and allegiances being and broken at the drop of a Napoleon's "bicorne" (hat) sadly the battles do not commence on a roll of a dice or a undeclared mission card but the whims of the kings and European generals, pontificating over wine and fine cheeses.

When Wellington is offered the opportunity by sniper, to take out Napoleon when in the line of fire, Wellington retorts "We Generals are far to busy to do things like that", presumably too busy to save the lives of 1000s of men in the process.

It is a flawed movie, grand in scale but the political infighting does make for an overlong movie.

To use the RISK analogy again it fails in its secret mission to conquer all of Europe and parts of North Africa, or destroy the British Empire which ever is easiest. 6/10.
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Sally4Ever (2018)
Oh My God!
16 February 2024
Sally4Ever 2018 , Julia Davis. If you've been lucky enough, or unlucky enough depending on your outlook, to have watched Julia Davis's previous contemporary comedies, Nighty Night and Camping, you will know exactly what to expect. It is more of the same, which isnt a bad thing I can assure you. Davis explores and weeds out every taboo to maximum effect. It is absolutely disgusting and yet strangely comforting at the same time. It was made in 2018 and HBO have financed this, well done HBO. In 2024 this wouldn't be made which is a such a shame. Comedy in its current fashion is sterile, cold, safe and very very boring.

If Nighty Night was an original 10/10, Camping was a startling 10/10, Sally4Ever is an oh my god 9/10.

Its more of the sme, with the recurring cast of actors, but this time, maybe they do go a little too far?

Its embarrassing, awkward, unnerving and frightfully funny, It is essential and unlikely to be seen again, so catch it on YouTube while you can. As for Julia Davis I cant see were she could go from here. Taboos are meant to be pushed and she's pushed them ......yet she won't be allowed to go down the path of religion or anti globalist path or will she? So lets enjoy her whilst we can.
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Camping (2016– )
21st Century Nuts in May aka Carry on Sightseeing.
9 February 2024
Camping 2016, written by and starring Julia Davis. If you've seen any of Julia Davis's previous work, or have been camping or more likely you've been camping with friends and their respective partners you'll know what to expect.

Plot take a group of friends for one of the groups 50th birthday. Put them in a socially awkward situations and see what happens, then throw into the mix a male going through a mid life crisis, following a separation who subsequently brings along his rampant girlfriend, plus to make matters worse it's their honeymoon phase. Their apparent blissful bonkafons highlight the bored marriages that the two other couples are stuck in.

That's only the half of it, I can't really describe or do it any justice to the delights within the 3 hours of the series.

Picture an hybrid mix of Nuts in May with Carry on Camping, along with a heady mix of Sightseers. This series isn't for everyone but it is for anyone who has woken up with a stiff back, a stiffy or a pain in the neck for a girlfriend.... Camping the hobby is great but gets more and more painful the older you get, Camping the series is great and improves like a warm beer in the bottom of your sleeping bag. To misquote control freak Fiona "this work's for me".

Oh no! Its all the above and none of it, its a grotesque nightmare in which social norms and expectations are thrown away. The films of Ben Wheatley comes to mind and what appears to be fun isn't.

This is one to watch if you want to see the very dark side of writers Julia Davis and Vicki Pepperdene, but you do have to stick to the end.

A classic 10/10.
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Nighty Night (2004–2005)
"Jill, it's me whose got the cancer"
8 February 2024
Nighty Night, written and starring Julia Davis and featuring a number of British comedy greats. Jill Tyrell supporting her husband Terry Tyrell through his battle with cancer falls for their new neighbour Don Cole.

Unfortunately for Don and especially Cath his long suffering wife, this makes their new life (after Dons' illicit affair) a nightmare.

Cath suffering with MS is a bit of a door mat, and everyone Jill especially walk all over her. Throw in a a Scotsman with Tourette's, the local vicar and his wife with unfeasibly large breasts and best of all the put put upon hairdressing assistant of Jill's Linda.

Needless to say this is a classic sitcom of painfully awkward social situations which makes for laugh out loud comedy.

Plus which adds immensely to the show, its soundtrack cherry picked choice tracks of the 80s to elevate some scenes to epic proportions, Marillion's Lavender being a prime example. Incidentally the theme for Night Night is by Ennio Morricone's My Name is Nobody which adds even more kudos to an already legendary series. The series ran to two season's and although the second series does lack focus at times and stretches the humour, when it works there is nothing better.

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Carny (1980)
an unpolished gem
7 February 2024
Carny 1980. Bit of a obscurity this one, I only recall this being on Tv once, in the early 80s. Its mainly known for it being a early Jodie Foster movie. Foster plays Donna fleeing her dead job as a waitress to join two hustlers from the carnival Gary Busey and Robbie Robertson. Falling for the Busey character, who plays the carnival dunk tank Bozo the clown, he sits in a cage,, hurling abuse at punters, who throw balls at a target, which if successful dumps in the water. Below.

