90 Reviews
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Nostalgia Meets Nightmare in so-so Soho
18 November 2021
This picture had me intrigued when I saw a clip, but then I made the mistake of watching the entire thing.

First of all, it's too long and there were too many unnecessary scenes that did nothing to enhance the plot.

I wish the storyline would've concentrated more on Terrence Stamp's character v. McKenzie's silly high schoolish fashion designer friends. I kept waiting for the Alicia Silverstone cameo.

The obvious "check the box" diversity "relationship" was not only off-putting, it bordered on icky.

Anya Taylor-Joy is a budding superstar...no doubt about it, and she's the only reason to keep watching this film.

Decent "twist" at the end which could've been prepped better. Several missed opportunities.

Grade: C.
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Old (2021)
Interesting Enough To Watch Once
9 October 2021
This movie was okay, not really good or bad. Just okay. Grade: C.
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Wind River (2017)
Best Picture I've Seen In Years
29 August 2021
I'm not one to give 10s to motion pictures (especially nowadays) but this film was absolutely outstanding. Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen were dynamos from beginning to end, as was the storyline, cinematography, cast, direction, and originality. It's been a long time since I've done any review without being able to poke holes or find fault in a movie, so believe me when I say you'll love every minute of this one. In fact, I was hoping it could've gone another hour...or longer. Grade: A+
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The Irishman (2019)
A Tribute to the Legends of Hollywood Mobster Royalty
23 August 2021
As I was watching it quickly became evident to me this was Scorsese's way of giving De Niro, Pacino, and Pesci their proper send offs into Hollywood's Mob Movie Valhalla for the rest of time.

From what I understand, Pesci had to be coaxed out retirement "several times" for the film, and now I can see why. It's tough to see aging actors trying to recapture the magic of their youth, and no matter how hard everyone tried, they never quite got there.

All three looked way too old, even with special effects, to play their character's much younger selves. For example, De Niro as "Frank" had a brood of daughters who looked like his granddaughters from the moment they were introduced into the picture.

The story was actually very good and I didn't even mind the long running time, but no matter how engrossing the plot became ie the "Hoffa Mystery", I kept getting stuck on their physical appearances.

My favorite of the three by the way was Pacino as Hoffa, mainly because he made me laugh with his superb "Pacino Only" abilities to deliver his lines in total harmony. He's always been a genius in that way, and age has had little impact for his impeccable approach to acting. He is truly a Hollywood Legend.

As I said, this was one last rodeo for the guys we all grew up loving as our favorite gangsters, a sort of romantic romp through a better era of film making and story telling. I don't think anyone could or will ever do it better. Grade: B-
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Worse than Ad Astra
11 August 2021
Not much to like about this movie. It was boring, stupid, and slow. Plus it had no point. Grade: D.
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A Decent SciFi Flick On Many Levels
2 August 2021
This movie could've been much better had it been explained a bit more. Too many vague references along with garbled voices at the wrong times knocked it down a few pegs. But...I have seen worse. Grade: C-
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Decent Story Line But Not Enough Substance
26 July 2021
A bunch of missed opportunities with this picture kept it stuck in a slow motion loop more or less replaying the same scenes over and over, with lots of coughing. Grade: C-
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Blood Red Sky (2021)
Vamps On A Plane
26 July 2021
Overall a decent film. Acting was superb as is usually the case in foreign pictures. I felt the second part of the movie dragged a bit too much and the ending looked "forced", almost like the post production/editing departments ran out of time. Lastly, the whole Mom/Kid clinging to each other was okay for a bit, but as conditions changed so must that relationship, otherwise it just doesn't make logical sense and the audience will disconnect because they're thinking, "That's not what I would do." When you're fighting for your life, yeah the adrenaline is flowing, but if logic and reason isn't used, it's "C-ya wouldn't want to B-ya". But I liked the concept and originality for a genre that's been around a long time. Grade: B-
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Ava (IV) (2020)
First Half: Decent....Second Half: Bad
26 July 2021
Overall just a rehash of a bunch of other Secret Agent Deep Ops Black Helicopter Crowd flicks. It got off to a good start but then spiraled out of control with ridiculous story arcs. Grade: C.
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Polar (I) (2019)
A Few Too Many Over The Top Moments
25 July 2021
Actually not a bad movie. Pace was good, as was the acting and direction. Gratuitous gore and too many scenes of "hit men being hit men" kept it from being a much better film. There is a "twist" at the end but should see it coming about midway through. Grade: B-
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Hold the Dark (2018)
Wolf People I Think...Maybe?
25 July 2021
Evidently this movie is based on a book that provides more detail, context, clarity, etc as to what is happening because the movie itself is tough to understand. The "spoiler posts" have more answers if you want the cliff notes. As far the actual movie? Weird beyond description, and if Jeffrey Wright talked any slower and without purpose, it would qualify as a CIA torture technique. I'm giving it a 5 only because I liked the wolves. Grade: C.
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Solar Impact (2019)
Beyond Ridiculous Even For A Zombie Flick
25 July 2021
I think it's safe to say fans of zombie pictures expect a little common sense from the on-screen characters fighting and running from the walking dead. For example, it's probably not a good idea keeping a zombie in the house because it was once your wife. Nor should you ever willingly walk into a building full of zombies, or get close enough to a zombie so it can bite you, and immediately turn you into a zombie. For more guidance see "Zombieland" because you won't get it from "Solar Impact". Grade: F.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Vanilla Sky in Space
25 July 2021
I have no idea what I watched after viewing Ad Astra. All I could think of the entire time was Vanilla Sky. Hopefully Brad Pitt will get back to fighting zombies one of these days. Grade: D.
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Could've Been A Really Good Zombie Flick
24 July 2021
This movie was going really good until some idiot wrote in the "sappiest father/daughter WTF side story" I've ever seen. If the daughter "character" was removed (it was completely unnecessary as it added nothing to the flow) this movie could've become an instant cult classic. Instead, it went so far down the crapper hole, a professional plumber wouldn't have been able to retrieve it. I've seen my fair share of zombie flicks, and this one was headed for the Top Three, but then it literally jumped the shark. Don't they screen test these days? Oh well, maybe someone will fix it later. Grade: C+
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Dark, Disturbing But Also A Darn Good Movie
23 July 2021
This movie is not for the squeamish or righteous or the kids, but if you're looking for a well written, well acted and well produced drama/thriller then you'll like every minute of this gem. Strong performances from Tom Holland, Sebastian Stan, and Robert Pattinson all in roles you've likely not seen them in before. Grade: A-
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Jolt (2021)
Repackaged Hollywood Noir
23 July 2021
If you like over the top nonsensical garbage then this movie will give you a chubby.

