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The Gone (2023– )
Interesting drama with fab scenery
27 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this drama and loved the Maori characters and depiction of their culture, which was really interesting. This blended well with the natural humour of the Irish, and I enjoyed the friendship that developed between enigmatic Irish detective Richter and the Maori character Buster.

I loved Diana and thought she was a great character, gelling well with Richter as they investigated the disappearance of two young Irish people. Always good to see Michelle Fairley in anything, and I really liked Carolyn Bracken as the Irish journalist (with such a cool look!).

Some loose ends that were confusing, e.g. The scientist's wife finding a box of bone crosses - why did he have them?

The ending, where the journalist is in the abandoned log cabin, was creepy and leaves you hoping for a second series. Also, Richter's story was left open - he has the gene for an awful disease but does that mean he will actually get it or that he's just a carrier?

The stunning NZ scenery and great use of music adds to the appeal.

I hope this will be given a second series because it was very different and I'd like to see more of these characters and definitely more of the beautiful locations.
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Lovely but emotional
21 May 2024
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James Norton is such a versatile actor! Here he's so impressive and natural as a young single Dad facing a terminal illness with only a short time left to live. He is focused on finding suitable, caring adoptive parents for his adorably cute little boy. With the help of sympathetic social services adoption workers, he visits a range of people, wrestling with the enormity of the decision he's being forced to make for his child's future.

Looking increasingly drained, tired and ill, James brilliantly portrays the exhaustion and stress he's under, and his love for his son feels so natural and real it's a credit to him and the child actor - both superb.

It's a very moving watch, but if you've only ever seen James as the terrifying Tommy Royce in Happy Valley, see here his brilliantl versatility in this heartbreaking role.
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Being Rose (2017)
Slow but worth it
20 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Rose is suffering from a terminal illness and decides to take a road trip, trying to repair her broken relationship with her son. An ex-cop, she swiftly deals with a potential mugger en route and eventually meets a cowboy played by James Brolin, who brings her some happiness.

James would have been 77 years old when this was made and he is still a fine looking man! Cybil Shepherd is mainly expressionless in this, which is a little irritating.

Pam Grier is good as a free-spirited woman she meets at a health spa, and Rose's loyal group of friends are really well played. Ernesto, a patrol officer who befriends Rose, is one of the best characters in it.

Not a great deal of action but worth watching.
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Fresh, witty, silly and good fun!
14 April 2024
Great dialogue, this is silly humour that features a great performance by Noel Fielding with a bunch of really funny character actors adding to the comedy. Hugh Bonneville is brilliantly hamming it up as the Thieftaker General (hampered by his childcare problems).

This isn't purely slapstick comedy, it's intelligently done with present day references slotted in really well. The conversations are often hilarious.

Hugh talking about catching Turpin: "I want this Dick in my hands as soon as possible!" - cue sniggering from his young son.

I'd never seen Noel in anything until now but this really amused me! Definitely worth a watch for any fans of clever comedy writing in the Python or even Carry On mould.
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Ted Lasso: So Long, Farewell (2023)
Season 3, Episode 12
Crying buckets!
25 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I will start by confessing that I am in love with Ted Lasso and possibly with Jason Sudekis! He is perfection in this role - handsome, kind, caring and just wonderful.

The whole cast, writers and crew deserve praise for this beautifully poignant final episode.

I was late to the party discovering this show but I've binged it all in the last month and now I feel genuinely emotional that I won't see Ted again.

My key thoughts:

1. I was desperately hoping Michelle would get back with Ted, but sadly they just seemed to be friends as it ended.

2. Rebecca bumping in to her drop-dead gorgeous Dutchman at the airport, who turns out to be a Pilot, was wonderful! Lucky woman!

3. Keeley, sadly, became quite annoying for me this last season and we still don't know if her and Roy will end up together.

4. Rupert showed his vile nature, striding along the pitch in his flowing long black coat looking satanic. He finally lost all respect from the fans and his team manager.

5. Trent Crimm played by James Lance has been one of my favourite characters the whole three seasons. This third season it was great to see him play a larger role and become totally accepted by the Richmond gang.