Robertson the more astute partner runs all the other hustle, he is the brains and muscle on site. Invariably Foster, has to pay her way. After failing as a stripper. She is caught by Busey with Robertson, mayhem kicks in. The local heavy's claiming protection money, smash the place up.

Just like the film freaks, the carnival people protect their own and scam the local hoods. Not telling you how, because that would be a spoiler!

It is a gem, and if you get chance to watch it, mainly for the three stars and to see how good they are together. Foster plays the awkward yet sexy teenager that she played so well, Busey verbose and friendly and Robertson is a revelation. His laconic performance steals the show. It is amazing that he didn't have more attempts at acting, but fronting the Band and producing music for Scorsese (?) must have been enough.

An unpolished gem 8/10.
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Nobody wins.
2 February 2024
My Name is Nobody 1973 a spaghetti western homage to well spaghetti westerns and the old west in general.

Jack Beauregard, (Henry Fonda) once the greatest gunslinger of the Old West, only wants to move to Europe and retire in peace, but a young gunfighter, known only as "Nobody," (Terence Hill) idolizes him and wants to see him go out in a blaze of glory. He arranges for Jack to face the 150-man gang known as The Wild Bunch and earn his place in history.

With subtle credits to other westerns "Sam Peckinpah's grave in Boothill cemetery and the big shootout against the Wild Bunch its clear that this is the old, against the new, as in the new bloody genre of the modern western, bloody mercenaries against the stately gentlemen that Fonda represents.

A lovely jovial score my Ennio Morricone which many will be familiar with Nobody's theme from Julia Davis's hilarious BBC comedy Night Night which utilised the theme for her character Jill Tyrell.

The film it self is an enjoyable but hardly essential romp 7/10.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
It a bombed for me.
31 January 2024
Oppenheimer 2023. The year of the movie battle at the box office Barbie v Oppenheimer. "Beauty v brains" as one tabloid put it. The significance of this film is very important, a film about the scientist who invented the atomic bomb which changed mankind for ever and his subsequent Mcarthyist witch hunt in 50s America. Is it anygood? For me I couldnt keep gripped by it and to be fair a lot of the story washed over me. Oppy as is adoring students call him is a driven man who is womaniser with communist leanings, that is achilles heel. Apart from the excitement and build up to the detonation of the bomb Its boring, i can see why it got numerous oscar nominations being a worthy film especially as the doomsday clock is ticking towards its inevitable conclusion.

PS i have to assume that Barbie is fun because this wasnt a barrel of laughs.
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Sunshine Gardener
25 January 2024
Innocent Sinner (1958) Talking Pictures TV A marvellous gem of a film. The sort of film that TPTV finds from time to time. Young girl Lovejoy Mason (what a marvelous name Lovejoy is) played by unknown actress at the time and subsequently since June Archer. Lovejoy lives with the Vincents, owners of a struggling small high street restaurant. Lovejoy's mother is a bit of a floosie who isnt on the scene and when she is, she focuses's o her own needs. Lovejoy dreams, dreams of a garden, something beautif oc her own jn thd shell shocked London of post war Britain.

Throw in a gang of boys whose turf is the local bomb site. Their leader Kip is sweet on Lovejoy helps her rebuild hervgarden, after thx gang had trashed it. Its a marvelous film and it comes highly recommended. If your a fan of kitchen sink dramas crossed with the innocence of a childrens film this is film for you. 9/10.

Incidentally I watched this film on the Talking Pictures Red button catch up feature, following the completion of John Mill's The Rocking Horse Winner, another classic. Both films do share the loss of innocence in a less than flattering adult world.
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The Tourist (2022–2024)
tourist 1 (7/10) tourist 2 (3/10)
19 January 2024
The Tourist, 2020 & 2024. NO SPOLIERS this is more of an overview then a review if you get my drift.

Following a car crash, Elliot has lost his memory, he meets a rookie cop Helen. He helps him find himself. Helen has sa overbearing controlling husband to be. There's lots of quirky character's and villains. The cop with the colostomy bag for example. Every thing isn't what is seems. In Helen we have an awkward "plain Jane" and sexually unsure of her attraction falling for the drop dead gorgeous Elliot., you can understand why the female viewer loved this.

Then we jump 2 years on for the Tourist season 2, , Elliott is still trying to find himself, but this is more of Helen's doing then his, she is a rookie cop after all (or should that be detective) They end up in Ireland Elliott's birthplace, only now we deiscover he is called Eugene, and he is the son of one half of the warring Cassidy's in their turf was with the MacDonall's. It soon becomes apparents thay they have slung a very silly and contrived plot together, adding additional implausible characters. Helen's ex Ethan is back on the scene and he along with the bumbling cop Ruairi are the only saving grace in the 2nd season If there is to be a 3rd season hope it centre's around these two.

