
39 Reviews
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As ridiculous as the cheerleader comments
8 August 2023
A "documentary" for the gullible, ignorant, pliable, lackwits, superstitious, uneducated, religious. And having said that: the desperate. Something the makers of this kind of wannabe-conversant-beyond-actual-factbased-knowledge (read: gobbledygook) always rely on is the malleable mindset of a mourning person that is rather content with any answer than is left without one.

The only thing these claimed cases have in common is that in none of them the most rational explanation is even considered, spite being the most honest: we don't know what happened. Instead there's a contrived need to claim there's got to be more to it than meets the eye. And that's where the parasites jump on the disconsolate, pushing their own agenda as some twisted alternative truth, intended only to benefit the makers of this garbage - never the relatives reaching for anything that could externalize the reason to why their friend, sibling, spouse or parent never was found, instead of facing the harsh reality that sometimes it's but a sum of bad coincidences and unfortunate individuals are exposed to these conditions.

Shame on the team producing such false hope giving trite. And shame on the ones commenting somebody not convinced by the worse than poor, obviously fabricated or even non-existent "proof" presented within is somehow too skeptical a person. An open mind doesn't require your brain drops out, which here is the case.
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Disingenuous approach
6 June 2023
Reality check: the girl has been raised in a wannabe ecumenical household, which means there are already the overwhelming presumptions in place one has to at least believe in something of a numinous presence to be accepted; no two ways about this. In the real world we share anything she chooses will most definitely be of dismay to one or the other of her parents - or both - and she's well aware of this, thus having to disappoint at least one, spite their passive aggressive indoctrination efforts to demerit their spouse.

There's nothing of the overtly claimed "accepting you as you are" either even between the lines, which will be the very thing the bigoted evangelical loudmouths will attempt to use as leverage to "prove" their point with - as if they had one at all - but then they don't need that much to gaslight their agenda into everything they decide to get their foothold in, all at the expense of conservative insecure and superstitious gullibles whose rights they profess to protect.

Parents desperately gripping their affiliation entirely to maintain cultural affility are doing themselves as their children a great disservice, however incidentally camouflaging their intentions to keep neutral. If they can't break the shackles forged within their own mind, they don't stand a snowball's chance in hell to convincingly simulate they have any means to deal with those in the mind of their child.
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No miracle exept in the title, even less from a conceived heaven
4 December 2022
Defying all logic, reason, rationality and science, people lesser educated obviously need these types of movies. Having said that, nothing in the script purports anything of the actual events, as they hardly ever occured as purported alike in the first place.

A claimed unusual and equally claimed miraculous recovery from a fringe health condition mustn't initially be placed among the plethora of unverified ditto, convincing the gullible less interested in what actually occured rather of the wishful and even impossible. Uninterrupted such thought processes cause demonstrably but misfortune predominantly for the unvoluntary.

Avoid at all cost spite what the audience detached from reality vociferously claim.
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Ali Wong: Don Wong (2022 TV Special)
Chinese humour?
30 November 2022
Far too childish, too dilettantish, too shallow, too coarse, too feminist, too asian, too common, too onesided, too unconsidered, too obtuse, too boring, too prolix, too tatty, too patronizing, too entrant to be plainly humouros.

An overly enthusiastic performance endorsed by producers in it for the if so marginal an income they can scrape off the theatre floor. And she fell for it. Which in itself is a tell-tale about her extremely poor character as a person or even her even poorer ability of judgement regarding either portraying the "funny" bits of the assigned script or the obnoxious person she's - hopefully - acting as.

A too cringeworthy a performance to be taken as but a moneyfiller exploiting a wannabe boundary violating female (?) show name. Sorry, but not even close for a cigar.
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Heads up for imbecility exploitation
18 September 2022
Lying for attention, childish ignorance, a grave misapprehension, a good story told even better, transcription of the emperor's new clothes, indoctrination issues, synaptic misfiring; all mentioned way better and plausible as actual explanations than the ones obviously impossible to scrutinise proclaimed by the clergy. So far nothing has been presented even by the locals coming close to a reasonable approach to the claimed event based on the account of one infamously wayward individual, which if nothing else demonstrates the underlying apetite for reputation being far more of an incentive behind keeping a collective narrative together than that of genuineness qua intellectual honesty.
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Gallows Road (2015)
No shared reality here
7 September 2022
Here we have a ghostbuster and a ghost booster in the same travesty of a movie. The really - and only - relatable circumstances are the unfortunate but no less in reality anchored facts about revealed (sic) hypocrisy, simulated modesty and humility, overt bigotry, self-righteous condescension and concealed meism that the "morally superior" worldview only rooted in religiosity proves to be in its but self-elevating hierarchical mentality.

