
8 Reviews
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Eye opener
5 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I needed to write this review in hopes that in some small minute way it helps this family and many like them. If this gets more view's maybe the family will get justice and people will be held accountable. This shed light on so much injustice and the reality of the medical system. This documentary was the voice for Beata Kowalski, now that hers was taken. Be prepared to be angry and heartbroken. Good job covering all the aspects. Didn't feel one sided. Felt like people were given the opportunity to speak and those that didn't showed their true colors.

I would love to see a follow up on how all this plays out.
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The Mother (2023)
This deserved a better rating than it got
23 May 2023
I don't usually write reviews unless I feel someone should really watch something or I feel like I need to save them from wasting their time. But this time I'm writing because I totally disagree with the low reviews.

This had good action, decent story, good acting and it was touching. It kept my attention and I get bored pretty easily. Nothing wrong with a chick that can really kick a$$ and has survival skills and it's actually believable.

This was a Netflix film not a big blockbuster mission impossible. Clearly the people upset didn't Netflix and Chill. Ok I'm done but before I go.... Give it a chance!
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The Guilty (2021)
Do not waste your time
31 October 2021
My god...slow...and pointless! 1.5 hours ill never get back. I cant believe people are giving 8-9/10. Did we watch the same boring piece of crap. With all these amazing actors you actually never see..thats only ever see Jake Gyllenhal...and unlike say Phone Booth which was amazing...this was a complete waste of time...i cant stress that enough.
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Cell (I) (2016)
Im so glad I didn't listen to these reviews
30 May 2020
I never read the book. I probably never will, but this movie was awesome!
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I almost didn't watch because of the rating
5 April 2020
I usually don't waste my time on anything rated less than 6.5.users are usually on point...but this time completely wrong. 5.7? Are you kidding me...this is definitely worth higher. Maybe if you were expecting a serious sci Fi thriller then you will be disappointed, but even if you were, and were then suprises by an emotionally intelligent film with good acting then you would definitely rate it higher. So glad I didn't listen to you negative reviwers.
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UglyDolls (2019)
Ok 10 might be stretching it
13 May 2019
People who are giving 10/10...come on now...this doesn't compare to Inside Out, Zootopia, Toy Story, Lion King etc Was it but it was missing something. Yes the message was good but could have been delivered more powerfully and the best part was definitely all the musical scenes. So at least a 6 is fair.
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Coroner (2019–2022)
I've seen way worse
23 January 2019
I'm glad I don't judge things by other people's opinions. Now IMDb is my Bible and most of user reviews are spot on...but the people giving below 5...come's a solid 6.5. And that's after the first episode everyone said was so awful. If you haven't seen it...give it a chance.
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It is not as bad as everyone is claiming
29 March 2018
Come on guys...I've sat through more painful movies... Spongebob comes to mind...for the incredible cast this movie has, there is missing something, it is weak, but I can't put my finger on exactly what that is. But it was an incredible departure from reality into a creative and visually stunning world that dived into the recesses of different minds. I appreciated the weird imagination that went into was almost refreshing. Keep an open mind and you will be pleasantly surprised.
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