6. Nate seemed genuinely happy at the end despite eating a large slice of humble pie and returning to the club in a lowly role. His girlfriend made me suspicious of her motives at first but did seem to actually care for him.

I will miss all the characters and feel like I want to see more. Surely a sign of great acting and writing.

PS did I say I'm in love with Ted? Oh, how I'll miss those beautiful twinkly eyes!
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The Gentlemen (2024)
Guy triumphs again!
25 March 2024
This series, based on the film of the same name, is entertaining and typical Guy Ritchie fare - full of quirky characters, sparky, articulate dialogue and violence.

Theo James is fantastic in this and plays as if auditioning for the James Bond role - which based on this he'd be perfect for. I absolutely love his voice in this role! Ably supported by Kaya in a wardrobe to die for, with a sexy and very cool persona and Daniel Ings as his inept elder brother, who manages to remain sympathetic while being very stupid!

Joely Richardson is fabulous as the matriarch of the family and I have to say I think this is the best role I've ever seen Vinnie Jones play. He plays a really nuanced character, much much more than a mindless thug, and his chemistry with Joely sparkles.

Too many other characters to mention but everyone is good and it is nice to set Nigel Havers popping up in a small role.

Ray Winstone plays Ray Winstone but, for me, that's not a bad thing! The man with the cushiest jail set-up ever!

In summary, this a very entertaining 8 episode romp and I think it will be the making of James, Theo James.
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One Day (2024)
Lovely, sweet and moving
19 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Leo Woodall is phenomenal in this, I had to get that in first. He's a star of the future, for sure. Like others, I wasn't sure about the casting of Ambika Mod as Emma, but she's excellent in this and their deep friendship and love is more believable in every episode.

The music of the time is well used. The scene of Dexter's emotional breakdown at the deserted railway station after visiting his dying Mum is heartbreakingly played out to the beautiful "Save Me" by Joan Armatrading. Leo's acting in that scene is brilliant and had me in tears.

I loved the short episodes, I think that idea works well. The supporting characters are all good and particularly Tim Mchinnery as Dexter's firm but loving Dad.

Anyone who has read the book or seen the original movie knows there's no happy ending for Dex and Emma, but oh what a love and deep, deep friendship they had.
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Muted (2023)
Weird but quite enjoyable
21 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The lead actress playing Ana was incredibly annoying. She had one blank expression the whole time - a vacant look no matter what was being said around her. I get that she was playing a woman with "issues" but the fact that a woman so clearly unstable could be put in charge of such an experiment just doesn't ring true. Also, her sexual obsession with the young man was just beyond creepy.

It was good to see Ramiro Blas - such a memorable character in Vis-A-Vis - appearing in this. He's very charismatic at playing people with a sinister personality.

The story is implausible but it did keep me interested despite the annoyance of the female lead. The ending will annoy a lot of people but I think it was fitting that you were left unsure. The young man playing the murderer is very good and does make you feel some sympathy for him as you learn more about his back-story.
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Truelove (2024– )
Older actors knock this out of the park!
15 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Brilliant performances by all the older cast members in this very interesting and thought-provoking story about a group of 70-something long-time friends who agree to help each other end their lives if the request comes.

Add in the fact that two of them are old lovers who never got over each other and you've got a very believable love story too, tinged with the sadness of a life that should have been lived together. Lindsay Duncan, Clark Peters and Phil Davis are particularly good in this as that love triangle, with Phil heartbreaking as the loving but slightly boring husband who is devastated at the thought of being left alone.

The young policewoman character, who starts to believe that there's something going on, is quite frankly very irritating. Some of her actions are just ridiculous and a young uniformed officer just wouldn't be running around, seemingly unsupervised, acting like a seasoned detective. I liked the character of her boss, but again the fact that he turned up - off duty - to question a suspect in his home while dressed for a football match would just never happen. I get that they had to do something to set the scene for what happened, but it was totally unrealistic.

That said, this was a really good drama with a brilliant soundtrack as well, fitting with the age of the characters.