Kate Beckinsale couldn't even save it.

Grade: C-
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Total Garbage
21 July 2021
Two of the most overrated actors in Hollywood today, Adams and Renner, did nothing but hasten this picture's "plop, plop flush" into the toilet bowl of oblivion. It was so bad I turned it off. Grade: F.
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The Blackout (2014)
This Same Movie Has Been A Thousand Times
19 July 2021
If you decide to watch this movie you'll soon be experiencing deja vu all over again. Only worse. Grade: D.
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Slow, Boring and Historically Inaccurate
19 July 2021
What should've been a very good movie instead underwhelmed & left me wondering how it missed the mark by a country mile. There were too many annoying scenes with Edison (Cumberbatch) that made him appear nothing more than whiny and pompous, and not enough scenes defining Westinghouse (Shannon) so the audience knew "who was who" when it came to delivering electricity to American cities. Having said that, this movie basically ignored Nikola Tesla (Hoult) except for portraying him as a spendthrift and a deadbeat, all but omitting his significant contributions to the standardized A/C current we know today. I especially hated the scene when Tesla was called an "immigrant" as an obvious insult, even though in 1880 America 90% of Americans were immigrants. If Tesla was insulted in those times it would've been an ethnic insult that specified his birthplace in Europe, not his current "status" in America. This was an obvious attempt to slam "1880 America" by inserting 2021 politics. Also, having been to the Nikola Tesla museum in Beograd (Belgrade), Serbia I can tell you this movie really shortchanged the audience from getting a much better idea of who Tesla was and his brilliant hydroelectric power designs which were way beyond anything Edison or Westinghouse had done. Finally, there was way too much material to work with for the movie to be this big of a dud. Grade: C-
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Good Story, Solid Script, with a Top Notch Cast
19 July 2021
This picture is well paced and moved through each scene smoothly as to keep the audience engaged.

Which it did for me.

Solid effort all around. Highly recommend to everyone.

Grade: A.
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Numb (I) (2015)
More Like "Numb" Skulls
18 July 2021
If you watch the trailer, that's pretty much the entire movie, so you can save yourself an hour and a half right there.

Otherwise, it the typical "let's throw a pot of gold at 4 random people then sit back and watch as they fumble, bumble, and eventually tear each other apart trying to get as much of it as they can."

Even the one hottie in this snoozer wasn't enough to save it because she was such a Broom Hildabeach.

Grade: C-
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The Vanished (2020)
No "Twist" Just A Ton Of Bad Everything
18 July 2021
Contrary to what you may read in other reviews, there's no "twist" in the ending of this total stink bomb of a movie. All you need to do is pay attention at the beginning, when one of the lead characters (Jayne) practically gives the ending away. From that point on you'll only suffer in eternity (if you can take it) to finally see what was coming in the first 10 minutes. The acting is terrible. The dialogue is non-sensical. The characters are fake and non-likable. The setting is ridiculous, and the IQs of those who made this film have to be in the same neighborhood as potted plants and garden gnomes. Jason Patric was in this mess of a movie too which tells you where washed up actors end up after their glory days in Hollywood are over: Rock Bottom. As a matter of fact I just dropped my rating from a 2 to a 1 when I realized how truly awful this picture was. Grade: F.
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Solid Picture Worth Watching
18 July 2021
Based on the true story of an FBI Agent who sleeps with his informant and how quickly everything unravels for them both. Solid picture all the way around that will hold your interest until the very end. Grade: B+
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The Vanishing (II) (2018)
Spectacularly Lousy
18 July 2021
This movie was painfully dull, filled with too many "huh?" moments, and lacked coherent dialogue from beginning to end. Honestly, don't waste your time. Grade: D.
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City of Lies (2018)
True Crime Movie That Has Everything
17 July 2021
Loved this movie from beginning to end. It gives us an insight into the corruption that exists within large organizations & bureaucracies that are more concerned in preserving their reputations with the media and public than conducting proper internal housekeepings. If anyone within the organization speaks up or tries to expose the corruption, they are immediately ostracized, smeared, and forced to resign if not outright fired. In short, they are permanently ruined. Strong performances by Depp & Whitaker and the fact this movie was "shelved" for 3 years before its release makes me wonder who drove that decision and why. Chances are it was going to embarrass some folks. Lastly, the Tupac & Biggie murders remain unsolved to this day, so before anyone starts talking "conspiracy theory" it might be a good idea to think contextually especially knowing what's happening in our country right now. Grade: A.
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