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Mission: Impossible: The Play (1968)
Season 3, Episode 9
One of the weaker plots, but some nice moments
14 November 2023
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The plot was rather weak and plodding, at least compared to other episodes that keep a fair amount of tension throughout the show. John Colicos, who generally stands out exceptionally as the villain, was practically a minor character, and not particularly fearsome at that. However, there will still some nice moments; the scene between Rollin and Enzor was one of the finest. You could feel the mixed feelings of Enzor as he is about to leave his life behind for the promise of a new life but with the loss of his past; both Michael Tolan and Martin Landau (playing Enzor disguised as Rollin) both carried it off perfectly, and the incidental music was a perfect touch. Still, the rest of the episode seemed rather wooden and drawn out, with some rather over-the-top acting all around. The main plot line, that "radar" could prevent someone from hearing one set of sounds and only hear a different set, is completely ridiculous.
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Not really a sequel. Not really worth watching, either.
13 November 2023
I loved the original movie - Bill Murray was fantastic, Chris Makepeace did a great job in his first big role, and the rest of the cast were hilariously wacky. Then this movie came out. I tried to enjoy it; I really did... but it's not a sequel. It's a different camp, run by different people, with different kids. They could at least have brought SOMEBODY back (having Spaz as an assistant for instance). The jokes are flat, the plot is awful, and there is none of the chemistry that made the first movie the gem that it is. Even Richard Mulligan, who was outstanding as Bert Campbell in Soap, couldn't save this. He's the only reason it gets two stars instead of one, but the material he had to work with was so lousy, it's a forgettable item on his otherwise stellar resume. Don't watch it, even if you want to watch it just to say you saw it, because you probably won't watch the whole thing. I couldn't.
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Red Dwarf: Officer Rimmer (2016)
Season 11, Episode 4
If I had to come up with one word to describe this, it would b--
25 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There were lots of funny lines, and Rimmer behaved exactly like you would have expected him to behave. Becoming an officer by "accident" is about the only way he could, and then he shows that it's not just Better Than Life that rebels against him and treats him like garbage, but real life too. Then he suddenly has to have his crewmates (whom he looked down upon for most of the episode) save him from another disaster worse than opening a small package of nuts. The duplicate Rimmers are ready to absorb the original one, and the crew confront the creature, and then... the show ends. No "to be continued", no explanation in the next episode. It's like it was 5pm and the camera crew went home, and started filming Krysis the next day. So just like the title of this review, the episode ends without actually being finished. Quite a disappointing ending.
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Mission: Impossible: Trial by Fury (1968)
Season 2, Episode 24
One of the better episodes for Season 2
13 September 2023
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It's nice to see Barney in a role other than the technical wizard, which Greg Morris carries out very well; Michael Tolan as Cardoza is perfect in the part of the guy who is accused falsely of being a spy for the "bad guys" but can't give away his cover as an actual spy for the "good guys"; Sid Haig and Joseph Bernard were equally believable in their roles; the plot retained its usual tension with even a bit of humour (like when Cinnamon asked what one prisoner was in for). If not for some awful overacting in the opening scenes by Paul Winfield, and the rather weak revelation of who the real traitor was (after a nice setup scene), this would have easily had 9 stars. Even as it is, it's one of the better episodes for season 2, showing how the main cast had really grown into their parts (including Peter Graves who had to take over as the lead character this season; unfortunately Peter Lupus as Willy could not be in this episode as well). It's just too bad that "real world" issues would lead to only one more season of this team being together.
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Mission: Impossible: The Martyr (1970)
Season 4, Episode 26
Completely ungripping
3 February 2023
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Halfway through the episode, I still wasn't sure what the plot was about and what the goal was. Paris was supposed to be Malik's son (and not know it) so he could influence youngsters to oppose the current leader, but the way it was carried out was ridiculous (and,, unfortunately for the viewer, boring). Why not just show up on television? They could still use the part with Barney and Phelps, but the rest of the story was mostly incomprehensible and seemingly irrelevant. The Bob Dylan song "The Times, They Are A-Changing" was inappropriate, because only a fool would not realize he's being made fun of, but the leader (who may have been nasty, but was not a fool!) just stood there. It would have been more realistic if he had just arrested everyone (which would have facilitated the Barney/Phelps line more believably, by the way).
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A fine adaptation, but the best part is...
31 March 2022
The story is a fine adaptation of the original story, but the best part is the background music in the opening. It's an excellent reworking of the theme, giving an additional air of suspense. Patrick Gowers surpassed himself on this episode!
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A weak story, but considering what it started with, it does surprisingly well.
31 March 2022
The story is rather weak, but the original was actually one of the weakest stories. As far as a mystery, it's not much of one. More of a drama than anything. The adaptation done here is pretty well rewritten to at least make it more interesting, but it's still not very good from a mystery standpoint. If you skip this one, you aren't missing much.
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The Sign of Four (1987 TV Movie)
One of the best adaptations of the original story
31 March 2022
This is one of the versions that is closest to the original. There are a few pieces left out due to time considerations, but they are minor and do not affect the plot. Strong supporting performances by Ronald Lacey and John Thaw carry the day.
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F/X (1986)
Just the right mix!
17 February 2022
I remembered seeing this movie shortly before it came out, and thought it was quite entertaining. Now, 35 years later, I finally got around to watching it again, and it was actually better than I remembered. Just the right mix of action, mystery, suspense, and comedy, it's well worth watching from beginning to end. There aren't really any lulls in the action; even when the scene switches characters, it doesn't lose any step. Plus, the effects (of course!) are not just for show, but are an integral part of the plot. Part Sherlock Holmes, part McGyver, part James Bond, part Abbott and Costello... and all a nicely-written and well-acted story.
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Blake's 7: The Keeper (1979)
Season 2, Episode 12
Unexpectedly good, all things considered
3 January 2022
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As a rather-hastily-penned replacement for the originally planned script, this could have been a complete disaster. There are some plot holes and inconsistencies from the previous episode, but there are some very positive points:

