
21 Reviews
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My Wife and Kids: Get Out (2002)
Season 2, Episode 14
So frustrating!
5 September 2023
Not a bad episode but oh my goodness my tension and frustration rose steadily throughout the whole thing! A similar episode was done on Friends (and probably many other shows) in the 90s and that was infuriating as well. It's been done so many times because I think we all know someone that notoriously makes us late. It's so disrespectful! It's not hard to manage your time so that you can be ready on time. I don't think my husband and I would have survived if we didn't both value punctuality. Anyway, besides the point. It's a well done episode that uses humour well to portray a common scenario.
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Cougar Town: Mary Jane's Last Dance (2015)
Season 6, Episode 13
It's over
20 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I stuck with this show to the bitter end in a hope it may improve but somehow it got worse. Each character became more ridiculous, if that was even possible. I had hopes for some of them but then I concluded they would all get sucked into Jules' narcissistic web until each and every one enabled her to be the selfish, self-involved horror show that she is. Every episode someone would carry on about what a good friend she was but everything she did was about her. She's toxic, the entire 'crew' is toxic. These were not healthy relationships and it was so bad that it wasn't funny. Between the show, and the reviewer on here that insisted on treating the show like a Friends spin-off, I started thinking I was losing my mind. If this had gone on much longer, I would have! Positive note? This show makes me feel better about my own life.
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Cougar Town: Turn This Car Around (2010)
Season 1, Episode 18
Awful episode! Very irresponsible
13 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Soooooo no mention of the irresponsible treatment of a serious issue in society? Functioning alcohol use disorder is real and I've been wondering since about the 5th episode if it was going to be addressed that Jules clearly has this disorder. What is also real is that it's acceptable in our society and often people that try to improve their lives, mentally and physically, by not drinking are shamed and alienated by those around them, who don't like what they're doing, as it highlights their own issues. Later when the girls came back with a half-baked apology, they still offered her no encouragement, "you don't need to change, you're fine the way you are!" Then the story moved on completely by Jules realising she could change but it was about her using her phone while driving. Very next episode she's sipping wine continously and I'm sure the topic will never come up again.

I know, I know, it's "just" a TV show, it's not real. What they were portraying though is real and if you are "just" a TV show, don't touch on topics that you're not going to deal with properly. TV shows and the media do have a responsibility.
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Scrubs: My Rite of Passage (2006)
Season 5, Episode 2
Great episode!
12 August 2023
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This is one of my favourite episodes. I absolutely love episodes like this that show that Perry and Jordan are not completely toxic, there's genuine love and care between them, they are just a little twisted in the way they show it. It's also great seeing the softer side of Jordan. It gives her depth and makes her more 3-dimensional. Always enjoy episodes with former Spin City cast members, these episodes always seem to be of a high standard.

The Elliot storyline isn't bad. It was a bit rough of Carla to go to her new workplace, tell embarrassing stories about her, and then wonder why Elliot didn't invite her to visit! Completely clueless! This season, Elliot really ups her level of crazy, she's almost a caricature now. All in all, good episode.
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Scrubs: My Roommates (2005)
Season 4, Episode 18
I'll never understand!
12 August 2023
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It's not a bad episode but it is infuriating! At the start of the show, didn't Turk move in with J. D? So why does he have to move out? I feel like Carla was looking for a way to get J. D. out very early on, well before they got married. But Carla is so bossy and dominating, she always gets her way. Why do sitcoms insist on having a strong woman that is just mean! You can have strong female characters without making them unlikable.

I do like the Dr Cox story though. I always enjoy seeing the more sensitive side of the character. Especially when he is using his knowledge as a doctor, we get to see he's actually a good doctor. Side note, I find Jordan more likable than Carla!

