
5 Reviews
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Journey's End (I) (2017)
Journey's End
7 June 2018
This is definitely one of the best war movies I have ever seen. No Rambo actions in this one. The title really depicts what the movies is all about A Journey's End. The brutality of war. Good men die like that . In times of war orders are orders. It is sad. I wonder all this potential gone to waste . Over 60 million people died in world wars. Countries destroyed. I wonder how the world would have been liked if only ... I recommend you see this movie with high quality video . The sound is amazing& the cinematic . The acting is superb . If you think that war is exciting . Think again . You ought to see it. Deserves a better rating.
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La haine (1995)
I am Palestinian ...I related to this movie .
25 September 2017
In general I liked the movie very much . Realistic ... If you distance yourself from the movie and the message it wanted to put forth. Sure in general . At first glance you have to side with order,system & police. But, when you indulge in the less popular side.... You have to get upset & sad.... I personally related to Hulbert character . Hulbert character wanted to do whats right , but then he was forced into a situation .... I tend to feel very sad ,because I witnessed so much similar cases. But then sadness turn into anger. Why ...Why was he forced into situation like this??!?!someone has to take responsibility!! I don't want to give too much spoilers . Whats really more upsetting . The fact that this movie is entirely based on socio-economic difficulties . Ya...What about others who suffer this and more...!!!!!! What's your take on this?????Or do they have to make a movie to get their message conveyed????
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Another war movie...
11 August 2017
OK objectively acting is good, cinematography is good .Story not so good, but childish...I expected to see realism & Drama...perhaps soul searching and conflicting ideas...Just another Hollywood cliché. When are we going to stop to produce such awful mislead movies!! I mean we know definitively that the war on Iraq, Afghanistan is unjust, unnecessary, unclear . I just watched American Sniper, War Machine. Every child that was killed by the Americans held a weapon. WoW. More than 200k Iraqis were killed. Great portion of this number were innocent people. funny how the movie projected the friendly relationship with the Iraqis except for Al-qaida. Al-qaida wasn't a major player in Iraq . People actually held arms. Normal people held arms stood their ground and defended their country. Hollywood should invest more in trying to capture these dilemmas rather than just focus on an imaginary navy-seal sniper who probably has done his fair share of violations during the war in the name of is what it is.Because let's face it...he's from Texas, eh? Doesn't matter if Saddam was an evil dictator. As long as the USA is not an honest player in the Middle East. It will never manage to sell their ideals . Fockin....Jarheads! WoTFFF were you doing in Iraq??? simple why& what you retards!!
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Shot Caller (2017)
Realistic Drama Crime Movie! Must See!
28 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
In brief. I'll quote a line from the movie : "The fact is we all started out as someone's little angels and a place like this forces you to become warriors or victims".

This is what the movie is all about. It's about a decent man who finds himself in prison. A tough situation where he either rolls the dice and guarantees the life of a warrior Or he sits back and guarantees the life of a victim . He rolls the dice and things get messy !

Great grimy dramatic soundtrack .Amazing cinematography. Addicting... You don't know where the story is going. The movie reflects realistic aspects of Crime...the ugliness of crime life and the loop it draws you in. The choices you have to make. This movie reminds me a lot of American History X for some reason (Different story entirely). This movie definitely belongs in the 8s. 8/10 from me!

Might I add Jaimie Fking Lanister! Bravo ! great acting!!and still a KingSlayer :) If you dig the Crime genre . You Must See this one!
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
If u love fantasy\science fiction . This is the one!!
20 March 2017
This show is underrated . I can't believe TV has gotten so good ...!! If ur into fantasy\science fiction . U would give this show a 10\10 . The visual effects\ scenery is just amazing ! no lacking there ,u could see they really invested in this one ... spaceships,space stations, asteroids,'s just amazing ! If science fiction is ur thing, U would relate ... The story is interesting yet I have a feeling it could be better .There is also action and it's really really good, u cant get bored ... I wish we could see some "king's landing politics on earth ".. U know to balance the fantasy stuff with some normal stuff . But, I guess this show is not meant for that .I also wish that it had more of real science . Like astrophyiscs staff . Just like they did in Intersteller movie.This show definitely has the right ingredients for dream\wanna be kinda feeling,but still needs a push. Hence 9\10 .

All in all I was really searching for a show like this .If u liked Promethus, Star trek, pitch black, Basically every Hollywood movie that is got to do with science fiction is in this series! . watch it !
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