
71 Reviews
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What are the best films, superior story telling!
20 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
One of the best films, superior story telling!

This is one of the best films that tells a story that needs to be told. The cinematography the acting in the written word are filmed perfectly.

A German film with writers actors and producers who exceed expectations. Just when you thought the story was over the last scene will captivate your heart again. Well done! The cast has a history of great films to their name. History buffs will love this story not for the cruelty of what occurred by the energy each character is developed.

I wish this film at one done awards. It deserves notoriety. I'm gonna wait a couple days before I watch it again.
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Shattered (II) (2022)
Waste of talented actors
11 August 2022
Predictably scripting. I wished I hadn't paid to see this. Watch something like, the Bodyguard with Richard Madden on Netflix or the Fall & the film the Tourist with Jamie Dornan. All three are superior to Shattered!
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Silver Skates (2020)
A beautiful film!
2 August 2022
Fresh faces set In a Russian story beautifully told. Very romantic and wonderfully casted! A different country telling a story in a different language we can very much relate to. Beautifully filmed on what appears to be an iced lake. Can't wait to watch this again!
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Ricky Velez: Here's Everything (2021 TV Special)
Not funny
2 August 2022
His audience barely laughs! Skip it! Paint your living room and watch it dry would be more satisfying and entertaining than this comedy show which was a very much not comedic! Barely laughed. Wasn't worthy of a HBO MAX! Latinos are supposed to lift each other up, we should lift Ricky off the stage!
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Kate (I) (2021)
One of the best films on Netflix
5 July 2022
One of the best films on Netflix. Great cinematography & choreographed action! The characters are well developed and you grow an attachment to them. An intro into Japanese culture and pop music! The action had a great amount of gratuitous violence and blood. But it seemed really well planned out and authentic. It added to their intent storyline they kept us gripped all the way through. Enjoy! Needs a NC 17 rating!
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Perfume (2018)
Excellent film! Only a European studio could be this original
30 June 2022
Excellent film! Only a European studio could be this original & Netflix what smart enough to get it done! Kudos to the cast. The writing was exceptional and original unfortunately an American studio will soon copy this, but will never come close to the quality of acting, music and film staging! The ending was a tear jerker. We done NETFLIX! This is really one of the best movies they have running right now from 2018 nevertheless, A film quality we definitely miss in the United States.
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A lot of fun! Enjoy this with me
29 June 2022
A lot of fun! Enjoy this movie about crazy families and friends. Bonnie Bedelia, Carolyn Rhea, Leslie Jordan lead a beautiful cast of characters portraying our family and friends.
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Wedding Wars (2006 TV Movie)
A loving little movie with a simplistic look About activism in the family
29 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
About activism in the family! We can always find common ground in this movie shows that we can be family and friends and friends who are family. I enjoy this movie very much, gorgeous man. The gay men's chorus made me tear up.
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Spiderhead (2022)
One of the worst movies on Netflix
26 June 2022
Miles teller carries this movie. Liam Hensworth is one of the reasons why this movie so bad, other than the fact that it's predictable. A freshman film major wouldn't turn in a script that as bad as this one. A sophomore film major would probably have been a better director than the ones that did this this movie! So sad and painful to watch!
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The Batman (2022)
Awesome 3hrs
17 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really was not looking forward to Robert Patterson and his 15 year old girl body! But he didn't really talk that much so he came off kind of masculine and mysterious. They should get an Oscar alone just for making his body look buff with the extra special effects. This nostalgic setting had multiple subplots and they were all executed well. But I think it was odd that two of the best looking man in Hollywood Peter Sarsgaard and Colin Farrell, were made look less attractive then normal so not to overshadowed Robert Patterson's Caricature face! Highly recommend!
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Upload (2020– )
Poorly acted with a very vague commitment to their characters
12 March 2022
Poorly acted with a very vague commitment to their characters. The actors in the series look like oh I just have to show up - read a few lines not commit to my character because I'm gonna get rehired anyway. Tried watching theis several times, I give up. Poorly written much like the final episode of the EXPANSE. Amazon you can do much better.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Poorly done movie not the usual Netflix quality at all!
29 December 2021
Pete Stevenson said it's a poor movie & I agree! But I think it was done that way on purpose so that people would turn it off. I know I turned it off and then I remembered a Bernie Sanders groups said to watch it! Plus Ariana Grande as an angel with an evil image not to mention Timothée Chalamet's character flashiness 666 and Jonah's character to. I think it's one of the worst movies on Netflix.
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The first BOND movie that made me tear up!
9 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The ending was unexpected. There were some continuity issues, that I really had to think long and hard about to have a better understanding of the story line. It may be Daniel Craig's last episode and he did the 007 character justice in my opinion. Hopefully Dominic Cooper, Tom Hardy or. Aaron Taylor-Johnson! (NOT Robert Patterson, to Effeminate!)
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Him (2018)
This short film packs a heartwarming laughter and cry at the end
17 August 2021
This short film packs a heartwarming laughter and cry at the end. It's a beautifully written and executed film! The cast who is small but more than adequately portrayed the roles! Young man in the lead carried his role And I hope to see you every other films in the future!
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Unfortunately if you thought part two was bad, three is worse
12 August 2021
Unfortunately if you thought part two was bad, three is worse!

