
8 Reviews
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Oh god the cringe
14 October 2017
A mediocre concept with some mediocre scenes. My main question is did anyone actually read over the character's lines? They were some of the most cringy things I've ever heard and that alone legitimately ruined the movie for me.

A "meh" idea and some funny moments, but not worth the money unless a friend is willing to pay for the ticket.
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It (I) (2017)
The mass amount of hype made this a let down
8 September 2017
When I heard all the talk of the new movie, It, I was nothing but excited to see what the film had in store. Unfortunately, the movie didn't quite live up to the hype. There were many amazing scenes throughout the film, with top notch music, creepy moments, and surprisingly good child actors.

I think the downfall lies in the lack of scare factor, the run time, and the mass amounts of comedy. I have no issue with comedy in a horror movie, but when the movie is over 2 hours long and 60% is comedy, I start to wonder where the scares are. I found myself laughing in scenes that were supposed to be serious due to characters trying to throw in "just one more joke" which began to wear on me.

It's a good movie and should definitely worth the watch if you were a fan of the original or just looking for a new horror flick.
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Genuinely scary and underrated.
7 September 2017
Hell House LLC was probably the biggest surprise for me in the found footage genre. The movie flowed well throughout the whole duration, not becoming too boring like some horror movies often do. While there is a lack of character development at the start, they begin to flesh out later on in the film. The story seems believable as well, while some movies may explore a haunted area "because they want to see what is there", Hell House LLC sets up a more stable backstory, explaining how setting up haunted houses is a practice for the crew and that they need to go through with it for financial reasons.

If you want a found footage horror film and don't want cheesy jump scares then this movie is great for you.
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Jackals (I) (2017)
4 September 2017
Yes, the movie was unoriginal. Yes, the ending fell flat. Yes, the hype around it was ruined. Yes, there was irrational decision making.

No, it wasn't the worst movie on earth. Even though some people may not agree, this movie did have some up sides to it.

Some of the actors preformed their parts well, and on top of that, there were some well put together scenes. There are some unsettling scenes that help to set the mood too.

At the end of the day, you're better off watching either You're Next (much more action), or The Strangers (much more suspense and chill factor).
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An unexpected premise turns into a great success.
27 August 2017
Berlin Syndrome is a chilling movie with great sound, character development, acting, and suspense. While at first Act 1 may seem a bit slow, it is needed to help flesh out the characters and give them meaningful roles. This build up allows you to truly be able to feel what the main character is forced to endure emotionally.

The movie continues rolling later on and does not rely on random jump scares in attempt to make the audience jump. Every scene seems to have a purpose or set up for a reveal down the road.

Although on a bit on the longer side at nearly two hours, this is a great psychological horror that fans will enjoy.
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Good transitions an creepy scenes help give this movie the scary edge
14 August 2017
Annabelle: Creation, which is a prequel to Annabelle, can appeal to many horror fans because of its use of suspenseful jump scares and skin crawling scenes.

With that being said, it does have its downsides, including some of the children's acting and occasional slow points.

This movie has some great moments and uses the first act well at building the characters and why we should feel for them.

When it comes down to it, Annabelle: Creation is a solid horror movie that you should definitely watch if you have the time. I highly suggest you watch the original Annabelle beforehand, as it will make Creation all the more better.
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A solid film whose genius moments come from its eerie setting and creepy atmosphere
26 July 2017
Killing Grounds was, at first, a tough watch for me. Seeing how much realism and detail was added to the scenes made me truly feel bad for the victims. One of my favorite parts about this film was their use of the past and present families and showing the stories connect with one another. On top of this, props to the creators not using cheesy jump scares to try and score a cheap shot with the audience. Instead they help develop all of the characters so you feel for each one, good and bad.

Overall, a great twisted horror film that will keep you engaged at all parts, with a bit of a lack luster ending.

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Hush (I) (2016)
the heck did i just watch? *spoilers*
2 February 2017
I'm really not sure where to even start with this film, but i'll give it my best shot. I decided to watch this film after a night of my friends hyping it up, but this was probably more disappointing than my dad telling me he doesn't love me for the first time.

This movie had so much potential, but feel flat in all aspects. While the main character(who I have named "Mute" at this point) is in fact a mute, she still manages to outsmart this killer at every point possible. At first, when the killer shows his face and begins taunting his victim, there was some level of shock. However, this factor is quickly drained come to release that he has no way of actually getting into the house. So what does he do? He decides to circle it about 7 times, meanwhile Mute is constantly peering through windows as if he is going to change where he goes somehow. This is the most putrid killer I've ever seen, at one point even handing Mute his crossbow and losing it. Other things aside, the movie towards the end shows one of the biggest challenges Mute has to overcome- pulling back the crossbow to load another shot. And this was the BEST scene in the whole thing, in terms of comedy. The over- dramatized music with fact that victory is so closed to being achieved should be a good set up for an intense scene, but I was laughing the whole time. The whole part was just too laughable because of everything that had happened prior to. 1/10 Horror 7/10 Comedy (Could use some more dialog)
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