
8 Reviews
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The Guilty (2021)
9 October 2021
I'm pretty picky and this was one of the best I've seen in a long time.
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Holidate (2020)
26 November 2020
This is sooooo terrible. Not even dad humor. People that would enjoy the raunchy humor I wouldn't be old enough or young enough to be okay with the cheesiness. The writing is just BAD.
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Healthcare professional
27 February 2020
I work in a physical therapy outpatient clinic and have also worked in acute inpatient psych. There is so little information and education out there on DID and I feel like this will help me to empathize and communicate with patients (we have had one as a shoulder injury patient). People who say this is fake are ignorant. If you don't know a disorder is fake... then it's ignorant to say (especially as someone not educated in abnormal psych.
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Share (I) (2019)
30 July 2019
This could have been so good. Lacks poignancy and depth. No character development and hardly any storyline. Most importantly zero responsibility or justice. Come on HBO.
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29 March 2019
I sometimes consider myself a movie snob and I like intellectually stimulating movies. To those who are mad this is not intellectually stimulating.... come ON. I actually thought it was better than I expected. I enjoyed the dark humor and the fact that it had unexpected twists. I actually thought it got better half way through instead of being another basic betch movie. It was fun and it wasn't slapstick (which I hate).
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Marcella (2016–2021)
Keep going it gets better
27 July 2018
I was worried at first this about a crazy woman. I'm picky about my shows... I like intelligence and wit and this gets better. I'm not sure how this confused anyone.
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I'm now 50 Shades Dumber
23 May 2018
I only watch these because I can't watch "good" movies without my boyfriend. The first two at least entertaining at most.... I'm not even being a movie snob when I say this probably made me lose brain cells. I think I'm officially 50 shades dumber. What. Is. This. Storyline. Oh yeah.... there isn't one. The sex scenes are so cheesy I have to fast forward through them. Not a twilight fan either but the original writer absolutely just took Twilight on an adult narrative. Tried to make it through some of the book and the writing was SO poor. The only restraint I learned I needed from this was watching anything almost rated NC17 written for 12 year olds.
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Good but.....
8 May 2018
This doesn't really contain spoilers but does in terms of character development a bit. Every good story needs a protagonist you want to root for even if their actions are dark... but Gemma I so badly wanted to root for and just makes you dislike her more and more. There's also the cheesy parts like in ending of season 1. I actually can't believe I'm watching season 2. I can get into the idea that the character is a warning about how not letting go can make you into this person but I don't like most of the characters. I think the person wirh the most character development is acatually the Kate who has a minor role. Soap opera is the beat way to describe it. I hope there's some more character development and redemption.
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