
6 Reviews
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Train (I) (2008)
10 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Simple schlock. Acting sucked. Nothing made sense or was cohesive. Scenes are dark and should have been filmed in a junk yard. It may have been, who knows for sure.

This so called movie is nowhere close to Hostel or any other similar movie.

Organ harvesting?! Might as well used butter knives for the care they took when removing organs.

It was more of a low, low budget torture or snuff film. They had to have spent a good $23.65 on the entire movie budget.

In the end; this movie was horrible. It's one of the worst I have ever sat through. It was hard to watch and I turned it off at the 35 minute mark.

This sucked big time.
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Wow...Thumbs Down
3 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the first movie. But, this was a total snore fest. The humor was lame. The storyline lacked any semblance of a storyline. Villains were unbelievable. It feels as it was just thrown together.

Dinner with Wonder Woman? Breath mints? Was not even funny. Jumping around from scene to scene which never made sense because it lacked cohesiveness. It's so disjointed and nothing about it makes sense.

Superhero team meetings? From one Shazam to 5? The main Shazam don't know much and comes across as wishy-washy.

I'm addition, Shazam Peña knows about a secret lair and calls the magic pen Steve? Never explains the lair. Then immediately jumps to two characters sitting on a rooftop and a Shazam shows up to speak to the girl and says, "I'm not just a superhero, but I'm a super listener."

Don't waste your time with this poor excuse of a superhero movie.
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Deep Blue Sea 2 (2018 Video)
Worst Movie
6 August 2023
Don't know where to begin. The movie is just bad.

One observation. The two consultants who are brought along with the main character to the lab....well....they never do any work, but stand around the entire movie hugging each other

Acting sucks. The tough guy is better served flipping burgers.

The billionaire is over the top.

Lighting and cinematography is awful.

The female diver swimming with sharks at the start of the movie is not the main character, though they want you to believe it is. Their bodies are nowhere alike. The diver at the start of the movie is long and lithe.

The actual character is not anywhere the same.

One of the worst movies I've ever seen.
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Pretty Sad
31 March 2021
I was excited to watch this film. But, sadly, it was so poorly made that my wife and I sat there bored to tears. They tried too hard on this movie and it was a total letdown.

That's 2 ½ hours I'll never get back.

Don't waste your time. Honestly, it was a poor excuse of a movie.
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Don't Bother
18 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
One of the worst movies I've seen in my life.

Acting was bad. Script was lousy. Steven Seagal can't act worth a damn and his final fight scene, if you can even call it that, was just a few waves of a knife and boom, the bad guy is dead.

Guess it was too much energy expenditure for the overweight Seagal.
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9 May 2018
I've seen some bad movies in my time, but this one is one of the worst.
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