
4 Reviews
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Continuum: Family Time (2012)
Season 1, Episode 9
Show good upto episode 9
19 September 2024
Was, enjoying this until episode 9, so unbelievable, young thugs, shoot main character, as they don't have the balls to shoot them when they had the chance, crazy. Not real life. Giving up their fund, than get them back. And allow the young punks to take control,again twice. They had a perfect opportunity, several times to stop them, but, know. Nothing, one wounded cop, police arrived to a hostage situation, which could have been easily avoided, I understand it's make believable show, but really, make it a little creditable. Really hope, that the rest of series, does not deteriorate too much more, otherwise, good viewing.
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Spoiler (1998)
Strange film
18 January 2023
The main character, choices are just plain stupid. He makes so many mistakes not wanting the shot after his second awakening is probably so stupid, he'd rather be in pain . Not much of a back story, he seems to be like being incarcerated. At least he gets to show off his muscles. Can't really think how to fill 500 words on this review, accept to say, you'll never get back the 1 and half hours you've lost watching this movie. One of those films that you start to watch, and watch to the end, as you can't believe what your seeing. Finally as with the film, I've managed to ramble on for 500 words, and bored you must be.
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Enjoyable watch
12 January 2022
Nice bit from the main character, would be nice to have found out, if the aliens had left or still taking humans. I take it from hie eyes most of mankind have lived underground for many many years. Yet, still survivors left topside.
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Final Voyage (2019)
Good deep movie
9 January 2022
Like the simplicity of the movie story kept you engaged. Good acting from these two new aspiring actors. You hopefully kept positive they would get somewhere, fresh new, a hope all space travelers have.
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