All in all, not a bad episode. It just makes me so cross every time!
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Such mixed feedback!
29 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I read some of the reviews before putting mine up and I actually enjoyed the variety of differing opinions. Things some people loved were what some hated, gave some great perspectives. My thoughts? I loved it! I grinned like a Cheshire cat at the opening and from there enjoyed the different setting of the the apartment. I don't have much faith in modern day horror so I'm always pleasantly surprised when one does pull me in. Some cheap jump scares that don't really work on me but they must still work for some! I thought every character was fantastic. I enjoyed the homage to the earlier films without being to blatent. I feel like the writers /creators knew when to pull back and when to let all hell break loose! I didn't jump but I was extremely tense, on the verge of agitated at times. I'm a mother myself and once I realised where this was going I was just, "oh no!!!" Bottom line is I enjoyed it all from beginning to end. It will never match the original, but I never felt it was trying to.
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The Big Bang Theory: The Loobenfeld Decay (2008)
Season 1, Episode 10
Definitely a favourite
10 April 2023
DJ Qualls steals this episode! I've just finished a binge of all 12 seasons and it confirmed that this would be one of my favourite episodes. Always makes me laugh. As Toby/Leo, Qualls is sensational. Jim Parsons' Sheldon is also at his best. Leonard watching helplessly as the chaos errupts around him is hysterical. So we'll written and performed, not many episodes can top it. To be fair, I can't even think of another episode that makes me laugh quite as much as this one. Watching early TBBT reminds me just how good the show was when it started. I don't mind later episodes, but early ones like this are comedy gold.
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Fleishman Is in Trouble: Me-Time (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
Best episode
25 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have really enjoyed this show so far. Some of the things people haven't liked is what I have liked. I've enjoyed the uncertainty of the genre, I've enjoyed the uncomfortable moments, the weird, the funny. Maybe because I'm the same age as these characters, and gone through a separation, I find it very relatable. I also liked how they used the same actors in flashbacks to their younger years. When we look back, we don't see younger versions of ourselves, we are just us. Sometimes I get a surprise when I look in the mirror now!

Back to this episode though. We are well aware for the first 6 episodes that we were only seeing one side of the story, as a mother though I couldn't understand how a mother could disappear like that! Of course we didn't like Rachel at this stage, we weren't meant to. This episode was brilliant in doing a 'slap in the face' 180 turn. The writing, directing, filming, performances just everything was superb. I forgot how much a crying Claire Danes can just rip your heart out. She is outstanding in this episode. I've gone on long enough though. Just an amazing episode.
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Modern Family: Spuds (2020)
Season 11, Episode 14
7 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying that I actually enjoy flashback episodes if they are done well and there's still plot advancement. This episode does it well. In the final season of a long-running show, a flashback episode makes sense. I mean usually the whole season is about wrapping up loose ends and reminiscing. This episode also had plot advancement with Mitch and Cam and I really liked Lily in this episode. There family seemed in a good place. Ed O'Neil was fantastic in this episode as well; funny and touching. I love when Jay gets vulnerable, gets me every time, reminds me of my own Dad. Dylan and Haley have been portraying stressed new parents so well. Very relatable! So maybe not huge advancement, but there was movement. Either way, I liked this episode and thought it was well placed leading up to the finale.
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Modern Family: Legacy (2020)
Season 11, Episode 11
7 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is the perfect example of why I'll never understand people basing their ratings on how funny MF is. The show would never have lasted as long as it has if it was JUST funny. Modern Family has so many levels, yes, it's funny, but it's also sweet, touching. It makes you think, it can be mindless, you laugh, you cry. Sometimes at the same time! This is one of those episodes. I'm smiling for majority of this episode but no matter what, as soon as Ty Burrell says that line about not knowing that would be last day he spent with his dad, the tears flow. Especially because by the time I saw the episode the first time here in Australia, Fred Willard had already passed away so it hit harder. Great performances by all on this one. I will only ever give high ratings for Modern Family. If I don't feel the need to, I will keep quiet.
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Modern Family: We Need to Talk About Lily (2019)
Season 10, Episode 14
Ahhh Pepper
7 December 2022
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Every time they have Pepper Saltzman (Nathan Lane) on the show you know it's going to be a good show, and this episode is no different. Pairing him with Phil is absolutely perfect and their scenes together in this are funny, sweet, touching and it's nice to see some Pepper vulnerability. The homage to Lala Land was absolutely wonderful and makes me laugh/smile every time. It's a shame it hasn't been done earlier but I suppose you need to wait until the story fits and doesn't feel forced. I enjoyed the Cam/Mitch/Lily story as well (shout out to Ronaldo who is always enjoyable). It was funny, cringy, and relatable. We've all gone through that with our parents and our children.
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Modern Family: Clean Out Your Junk Drawer (2015)
Season 7, Episode 8
Love episodes like this!!
6 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When Modern Family does simple episodes, with a simple story, like this, I love them! Group therapy. I knew it would be good from the start but it exceeded expectations. Everyone brought their A-game; writers, directors, actors, everyone. Ed O'Neil absolutely shines in this episode, I cannot express that enough! In one single monologue he seamlessly had me giggling and then crying with emotion. Amazing performance. The other stories were good as well I just don't have anything to say about them. It was a top-notch episode with a wave of emotions. That's what I love about this show, it doesn't have to be high level funny to still be good.
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Modern Family: Manny Get Your Gun (2010)
Season 2, Episode 8
Love episodes like this!
28 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love these simple story episodes that have so much going on underneath. I relate so much to Claire in this episode as I'm the "un-fun" parent. Her scenes in the car with Luke are lovely. Gloria losing her keys and Jay trying to hide the fact that he found them in his pocket is just good fun. Again, a simple story. Manny lamenting over his lost childhood is adorable, especially when he makes a prank call.