Finally, a nod to Sue Johnston's poignant performance as poor Marion. She wasn't in it for long but she made a lasting impact.
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No Escape (2023– )
Quite good but no likeable characters
15 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This was a reasonable drama, quite tense in parts, but I really didn't find any of the characters likeable, especially the two young female leads. The scenes in the boat were good, with a gradual sense that all was not well, up until the episode where they are all off their heads in booze and ketamine. Just seemed a waste of an episode and it got boring watching them tripping out.

The scenery where this is filmed is stunning and it did keep my attention but as the characters were all so unlikeable I found I didn't really care who lived or died.

Probably the best acting in this was from Aussie actor Jay as the Captain.
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Sienna and Christina are just wonderful
12 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a stunning character-driven film about a beautiful but down-trodden woman, Debs, and the way she steps up and tries to sort out her life when her teenage daughter goes missing, leaving her to bring up her young grandson.

Men come and go and mostly disappoint her (oh Chris, why?) but she has the love and support of her beautiful sister and kind big bear of a brother-in-law. The sisters' relationship is wonderfully played and Sienna and Christina are so believable as sisters it is emotional and funny to watch.

The scenes when Debs finally learns what happened to her daughter are very moving and brilliantly acted.

Sienna should have won an Oscar for this role.
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Lovely drama
10 January 2024
I haven't read the book so I can't compare the ways this differs from it. I thoroughly enjoyed it and found it emotive and lovely, not least because my favourite piece of classical music, Clair de Lune, is a key feature.

The female lead is excellent and beautiful. Because she's really blind she brings an authenticity to the role. Hugh Laurie is also wonderful in this as Etienne.

I wish I'd read the book now because it is obviously wonderful judging by other reviews on here, but perhaps having watched this series it would spoil it for me.

The genuine footage of the city during the closing credits is very affecting.
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Amazing colour footage
5 January 2024
I enjoyed this series despite seemingly being in the minority judging by other reviews on here. Real, genuine footage in colour makes it all come to life and the first-hand recollections of those who fought and lived through it - from all sides - is compelling and moving.

Despite other negative comments about the narration, I think John Boyega has done a good job here.

Raw footage brings to life the horrors of war and the suffering, cruelty and sometimes compassion that humans can bring to each other. Heartbreaking too to see the traumas that poor war horses went through.

Yes this may seem a little simplistic to some, but if it makes more people show respect to those who lost their lives, even if it's just buying a poppy and observing the Remembrance Day silence, then that's something.
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Fake Profile (2023– )
Like Dallas and Dynasty on acid!
1 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Having loved those two iconic drama series years ago, I enjoyed the twists and turns in this bonkers show but the lead actress Carolina Miranda did get on my nerves. Yes, she's attractive, but the way she's always strutting around wearing revealing clothes and batting her big blue eyes gets boring. The cameramen obviously loved her!

Every character seems to have a perfect body! Lots of sex scenes - both gay and straight - but, to me, they were so highly stylised as to be completely un-erotic. If you want erotic, check out Jack Nicholson and Jessica Lange on the kitchen table in The Postman Always Rings Twice, for example.

Some serious plot holes towards the end here. How did Miguel get out of that burning car without his wife seeing him? How is the Inti character not riddled with disease when he's having it off with just about every character?

The only decent man in this is David and sadly Camilla treats him so badly when he clearly loves her. Even at the end, when it seems she's with him and he's smiling as she dances, her attention is still on that slimeball Miguel, literally behind his back!

So I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it, it just irritated me in so many ways that I can't score it higher.
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Beautiful, moving film
30 December 2023
Well I finished this film with tears running down my face, so moved was I by this wonderful story. This film is a testament to those who died on D-Day and those who survived, to decency and sacrifice and also, equally importantly, to long-term love.

Featuring wonderful performances by Michael Caine and Glenda Jackson, both very old themselves (I think this was Glenda's last film before she died) it is just a lovely yet poignant depiction of the ravages of old age, the memories of youth and the dignity that never leaves them. John Standing is also excellent in this, as is the young actress playing care worker Adele.

