
2 Reviews
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"6 Yellow... Yo-yos"
2 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A Holiday Classic! #1 Top Selling Albums 10/10 Definitely would shop again next year in September.
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Pretty funny 80s horror
10 October 2017
This film is hilarious on how to play with the expectations of the zombie genre. Also, the physical actor and the effects for the Tarman are unbelievable. The acting in the film are enjoyably cheesy and the characters are enjoyable to hang out with, who would've thought that a group of punks could be friends with cheery, normally dressed girl. It's over the top and and the tropes of each character are taken to the extreme, which is great. The only flaw I seem to remember from the film (it's been awhile) was only one scene that I felt was unnecessary and went on longer than it needed to. But, overall, it's a fun time.
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