
221 Reviews
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The Rookie: Escape Plan (2024)
Season 6, Episode 10
15 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If this has been a common episode, I would not complain too muc. But a season finale? It was super convoluted and confusing. No need to go to Argentina (CatamarcA province, not CatamarcO, by the way) or having Nolan shot. No need to guest-stars. I also think they tried to introduce a new villain, the Swiss entrepreneur, but it felt clumsy and the character has not gravitas, he does not look dangerous. And I do not think Monica works as a main villain, I hope she does not come back.

I liked the action scenes and some of the dialogue scenes. I am not a fan of Lucy, I think she is stupid and naive. But I do like Chemford. The two of them are good together. I also like Bailey and Nolan, so I hope they do not kill Bailey. The police immediately learnt about the escape so they can send officers to Nolan's home. This does not need to be a serious issue.

I hope the show gets better next season. It has excellent characters and it should make the best of them.
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CSI: Vegas: Heavy Metal (2024)
Season 3, Episode 9
Very good
8 June 2024
This was an excellent episode, episode, except for a couple of weird things with the character themselves. The crime was interesting and original, there were advances in the main arc of the season and the cliffhanger ending was thrilling.

The weird things were the character suddenly dismissing each other's finding. And there is perhaps an explanation for Penny doing so but not for the rest doubting her, for instance. Even weirder is that Penny, who was a sort of adorkable character so far, is suddenly unlikable. The writer of this episode gave her the spotlight, but they did not do her any favours.
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Doctor Who: 73 Yards (2024)
Season 1, Episode 4
26 May 2024
It was an ok episode, but I have a complaint. I think it was a bad decision to have two side to side episode where the main plot unravels because the doctor put his foot on something without looking at it. So, I want to shout him "watch your step, Doctor!" As I still have room, I will say that I found the ending of the episode a little lacking but I liked most of it and I was glad to see a familiar face again. And the scenes in Wales were amazing. The mixture of creepy and hilarity, I think it was the best part of the episode. And the idea itself was a very good one. Next episode looks like a Black Mirror one.
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The Rookie: The Vow (2024)
Season 6, Episode 5
It was close
5 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was so worried about the fostering. I thought they would keep the little girl and that would completely change the show for me. So I've felt so relieved when that did not happen.

I am so tired of Lucy and her drama. But the rest of the episode was good. And Nolan was cleared of his Oscar case! Great, because I was so annoyed with the show suddenly showing Nolan, who was always portrayed as somebody very responsible and worried for his job, as someone who could forget his deposition. Especially when he knows how dangerous is the lawyer.

So, it was a good episode, but nothing to write home for.
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30 March 2024
This was great. The only part I did not enjoy was the musical, because it made no sense and felt super forced, but I did enjoy the rest. Riverdale young generation is growing to be better than their parents, fighting for their convictions and not giving up on their dreams. And of course we know the storm is coming but it was good to see a moment of pride for the young people, and to know that they are doing with Angel Tabitha wanted for the city. Hopefully one day we will see how this was worthy.

I was quite puzzled with the decision of being back in the 50's but I think this season is one of the best of the show.
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25 February 2024
A good tale that showed like '50s America was not wonderful at all, especially if you are not white. Racism has appeared in the spotlight in the first episode of this season, and it is on a central position here too. It also shows how the gang is slowly doing things that hopefully will help the town to be better in the future, I am also glad to see some old faces back (some only as cameos). And of course, a new mystery appears. It has been an entertaining episode, and I want to see where some of the subplots are going.

I hope next episode bring some answers. For now, good job, show, this season is going well.
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Echo: Tuklo (2024)
Season 1, Episode 3
Really good
10 February 2024
I liked most of this episode, except a few dumb decisions of Echo. It is a common thread in the shows that when the writers do not know how to put a character in a given situation in a plausible way, they just write the character suddenly becoming dumb or a complete jerk without explanation.

