
2 Reviews
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Crash (I) (2004)
Well Deserving Of Oscar
8 March 2006
An outstanding film that grips you from the start, Crash is a riveting story that addresses the polarizing issues of race and separation in modern America. With a wonderful cast, Crash is rich in texture and emotion and adeptly drives home the message of how pervasive racism and prejudice is in America, permeating each of our diverse cultures. Truly a must see film, Crash provides insight into a difficult situation without offering up any cliché commentary, which I believe makes the film all the more potent. Far too often film-makers find themselves compelled to proffer a solution to a political problem when that in fact is often better left for the viewer to pontificate after watching the film. Crash deserves every bit of it's Oscar for Best Picture.
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The Inn (2004)
The plot is the only Mystery in "The Inn"
27 October 2005
While the film is a high-quality visually artistic expression from a relatively new director (Pepi Singh Khara) it never establishes a purpose and the viewer is often left wondering what is happening or where the action is even taking place. Too many attempts at a Hitchcockian style of shooting and too few establishing shots keep one guessing not "what's going to happen next?" but more often "what just happened?" An excellent score (provided by native Los Angelino and veteran composer Vincent Gillioz) helps compensate for the poor audio mixing and inconsistent dialogue volume. Performances from the relatively unknown cast range from passable-at-best to downright good and it's clear that there are a few rising stars among them. Although moving at a sluggish pace at times, the film finally comes to life when police are called to investigate a murder. The officers bring charisma and a much needed purpose to the film but sadly it is too little too late.
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