11 Reviews
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Skinamarink (2022)
Is it over and what's going on?
25 February 2024
If this movie were a painting, the artist would spend $15 on condiments, throw them at the canvas, call it "Hamburger," and then sell it to a museum for public consumption for $2100. But you better be vegan if you're truly going to enjoy this artistic burger because there is no meat.

The movie's synopsis was more compelling to read than the film was to watch. The movie is a noir version of Poltergeist. I fell asleep a couple times as this burger provided little nourishment. Maybe that's why I had no idea what was going on. Wall, floor, ceiling....pimp my crib. Parents hired the absolute worst babysitter.

I give it 3 stars for the poor reviews including my own.
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Hypnotic (2023)
Cure (1997)
25 May 2023
Lots of similarities here to the foreign film Cure from 1997. Whether you enjoy Hypnotic or not, the concept is intriguing and better executed in the movie Cure. Both worth watching. Although several films have been made with a similar concept, it hasn't been overdone into oblivion which is why I still found Hypnotic entertaining. But this movie also reminded me just how memorable the movie Cure is to me. Cure was more believable.

Definitely see this one, even if you wait for it on streaming services instead of the theatre. Always a fan of Ben Affleck as well. Good to see him making more movies as of late.
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Should have called Jon Taffer
28 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The owner could have avoided the violence and bloodshed if he just called Jon Taffer. Although the runtime would have been shorter, I think this would have made a much better Bar Rescue episode. Nevertheless, it is what it is and if you like gore and nudity, there's plenty here. Great looking actresses in the buff. You both did Brazil proud. To the owner, I agree with the decision to switch the wood floors with porcelain if 1. You survive the night and 2. You're after hours activities of torture, sex, and mayhem become a regular thing. Despite being able to take the heat, the chef still needs to get out of that kitchen. And unlock the backdoor for heaven's sake.
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Consecration (2023)
24 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
To do good without God's permission or authority is akin to doing evil. While it is not in itself evil to do good, God is indifferent at best towards any good done that is not done in His name or under His authority. God has a monopoly on recognizable good. All good done without Priesthood is competition against God.

This is a tenet of most religion and it's called Priesthood. Government is also a type of religion as the police are the only ones authorized to do good (defend themselves and others) or to commission others to do good (act contingent upon their authority). The nuns see the girl as evil despite the girl using her power only to do good. But the good she does is not in the name of God or by His authority. Therefore, it is not recognized as good, but as trespass upon God's monopoly on good.
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Sequel to Killing God?
11 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
God visits four people to inform them all humanity, save two, will perish from the earth. These four are chosen to decide who will be the two saved.

On the other hand, the four must convince the two of God's choosing to sacrifice the other to save all humanity from perishing.

And that's the twist.

The fate of humanity is in the hands of a couple incapable of reproducing and whose victim complex may very well be humanity's undoing. Four random people are chosen to convince the couples futile decision to save themselves that humanity is worth saving, if only to provide a life for their adopted daughter.
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Deadstream (2022)
Sam Raimi not even dead yet...
13 October 2022
In the spirit of Blair Witch meets Evil Dead II, this is a hilarious horror trip. Definitely recommended for fans of the Evil Dead series. Shawn is so funny. I'd subscribe. Don't miss this experience. Love the homage to special effects of the 70s and 80s with a millennial theme of influencer streaming. Very well done.

Hoping we see more from the writers and director of this great flick. Hopefully, future projects will be as well crafted and executed. Seriously, this was a blast of a film. Now one of my favorites. Made my night.

I hope everyone gets the opportunity to view this movie. 10 stars. Pond water.
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Resurrection (2022)
Sociopath on sociopathology
6 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My name is Margaret and I sleep with married men, but I AM NOT a sociopath. Just ask my daughter. P. S. I'm not a sociopath because my sociopathic behaviors are the result of prior abuse. Said every sociopath in history. Also, I'm a woman, too weak to be a.sociopath, only a victim. It's the married man's fault!!!!
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Moloch (2022)
Child Possessed by Motherly Self-Sacrifice
7 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Feike from Eden makes a deal with Moloch to live when accused of witchcraft by the wife of the man with whom she's been having an affair. She's poor and, therefore, a cleptomaniac. Anyway, Moloch informs her that to live she must make a sacrifice and that children will be involved. So, she slices her throat in front of the woman to whose body her spirit will transfer. This continues through several centuries.

Present day, those who will listen hear whispers in the big to kill Feike before her next corporeal jump. These whispers come from Feike'sprevious victims who are primarily, if not all, the female descendants of the simp wife who accused Feike of witchcraft. Feike avoids execution at the hands of those listening to the whispers.

By slicing her throat, Feike jumps into the daughter of the mother whom she currently possesses.
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Anyone can be Neo
24 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Neo is not The One as Trinity proves to be his better in a female empowered and woke reboot.

Action scenes are subpar compared to previous films. It's basically a remake that centers on empowering females in the new Matrix founded on feelings instead of reason. As such, Neo is emasculated under the new construct and Trinity empowered. The point is that anyone can be The One given the rules of the construct.

The new construct changes the founding rules to empower a female in the protagonist role of The One.
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Superdeep (2020)
Love me some Sci-fi horror
30 June 2021
Similar premise as The Devil Below (2021), but much better. Reminded me of a short called Zygote (2017). You'll like this if you like Zygote.
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Best Zombie Movie of All Time
22 April 2019
One of the most overlooked horror movies, yet one of the best. And it is my favorite zombie movie, arguably the best, of all time. A fun new take on the undead. A must see!
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