I am loving the intro scenes telling us the story of Echo ancestors and it is very interesting to me to learn things about the North American tribes. Also, I enjoy the fact that they use sign language. This is so realistic and I think the main actress does a great with her facial expressions. I love her interacting with her family, especially with grandfather. And the action scenes, even if they are not the best ever, are fun to watch.
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What a mess
6 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
For some reason, the writers of this show decided to make the villain of season 1 the same as season 2, completely reversing a redeeming arc...just to give him a new redeeming arc in the end. It was bad. The concept itself was bad. And then, everything became a mess, with everyone overpowered and super powerful weapons becoming ineffectual against them. When you have too many reality-shaping thing together, there is no way not to have pure chaos. And Peggy, a character I love, suddenly becoming able to comprehend and master pretty much everything is just too much. She is a human. With more strength and reflexes and whatever but she is a human. What happened in this episode makes no sense.
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29 January 2024
I was not very happy with Season 2 of this show, but this episode was great. It is excellent that they use the original languages. I do not know the mohawk language, but the Spanish was good if a little stiff, perhaps because according to IMDB the main Spanish speakers of the episode were actors from Latin America and not from Spain (shame, is it really so difficult to find some cast from Spain?). Then, I think the setting was refreshing, original and the Sky World looks amazing. I was going to complain about the conquistadores searching the Fountain of Youth in Mohawk territory, which I do not think is accurate, but then I thought that in the universe of the episode there were probably legends about the Forbidden Lake that some Spaniards could have heard. So, they oriented their search accordingly. So no complains! I actually want to see more of Kahhori.
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What is wrong with the kids knowing?
27 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've read other comments where people complain about the kids knowing the dangers and not falling into traps. To be honest, I do not understand the problem. I am more or less thinking the opposite. I did not read the books, but in the series it is explicitly said that Chiron, Sally and Grover (via games) taught Percy about Greek mythology. Also, Annabeth is clever, she is Athena's daughter. And Grover has a family who taught him things. So why would they be clueless? I am angrier when Percy does not know things, like when he seems clueless about Hades offering him pomegranate juice, or a couple of episodes ago when he did not understand why it was bad to see Atropos cutting a thread. Again. I did not read the books but in the show it makes sense that they have information.

I enjoyed the episode. I liked Fluffy (I mean, Cerberus) and I think the flashbacks were quite interesting.
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The Blacklist: Caelum Bank (No. 169) (2022)
Season 9, Episode 20
27 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
We have the answers. I am so tired of the Liz's death arc. I liked all of that but Alina behaved quite irrationally and the story of the Caelum Bank heist was so similar to those happening in this same season...You can't only have a super safe bank. If you invented a new one every month, it makes no sense. Raymond was almost in bankrupcy a few years ago, but he had well provided accounts in several super secret banks and, apparently, he just forgot about them (or, as seen in a previous episode) about the villa he got for Liz, and his sweet caretaker. We have to believe Marvin has been paying to keep all those things, but it seems like a stretch of the imagination, even for this show. But I am happy to report the acting was very good in this one.
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Doctor Who: Wild Blue Yonder (2023)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
3 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It was so great. The episode was excellent, terror filled, emotional (not only the parts about Donna and the Doctor being apart but also thinking in the plan of the original captain of the ship.) And the ending. I am so glad Wilf could record that. I loved him and I think his presence alone grants this episode all the 10/10. RIP Bernard Cribbins, you were always the best.

I do not have more to say but as IMDB insist I need to write some more, I will just say thank you Tennant and Tate for being so awesome. I will watch a lot more of three episodes with you but I will accept what I got and be thankful for them. It has been a pleasure.
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The Blacklist: The Chairman (No. 171) (2022)
Season 9, Episode 12
Enough about Liz
2 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
All this conversation about Liz is dragging the show. Let the task force investigate things, have some fun please, stop with the drama. We got it, everybody loved Liz, they miss it. Now move on.

The conversation between Red and Harold was excellent...and by comparison, the scene in the cemetery was almost laughable. The acting was off. Also, I never liked Ressler but now I even understand what he is doing in the Force. It seems that he has no place in it anymore.

