
11 Reviews
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Unbelievably bad
21 October 2023
This film makes Plan Nine From Outer Space Oscar worthy. I am absolutely amazed that any of the big name actors in this accepted their roles. I never even saw Travolta, maybe he was one the hollow eyed, hooded acolytes who were all unrecognizable. How anyone rated this more than one star is beyond me. I have to think that anyone connected with this movie wish they could have a do over and refuse to have anything to do with it. Shatner is noted for his bad acting, but this role had to set a new low , even for him. And Keenan Wynn must be glad that his screen time lasted only a few minutes. Sure wish I could have a do over and skip this mess.
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Frasier (2023– )
19 October 2023
I truly loved the original Frasier and couldn't wait for the reboot. Hard to describe how I feel about the new effort. I didn't even make it halfway through the second episode. I don't believe that there was anywhere near enough effort made in selecting new supporting characters. Three of the main original characters are gone, and their replacements aren't even neary up to the task. I have to wonder if any of them have any acting experience at all. I actually feel sorry for Kelsey, who has to know he is carrying all the load for laughs in the show. And speaking of laughs, the only laughs in our household came from the absolutely horrible laugh track.
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Dark Winds (2022– )
First season great, second not too good
1 August 2023
Loved the first season, I'd finish one episode and couldn't wait for the next one. Great characters and a very interesting and believable story line. Very sad when the season concluded and it left me anxiously awaiting season two. Set mu DVR but only just in case something came up keeping me from watching it live.just finished watching episode one, season two, and am deeply disappointed. So much so, that I am actually considering to not even bothering to watch episode two. It actually felt like I was watching the first episode of a brand new show. Many different people, and nothing about it even made me think about season one I am now debating with myself as to whether or not I'll even watch the next episode....and right now, I'm leaning toward dumping it. So sad, I had really liked it.
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Questionable premise
27 June 2022
Hard to remain interested in a film when the juvenile lovers are in real life 19 and 26. If they just looked he ages they are supposed to be, the story would be much more believable and watchable.
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The Shooting (1966)
Total thumbs down
17 June 2022
This is a film for the pretentious, hoity-toity, artsy-fartsy crowd to view, then declare their love of the movie, which no commoner could possibly understand or enjoy. For God's sake, please skip this turkey, and do something more enjoyable like pulling out nose hair. This is the kind of movie which makes me swear that I will never watch another film without reading a number of reviews. I saw Jack Nicholson's and Warren Oates' names and mistakenly assumed that it must be at least a fairly enjoyable film. Boy, was I wrong! In fact, I'm surprised this performance didn't stop Nicholson's career before it started. Oates, at least, did an acceptable job, in spite of the terrible script.
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Deserves this rating
1 June 2022
One of those movies you start watching, expecting something wonderful, but finish it wishing to God you hadn't. Al Pachino is far too good an actor to have made a film this bad.
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FBI: Most Wanted: Patriots (2021)
Season 3, Episode 2
So sad
29 September 2021
The networks just can't help themselves. They would rather go off on their liberal rants and lose viewers than tell honest, unbiased storylines and maintain their viewership.
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NCIS: Hawai'i (2021–2024)
28 September 2021
Very disappointed, won't watch this one again. Even the requisite lesbian scene won't save this turkey. Still like the original, though.
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Blue Bloods: Blues (2019)
Season 9, Episode 15
Not over with
16 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was on the way to be an outstanding episode. But the $64 question was totally avoided...the thing that I was waiting was Frank going to handle his decision after the whistleblower went "live at five" with the news that NYPD had hired a felon and not going to get rid of him when the fact became known. This ball was totally dropped.
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Criminal Minds: Bad Moon on the Rise (2018)
Season 13, Episode 12
Technical advisors ???
18 January 2018
Worst case of lack of technical advisors I've ever seen on this show. The police CAPTAIN wore SERGEANT stripes on his shirt all through the show. Unbelievable that no one spotted and corrected this mistake. Must not be anyone connected to the show with law enforcement or military knowledge. Otherwise, the show was about average for this series. I can't see it lasting another season with all the main characters changing. The show has always suffered with unbelievable plots, and seems to be getting worse.
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Soylent Green (1973)
Pretty good
9 November 2017
When watching this movie in 2017, one can't help but think what an inaccurate view of the future they had in 1973. Other sci-fi films of that generation did a much better job of future predictions. The actors did a fair job. I think however, with such a good premise, the film could have been very good with better technical effects. I found it hard to think of it actually being in the future.
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