
6 Reviews
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One of the only worthy remakes
3 March 2006
Remakes have been attempted many times in the attempt to capitalize off an idea twice. Most of them fail miserably, and those that do the job decently often do not offer any more than improved effects. Not so here.

H.G. Wells' story has had some liberties taken with it in this version. Again, most who attempt to stand on the shoulders of a great writer (The wretched Planet of the Apes remake comes to mind) stumble futilely. In this case, there is a deeper message than the original story. The latter part of the movie drags a little bit before getting to that crux, but it's worth it. As a product of the times, H.G. Wells apparently sought out to write a story colorfully in order to voice his grievances against the inevitable idiocies of war. That message seems to still be an important one, but this movie goes beyond that and says something about the human spirit, and a thought-provoking perspective that makes fate, not just war, an inevitable result of the limitations of our own consciousness.

There are also things which are done better in the original of course. This version gives the future a little bit too much hope, and strays further from the original story than the 1960 version did. However, that is just Hollywood's typical smudge...the story is still poignant. The soundtrack is also very good.

One thing it could do without are a few line gimmicks like referencing Einstein just to illustrate the time traveler's intelligence...but again, this is minute enough a detail that it is simply amusing and just shows the script was written dumbed down a little throughout, which is typical.

This remake is an exception because it adds something good to the original, making them very similar, yet very different, such that both movies are compliments of each other. The only other that I've seen do this is The Parent Trap (in my opinion anyhoo).
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My Girl (1991)
Quality as a plot and a score
27 February 2006
Something about this movie sucks you in. Even if you take away the guts, it has its own little world. I believe this might be so more for me, since I didn't live through the time it takes place, but I found the atmosphere one that almost makes you forget about the "adult world," which is charming.

The story is also very well done. This movie is typically revered as one more enjoyed by children, but I think adults can get something out of it too, from the psychological depth of the characters. The plot also is not very cliché at little that it stands out, and is inimitable enough that no one has even tried to rip it off.

The acting is also pristine. Lastly, what tops off this movie is the music. As important as the movie itself is, even a good movie can be dulled out a little if the music isn't good. James Newton Howard outdoes himself here. The 70s tunes complete the effect of forgetting you're in a relatively punked out society where you won't find as many friendly streets. Also, several spots, such as Vada walking on the tree branches late in the movie, the music composed is an example of talent that few composers have to so fluently use music as a translation of emotions.

The story is good, and the execution, which is equally important (and often neglected in would-be awesome movies), is next to flawless. It is not by any means mind-blowing, but it is not meant to be, and you will remember it.
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Hooo boy...
9 February 2006
Wow... This movie is a true representation of all things wretched in the 80s. Putting aside all the present clichés and such that this movie borrows, the word... It sounds like a bunch of middle school dropouts sitting in a classroom reading a play. A little of this fault goes to the director, as it's evident just from the lines and what they're doing that they were being given quite counter-productive direction. Also, I give a little credit for a twist at the end (the only reason my rating went to the middle of the scale), but the obviousness of who the killer is throughout is beyond stunning. I kept asking myself if maybe they were doing that on purpose to turn it upside down...but then I'm sure they would have run into some serious consistency flaws... However, the gimmicks and unoriginal plot line of this movie show that those involved making it were not all that astute about...flaws... If you want to watch an average depiction of a plot diagram that is so infantile, one could predict the thoughts of the creators as if they were guided by blind instinct, then go on, laugh at them while watching this movie. If you're looking for something to grip you in any way, pout at the lack of resources.
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WOE is me...
6 February 2006
Agh... I realize opinions vary on this movie, but I'd have to say it is among the worst I have ever seen. It is positively mind-numbing. The plot consists of... .... .... ...umm, well I should digress at this point. There are a few, and only a few spots in the movie that are funny. And I do give credit for avoiding mainstream. However, this movie went towards the negative side of it. I know some people enjoy movies that are sort of about "nothing," but honestly, I tried to do some work after I watched it, and it took my mind a half hour to recover from the inactivity. There are no "hooks" or anything to keep your just drags on while you wait for it to become vain... It is exactly what gives MTV a stereotype, embodying diversionary tactics and a general absurdity which attempts to cover up the lack of imagination and plot, as well as slowing down the pace and interest of the movie, giving it a kind of "drugged" effect. There are a few aspects of enjoyment in it, but are far outweighed by the vapid and mindless core. I don't expect all movies to have a deep intellectual side and character development, but it sure doesn't hurt, and the cases where it is not needed are those which are actually fun to watch...and this movie and Mr. Rogers are neck and neck.
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80s staple and then some
1 February 2006
I'd have to say this movie, speaking in terms of just atmosphere, embodies why one would miss the 80s. There is something about it that juxtaposes how phony and gimmick-laden modern cinema has gotten, as if the women not made of silicone and solid shea butter aren't enough.

One would have to be a rather immense movie snob in order to dislike this film, especially if you're young. It shows different perspectives of very well-written characters, and reminds you that there's usually an explanation when you judge someone. It assumes nothing, and levels the field for adults and kids. Not only does it strike at popularity and age discrimination, but also has a humanistic charm which instills a little more faith in people in general.

There is also an aura of idealism from the characters, and it's that sort of mentality that keeps people productive and optimistic. If for no other reason, watch something like this every once in a while to keep from getting old.
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The Break (1995)
Charming, yet cowardly...
1 February 2006
Well keep in mind, I'm saying this as a person who likes tennis a lot, not obsessively or anything though. I saw this movie on HBO when it was fairly new, and something about it stuck with me, I have to give it that. I couldn't, until now, remember the name of it, but the content was in my head.

This movie is riddled with cliché, which is good and bad. There is a reason cliché is what it is...because it appeals to most people in some way. Being it centers around a sport, I can pardon some of that, but only some. What I think makes the movie a little seductive, and thus why I remembered it, are the few things that are hard to ruin... There are themes like a struggle against odds, as well as not judging a book by its cover. The coach has a bad reputation in the movie, and throughout, you see the good parts of him, and that makes you reconsider judgment in general to a point...if you look into that sort of thing.

Aside from that, this movie could have used some sort of twist...any sort, really, to make it a little interesting as well. If you are into tennis at all, you might find yourself in the mood to watch it now and then. Otherwise, you may be searching for something to keep it from being ordinary.
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