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The Conrad Syndrome
6 September 2019
I appreciate what The Director was trying to do but maybe I'm jaded or because I'm from the future I feel like I have seen it done successfully elsewhere.

The Asians have done it better. Americans have stellar examples of it. The silence that speaks, the glances that reveal, the customs that illuminate etc. Unfotuntely they are few and coarse in this work. This work apparently pioneered the slice-of-life documentary feel which would explain it's overated status. Not to mention it's the only one of it's kind as sated in the trivia section of this IMDB webpage. Similar to Joseph Conrad's book Heart of Darkness, being the first to do it and so garnered a reputation as a masterpiece when in truth it sucked but did one thing well serving as a novelty from which better Writers took inspiration and pointers on creating ominuous ambience. Nonetheless, it is respectable that a group of italians got together and paid homage to their ancestors and their way of life. As an ode to the proto-Italians long gone who toiled, ate, struggled, loved and took whatever small pleasures they could, prayed and hoped for a better future or their offspring, and laid groundwork for their bloodline to flourish then become insular and "boujee" to the point they poo poo their ancestor's lifestyle of sustenance on livestock.

It's true, this movie has no characterisation. You're supposed to just admire the craftsmanship of the 19th century recreation, and either pity their meekness and meager means or laud their herosim in the face of hardship.

Their challenges aren't compelling because they hardly discuss their issues nor does the film delve enough in their lives for you to understand their choices and thus feel for them. At those points the film would actually benefit, allo stile documentario, from a narrator who spells out their dilemmas and potential fallout. They often resort to desperate measures that feel unreasonable and transpire through the film as facile drammatizaion or a cheap attempt at tear jerking. Courtship in Bergamasco culture has the feel of an imminent violent rape and bloody murder for todays western women because the film doesn't buttress the singular and tentative pursuit with scenes that explain the norms that govern courtship. Admirable, honorable material. Lives of those who we too often forget, a trailblazer of cinema verité. OK by (maybe unfairly) todays standards.
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7 July 2018
Not a bad film. The other written reviews overrate it, surmising from their grammar, written by either born-and-raised Italians or italo-Americans clinging to an identity, laying claim to what they view as their own Hollywood.

The themes treated are, fairness, dignity, maschilismo, call to responsibility, redemption and finally feminism.

The film presents you with a subject matter that has no age, treats it lightly, but doesn't trivialize or judge and has memorable one liners. No big innaccuracies. The movie itself has aged but not badly and it's appreciation relies on recognizing the filmmaking style and conventions of the era (and it's limits) and appreciating it as a Loren, Mastroiani De Sica film. (and probably the fact that it's Italian).

The film doesn't show, only alludes to the squalor of prostitution and the Don using Filumena as a sex object. But rather concentrates on the offenses to her dignity and unrequited, unconditional love. Which in truth must be brought into question when she does the big reveal.

The two characters, Don Domenico and Filumena are defined by how they view their relationship; resulting in one-dimensional characterization. Filumena is virtuous, hard-working, and justice seeking and The Don is a hedonist opportunist sexist playboy. That's it. The film doesn't delve into their past at all to show us how they came to be who they are and they have no familial relationships or considerations (except Don's prop-like mom) to influence their decisions.

The audience can't get any insight into any of their reasoning besides what they would say to each other. Given the nature of their relationship (ego vs. ego) they shan't be direct so when they are, it feel like an unnatural exchange.

The filmmakers have to move the plot and make the audience understand the two characters' mindset in limited exchanges mostly between themselves and the script and dialogue were not quite up to this task.

The ending, a moralistic triumph for feminism, is unrealistic given the suppositions and there were no hints of, nor internal reason for the final turn of heart of The Don, and too many questions about Filomena's past unanswered. (Did she choose prostitution or forced into it? did she stop when The Don started maintaining her? When?).

The acting is ok. I didn't see this 'amazing' chemistry. They were just acting. There was nothing; mannerisms, spontaneity, or glances, that hinted at any familiarity between the two actors even if they were friends off set.

A far superior Italian comedic film is 'I Soliti Ignoti' although it doesn't have any drama but it does have a love subplot that is treated with genial comedy and naturally evolving and kinetic affair without the dreaded forced happy ending.

This is the best review on this film since I have no emotional, or hereditary connection to the material, geographical area or the artists. It differs a lot form the majority of user reviews, so I may watch it again to modify or add to it If I missed something.
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Out of Time
3 June 2018
No offense. I did not find it entertaining. I recognized no parentage to the modern comedy nor the modern heist movie. Mediocre acting, no comedic timing, light on facial expressions, badly dubbed, and no subtitles.

If you watched the movie without audio, you wouldn't be able to tell what genre it is. However, one may be able to appreciate it for it's intrinsic value if you take into consideration the limitations of the industry then, movie tropes and conventions of the time, historical context and have familiarity with Neapolitan culture from other sources. Because instead of being a lighthearted and faithful representation of Neapolitan culture it represents the state of Italian filmmaking of the time.

In short, a relic. destined to remain in it's time capsule. Inaccessible without Italian fluency, barely comprehensible if you don-t have familiarity with Neapolitan language as some of the humour relies on it. This movie is to be taken out as an object of study
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