And went downhill pretty fast. I really can't tell anybody's giving us a higher rating than three and that's only because were loyal. Kissing booth one was awesome. Kissing booth two was totally predictable. Kissing booth three is just very not worth watching. Very disappointing that Netflix would allow a bad script like this. Just spend a lot of money and come out with the poor quality film like this.
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Elite (2018–2024)
Season 4 leaves us anticipating Season 5
19 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Bravo! The new cast fit in perfectly. The music was incredible I hope it's available soon somewhere -hint hint! I watched all today when I saw it dropped! NETFLIX should be very happy! I love the returning cast, I hope Guzman and Anders do come back! I thought Miguel Herran was coming back? I do miss the original cast. It took one large pizza, a six pack of SHINER (in champagne flutes) two bags of popcorn! It was the best Friday night binge watching possible! I haven't been this excited about something returning to streaming since the EXPANSE! Thanks NETFLIX!
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Grand Army (2020)
Profanity without a reason and gratuitous graphic violence
24 May 2021
Loose the zombie apocalypse garbage!

If this is what the youth of America is right now we are in real trouble. This is not anything anybody needs to watch.

Extremely talented cast, the writers have limited imagination, trying to tackle social issues in episodes it seem to drag on forever.

The finale was lame no social change will come from that little mans demonstration with his horn.
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I only see 41!
17 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is going to end badly, those are the words I was thinking in my head and one minute later during the German opera the characters said that them themselves.

KUDOS to NETFLIX! ! Revisionist history, history stories forgotten, so many young people today in the LGBQT Community has no idea how much blood has been shed for them.

A well written and well filmed story that needs to be told.

A story like this exist in San Antonio it took place in the 70s and 80s! VIVA MEXICO!
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This captures the sexuality the series didn't attempt to saw
14 May 2021
I lovely little film! He shows the emotional webs we seem to put up on ourselves, this film is from a different time in a different place. Well done!
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No redeeming value, just TRASH!
12 May 2021
There are probably hundreds of thousands of scripts that are Far more mediocre then this one that could of been made!
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A Very Secret Service (2015–2018)
VERY very funny! A most see that's extremely enjoying
25 April 2021
This is one of the best series on Netflix! The actors are incredibly on point and own their characters! Excellent writing, film production and directing. Bravo to the French! I can't think of any American film or series that comes close to this kind of Satire! Their lines are quick and witty without that Annoying American laugh track!
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Don't actors read the script before they agree to perform!
23 April 2021
Patrick Wilson usually makes good choices!

Unfortunately this film wasn't one of them. It was painful very painful to watch his movie. Hopefully Patrick Wilson will read the next script before he agrees to be in it! I really do wonder how it even has a three star rating, those people Musta had some really good weed or brownies While watching. I love the LITTLE CHILDREN! Instead of watching this movie you should watch that one.
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This proves Hollywood has no imagination
23 April 2021
This proves Hollywood has no imagination, It was nice to see Mark Paul Gosselaar but this movie has been done 10 million times before and with a much better supporting cast, writers and videographers!
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The Silencing (2020)
OMG 1 of the BEST on the edge of your seat filnd
22 April 2021
This movie is so incredible you'll enjoy every moment!

This is well written, very suspenseful and great writing & execution.

Five stars!

Gives you hope?
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Ibiza (2018)
I love this film!
21 April 2021
It does deserve a much better rating!

Richard Madden should be the next James Bond!
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