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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
Where, Why, What happened in Series 3
12 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Series 1 and 2 are fine, not great but fine. Don't follow the books as his character is quite a new creation by this production. In Series 3 I can follow the storyline though why in the first 14 minutes of the 1st episode his employers think . . . Hmm let us get ride of a good agent - as the build up from series 1 & 2 suggests he good, no rule follower but good at his job. So why now is he not trustworthy, not a good agent? Inconsistency in storyline.

Ryan needs a new wardrobe. After the 3rd episode of series 3, I stopped watching as it is predictable, cheap on suspense and cliches to the stereotyping of cultures, and procedures.
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When people get a conscious, they feel the need to enforce it up on others
3 November 2022
Morals are within us that can easily come and go depending on the circumstances. The cast is great in a story about surviving debt, hard work and finding your feet as daughter who've mother has died. There are many characters in the movie that decide for others what is moral, what is not while some are standing by theirs while gossip says otherwise. Great storyline about making difficult choices, and what happens when some 'in a moment' change their morals because they've found a conscious.

I disagree with many that this is a 'man-hating, and/or feminist' movie. I found nothing to indicate this in the storyline. Additionally, I didn't find the foul language foul at all!
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The Bay: Episode #3.3 (2022)
Season 3, Episode 3
New DCI has communication challenges
6 October 2022
What was a great series for 1 and 2 has become tongue tied in series 3. The New DCI's character arrives with poor, self deprecating, and awkward communication skills that I am wondering how she got as far as she has in her career. The 'Boss' is short with the new DCI additionally. Why? In this episode this poor dialogue is distancing from the character, I cannot like her. I hope this changes in the coming episodes regardless of a good storyline. Though saying the story is good, I have noticed other characters having 'they wouldn't talk like that' moments. Perhaps there are new writers that cannot write dialogue.
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From Darkness (2015)
Gave 4 stars because the actors, wow had to endure this or I'd given a 1
3 October 2022
Opening theme song is great. Only great thing about this poorly written crime series. A great cast handed a poorly written script to try and make it better.

Angst around the dramatics about Claire's mental health is a let down when revealed. Goes on for almost 3 episodes until we find out what hurt Claire is hiding when revealed. Gosh I thought it had been something horrifying like the victims found because this is what we are pushed to believe. Disjunct, male bullies and then the young detective takes a pot shot at Claire...why? The main character Claire's part is a nightmare, gosh how did she act it?. Series is only worth watching to do housework.
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McCallum (1995–1998)
Over the top storylines
5 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The 1st episode involves McCallum as a suspect in a colleges death, and later on he is suspected of murder again, and thus so many afterwards as 'creepy' people want to hurt him or people he loves or knows.

The series doesn't depict the real job of the coroner, this is fine but him being persecuted or on a tangent to find the murder is tedious.

The acting is sold, generally I like the series. I am not fond of the 'stories with stupid scenarios' in where the characters act irrational. Lets say I hit someone with my car when they run out in front of me, and who dies but don't want it investigated, I'll just take my punishment. Enough.
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Let's Marry my dream man when I have ignored all his Red Flags
1 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
1stly change the narrator, if she is a real person she is nauseating, if artificial voicing it sucks. This show isn't about woman wondering Who the bleep did they Marry. The show is centred around women who want to be in denial, do not investigate their partners when 'oh they make money but will not tell you how or pretend to have money or they are generals but oh dear the FBI showed up and took the metals away but....goes on and on. The show should be renamed 'Men who convince Rose Coloured Glassed Wearing Women they are great. (Really dumb women here)
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Midsomer Murders: Days of Misrule (2008)
Season 11, Episode 6
Strange Storyline
23 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The storyline has about three branches but the one that drives me to dislike the episode is the branch about a mother morning the loss of her daughter in childbirth. Fine, going along watching until it dawns on me that the child that survived is now about 25 years old. Thus the mourning mother is a complete nutter, gone, loss of mind to still be outwardly mourning. Stranger still is her husband, is still her husband with his wife's outward displaying of hatred for her grandson, and 25 years after the fact, meaning he has no marriage, really.