In a nutshell, season 1 good, season 2 bad.

Overall 5/10.
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Why (1973)
16 January 2024
Why (1973) Accidentally found on YouTube, so it is a genuine lost classic. Considering its 50 years old the quality of the film stock is pristine.

I watched this for one reason and one reason only. It stars Tim Buckley playing "the drummer" along with OJ Simpson "the Athlete". The premise of the film is quite simple 3 men and 3 women attend a monthly group therapy sessions with their therapist/ doctor. These talking therapy sessions are filmed and watched back. The cast all have various quirks and hang ups. All have issues with their parents and all have major chips on their collective shoulders "dig" ?.

There's lots of hip jargon, with talk of "cats" the "man", "old man" and "old lady" and a liberal talk of the use of drugs.

Watching this for Buckley, he is actually a decent actor, although he does look incredibly frail and emotionally fragile. Considering he died from an accidental heroin over dose in 1975? He might have been using at this point. He also plays the "drummer" and not the singer, at one point one of his costars is seen putting Tim Buckley's "Happy Sad" LP back in the record rack, good product placement Tim.

What of OJ Simpson, he's great and probably the one out if this mottley crew who was destined for great things, he is charasmatic and steals the show. Honourable mention to the character Bill who plays a gay man with all the subtleties of a 70s sitcom actor, looking like an unshaven Bud Cort he needs to be seen to believed.

Opening animated credits featuring a singer who sounds so like Tim Buckley it makes you wonder if Buckley was meant to sing the theme tune, but declined or legally wasnt contracted. The opening credits are for my eyes and ears the best thing about the movie.

Like all therapies if it works for you you'll swear by it, pretty much like this film. Its captivating, compelling and very very watchable but ultimately it does leave you with that one question, Why?

For Tim Buckley and its curiosity value a I'd give the film 10/10 but for its sheer akwardness and dated stereotyping its still a watchable 4/10.
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Sensitively Made (unlike my review)
11 January 2024
La Sociedad del la Nieve (2023) Society of the Snow.

AKA "how to write a film review without mentioning their gastronomic delights"

This is a Uruguayan film about their rugby team's airplane crash over the Andes, and the ultimate survival for 70 plus days without food in 1972.

Its a marvellous film and sensitively made about what could be a sensational and quite frankly an horrifying story. I have deliberately avoided any reference to the main talking point of the movie to remove sensationalism on my part.

The initial crash is absolutely terrifying and sets the tone of the movie. Along with the ongoing danger that the elements throws at them is relentless.

Likewise the isolation and the internal dialogue of the crash survivors of the decision that they have to make is thought provoking.

The joy at the end, when they are rescued is uplifting and very real along with the sad realisation of their friends they have left behind.

I believe there have been numerous films made of the crash and this is a worthy addition.

Sensitively Made (unlike my review)

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Its the end of the world as we know it.
2 January 2024
Leave The World Behind. 2023. Netflix's pre and post apocalyptic blockbuster. Its getting rave reviews so it must be good right? Well it is, its tense and very much in the modern style of m shillybingabongbong, except its not directed by him, but you get the picture. Various anomalies take place which slowly but surely highlight the collapse of well, everything.

The build up to the realisation is great but even when the two respective families, lets for the sake of argument call them "ebony and ivory" learn to get together for their collective unity against the marauding hordes (not seen but heavily implied?) Are the hordes, Russians, Koreans, Chinese, Muslims, Aliens, Animals, the planet fighting back, or society itself finaly debunking hitech and the banking system or is it a global cabal with a global reset to make a idealistic society once they've got rid of the riff raff. Its probably none and yet all of the above.

Its entertaining with enough plot holes to not catch deer.

In the end the thought of living normally whilst the whole place goes up seems very very silly. 6/10. Ps produced by various people amongst many the Obama's so its "living in perfect harmony" clearly has a message for us plebs.
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Saltburn (2023)
Left me cold
31 December 2023
Saltburn 2023. A study of class pretentions from within and those who have belong.

Barry Keoghan plays Oliver Quick, a fresher on a scholarship at Oxford. Oliver "northerner" from Prescot. He creates a more interesting backstory (backstory a popular term these days) to worm his way into Oxford's king bee Felix who is the centre of Oxford' social life. Olly gets an invite to Saltburn, Felix's family estate. Having to adapt to the norms Olly plays one family member against another..... Keoghan is great in this, but his accent does deviate to an Irish twang from time to time. Special mention to Carey Mulligan who plays another of the families dependents at Ssltburn, having just watched her in Maestro in which her character is light years away from her portrayal here. What of the film is it any good. Its very watchable but ultimately all the characters are narcissistic and unlikable and I couldn't care less what happened to them. Some say that this is a shocking film, not really it left me cold. 6/10.
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