
16 Reviews
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Worst Roommate Ever (2022–2024)
High quality true crime docs
1 March 2022
I am writing this after seeing the first episode (there are 5 episodes). Based on the first episode these are 50-minute docs of a very high quality, with great footage that you probably haven't seen before, interviews with people intimately involved in each case, straight to the point without a lot of extra silliness for shock factor. If you're into true crime you will really enjoy this!
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Swan Song (I) (2021)
Superb acting
18 December 2021
Mahershala Ali was incredible, what a phenomenal actor. Engaging from beginning to end, and very moving. One of the best movies I have seen during these pandemic times and oh lord have I watched a lot of movies!
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The Visit (I) (2015)
Cannot believe how bad this was
6 September 2021
This is literally the dumbest movie I have ever seen. I cannot believe this was given funding as a feature film. It's like a lame first year film student project. It's one of the worst movies I have ever seen, ever.
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It is what it is
6 July 2021
A lot of people saying "it is what it is", namely, a brainless aliens vs. US military summer action flick. It is definitely that, but then why are they also giving it 8-10 stars? This is not a great movie, it's not even a good movie. It is a brainless summer action flick about aliens vs humans, so if you need a way to kill 2 hours this could be it. But you could definitely find something better to do with your life.
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Ilana Glazer should maybe stick to comedy
26 June 2021
This movie is just not good. Ilana Glazer shines as a comedic actor, and this movie is supposed be like a cerebral thriller or something, it's not really a good vehicle for Glazer's talents. If you want some better Ilana Glazer stuff to watch try streaming Time Traveling Bong :)
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Plan B (II) (2021)
So funny!!
9 June 2021
This is the funniest movie I have seen in so long! I hope people who made this read the reviews cause I want to tell you this movie was great and I can't remember the last time I laughed so much at a movie! Great job to everyone involved, the 2 girls were great, all the actors were great. The writing was incredible. The pace of it was perfect. I loved it!
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Unpregnant (2020)
Funny girls road trip movie with an important message
14 September 2020
17 year old has to travel hundreds of miles to get an abortion without parental consent in modern America.. pretty wild.. anyway it's the underlying premise of an actually funny girls road trip movie. It was entertaining, silly and actually made me laugh. The discussion about abortion is necessary but we also need more girl buddy movies so I enjoyed this a lot!
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14 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie really sucks.. you think it's going to be about a woman realizing she can be awesome without needing a marriage proposal .. but basically she turns down the marriage proposal at the beginning, makes a brief, half-assed attempt at being independent, suffers one setback (some of her stuff gets stolen), completely gives up on trying to be single, and goes back to the US to literally beg her boyfriend to take her back. Her boyfriend has not one single redeeming quality that makes you want her to be with him. He spends the whole movie whining and pressuring her and complaining about everything and making grumpy faces. Basically this is the story of a woman who dreams of being single and adventurous even though all of her friends are married and settled down, but instead she freaks out and runs back to her moody loser boyfriend. Yay?
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12 July 2020
It reminds me a bit of HBO's High Maintenance, moments of life presented without judgement. I think it is wonderful. Michaela Coel is incredible. I watched the first episode and felt like I didn't understand it. Part of it was that I found the accents a bit difficult to understand, a few days later I watched the first episode again and understood what was happening a bit better, after that I really got into it, I'm so glad I gave it a second chance. The best thing I've seen on TV for a while.
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Jexi (2019)
Funny and light
28 June 2020
It's funny, it's timely with the cell phone running the guy's life, it has a satisfying rom-com element. I'm convinced all of the 1-star reviews are from ultra-conservative types who are all freaked out about the curse words and the interracial romance. It's maybe not a 10/10 but hey I'm countering all of the undeserved 10/10s. I don't know why some people here insist on comparing it to "Her", maybe the basic premise is similar, but it's a completely different type of movie. It's more like the Simpson's Treehouse of Terror episode where the high-tech house falls in love with Marge. But anyway, enjoy!
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Swallow (I) (2019)
28 March 2020
This movie was excellent. It's not a thriller and it's so bizarre that it' been classified that way. It's about mental illness, power, class, gender roles. Heavy themes aside, it's beautifully shot, the sound was excellent, Haley Bennett was amazing. A lot of the 1-star reviews are likely political.
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23 June 2019
Complete waste of time, cannot believe so many people are giving it 8/10, 9/10.. is this the first movie these people have seen?! I did not laugh even once. I think Anniston has actual comedic talent with the right material, this movie does not provide that material. Sandler has been a train wreck for years. I used to love him but let's be honest, he hasn't made anything that isn't terrible for years, this movie included.
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Beautiful, moving
14 April 2019
Beautiful cinematography. Wonderful acting. Incredible story. And so interesting to learn about a way of life so different from my own. You really become invested in the characters in this movie, I don't know if I've ever seen another movie that has portrayed hunger so effectively. It will make you cry tears of sadness and anger and then tears of joy. Beautiful effort from all involved, a wonderful accomplishment.
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Pretty and sweet
23 February 2019
Mostly a lot of children and nubile young people frolicking around in torn lace outfits in a beautiful location, but overall it's very sweet. It was apparently shocking at the time due to all of the nudity, even by today's standards it has a surprising amount of nudity. Brooke Shields was only 14 years old at the time (and looks it) so you feel a bit weird looking at a naked teenager, but on Wikipedia I learned that all of Brooke's nude shots were done by a body double who was 32 years old at the time. Really I just want to give props to whoever that 32 year old woman was who had the body of a 14 year old, good for you lady!
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Blue Lagoon: The Awakening (2012 TV Movie)
The worst blue lagoon
23 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Having never seen the Blue Lagoon because I was not allowed to when I was a kid, I had the idea to get all 3 Blue Lagoon movies and watch them in one weekend. This is by far the worst Blue Lagoon and it does not even deserve to be included under the Blue Lagoon umbrella. Two spoiled teenagers (both dumb, and the male extremely unlikable) get lost on a small tropical island where there is a humongous panther for some reason (pretty sure there are no panthers on any Caribbean islands, but anyway). The first two movies are about the innocent awakening of romantic and passionate love, in this one it just seems like they have sex pretty quickly because they are sad and desperate and don't know what else to do. They're only lost for 3 months but their survival skills are not good, they barely manage to thatch together a shelter during that time, yet somehow they look exactly the same when they are discovered 3 months later, just as clean and pretty as they day they both fell off the party yacht. This is a dumb movie. The first Blue Lagoon has become a classic, the second one is pretty much a remake of the first one, and this one is just crap.
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Negative portrayals of women
22 January 2017
* spoiler alert*

Fails the Bechdel test badly, but more importantly every single female in this film is portrayed as cold-hearted, annoying, and/or crazy. Even the tragedy that befalls the main character is indirectly blamed on Michelle Williams' character. The males are the only characters with depth, the females merely exist to torment the males or as sexual objects. Even the preschool-aged daughters are portrayed as being cold! Beyond that, I found the film to be tedious and although Casey Affleck's performance is commendable, his character is mostly unlikeable. I can't say I enjoyed this movie at all and it's not one I would be able to recommend.
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