1) The plot twist at the end is a nice surprise. I didn't see it coming the first time I saw this episode.

2) Given the job of setting up the next episode, it does this well.

3) Bruce Purchase could have very easily gone too far over-the-top, but had enough restraint to make it just enough to be comical, and even believable for a dictatorial ruler.

4) Sally Knyvette and Michael Keating get to shine in this episode for a change.

5) The set work and costumes were very well done.

The biggest negative point was the slow-developing opening, but after that, the mystery aspect takes over full-swing, and the subplots keep it entertaining until the end.
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Doctor Who: Dragonfire: Part One (1987)
Season 24, Episode 12
Interesting concept, but goes downhill in a hurry...
22 December 2021
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No idea why Ace and Mel would be arrested, except to provide a vehicle for their delivery to meet Kane. And the cliffhanger is literally a cliffhanger, but completely senseless. Why is the Doctor hanging over the cliff from his umbrella? No explanation what he's doing or what he's looking for. And it doesn't get cleared up in the second episode either. Could have been much better, possibly if the whole thing was a two-parter without the useless padding.
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The best war movie I've ever seen.
28 November 2021
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I rank it higher than Midway. Probably Lee Marvin's best movie, it switches from suspense to humour to sorrow and back again. The 19-gun salute by Griff (Mark Hamill) when they liberate the concentration camp is probably the most poignant part of the film, and the twist at the end compared to the scene at the beginning is one of redemption (I'm not going to give details, even with the "spoiler" flag noted - you're just going to have to see it). Overall, a gripping and entertaining story. I remember seeing it quite a few times when I was younger, but was even more impressed now with the reconstructed version that has many added scenes.
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Star Trek: The Naked Time (1966)
Season 1, Episode 4
Probably one of the worst Season 1 episodes
22 November 2021
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The whole premise is awful. First, nobody in their right mind on a decontamination team would remove their glove and reach inside their "helmet" to scratch their nose (especially since the flexible helmets would allow this to be done from the "outside"; we won't comment on the complete non-air-tightness of the helmets). Second, the planet's mass would not change. Third, the orbit wouldn't decay, unless they were actually in the atmosphere and experiencing friction. Fourth, even if we allow the "going backward in time" concept (as was done in other episodes), Kirk still has failed in his obligation to Starfleet to observe the breakup of the planet. The first time through time (if you'll pardon the expression), they were too busy trying to fix the problem of the crew to make the observations they were required to make. Kirk should have used this opportunity of getting a second "pass" through time to go back and make the observations he missed the first time. He's going to have a bit of a problem explaining to Starfleet why he went on to his next destination without fulfilling his mission, even if he does have partial records from the observations on the first "pass" through time.
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Doctor Who: Paradise Towers: Part Four (1987)
Season 24, Episode 8
They could have made Kroagnon so much better...
17 November 2021
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After he took over the Chief Caretaker's body, he could have been angry, diabolical, sarcastic, or just about anything... but instead he became a total dork. It was difficult to remain in any level of suspense when I was laughing so hard at the incredibly bad acting. I can only hope that Richard Briers was just doing as he was told, since he's normally a much better actor.
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Very good adaptation
19 October 2021
The story had to be padded to fill the allotted time, since the original was one of the shorter Holmes stories. This was done quite well, with the addition of a couple characters and a couple scenes that fit in nicely with the original plot line.
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A vast improvement!
18 October 2021
If you're going to rewrite a story, this is how you do it! Much better than the disasters of last season, they took one of the more plodding and unimaginative stories (which some suspect Doyle didn't actually write, since there is very little "mystery" aspect to it) and made it an intriguing and entertaining story. The basic plot was fleshed out and augmented, and the plot twists that were added actually fit in to the story rather than confusing it. Well done!
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This one shouldn't have been made.
18 October 2021