Niamh Cusack who plays the grieving mother, is a good actress but I find I don't like watching her. Overall the other two branches of the storyline are decent.
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Monk (2002–2009)
Going back again to watch all 8 series again
18 April 2022
I thought I'd seem most of the Monk series. Back when it aired on TV we had to watch when scheduled. Watching this past couple weeks the full 8 series, I found I had missed many. I love the comedy to make light of a challenging mental health issue by illuminating that regardless of therapy, and personal 'I want to get change' sometimes it isn't our will that can change our brain's direction. Wonderfully done.

I enjoyed the storylines from 1-5, 6 began verging into storylines that were far fetched, like ruining a beautiful home because of his OCD. Sure could happen but ? 7 & 8 I thought were again verging away with faeries, but probably by then I'd had enough of Monk disrupting everyone's lives. His Pollyanna assistant doesn't grow into anything more than his side kick (with no special training but it is tv.). If the writers had written in a deeper character, I think Monks growing dependency on her wouldn't have been so annoying (in the series). I think in real life, this is a given.

Monk as the series goes, to me, highlighted his selfish, all consumed grieving, narcistic character who the other characters catered to. Yes his character is a genius detective. Sure I understand this, and the OCD and loss but I didn't see that pandering to him, helped his character grow. Though caring for the dog in one episode, did give validity he could be more outside of himself.

I found the balance of comedy, watching him spiral out, and tired of the self-absorbed persona, a balance was missing in the storylines.

While the ending of series 8 gave the viewers closer, as well as Monk to what happened to his wife, I found it ah a bit convenient. I was torn, while it made sense to know what was in Trudy's Xmas gift, it was 'out of the blue' in a total misdirection of 8 years of series. Not a fan of the ending, but I am not sure I could have thought of a better solution, resolution.

Great acting, great series. Loved the individual characters.
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Circle of Friends (2006 TV Movie)
A movie to watch when you don't want to think.
5 April 2022
This is one of the 'studentlike' movies where the actors, storyline, dialogue especially is created by amateurs learning to craft their profession. When you don't want to think much and can work at the same time.
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Forensic Files: Van-ished (2006)
Season 11, Episode 21
If I don't see you emotional, you're not to be believed
31 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode illuminates the whole problem with police department thinking and sexism. Act the way we think you should to be believed, otherwise nope you are a liar. Fudge, seriously and no rape kit done. I am surprised that this case was solved with police treating this 12 year old horribly at first.
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The Missing (2014–2016)
Confusing Timelines of Series 2
26 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Series 1 is not available in Canada on Prime.

I liked the storyline as it did draw us in to the web of circumstances surrounding the woman's (Alice's) return. Who abducted Sophie and Alice, who and why are involved. Good story, although the storyline holes are big enough for two people to fall into. Alice accuses the wrong man of kidnap, etc because she is forced to by the people involved in her disappearance. We soon realize that there is more than one person involved.

The large story hole is the accused man is assumed guilty by all with minimal evidence. A partial receipt found in one of the holding placed for the women, which only shows the last 4 digits of a credit card receipt and Alice's identification. No real investigation into his alibi, dna, etc.

The back n forth of earlier happenings and the present day became confusing because they are closely linked to what is going on in the story generally. The timeline switch become more often, confusing rather than informing. I did follow along but it took much effort, that shouldn't be needed.

I like the acting though as episodes move forwards the acting becomes stilted, wooden and forced by the father, and mother. David Morrissey who plays the father is a wooden actor in most things he acts in. I think in a broad sense many British actors play with ridged boundaries.

