
4 Reviews
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This is comedies Shawshank Redemption
19 April 2024
I don't quite understand the reviews here that say, "hilarious funny movie!" then a rating of 7.

This movie is one of the most comedic of the modern era. An incredible combination of casting, writing, plot, and chemistry between actors. And I'll argue completely alone in the way all the factors came together.

Judd Apatow and Steve Carrell co-wrote this and I'm not sure who contributed more, but I've never seen either of them able to replicate the level of comedy gold this movie achieved.

Apatow went on to write Knocked up which was also a hilarious movie. But to me, this will go down as his greatest work.

This is comedies Shawshank Redemption. It's a perfect 10 and I adore this film deeply.
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Criminally underrated and Subtly complex
2 June 2022
This being a 6.5 on imdb is baffling to me.

To me and my significant other, this is as close as we've ever seen on film to capturing exactly what being in a happy relationship-new and old-is like.

One is comfortable, intimate, playful, repetitive, easy to take for granted. The other is fun, awkward, exciting, fresh, easy to overrate.

This film executes this complicated, intricate, non-negotiable journey extremely well.
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The low reviews on this show are baffling...
11 December 2021
There's a great true story/worldly lesson about manipulation and mental health here.

It's "slow" is a common phrase used by impatient reviewers. Because they want quick and easy-Life isn't quick and easy.

The wire is "slow" as well. But so many miss its brilliance because, well, they just can't focus anymore. Nothing exploded, no one said anything funny. I'm bored. Let me check my phone until this picks up again.

You a critical thinker? Watch this show for a great story wonderfully acted by two amazing actors.
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Lady Dynamite (2016–2017)
Earns enough laughs, watch it and embrace its goofiness!
28 December 2017
I love comedy, especially stand-up. Louis, Chapelle, Hedberg, Burr, are who I consider Legends. I've seen Maria's stand-up in the past and I didn't quite get her or laugh at her comedy. Her name stuck though so I gave this show a chance. This show flings Maria at the world unapologetically. And I get her now! I see her unique talent. You can see that she has that incredible wit, that only comes with decades in the game. I'm really happy for Maria that this show is so great.

You work hard, and you just never know when your time is, well Maria's time is now it appears. She's very brave for sharing her depression, anxiety, mental illness with everyone-- Her humour overcomes it all in the end.
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