Kudos to the writer, producer and what not director for yet again, though probably unintentionally, managing to unveil the lengths of cloying adulation the religious are willing to go to make a buck at the expense of the wellbeing of others, volunteers or not. Since, however inconspicuously and how much you'd ever want to, you can't successfully slap your own back, can you?
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You have an imaginary friend whereas I have a god...
29 August 2022
...or alternatively "I abide anyone adhearing to some other religion, but boy are they in for a surprise when finding out they were wrong"; these are the most common implications believers assert their conceived humble and modest ideology, seemingly or even obviously whithout having contemplated whether they are in any position to make a noteworthy distinction regarding the truthfullness of any religion, denomination or congregation, regardless are they in particular a member of it or not.

Before they make the effort of thinking for themselves instead of reiterating what somebody apparently as uninitiated in sound epistemology has coaxed them into, there's really no point in taking any of these so called "documentaries" for anything but as disingenuous attempts of the already convinced gullible to convince the gullible.
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Alien Gods (2019 Video)
Scraped off the sole of a loafer after a brief walk in the dogpark
27 August 2022
Stories, fantasies, hearsay, more fantasies, fiction, even more fantasies...

When certain individuals.decide their next project in life is to concoct a psychosis induced tale based either on willful ignorance or flat out dishonesty, with the conspicuous goal to convince gullible simpletons they should use what little cognitive resources they have left speculating over even more utter nonsense than what their thought process has managed to produce previously, I fail to see any legitimate reason as to why they shouldn't be mocked fervently whenever and wherever they air their fabrication and by any means necessary prevent them from using up space that by right should be provided properly informative material instead.
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Man of God (2021)
Which god?
19 July 2022
Facing hatred for the religious belief or facing disdane for preaching it? I'd go for the latter since no one has been asked to cease practicing or leave if and when keeping their conviction privately to themselves, be it based on however poor quality of subjectively exhausting evidence (read: none to be taken into account as seriously presented).
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Doesn't need to exist in the first place
17 July 2022
But another anectdotal story told even better - the quintessence of any miracle claim conveniently labeled as numinous, thus either not being evidently true or evidently not true. Pick your category.

The makers obviously don't give a toss about whether such utter nonsense could - and retrospectively most certainly will - affect negatively on those proned to yield before emotionally appealing trite, spite it demonstrably not having any founding in reality whatsoever. Used as a tool by the already convinced gullible to convince the gullible.
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24 May 2022
Wow! What a cast of famous actors! And... that's about where it ends regarding praise (pun intended). This was obviously not scripted according to any biblish interpretation, but rather a forced version a believer would very much like the folly scripture to consist of.

Yet another shoehorning of a secular producer's approach to the religion in question (pick any, actually), especially emphasized when the original repugnant dogma doesn't any longer fit into the worldview of an intellectually honest and scientifically enlightened society, thus squeezing superstition back into the narrow mindsets of arrogant bigotry it desperately resides and should by right indefinitely be shackled within.

Is this really the utmost effort a theistical fetish can conjure, trying to maintain its stranglehold on the throats of the gullible? Or could it actually be but a banal concept of a diluted version of popular mythology? One can only hope for the latter.
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Not a documentary in any meaning of the word
11 May 2022
A more fitting title for the whole series: How to have the gullible convinced by the already convinced gullible.

It's not just deeply disappointing but equally infuriating to be confronted with a collage of as bad as disingenuous material as shown here, obviously not only based on dogmatic thinking thanks to indoctrination but also a total absence of the most common critical thinking skills necessary before even starting to imagine being able to conduct any research alike worth taken seriously. Worst of all, I fear the producer team is fully aware of the hokum that's spewn by the "explorers" presented. How utterly unchristlike isn't that?

Actually validated scientists in the field don't seem to have wanted to appear in this "documentary", which in itself should ring the loudest of bells as it speaks volumes about the end product. Claimed scientific evidence that even remotely could be worth considered as such is absent throughout, spite the implication in the title. No used methods proven to be effective are presented to have been used in the production of any of the - graciously described - elusive evidence relied on in every claim.

No respectable scientist would never lend freely their name for this, as none would want to be associated with anything even close to the abomination displayed.
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An easy test follows below...
13 April 2022 find out whether one as a muslim is sincerely up for a radical change of interpreting the dogma of the theology behind islam: draw a picture of Mohammed and publish it.
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As distasteful...
9 April 2022
... as the concept of compulsory spelling contests, little miss beauty competitions, rumspringa or jesuscamps. Children or youngsters with no volition in the matter due to indoctrination emphasizing shame, guilt and what not fabricated thoughts of impending inadequacy, used as trophies by adults having their wishful fantasies turned into delusions.

Sickening behaviour of the kind most condemnable.
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Don't even know where to begin...
5 April 2022
First of all, there's not one single acknowledged scientist present in this "documentary". Secondly, no "scientific evidence" worth considered as such to be taken seriously is presented in favour of the implication in the title. Thirdly, no accepted nor even speculated scientific method is explained as to have been utilized to produce the as elusive evidence relied on. Fourthly, no respectable scientist would ever agree to have their name associated with anything even close to something as desperately contrived alike.