When most movies these days seem to be about fake superheroes - this is a rare look at one ordinary old man who did something that made him a real one. Wonderful.
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Napoleon (2023)
Went reluctantly but I enjoyed it
12 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see this despite not really fancying it but my husband was desperate to see it. I came away having enjoyed it much more than expected.

Joaquin Phoenix is brilliant although the fact that he doesn't attempt to cover up his American accent was a bit off-putting. The same goes for the many good British character actors playing French noblemen and members of parliament - it was sometimes hard to remember they were playing French people.

There is a heavy focus on the enduring love of Napoleon and his Josephine, played really well by Vanessa Kirby in stunning costumes and hair design. Their love story is funny at times, but also sad and emotional.

I don't like very bloody battlefield scenes - hence my reluctance to see this - but they were not too bad apart from the terrible price paid by horses which is very upsetting to see.

An almost unrecognisable Rupert Everett appears towards the end as the architect of Napoleon's downfall and his subsequent exile to St. Helena.

Some have said that historical inaccuracy is an issue here - and the blasting of the Pyramids surely never happened - but see the film and make up your own mind. I think Joaquin would be a worthy award winner.
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The Last Kingdom: Episode #3.9 (2018)
Season 3, Episode 9
David Dawson you'll be missed!
3 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What an outstanding performance by David Dawson as King Alfred over these first three series. I'm sad that we won't see him again because he's been mesmerising.

His complex relationship with Uhtred has played out brilliantly and, at the end, their conversation was emotional and touching.

He gave King Alfred a commanding presence that belied his frail health and I think he should have won an award for this role.

The Last Kingdom is getting better and better but it has now lost a superb actor.

I was also delighted to see Ethelwold get his comeuppance for his cowardly and brutal murder of Ragnar.

I look forward to Series 4.
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Good at first but then got annoying
1 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not keen on Eleanor Tomlinson as an actress mainly because her extremely wide, simpering smile gets annoying - and it's often on display here. I knew I'd end up hating her character when she killed the pond fish.

This wife swapping scenario was always going to end in tears and, to be fair, Evie's descent into a kind of madness is well played. Sam Heughan is gorgeous as always but oh how I missed his sexy Scottish accent - there are people from Scotland who live in Yorkshire so surely he could have kept it!

Hugh Dennis is good as a creepy voyeur living across the street.

There are several plot strands running alongside the main sex plot - the big local villain and Danny's involvement, Evie's religious nut father and Danny's secret son - so it does get quite busy at times.

Alfred Enoch gets a bit over-dramatic in the final episode.

So, despite the fact that I didn't like any of the characters, especially Evie, I'd still say it's worth a look!
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Interesting but hard going at times
20 November 2023
I would imagine that Robbie has been, and still is, hard to live with over the years, At times appearing sad, manic, bolshy but not often happy, it's nice to know that now he finally does seem at peace in his life with his wife and children.

He made some really good music, some not so good, and clearly alienated a lot of people over the years. Being from Leeds, I found it sad that his two massive concerts in Leeds in 2006 were so traumatic for him.

I'd have liked to have had some input from his parents as his Dad, in particular, was often seen with him in the past and they seemed very close.

His house is absolutely gorgeous and I just hope that he is now in a good, calm and happy state of mind as he approaches 50. He is massively talented and hopefully he's lost his demons and can enjoy the rest of his life with his family, whether in the limelight or not.
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Feel-good film for every age
12 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We watched this on a rainy Sunday evening and it was the perfect antidote to the drabness outside. The stunning scenery of Port Isaac just lifts your spirits and this is just a good-natured, fun film that ultimately makes you glad that you watched it.

Daniel Mays is very good in this and he's supported by a great cast of British character actors in this story based on the true experience of a group of shanty singers being signed to a record label and having great success. It makes you want to jump in your car and drive down to Port Isaac the next day - although the film would have you believe that the locals wouldn't welcome this!

