
21 Reviews
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Late Night (2019)
14 March 2024
I get the premise but i don't understand why they dressed and styled emma thompson like ellen degeneres from head to toe - when she's not even playing a lesbian. The way she acted was very ellen as well so i don't know if this was some kind of secret parody or what, but it's confusing when you're acting and dressing like a very famous lesbian comedian whilst playing a role of a married woman who's having affairs. Also Jane Lynch would have been more natural in this role.

Secondly, i know mindy kaling produced this, but her acting was the worst. It was a very weird character... or maybe she just played herself - who knows, but there was definitely a lot of awkward overacting. I think it would have been a better movie if they did a straight up parody of ellen. Dark comedy would have been a better fit to this kind of story instead of forcing it to be some cozy feel good hallmark movie. Cringe.
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The Bear (2022– )
far from realistic
13 December 2023
I've seen 1.5 eps and this is a bit unbelievable. Too much overacting from the lead actor and it's impossible that a head chef de cuisine from noma would run a sandwich shop this way. If he got that far up, he would know that you can't run a sandwich shop full of black amateurs the same way as any michelin star kitchen because the skill level of the staff is completely different. Also you have to roll out the changes slowly, unless you fire everyone, start over and train a whole new staff which means downtime and a soft reopening when you're ready.

The way he did this kind of hostile takeover/makeover... only a tryhard amateur would do it that way. It's bizarre. Also, why are there so many people in the kitchen? For that kind of place 2-3 people in the kitchen is enough, it's just sandwiches and spaghetti and ice cream... wtf. He has one guy whose sole job is make the bread? Is this for real? How much is he selling those sandwiches for that justifies a bread man? I'm sure they can buy premade really good quality bread easily, and that would save them time and money from that bread man's salary + ingredients (the flour and the shipping) + fixing that ancient mixer that broke down. I don't get it. You can always make bread inhouse later when things are running smoothly.

You don't really make bread inhouse unless your version is way better than ready made ones which from what i saw was far from good.

You don't get that far up the kitchen hierarchy unless you know how to run all parts of it. Being good at cooking isn't enough, he should know how to keep within budgets as well. Why does that intern have to tell him how to save money and keep costs down - and why is he ignoring her???

And most importantly, WHY ARE ALL THE ACTORS SO UGLY????? This show is so hard to watch!
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room for improvement
14 October 2023
Her designs are mostly great - way better than property brothers or even jeff lewis - his hollywood houselift renovations were not as amazing as i expected compared to his old series flipping out.

Galey's decorating is even a bit more interesting that studio mcgee. I dunno if they really do it over a weekend of if that's all for show but it's all very impressive.

I would have given this show a higher rating if not for those weird camera trick bits she keeps doing in every episode where she tosses something for example and the jar is magically filled with candy or the ground is magically covered with stones. It's so 80s and corny, not sure who enjoys watching that... aside from her.
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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Four Minutes (2023)
Season 5, Episode 9
6 June 2023
So basically she became successful but her kids were a mess, the end.

The first 2 seasons were the best. Season 3 and 4 were meh and 5 was a bit better than meh but for a finale, it was underwhelming.

So basically she became successful but her kids were a mess, the end.

The first 2 seasons were the best. Season 3 and 4 were meh and 5 was a bit better than meh but for a finale, it was underwhelming.

So basically she became successful but her kids were a mess, the end.

The first 2 seasons were the best. Season 3 and 4 were meh and 5 was a bit better than meh but for a finale, it was underwhelming.
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Fresh Off the Boat (2015–2020)
6 September 2022
Just started watching this in 2022 and this is bad... constance wu and randall park's acting are so fake wu's accent isn't even consistent. The jokes are cringe and over the top, ugh. I don't get it. Were all the writers white? Is that why it's this bad? Asian writer's should have been able to present the stereotypes in a subtler, wittier, funnier way...

The best actors here are really the kids. But overall, Kim's Convenience is way way waaaaaay better!

Just started watching this in 2022 and this is bad... constance wu and randall park's acting are so fake wu's accent isn't even consistent. The jokes are cringe and over the top, ugh. I don't get it. Were all the writers white? Is that why it's this bad? Asian writer's should have been able to present the stereotypes in a subtler, wittier, funnier way...

The best actors here are really the kids. But overall, Kim's Convenience is way way waaaaaay better!
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not a documentary
1 September 2022
Never listened to her music before seeing this so I was not familiar with her work. I do like documentaries of artists/celebrities however so I gave it a try. Well.... this is NOT a documentary. It's basically just a bunch of concert clips and a few backstage behind the scenes. Don't get me wrong, the music was great, but everything else in terms of documentaries... wasn't.

Also that scene where she was being a drama queen about a broken ankle when her mom was explaining to her how she has to strengthen her body and was just like, "my body is broken it would have been broken a MILLION TIMES blah blahblah" ....over a broken ankle???? Guuuurrrrl.... Let me tell you about this popstar named Britney Spears... No offense, but Billie doesn't even dance anywhere near like Britney. When you're in the big leagues and being paid millions as a performer, it's time to grow up and act like a professional performer which entails training to keep fit. The only thing I found that might actually be irreparably damaged is her mental state. The End.
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where's dmt?
14 July 2022
Why wasn't dmt included? And why talk about peyote if you don't want people to use peyote? I feel this is just gonna backfire, telling everyone about it will just make a bunch of enterprising people all the more hunt it down.
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not as funny as all his older series in bravo
27 June 2022
I think jeff has gone through too much therapy that it has mellowed him down. He isn't the same funny, neurotic psycho that he was in all his older bravo shows. But then again he isn't as toxic either so i guess it all balances out...
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The Lost City (2022)
29 March 2022
I like all the actors but really, this is only slightly better than j.lo's marry me. There are so many great witty writers in hollywood. Couldn't they have hired even just one?