This story is the only one that was made that had nothing to do with the original stories written by Doyle. People familiar with the Doyle story "The Sussex Vampire" will note that the only thing this story had in common was the word "The" in the title, and almost the word "Vampire". And that's basically it. Nice to see Maurice Denham in a minor role, but this episode has nothing else to its credit. It's not even an entertaining story.
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A nice adaptation, but too long. But Robert Hardy was great.
18 October 2021
Robert Hardy was (as usual) excellent, this time as Charles Augustus Milverton. However, the episode itself was plodding and sometimes confusing to follow. It would have been much better as a standard (50-minute) episode rather than a double-length; the additional padding actually made the production suffer, and too many characters looked similar enough to make it difficult to figure out who was who at times. However, on second viewing, it wasn't as bad as it appeared the first time I saw it (although it was still too long).
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One of the better adaptations
7 October 2021
There were some minor differences between this story and the original, but aside from the Tom Baker version, this one is closest to the original story, and I have seen many of them. Some of the omissions were of course due to time considerations, although in the original, Dr Mortimer was not with Watson when they were looking for "the man upon the tor" whom Watson had noticed earlier. Also, some of the items were out of sequence. But overall, a very faithful adaptation of the original story.
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Blake's 7: Voice from the Past (1979)
Season 2, Episode 10
Probably one of the weakest plots overall
23 August 2021
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The premise is not very believable in the first place, but the worst part is that Shivan, with his obviously fake visible "eye" even though the rest of him was completely bandaged, was really Travis who has a patch on the same side. The fact that this is blindingly obvious completely ruins any possible suspense the plot has, which isn't much in the first place. The only reason I watched this episode was because I waited 35 years for it to be visible in the US (aside from a couple VHS I was able to find here and there), and I wanted to say I saw the whole series. When I watch the series again, will I skip this one? Probably. No, make it definitely.
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Blake's 7: Mission to Destiny (1978)
Season 1, Episode 7
The best True Mystery of all of the episodes!
17 August 2021
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Avon was very reminiscent of Sherlock Holmes in this episode, which was the best episode that was really a mystery (just showing that science fiction can encompass ALL other genres). Analyzing evidence, reasoning the chain of events, correctly interpreting the key clue where everyone else was looking at it the wrong way, and being one step ahead of the murderer at the end - Arthur Conan Doyle would approve.
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Blake's 7: Duel (1978)
Season 1, Episode 8
Terry Nation should have been ashamed for not giving credit
17 August 2021
At least when Star Trek rewrote Fredric Brown's "Arena", they gave him direct credit for it. Terry Nation did not, and to his shame. Isla Blair looked better in that outfit than the Metron did, but other than that, we've seen this before.
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Doctor Who: Snakedance: Part One (1983)
Season 20, Episode 5
Sequels usually don't work - but this one does.
4 July 2021
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Sequels usually don't work, especially in a show composed of serials, but this one is much more interesting than the previous one. The first serial with the Mara (Kinda) plodded along and didn't do much to capture the imagination (outside of the scenes where Tegan was talking with the Mara and trying to decide if she was real or not), but this one had a much more complex and interesting plot. And at least they didn't try the same effect of the fake rubber snake again!
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Doctor Who (2005–2022)
36 years was a good run for a show.
9 June 2021
36 years was a good run for a show. Entertaining, suspenseful, humourous, and moralustic but without pushing an agenda. Now every episode is like being hit over the head with a left-wing extremist PC message. If I wanted that, I'd watch the View. I don't know what they've put on TV the past few years, but Doctor Who ended with Capaldi.
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For the most part, really well done. But when the title character is subpar, it drags down the movie.
8 June 2021
Maybe we were spoiled by Michael Crawford, but Gerard Butler's performance was subpar. The acting was pretty good, but he wasn't able to sing the pieces very well, and some parts were practically spoken. Patrick Wilson was fantastic, and Ciaran Hinds was excellent as Firmin, although Simon Callow was unspectacular as Andre. (Perhaps they should have switched roles.) I was actually impressed with both the directing and the production, and the camerawork was excellent. But still, with a less-than-stellar Phantom, the production suffered.
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