Mitchell being involved in the flash mob is so sweet! Plus, I always enjoy dancing Mich, it just makes me smile. Cam being his usual self-absorbed and selfish self gets mad at Mitch for dancing without him? I just rolled my eyes.

I recently saw someone complain about the inapproriateness of Phil's t-shirt in the flashback. I'm not sure they actually WATCHED the episode and realised that was the joke! It was inappropriate and he was completely clueless! Some humour is lost on some people.

Brilliant, well paced episode with lots of laughs.
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The Tudors: Protestant Anne of Cleves (2009)
Season 3, Episode 7
Anne of Cleves
14 May 2022
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It was a good episode but I always found the casting of Joss Stone as Anne strange. Anne of Cleves was supposed to be "unappealing". Could they have not found someone a little less amazingly beautiful? Very difficult to make Joss Stone look plain, although her performance was great.
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Shameless: Sleepwalking (2018)
Season 8, Episode 12
Good wrap up
2 May 2022
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Throughout this season I was getting increasingly frustrated with so many of the characters. I was happy to see a good wrap up of those storylines. Hoping Carl is back on track next season and that was the last we see of that crazy b*tch. As usual though, great performances by all.
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Shameless: Frank's Northern Shuttle Express (2017)
Season 8, Episode 8
Not a bad episode
30 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Good episode. Enjoyed the Ian storyline and the Lip storyline. Fiona storyline a bit boring.

I love how they have developed Carl over the years, I just wish he would stop being lead by his d**k. Seriously, are all guys this bad? It gets really boring and predictable with Carl, especially when he's done such good work in other areas.
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Shameless: Familia Supra Gallegorious Omnia! (2016)
Season 6, Episode 12
Amazing performances
29 April 2022
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I cried almost the whole time. The end in the church was absolutely heartbreaking but the actors in this show are just so amazing sometimes my tears are from the performances alone. Although I sometimes feel like the quality is dropping that is nothing to do with the cast. Jeremy Allan White has been my favourite from the start and he just gets better and better.
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Christmas cheer!
13 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this episode was hilarious. The waxing scene alone had me in fits of laughter. A lot of people say Ashton Kutcher can't act but I disagree. He is a comic gem, great facial reactions, and his physical comedy is wonderful.
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American Horror Story: Cape Fear (2021)
Season 10, Episode 1
31 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
THIS is what we've been waiting for. THIS is what we have come to expect. Finally a return to form. Evan Peters and Frances Conroy singing Islamds5in the Stream was absolute gold.
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Modern Family: A Game of Chicken (2019)
Season 11, Episode 6
Not too bad. Go Luke, Go!
27 February 2020
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True, these last few seasons haven't been as laugh out loud funny as earlier seasons but I still love watching the characters. So glad to see that they may be wrapping things up for Luke with potential success in life. He has always been one of my favourites. Yes, he has been portrayed as a bit stupid over the whole series but every now and again he has done something that makes you realise how much he can be underestimated. Not everything in life is book smarts and he has always thought outside the box. I feel like I've watched him grow up so I was kind of proud of him in this episode! Also enjoyed seeing Mitchell step outside his comfort zone for Cam. A great episode on relationships
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South Park: Scott Tenorman Must Die (2001)
Season 5, Episode 4
Genius, perfection
21 January 2020
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I cannot tell anyone enough how much I love this episode. The perfectly paced build to a solid finale is just so well done. This is Matt and Trey's finest moment. We all know Cartman is diabolical and this episode highlights that to the extreme. As Kyle and Stan learnt that day; don't miss Cartman off! It's disturbing, it's twisted, best of all, it's funny! We all wanted to see him get revenge on Scott (although Cartman has done worse to other kids) and this is next level revenge. We all know what it's like to be bullied or terrorised by someone when we were young and there was a part of many of us that enjoyed this ending (but would never do ANYTHING like this). Scott Tennerman had no idea who he was dealing with when he decided to mess with Eric Cartman. Definitely up there as best episode ever
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