It was a bad romance, bad comedy, bad action movie - i failed in 3 genres!!! I feel it would have been better if she hired ryan renolds to save her either as deadpool or the bodyguard - or just her husband since they did have that movie where she was a publisher to married him for a green card. There was just no chemistry between her and magic mike.

I like all the actors but really, this is only slightly better than j.lo's marry me. There are so many great witty writers in hollywood. Couldn't they have hired even just one?

It was a bad romance, bad comedy, bad action movie - i failed in 3 genres!!! I feel it would have been better if she hired ryan renolds to save her either as deadpool or the bodyguard - or just her husband since they did have that movie where she was a publisher to married him for a green card. There was just no chemistry between her and magic mike.
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can someone tell me the point of this whole movie?
27 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I guess that's the problem. My friends and i watched it and were left confused and wondering what the point of the whole movie was in the end. 70% of it was just neo and trinity trying to remember themselves and the past. The other 30% was random violence. I didn't see them save anyone or anything. So was it a love story?
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
it was good until the end of season 8
21 August 2021
I followed this series for8 seasons and it was good until the finale of season 8 - which was a BIG DISAPPOINTMENT.

8 years or running around wondering who keen's mom and dad were... and now this?!?!?! This is the explanation?!?!

It's like they wrote so many nonsense things in the past they couldn't logically explain their way out of all of it so they just came up with this weird dreamlike sequence.

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watchable but meh
14 June 2021
It's watchable if you like dogs but it's not interesting. In each episode you'll see: new dogs, photoshoot, grooming, people adopting dogs. Rinse repeat.
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Gok Wan's Easy Asian (2020–2022)
where's the recipe/measurements???
4 January 2021
It's pointless to make an instructional cooking show when you don't mention the measurements of the ingredients. i suspect this is to force you to buy his book later, but then if i have to buy the book, then why do i have to waste my time watching this show???
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31 December 2020
Why is there a moroccan character (nabil) being played by a chinese guy with a chinese accent? last time i heard moroccans didn't speak chinese. why is the korean character (june park) being played by some random - clearly not even korean looking actress? her mother does NOT look korean either. i'd overlook all of these if the acting was good, but it's not. so i'm just confused with all the fake forced diversity going on here.
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Mortal (2020)
an incredibly bad thor movie
2 August 2020
Poor writing, poor lead actor, poor plot, poor ending, etc. the only thing that was great here was the norwegian scenery.
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lacks depth
26 February 2020
Watched this from a neutral perspective, i don't hate her, but neither am i a fan. i found it interesting, but pretty shallow. i've seen more behind the scenes that were more in depth than this.
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some irritating veterans
16 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So trevor was a know it all, todd was a "can't teach an old dog new tricks" chef, and connie was using emotional manipulation balling at elimination coz she needs the money but she's cooking crap food all the time. you can tell she just wanted to tell them to hand her the 100k for her mom with cancer. ugh! hope these 3 chefs get eliminated in consecutive order.
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House of Cards: Chapter 69 (2018)
Season 6, Episode 4
They should have changed the title to How To Get Away With Murder
5 November 2018
I'm confused, I can't tell if I'm watching House of Cards or How To Get Away With Murder. Seriously. Is this still a political show? Then why is everything solved with murder?!?!?!?
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Counterpart (2017–2019)
A Draaag
28 April 2018
This could have been way better. But sadly, most of the episodes were a drag. Too many boring scenes where they were just talking about nonsense things and nothing was happening. The acting and actors were okay, it was just the writing. I guess they didn't have enough story for 10 episodes so they had to drag things out. They should have stuck with 5 or 6 episodes instead.
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misleading title
13 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The movie title is totally misleading. when you say "the last jedi" it makes people think either you start with 1 jedi or end up with 1 jedi. uh... that was not the case. there were 3 jedis to begin with and by the end 2 for sure - but possibly 3. so i don't get the title at all. and since there are still jedis, they'd probably make a start wars 9: more jedis. apart from that, the acting was quite blah... there was a big attempt to inject funny moments, some were somewhat successful but over half were meh - not just for me, the 7 other people i went to watch it with didn't laugh either. we got free movie premier tickets, that's why we went. i wouldn't pay for that movie, i'd feel really ripped off if i had.
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it's a boring little movie about nothing
4 October 2017
there is no story here. i don't even know what this thing is. i don't know how they convinced 2 Hollywood stars to be in it - but only one of them actually plays the lead role opposite some C lister. it's basically about a married woman hitching a ride to Paris with a french glutton. she takes pics of everything with a digital camera - but uses the viewing window instead of the screen display - i don't know anyone who does this or what the point of it was - it's so weird. total snoozer.
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