I am wondering if Reymond put something in the bunny, to spy Harold when he is with Agnes. Perhaps I am paranoid, but I would not be surprised.
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Lupin: Chapter 5 (2023)
Season 3, Episode 5
Probably my favourite
28 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a very entertaining chapter, with Lupin and Guedira working together. Guedira transformation was excellent and I loved his performance. I also liked the plan, but there is a plot hole. Assane could not know that the minion would be able to run with the money. Also, he did not want to gave them a forged bracelet but has no problems sending the police on them. They will suspect Assane, of course!

The bad guy has been identified (not a surprise) and the flashbacks confused me a little, because it seems like he had a real fight with the friend of episode 1. It is possible that they mended their relationship in between the flashbacks and present day.

Raoul and Claire are getting close to the truth, but I am worried something bad can happen to Raoul.

I want to know who is taking care of J'accuse now than Ben is in jail ;-)
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Star Wars: Visions: The Bandits of Golak (2023)
Season 2, Episode 7
Well done
22 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The animation and Indian setting were very well done. I liked the train chase and the final fight. And the poignant ending was very good, I wanted to hug the poor boy. But the force-sensitive child was so annoying I could not enjoy the episode. I could not stand her. I just wish to have seen somebody taking care of the brother, at least offering him some shelter.

I loved the elder jedi and the inquisitor was quite intimidating, if pompous and funny looking. It was interesting. The animation studio did a really good show, now, if they could have created a lead I could like, it would have been awesome.
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The Blacklist: Arcane Wireless (No. 154) (2022)
Season 9, Episode 10
So good
1 October 2023
After two quite boring episodes dealing with flashbacks and reactions to Elizabeth's death, we finally have a normal case, with Elizabeth's death only taking a few minutes of it.

The episode has a great and fun plot, and several acting highlights. Of course, Raymond. But Heddie, Marvin, and Cooper (especially in the end) are great too. And the best was Aram. I liked him so much, his dialogues with his former mentor, his reactions, were perfect. And I love that he does the right thing.

I really do not have more to comment, so just to fill the IMDB quota, watch this episode. It is super enjoyable.
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Miss Scarlet & the Duke: Bloodline (2022)
Season 3, Episode 4
Very good
9 September 2023
Even when this was another Duke-free (or almost free) episode, it was a very good one. Detectives Phelp and Fitzroy were interesting replacements, covering the Scotland Yard side of things with aplomb. Moses was a delight as always and Ivy got his time in the sun too.

But the best part was Eliza interacting with some criminals and learning that things are sometimes grey.

I am not gonna lie, she is sometimes a selfish woman who does not care what she did to others, but here she shows some much welcome empathy.

And the very end of the episode sets things nicely for the remaining episodes. In general, quite a pleasant, clever episode.
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Gotham Knights: Night of the Owls (2023)
Season 1, Episode 13
Deserves a proper ending
9 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First, the show is over and it deserves a proper ending. A TV movie or a short miniseries would be enough.

The owls have been destroyed and Gotham is free and we could have something reuniting Turner and the Knights after a year or so, when they had been training (Turner in France, the other together)/ I am not a fan of the Two-Face make up, but it would be good to see the character develop as a foe of the Knights, not Batman. And Duela bringing his good side back, at least temporarily.

It is a shame to waste all the built on this show did. So please, Berlanti. Do something to give closure to this show. Also, thanks to everyone involved for giving us a show much better than expected.
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Superman & Lois: Injustice (2023)
Season 3, Episode 12
Super interesting
2 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a very good episode.

Lois dealing with the aftermath of her surgery was very well done. As was all the Cushings and Jonathan drama.

Lex introduction was superb, making him terrifying and a real threat. And the ending was creepy.

Also, classic tornado for Superman.