I just wish the gorgeous James Purefoy had been given a love interest in this - but I'm reading that this might possibly happen in the sequel.
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
Russell is scary but the film frustrates
8 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So after a very skinny woman is punched several times, kicked and hurled against furniture by a big, violent brute of a man, she's shown at the end with hardly a mark, no broken bones and is actually able to drive away from the scene after talking to the cops. What?? The beating she took would have made that impossible.

Now I've been known to give other drivers a blast on my horn if they annoy me, and what this film did was make me possibly think twice before doing that in future!

Russell manages to look terrifyingly unhinged and the film has some strong violence. There were just too many moments though where I thought "why didn't she do this (or that)? For me to give it more than a 5. For example, in the later stages, could she not have just dumped the recognisable car and run on foot to a safe place where she could get help? Bizarre.
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Interesting yet frustrating
5 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I remember this shocking murder and, from the start, it did seem that it must have been a professional hitman. To stealthily come up behind a woman at her door, shoot her in the head then disappear without a sound isn't something, surely, that a "normal" person could do.

The big question for me is still this - how did the killer know Jill would be at her house that very morning when apparently she was mainly living with her fiancé?

Barry George was clearly a weirdo and lived in a disgusting, filthy place that no sane person could tolerate but would he be capable of such a professional-style hit? I was very surprised at how well-spoken and attractive his sister is too - yet she was never asked about why he was living in such squalor, nor about his previous convictions.

The ex-con's statement that he knows who did it but can't say for fear of his life - but it would surprise people - was frustratingly not pursued in any way.

Finally - as seems to be the fashion lately in documentary-making - did we really need so many "reaction" head shots of the participants (particularly Hamish Campbell) staring pensively into middle distance?
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Brilliant and evocative of a very frightening time
26 September 2023
I was 17 when the first murder victim was killed and 22 when that monster was finally caught. Living in the area where these events happened was terrifying throughout that time of going at night with friends but always being aware that he could be the man walking near you.

This drama series is blessed with some excellent British character actors, and is sympathetic to the women and girls who were slaughtered by that piece of scum who I won't name. These events are still so entrenched in my memories that the names of the victims and the police officers investigating the crimes have never left me. We have to remember that things were very different then and with no DNA and no centralised police computer system, the work involved for the police was almost insurmountable.

I hope that the victims' families will feel that this series has been made to make us see them as people rather than just names, photos and, sadly, descriptions in the media at the time. The excellent cast and writers, in fact everyone involved, were apparently keen to achieve that.
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Clean Sweep (2023)
Very good Irish drama
12 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this drama series set in the West of Ireland, with Charlene McKenna excellent as Shelley, a harassed but loving Mum and Stepmum to three children. The fact that she isn't who she seems to be is gradually set out in flashback and when her husband, a Garda detective played really well by Barry Ward, is tasked with investigating a murder that he has no idea his wife is involved in, the story gets really interesting.

Alongside that drama, the young actors playing the children are all very good and believable as a family unit.

As the clues pointing to Shelley's guilt keep coming, the pressure builds nicely.
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Mel back on great form
11 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this tale of two suspended cops who get more than they bargained for when following a lead that might bring them some extra cash.

Violent in parts, it has some excellent action but the best part is the relationship between Gibson and his partner Vince Vaughan - their banter and camaraderie never seems fake. Tory Kittles is also excellent as a recently released parolee who gets involved in something much heavier than he ever expected.

I was very pleasantly surprised to see my ultimate 1980s heartthrob Don Johnson in this! He only has one scene but he owns it and just oozes charisma.

Quite a long film but I was never bored. Yes there are shootouts and a car chase but it's not all just action and substance, like many violent films. There's a lot of good conversations and back-stories about some of the characters too, which makes you invest more into what happens to them.

There's a definite nod to the times we now live in, with mobile phone cameras capturing everything and the risk of doing or saying anything racist or misogynistic if you don't want it to end up on film. I did wonder if, when Don Johnson spoke about this in that great scene, Gibson was cringing a bit, having had his own issues around racist and sexist language in the past!

Very good, worth a viewing!
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