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Red Rose (2004)
Creative license is one thing but really....
23 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
While the actors in 'Red Rose' worked with what they had, the rest of this movie, if you can call it that is pure hogwash. Creative license is one thing but this mockery miscarried justice to Scotland's son. Burns began in poverty. His lifestyle with women did not take him down. He loved women but that is not why Robert Burns existed. He saved Scotia's identity through her song and affected the world later with his thoughts on humankind. Thankfully, the movie did touch on that. Maria Riddell was much younger than Burns and they had a platonic relationship not love affair. In the end, Maria made love to a barely alive man with 'Ae Fond Kiss', the song Burns wrote for Clarinda, playing over it. By then Burns couldn't even walk. I viewed it in anticipation of something good and left in search of a pail in which to vomit. There is a screenplay written and ready to film. Once it's out, Burns true meaning will be seen.
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Superior performances by all including the writer/director Steven E. De Souza
12 July 2009
This superb STRIKE TV should have a sequel; actually, it does entitled "Part II" and I give it to Mr. d Souza for no pay. It's a tribute to his person, writing and teaching abilities. All three are grand, i.e. superior, more advanced than other writers, magnificent, outstanding, unmatched and all words one can find in the thesaurus that matches them. He was a "one of a kind" teacher to me in Maui's 1997 Screenplay School. Even though we spoke, I agree that he did not write HUDSON HAWK, his class was one that I wasn't fortunate enough in which to be. Another friend was and told me this true story. I'm jealous, as I could have learned much from him. Steven remained in his room grading students papers, making his wife angry but still gave away the best student's one-page written TV play, to the person who won. Brava Bellisimo, Mr. Steven with the E. but IMDb will not accept your "Duh" Souza. ***Note to Mr. De Souza…IMDb for some reason does not accept the "the duh" in your name. I'm sorry to have to write it phonetically. They've also replaced the named we once called what you did for a living in TV. Why IMDb, do you do this?***

Joanne Whalley and Timothy Dalton's performance was priceless as was the writing and directing. It was "visionary" to use Joanne Whalley and Timothy Dalton. What fun! The SCARLETT "double duo" was tremendous to recognize! It was grand and yes, Mr. d Souza, I wish to give you my three-page "Final Draft" TV play for you to direct Mr. Dalton in "Part II," however, it has a slight twist that you'll love. I took your one page TV play test regardless that you didn't have me as a student in your class. I attempted writing this Timothy Dalton piece within one page, "Final Draft"; however, since I wrote transitions also, it took three pages. If I take them out then it may come in at one page, the first, middle and ending. I'll try. I don't wish to have dinner; however, please tell me you'll accept my meager present to you. I don't want pay but the pleasure to know that Timothy and you worked on something that I wrote. That, in itself is payment enough!

Realizing WILLIAM MORRIS represents you, I wish to give you this "free of charge" then I leave the rest to you, sir. I also know you go through STRIKE TV for a "particular means." Please contact me, Janet Thompson Deaver at .

Once known as, the "female with bad back." I'll send you the redhead's photo if you wish. You honored me in Maui and did again by remembering me the second year, 1998. At our first night back, beach party, I introduced to you a long ago friend, Paul Barrett, within an nth degree, you remarked, "So, I see you brought your own 'Pall Bearer' this year." That makes me feel special that you may remember me after all. At the Maui 1997 school, I told Jay Bonasinga that people who believed in my writing skill paid first class for everything there, which included airfare as well as accommodations and the class itself. Unfortunately, my "bad back" kept me from hearing his kind words for me at the Awards presentation that Thursday.

If that doesn't jog your memory then this might. Ron Howard attempted to "save" my strangling by another person in the open corner Q&A sessions where you followed me from speaking in another group. Being "actresses" as well as friends, Claudia Smith, who was your student, meant to keep me from asking Ron my question. When she began choking me, I hung my tongue from my mouth's side, crossed my eyes and rolled them back while holding my breathe. I turned beet red but when Claudia quit strangling me, I popped Ron the question without pause regardless of color. Everyone else in our particular side-room group, laughed so Ron backed up to his seat half-laughing but had been concerned. Grinning at Claudia, she was nonplussed to say a thing! ;-) Ron answered my question. Claudia couldn't speak! I won!

The people who paid for my Maui education continue their support today and I'm honored again. Your inspiration through STRIKE TV and especially with Timothy Dalton in view again, made me write gloriously, if I do say so myself! I did and I do write grand!

Whatever happens, I pray other's read how grand you are as a personal teacher to one who knows your brain constantly works, thinks, ticks, runs "like a squirrel on a tread wheel," but stopped to complement a student as you did when you gave away a "dinner for two" to the person who won your contest. You're also someone who never forgets a face or one with a "bad back." My hair is still auburn red, I'm still darn cute but the back still hurts! Do you know any theatrical actors? They massage the best! I was on stage also a few times in life. ;-) My favorite play is by Will Shakespeare, "The Taming of the Shrew."

~ Janet Thompson Deaver Charlotte, North Carolina

PS: I don't use much verbiage in dialog but get excited at the thought that you may read this or Timothy. You both excite me in grand ways. I am very quiet when in the presence of inspirational men. My prayer is to inspire you with my writing.
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Inkheart (2008)
INKHEART is a treasured film to view over and again!
31 March 2009
Starring Brendan Fraser & Dame Helen Mirren, who as the eccentric aunt glows throughout every scene she's in, INKHEART is a grand fantasy that literally sweeps you into its story within an nth of a second. Each character tells a story within itself and the INKHEART author character (Jim Broadbent) is magnificent to the point you pray for him to have written more copies! I love this film! No screenwriter has given an audience such delight in a long time and should be writing another soon with "Meggie" as the "Silvertongue" that does more than the usual "gifted" reader does! The first frame had me sitting up straight and forgetting the world existed. I had no headaches or potty breaks. INKHEART absorbs you to the point when the house lights come up afterward; you sit silently smiling then leave still smiling for hours! INKHEART makes you search IMDb for not only the screenplay writer and all else, they wrote but also the novel's author and director. If they can create together these unforgettable characters, then what other magic do they have on screen? For those who seek a MYTHOLOGICAL HERO, they find not one but one in each character who evolves within INKHEART whether they are good or evil!
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