
15 Reviews
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No, no, no
8 January 2024
You have a very good book and you strip it of its most colorful characters, you change the attitude, motivations and destiny of others, you change a good part of the plot and what you get is a mediocre movie because among other things the script is much worse. I don't know why some producers, directors or whoever is responsible want to bring a book to the screen if they twist it like that. If you liked the book try to be faithful to it. If you didn't like the book, don't make the movie. And well, the terrible actors, not a single one is spared, even Seville is wasted, being one of the most beautiful cities in the world and practically a "character" in the book. Ed a real waste of movie time, and I am ashamed that the writer Pérez Reverte has allowed something like this to be done. Not everything can be allowed for money, Don Arturo.
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extremely boring
22 October 2023
A movie can be slow and boring for an hour and a half, even two hours. When you are bored at the movies for more than three hours it is an ordeal, a torture.

Extremely boring. Leo Di Caprio's face imitating Corleone's characterization is not credible. Robert de Niro doesn't make you feel like he's a monster. I can say as a positive note the performance of the Indians. Especially Di Caprio's wife. Run away from the movie. Whoever recommends it to you is not your friend.

Because it doesn't have a nice soundtrack. I don't understand who thinks it's a good movie. It's Scorsese, yes, 0ero also makes bad movies, you can say that. It's not worth a penny. This movie is worthless.
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Lullaby (2022)
11 February 2023
Boring movie in which nothing memorable happens. Another attempt to be transcendent and what it does is bore people by telling them about the life of any of their neighbors, as if we didn't know it. What happens in the movie is a normal life for any Spaniard. The actors are very good, the script and the story totally vulgar. You see the movie and you stay, well, so what? What is the story? Who doesn't experience something similar? Does a movie deserve to be made telling the normal and ordinary slowly and boredom? I do not think so. And it is very nominated for the Goya. What a level Spanish cinema has!
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Mayfair Witches (2023– )
I can't understand why...
26 January 2023
Why does a magnificent book have to change history so much? If the book worked, was it so difficult to try to be more or less faithful to it?

It was about adapting a book, not this. I'm 3 chapters in and they already gave the original story a shake, the main character of Michael doesn't exist and the whole original story was based on their relationship and the story of the witches... I think they should sue whoever decided to spoil this story.

They didn't need Anne Rice's book to make this series, they could change their names and nobody would accuse them of plagiarism because it has nothing to do with the original story.

The damage is tremendous, because once this crap is done, a true adaptation of the book will take decades to arrive or it will never be done.
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Alcarràs (2022)
Boring. Nothing really happens.
12 December 2022
A boring movie in which nothing happens. The way it's made it looks like a home video compilation of a bland family. A day goes by and nothing happens, a normal day, a town festival, well nothing special happens. Nothing relevant happens, nothing interesting... It seems to me that it is the typical movie that some posh people from the city who think they are very ecological and eat organic products feel very cool when they go out and say that it is great when they have been very bored. Catalans from the countryside who see that their rural world is ending must also like it. The rest of us have stolen two hours of our lives, by making us fall for the propaganda that we were going to see a good movie and it is bad. Very bad. The only favorable detail is that although the actors are amateurs, they give very good performances. They are the best of a lousy movie. It doesn't fit in my head why it brought awards and nominations.
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Black Adam (2022)
24 October 2022
This is one of the worst superhero movies ever made. The story is extremely basic, the characters are very topical, a self-parody, a combative mom, a son who pretends to be cool, but skateboards around like he's Bart Simpson (the 90's were long ago, man) an uncle fat guy who drives a van and is the easy comic resource... We didn't like all the protagonists, everyone, from the heroes to the villains, was too stupid, really. And the jokes are for young children, but with so many violent deaths, it is not a children's film.

I don't know who wrote the script, but I bet on the producer's 14-year-old nephews, after having smoked a little marijuana. They wrote the script in less than the length of the movie, and they never revised it.

I went to the movies with several friends and we all thought the same thing, that we had lost a couple of hours of our lives. Please don't do the same. Life is short.

I didn't leave the cinema, but because I was sitting in the central seats and I didn't want to disturb people.
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Thats OK, but....
26 June 2021
This is a minor work by Berlanga, with little grace and an abuse of the sequence shot. In addition, the character of Sazatornil is a gross plagiarism of his character in another Berlanga film "La escopeta nacional" that was cool, interesting and hilarious.

Like all of Berlanga's, you have to see it, yes or yes, but it is very far from his other masterpieces.
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
Spend your time in something better, like look at a empty white wall a couple hours.
7 May 2021
I have the feeling that they spent a lot of money on the set of a spaceship and that now they are putting out mediocre titles to get an economic return on the investment. And this is a good example of this.
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Too much propaganda
14 April 2021
As a movie it is quite good, but the tone of the film is clearly in favor of some panthers who are shown as liberators and not as the criminals that they were.

A socialist pamphlet at times with very good performances and acceptable rhythm.
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The Best
21 January 2021
This film defines what it means to be a masterpiece, sets a style to imitate, withstands the passage of time making it even more beautiful ... It is undoubtedly the best ever made of all those that have a naval theme, and incomprehensibly it had no continuation despite there being more novels to follow the story. In short, a movie that will become a classic in decades and will always be remembered.
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Nomadland (2020)
12 January 2021
You can see that the director wanted to transcend with a deep film, based on characters who feel a deep wound, etc, etc .. But something should happen throughout the film, something more interesting beyond seeing the depressed protagonist wandering around. One thing is true, she is great, it was the only reason to see the movie and as far as that I do not regret it.
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Almost a great movie
27 December 2020
It lacks a bit to be a great movie. It lacks a better script, a more important story, this one falls short, without substance. Of course, the images are very successful and the actors do it very well. Especially the girl, Iris. That look that she has, those eyes, if she stays a star has been born.
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Away (2020)
Almost but no good enough
31 October 2020
The serie have good actings and good effects but the story... Its to simplistic, the problems was resoluted with an magical inspiration... Theres no polítical thread and the family stories arent deep enough... So, not bad to me but I dont need a second season of that
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Wonder Wheel (2017)
Kate Winslet has a memorable performance
3 July 2020
I am surprised by the low rating of this movie, because the photography and the performance of Kate is outstanding. It is also a movie that goes from less to more, with a simple plot that catches you. Of the latest Allen movies, this one is on the top
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The X-Files: X-Cops (2000)
Season 7, Episode 12
26 March 2020
This is a very funny episode. You cant miss it. Its been a while since de 90s,and this show are even cooler than the first time I saw it. Also, this episode have a surprise to the spaniards: the acting of the spanish singer "Falete". Its great.
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