Liking the series, enjoying the who done it....only the journey needed to be more straightforward. Never guessed who 'done it'.
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Deep Water (I) (2022)
Let me guess
21 March 2022
I do not need to know everything, or everyone. I can fill in my own thoughts with my thoughts and not the thoughts and words and actions of the protagonists telling me what to think, believe and follow. Sure less is more but I loved this movie's slow moving orgasm.
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Midsomer Murders: The Animal Within (2007)
Season 10, Episode 2
Storyline was great - weird and wonderful
17 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this episode as most of the series about three times. I love the storyline with all its quirky characters wanting a piece of inheritance they were promised. The performances given by Lisa Eichhorn and William Hope were the reason for the 3 stars. William's more than Lisa but both were not good actors in this episode. Lisa's performance cringed me, she wasn't believable as the long lost niece.
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The Lost (III) (2020)
Deserves a -10
3 March 2022
Awful movie from the opening terrible acting of the Mother character, to the horrific lines and attitude of the male detective. In 2020 they are making this dribble of unintelligent dialogue, acting and storyline. Do they think intelligent people will watch or just leave the movie on for the pets to watch.
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Characters are fun
28 February 2022
The development of the characters is surface, stories are a 'bit of fun' without a deep 'who done it'. I enjoy a mindless waltz through their cases. The hired help is the one that caries joy - strong acting, and a delight to see what he gets up to.
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Evil Lives Here: Cheating Death (2016)
Season 1, Episode 3
5 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I gave three stars because Cathy his wife kept saying I couldn't believe he killed those other women. Really? From all your personal accounts and the bodies conditions when he found his murdered victims and you cannot believe this.
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Parents and Medical System let Robbie fester
4 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Father in complete denial, ''oh he'll just grow out of it, he'll just be normal''...fudge Robbie is not. Step-mom raises concerns unanswered. Worst case of Medical System not seeing Robbie as having sever mental health issues beyond 'oh I need to learn to be sorry and say sorry'. Wow horrific.
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The Lie (2018)
The Lie turns into a journey unthinkable horror of selfishness
17 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I gave the movie an eight because the acting was great, the story unfolded in a comprehensive, drawing you into the nightmare of the two parents created by their daughter. This story doesn't make me wonder what I'd do for my daughter, as other suggest, I would turn her in. I'm not messing my life up for the horrific choices my daughter makes.

These parents believe they need to protect their daughter with coverups and lies, upon lies. I understand their living horror. Their need to protect her. The movie builds suspect, and I like the slowish pace.

What I was surprised at was the monster, the daughter turns out to be when all is revealed with the truth. While I theoretically believe in unconditional love, I think I'd have to leave the daughter fend for herself as a result of her choices and mine - according to the storyline but .......there is a problem.
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Holby Blue (2007–2008)
General Drama if nothing else on
8 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Found this on Amazon Prime. The first season was fine, not great, not wonderful but fine. I really loved the young front desk for booking in and complaints character - best of the series. Characters failed to develop beyond 1 dimension with flaw were laughable which I think contributed to people not watching after season one.

In series two serious breaches of protocol were written in which discouraged the increase of story development. A female cop has her partner shot while he's saving her life, and she goes back out on duty day after. Just not right, but they write in how she falls apart. A good writer knows police protocol, even human protocols. Watch if bored but try only series one.
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Bloom (2019–2020)
Disturbingly Accurate about human nature
17 November 2021
I quite enjoyed the storyline and nature of the 1st series. In the 2nd the human nature of righteousness to become young, who should die, live young, and egotistical behaviours come forth. Cringing as people are this crazy.
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No original thought written here
15 November 2021
Same violence, same prejudices, same plot twists with the same type of characters in all young adult series. Could be so much more with many dimensions but when you see people flogged, scared and hurt you wonder what this society in the woods is really about. Good verses Evil again.
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4400 (2021–2022)
Prison Setting
15 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Could have been great. Poor execution and dialogue of a story that could have worked. Shanice was found, as the rest were in their original clothing. There are many ways to demonstrate what she is saying as truth but no drag it out with egotistical guards, bad writing and you get a sad series.
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The Equalizer (2021– )
Pot Holes
8 November 2021
This is a oddly humorous version of reality. A CIA retires to be home for her family but wants to help people who cannot call 911. OK I understand BUT here come the pot holes - you let people and the police see your face, unimaginable that your child finds your spy stash and then mommy equalizer is a 'liar', plus the fighting the bad guys is usually within regular hours. All pot holes of a storyline. Poor version of 'Person of Interest'.
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25 Words or Less (2018– )
26 October 2021
Cannot fake liking this dreary game show. Host is boring, contestants are boring, the game is boring....sleep is preferable. This game has been on for three plus years? Who watches, the contestants family?
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One Lane Bridge (2020– )
confused storyline
26 October 2021
Why give an officer a gift that at every opportunity can speak about it, encouraged to speak about his gift but no not until the 6th episode does he say anything. No speaking up to clear his blanks, missing times, etc. Ya cause I want my co-workers to think I'm crazy, lazy, rude and a poor officer.

The seer who sees random sequences to help misdirect us. I think I know who the killer is but will wait until the end to find out. Same person I thought it was in the first couple minutes of the show?
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