And...Jordan. I hate what Jordan is doing but I do not think his parents are handling him well. It is obvious the kid is depressed and he has dealt with anxiety and other things before. They should be more understanding and helping him to realize keeping the secret is better. I really hope the kid grows a little before next season.
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Black Mirror: Beyond the Sea (2023)
Season 6, Episode 3
too predictable
19 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This one I did not like. It was disturbing and the concept was good and interesting in theory. In practice, the episode was only interesting at the beginning. Since the hippies attack, it was almost all predictable but I did not thought Josh Harnett would kill anyone, at least not at first. . I had 2 theories about the ending. That Aaron Paul character would kill the other one out of jealousy and then accept that he would be at risk of dying himself alone (or perhaps be replaced, we never knew how far away they are in the station). The other theory was that Harnett would kill Paul and take his body. That is what gave me more options for the true ending, like Kate Mare realized who he was and she denounced the thing to the authorities, or Harnett realized he has been discovered and kill her, or other options.

I still do not know why the story took place in the past, instead of the future. Whatever the case, it was too long and boring for moments. I think Aaron Paul did an excellent job and the rest of the cast were quite good too. But the writing is not too good.
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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Susan (2023)
Season 5, Episode 4
4 June 2023
It was a very good episode, visually stunning and sets up something about Suzie that it is quite interesting, There are musical numbers that are so fun and great to watch. There is drama at Midge's job. Suzie is in trouble, and then something else happens.

And in a side story, Abe acts like a jerk and pays for it. The acting of Abe and Rose was great as always.

All the writing for the episode was superb and Midge is, as always, an entitled brat who has not an ounce of professionalism. I think there should be a cautionary tale, talent itself is not enough. It is difficult to root for her actuall.
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Gotham Knights: Dark Knight of the Soul (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9
Not impressed
3 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first chapter I do not really like. The plan for rescuing Turner was stupid. The villains allowing them to leave were stupid too but I guess the in-universe explanation would be that they want Turner to join them. And he probably would not be happy if they killed his friends.

The main problem is Turner apparently believing them. Everyone knows that Batman does not kill. So even if Turner could be convinced that Batman was involved in the death of his parents, he should think it was an accident, or self-defence. Turner parents could have been villains.

I do not know, Turner seems too gullible here.
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Superman & Lois: The Dress (2023)
Season 3, Episode 9
3 June 2023
This was a really great episode.

The love between Lois and Clark and the very relatable feelings they have in their current situation were very well done. And then, the plot about John Henry was great two because it shows how human he is, how scared he is for your daughter and "sister". The man lost his entire planet, his wife, everything but Nat And all the young generation did good things too. I am liking the acting chemistry between Jordan and the new Jon.

Kudos for the writers of this episode and making this a truly memorable one. I think it is the best of the series and one of the best in the Berlanti-verse.
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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Go Forward (2023)
Season 5, Episode 1
Almost pointless
27 May 2023
So, we have some revelations about the future of Mrs Maisel, and it is not one I like. And the Joel subplot was out of the blue and awful. I feel terribly sorry for him.

Even when the acting is great as always, I was mostly bored in this episode. The only interesting parts for me where Joel's sad ones, the airport scenes which I truly enjoyed, and the last minutes that move the plot forward. I hope the rest of the season gets better, because I like this show, and I won't abandon it. I do not think it has been a good start for the season, but it planted some seeds that could be grow in something interesting.
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Gotham Knights: Belly of the Beast (2023)
Season 1, Episode 8
26 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, this was very interesting.

I have two main problems with the episode and some things I really liked.

Problems. What is the reason about stealing the map? Are the knights going to grab the electrum themselves? Or the show is implying that if the map is stolen the owls would not be able to find the electrum, as if they did not take pictures of the map or anything.

And the chancellor revelation. The man is allegedly super hurt and unable to move well, but he could host the party so well?

Minor problem I forgot about: why are they taking off the masks where there is danger, and why is Robin using Turner name around the minions? I know they finally caught him so that is a moot point, but what if he had ran away?

Things I really like: Turner risking everything for saving Cressida. A true Batman thing. Duela speech about rich people. Stephanie subplot. And, of course, Harvey. Misha is doing a great job.

I am intrigued about why the Talon hurt and almost killed the chancellor.
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