
20 Reviews
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Night Court (1984–1992)
26 April 2018
Rest In Peace, Harry Anderson <3

Night Court is one of the best sitcoms of all time and he is a big reason why. He was so funny and likable and an undervalued talent. His appearances on Cheers were also great and funny. A VERY good comedy magician as well.

He starred as a Night Court judge, the youngest in the history of New York, who does magic tricks and plays pranks on people with joke shop gags etc... but he's also a fair and brilliant judge with a big heart, who is always underestimated by others and always proves them wrong.

The cast around him is also awesome. Bull... three different female bailiffs who were all awesome in their own way... Markie Post... and don't forget John Larroquette who won several Emmy awards for the role he was born to play, the smooth talking, upwardly mobile, manipulative, ambitious, scumbag, womanizing assistant district attorney Dan Fielding.
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Decent Christmas Cartoon
26 April 2018
This is a decent Christmas cartoon. It really does follow the mold of the typical "this cartoon is for girls" story lines and characters of older cartoons but if you can get past that this is a fine special for kids for Christmas.
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Imposters (2017–2018)
Shallow, Not Good
26 April 2018
This show is very shallow and just not good. The characters are not likable. The acting isn't very good. The jokes are just not funny at all. None of the characters or stories are believable or good. It is basically one below average TV movie's worth of plot stretched out over a whole season. Lame show. Terrible writing.
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24 April 2018
This is just your average "girls cartoon." Nothing original here or that would appeal to a wider audience. It sticks to the whole "this is for girls" thing that was the norm for 1980s era cartoons like the old Holly Hobbie. Not much to see here but not terrible either.
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Falling Down (1993)
Great Movie
21 April 2018
This is a great movie that really makes you think. Michael Douglas is a defense contractor who gets fired then snaps. He's a conservative type who is sick and tired of all the things that annoy most people in everyday life, but goes to extreme fighting them. From fast food joints that stop serving breakfast at 10am on the dot to convenience stores that refuse to give people change for the phone and rich jerks dressed like idiots on golf courses who think they own the world. It's darkly funny but also a great drama that makes us think about things we sometimes take for granted. Great performance by Douglas here. Duvall is also good, and I usually don't like him as an actor.
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Fawlty Towers (1975–1979)
An All Time Great
21 April 2018
This is one of the very best situational comedy television series ever made. John Cleese (of Monty Python's Flying Circus fame) runs an inn in this show and every episode is hilarious, from local kids changing the hotel's sign to comedic slogans, to Cleese screaming at hotel guests and his inept "Spanish idiot" kitchen and hotel staff. A must be seen show.
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Sledge Hammer! (1986–1988)
13 April 2018
What a hilarious spoof of Dirty Harry this was. David Rasche played a tough as nails (but completely clueless) man who loves his gun so much it's kind of sick. He shoots first and thinks later. Very funny spoof, it's hard to find but definitely worth watching.
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Girls Will Be Girls (2005– )
9 April 2018
This show was garbage. When they made it instead of airing it on television they should have just put all the tapes in garbage bags and sunk them into the deepest part of the ocean. The show was not funny and did not even make the slightest bit of sense. The pranks weren't funny or even pranks really, just a bunch of girls acting dumb by themselves with nobody reacting to it in any way, and all of these skits went on for what seemed like forever. For sure this is one of the worst shows I've ever seen unfortunately.
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Humdinger (2011)
9 April 2018
Decent drama, the acting is about what you would expect of a lower budget and maybe even independent (seems like it could be) movie. Whoever wrote it and directed it did a good job. Not excellent by any means but better than average and worth a watch.
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The Groomsmen (2006)
9 April 2018
I thought this was a good comedy/drama film. It was pretty funny and the writing and direction and everything wasn't bad. It's like, nothing in the movie was bad but nothing was great either. Definitely an above average film though. Edward Burns is really good!
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Our Cartoon President (2018–2020)
I really wanted to like this show
9 April 2018
I really did want to like this show and didn't know what to expect but it is just terrible. I did not like the sketch version of this show on the Colbert Late Show but thought maybe as a longer scripted show with other characters it would be funny. It is not.

Don't get me wrong I do not like this president and think he is for sure the worst one in our history and I want to laugh at him and see him get made fun of but for whatever reason this show just is not funny and not well done. I hope they get rid of it.
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The President Show (2017–2018)
I really wanted to like this
9 April 2018
I wanted to like this show but I can't it is just not funny and the impersonator is not very good either. I don't like the jokes and think they are not very original or funny.
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All time classic
9 April 2018
You Can't Do That On Television is an all time Canadian TV classic. If you have never seen it you missed out because it was funny, it was groundbreaking, it was hilarious and it had real people in it with real comedy talent, even though most of the people who appeared over the years were kids they were funny and relatable and just plain fun. I wish it had never ended or would come back. 10/10.
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Workin' Moms (2017–2023)
I want to...
9 April 2018
Scrape this show off my shoe. It has nothing to do with what actual real life working moms go through or what their experiences are like. The writing and jokes are stupid. The characters are awful and not relatable or likable in any way. I just hate this show. It makes us look worse, like a bunch of whiners who have so much more than most moms but just complain about it and see the negative. We don't need handouts and we don't need awful shows like this. Not only is it completely unreal it is not even funny! Who is this show supposed to be for? The five women in it?
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XPM (2004– )
Truly one of Canada's worst
9 April 2018
XPM was truly one of Canada's worst ever shows. I love the Air Farce guy in it and Jessica Holmes who also did a sketch TV show is pretty good and funny but this show is just plain terrible. Every single thing about the show's writing, production, characters, situations, it was all so cheap and just plain bad.
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A bland unfunny mess
9 April 2018
Working the Engels was a bland unfunny mess. All the jokes were stupid. The actors were just plain terrible. The writing was the worst. I can't believe this was on TV. I love Andrea Martin but she had nothing good to do in this, it was just a really bad show with characters that had zero depth and some really bad actors (particularly the one handsome guy in the family). Terrible show.
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Storage Wars Canada (2013–2016)
8 April 2018
This show is terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible.
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Match Game (2012– )
Why was this made?
8 April 2018
Seriously one of the worst television shows ever made. Just a half hour of nobodies ....what are you people even doing?
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8 April 2018
This show is just horrible. The new cast is awful. The writing is so bad I can't believe they actually went through with putting this on the air, all it is doing is taking away from the great show they used to have. The jokes are all just so awful. I cringe at the entire show and especially the parts with the hosts and bots outside of the movies. Why did they do this?
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Mr. Mercedes (2017–2019)
8 April 2018
This is a great adaptation of the King story. Brendan Gleeson is so amazing in this (like he is in everything), I love this guy and hope he wins a ton of awards for this. Great story, very well done, great lead and the other actors are also good. This will keep you interested. Highly recommended.
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