The obvious objective spite under the misleading guise of revelatory research, is to have the gullible convinced by the already convinced gullible.
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The Shack (I) (2017)
Self-elevating pompous hypocritical nonsense; what did you expect?
22 February 2022
I gather - and seriously hope - the fading actors and actresses just needed the money to pay for mortgage or debts or substance abuse. Or were somehow blackmailed into the project.

The title fits a nomen est omen to a T; a delusional attempt to build a mansion out of rotten boards and corroded nails without skill, knowledge or proper tools relying on unfeasible plans, resulting in a puerile wendy house kept together by the sheer surface tension of an as garish as poor paint job beneath contempt.

Any believer - at whom this footage obviously only was aimed - should seriously contemplate whether a milquetoast approach alike really defends their presupposed position, originally ladled from the demonstrably unforgiving dogma behind the theology of their favourite anectdotal collection in particular, be it as desperately wishful as the producers' vision.
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Paper's a flat surface too, so...
20 January 2022
I read somebody's comment about this not being a fair summary of the snowcone-earth society discussed; makes one ponder why somebody actually thinks every a priori idea should be worth paying attention to, as the very same author obviously isn't entertaining the opinion alike when confronted with pragmatical factual revelations on the subject.

The problem when someone acts as if being delusional is that no outsider can make a fair even less a fact based assessment regarding the mental state or sincerity of the interlocutor in question. Anyone playing the fool should be prepared to be assumed as the fool they play getting dismissed, since there's no way to evaluate whether it's a cowardly copout when facing a discourse outside one's comfort zone or an actual conviction openly proposed, though blatantly based on absent, flawed or fabricated ie. Non-existent let alone reliable information. Act an idiot and appreciate when being treated as one.

Freedom of speech means by definition one has the right to convey a message on a public forum for anyone to approach, however in a manner that doesn't resemble cramming it down somebody else's involuntary throat. Simultaneously it means nobody else is obliged to listen to or read the trite somebody else is producing. Having said that, the only way to insure and advance proper and dependable information based on verifiable sources to make use of the space it deserves, is to reduce if not nullify the possibility of the opposite to even exist. Hence the depiction of the be it even so marginal an ingroup of true believers among the FES is more than appropriate and the nonsense voiced within thus approved of deserves all the mockery it gets showered with.
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Wrong title ;)
3 November 2021
Don't take it too seriously, people, but in this particular context it should actually be "Thinning of The Heard by Means of Willful Ignorance: The Essence of The Darwin Award In Process". And by right so.
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UFO Journals (1978)
Nothing of substance nor rationality. As usually.
20 October 2021
Still waiting for a documentary that would explore and research the actual reasons behind each and every claimed sighting. We've seen the plethora of scientific equations of the possibilities as plausibilities of emergent life as we identify it in the vastness of cosmos. Think it would be time to reveal the human mindset susceptible to popular ideas, ready to bend over backwards to maintain believability regarding delusions.
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4 September 2021
The depicted god of the Wholly Babble condones a teenage girl to kick ass in it's name? This shows the true nature of ANY simulating christian (are there any other, actually?) as they never stand themselves for the turn-the-other-cheek-edict they expressly impose on others, evidently only to give them a reason to wallop you anew. All in the name of their favourite imaginary friend, whispering in their ear they can't be wrong. Ever.
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Not a truthfull story
31 August 2021
A sniveller's wet dream but hardly anything for anybody with an ordinary set of critical thinking skills. Due to the lack of interest to investigate anything about the makeup story including the electric bear that noone seems to even willing to confirm, the whole story appears conflated either by media or the "victim" himself.
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Christ, what a case...
5 July 2021
Mentioning Strobel in the credits doesn't by far cut it for this quasi-intellectual ant anti-scientific both banal and embarrassing attempt to rationalize the Wholly Babbel. Brown's Da Vinci Code should get equal credibility as a work of historicity from another perspective.
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She Stoops to Conquer (2003 Video)
Deciphering England's native "English speech" to privileged Karens outside GB?
13 June 2021
Lovely play, lovely characters and foremost: lovely language. All non-Brittish English speaking whiners can and should take some time to properly learn their mother tongue and some of the rich dialectal variations of the same before revealing their ignorance in the matter. As a citizen in a Nordic country with English not by far a language I even use on a daily basis, I'm having no problem whatsoever following the lines purely by listening to the play. How the hell can somebody obviously residing in a country with English as a national language have the nerve complaining about shortcomings in the English subs? Seriously?

If truly a prompt is needed for the obtuse English speaking viewer from a colony to make him/her/it understand and enable the same to follow the plot, the problem lies solely with the bigot in question.
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The Robe (1953)
No history though hypocritical classification
11 May 2021
Drama, fantasy but definitely not history. Otherwise every mythology based movie would categorize likewise as a truthfully depicted historical event.
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I would be... a lot...
28 April 2021
...if at the same time doing the praising lord thing while hardly appreciating the same conceived divinity releasing the crackpots with guns in the immediate vicinity of the victims. What self-aggrandizing hypocrisy at its peak.
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